Category Archives: Altair Shyam



I wanted to share my experiences with you of being immersed in Divine Mother’s Love with the intention of inspiring you in the same way as you inspire me in the practice of lifting the soul from body consciousness to Source-consciousness.

I was contemplating an esoteric passage from the Bible “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up” and had been meditating on this principle, that each of us “sons and daughters of humanity”, in our bodily consciousness, must uplift ourselves (liberate ourselves) from the plane of the senses to the astral kingdom by reversing our material-oriented consciousness which takes the life force consistently outwards to “things” and instead directing it towards ascension through the serpentine passage of the astral spine. This serpent power or kundalini coiled as a current at the base of the spine when directed outwards sustains us in the physical and our sensory consciousness and when directed upward opens the wonders of the astral cerebrospinal centers.

We must re-ascend, just like Moses and Jesus in the spiritual desert of stillness, silence and spaciousness, where all our desires are no more and we lift our souls from body consciousness into Source-consciousness.

Our physical, astral and causal bodies are connected through the life force and consciousness in the seven cerebrospinal centers and three dantians, which, if unreleased as a coiled knot at the base of the spine will prevent ascension into the heavenly astral kingdom.

Unless you know how to liberate this knot of astral and physical power, you remain connected to the physical realm by the sensory consciousness that is attracted to all you see “out there” without knowing the wonders that lie within.

So I was contemplating opening the wonders of this inner astral and causal world and decided to delve deeply into that secret of spiritual life and see if I could record its energy manifestation. Everyone who is physically minded must master the art of lifting this serpent energy by withdrawing the consciousness and life force from the senses up through the spinal passage to the center of Source consciousness in the brain and then into Spirit.

All of us gathered here doing meditation and subtle energy work are sitting quietly and calmly, stilling the life force from flowing out into the nerves, relaxing the muscles, but find how easily our concentration is disturbed by noises and sensations and so have not perfected the scientific art of withdrawing consciously so that no disturbance of the senses can touch the inner sanctuary of our peace.

We can all master the interiorization of bliss superconscious ecstasy but it is not easy and as so many of us here demonstrate, ascension in Spirit requires a deep understanding and eventual extinguishing of our moods and habits and desires because a body-bound person cannot ascend through talking about it. He or she has to know how to open the coiled kundalini force in order to transcend.

Awakening the kundalini force takes years of meditation practice and guidance. Ascension through the coiled pathway in the spine opens astral, causal and spiritual vision, revealing the universe within as well as the light of heaven with all its power.

Our senses are extremely attractive, naturally we find what is beautiful extremely alluring, so imagine if you withdraw that power of divine life energy from the senses and channel it through the spinal path into the spiritual center of infinite awareness in the brain and reveal the eternity of universal Spirit.

We then discover the Beauty of all beauty, touch Spirit in all forms and hear the voice of God resounding in the inner spheres themselves as sounds of conch, thunder, flutes, oceans and the roar of the thunderous OM.

The form dissolves in the formless.

The consciousness of the body expands into the consciousness of Spirit.

So as I contemplated this, lifting my body consciousness from the physical to the astral, reversing the life force so it awoke at the base of my spine and was directed inwards and upwards, to rest in stillness at the third eye, the Christ center and from there open the astral tunnel and onwards and up through the crown, the power of the Love of Divine Mother awoke in my soul.

In so many of our communities we have people who inspire us with their practice, and they all offer us something unique, a glimpse of the infinite.

So that is all this is. A glimpse of what occurred. An inspiration from Divine Mother.

None of this is my doing. It is by Her Heart Alone.

I began by stilling the life force and allowing it to be withdrawn inwards. I breathed Divine Mother’s breath in the heart, completely still and allowed the joy to elevate. That is the graph with the rising gamma beside Yogananda’s picture.

No bad connections.

Once I had mastered being still in the Joy of joys I simply followed Yogananda’s instructions to be still in the third eye.

There were so many people that helped me in this. Kevin with his amazing gamma graphs, Dimi with his exhortation to me to be true to Yogananda’s teaching, Dr. Phai who taught me the value of being still and developing Rupa Jhanna (gamma/Kriya) first before Arupa Jhanna (delta/stillness) second and letting go into Vipassana insight.

You can see my process in the graphs over a number of days.

If you watch the process over a period of days in this state you will see the brain lighting up one quadrant after another until finally all waves lit up as you can see.

It does show bad connections. From 0% in the graph beside Yogananda’s picture to 1% in the first one, then 3% then 9%. I put this down to the energy surges. As I went deeper each day, the energy coursing up my spine increased until it was like a lightning strike moving up my back. The light in the third eye was brighter than the sun. The inner felt experience in my brain was like all five waves were active with all intensity so my brain was lit up from within literally!

