Sit like a mountain, Sing like the sea

Namtso-lake-tibet-china (26)(1)

Sunday 28th August


When all thoughts cease and the mind remains in the heart, I am THAT.




A vast ocean.

Where there is witnessing of the thoughts as they arise, intermittently, like tiny waves ruffling the surface of the sea.

A mountain sitting.

A lake at peace, mirroring the sunrise.

The Light inside.

Remaining constantly still and quiet.

I am THAT.

The vast space of Being.

It is rather shocking to realize that you are not all that you thought you were, that you are not your thoughts, that you are not ‘I’ which gave rise to those thoughts.

The Presence that IS, is vast, wisdom, and Being.


That is all that needs to be done.

It IS that simple.

Take the time to sit quietly and be with your SELF.

5, 10, 30 minutes, an hour.

That is all it takes.

Total acceptance of who you are NOW and total surrender of the self.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

1 thought on “Sit like a mountain, Sing like the sea

  1. Pingback: Sit like a mountain, Sing like the sea – Altair Shyam | Lakshmi Vishnu – Star Seed – Lightarian (TM) Rays Master-Practitioner – Reiki Kundalini Master-teacher – Spiritual Channeller – Lightworker

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