Now the curious thing for me here, is that in each of these progressive sequences I am doing less and less and the process is basically effortless. By this, and I will describe it carefully, I am entering into this with the one simple intention of being as still as possible in Divine Mothers love. So when I begin to breathe it is the tiniest whisper of a light and love breath (I get bright blue flashes of light right now as I am writing this) and I stay with that still and silent and spacious whisper of a light and love breath all the way through, slowly, ever so slowly, coaxing the light and love up the spine until around the the 14th Kriya (I am doing 28 Kriya breaths as Yogananda had instructed) I am breathing that whisper of light and love actually in the third eye. I don’t breathe any higher into the crown, more silently and ‘still-ly’ (is there such a word?) and spaciously breathing for the next 14 Kriyas in the channel between the third eye and the crown. I think that ‘prayer’ of light and love in the breath itself IN the third eye channel is what opens the light and it is phenomenal when it opens, as bright or brighter than the sun itself. Then when that opens I sit still, as still as a church mouse, and I can sit very still. And the light comes into me. And the sound. So it feels like I am basically doing nothing compared to how I used to do Kriya, merely breathing a whisper of a breath, slowly, lovingly, until it gets to the third eye. I do believe the crown is opening of its own accord when it is ready. So early days of exploration, I am wondering where our adventures in this community will take us next.

The other beautiful ‘output’ from all this is that like when the gamma rises spontaneously, the feeling of this love, ‘loving me’ continues well after the meditation, anywhere from 2 to 6 hours at this point of investigation and in some cases for days.

For me the current recordings are showing me everything Yogananda has taught me can be measured objectively up to a point with this equipment and the love I feel filling my heart as a result of this daily immersion in the light is flooding out to greet people and envelop them in the same light. At some point I know that light and love and peace will set them and me free.

Together we need to be developing a language of insightful questioning such as “How does it feel? How does it inform what we are here on this planet to do? How are we to love? How can this experience and what we have learned from the meditation and the recording help others?”

The real key is to elevate our vibrations so we CAN help others from that space of awareness, from the eternity of universal Spirit, with love and kindness.

Love Light and Peace to you all

Stephen Altair and Mother




About 3 days ago I was doing Higher Kriya Yoga where you sit high in the crown and watch and listen and suddenly a hollow astral tunnel like a rotating cave opened to a universe of extreme light at the other end through which I could get a glimpse of an astral world lit by one thousand suns. I felt I was looking upon the subtle astral heaven of Hiranyaloka that Yogananda and Sri Yukteswar describe as it felt so liberated and celebratory. The sound accompanying the experience was like a flute which I have heard only a few times before. But it was brief. I know better than to try to hold onto that but it was like being home.

Then last night as I meditated again doing Higher Kriya Yoga my wife and daughter suddenly had a dingdong argument over their bath time. Normally my meditation is unflappable no matter what happens but a crack of awareness opened and out popped a millisecond of frustration. I was mortified and in that same instant begged Divine Mother for forgiveness for not keeping my mind and heart on the Divine.

I felt so small and little and bereft that I allowed all of me to be swallowed up by Her forgiveness and I vanished.

So there was a sitting in the stillness for some time as you can see from the graph from about 10:22 to 10:42 albeit with some initial heart/loving kindness spontaneously arising at 10:25 and 10:28.

Then from around 10:42 something different happened. Because of my exhorting the divine to answer my pleas, a sound arose that shows as those delta rises on the graph. The deeper experiences come from “doing nothing” and yet “everything is done” at the Hand of the Divine and not by yours alone. So at first sound arises and then light. The sound is like a drum pounding in my right ear, distant at first but growing louder. Then it turns into a thunderous sound that is unstoppable and the sound currents manifest the light. The astral and causal planes that manifest are seen with sense-intuition rather than a normal sense and are vibrant with light. There are mountains of light for example and one of them is Mt Kailash which I have seen on a couple of occasions before in the astral/causal visions. These worlds are filled with sound and light, endless expressions of the divine play in the astral, which is unlike anything I have seen on earth, ever.

The sound draws the soul in and up, riding the sound currents like a wave of bliss. Unbridled spiritual joy breaks upon these waves and that is evident in the graph from around 10:45 to 10:55 when the sound swells into light and joy and the accompanying gamma-beta mountains. The delta waves I think are the sound current peaking at different points because it is like an ocean swell, and nothing I am actively doing, it is generating an immense vibration and sound of its own source. And you are right the gamma-beta could be the result of uplifted eyes as the sound currents naturally fill this being with so much intensity that the body feels as if weightless and the eyes are naturally drawn to the heavens. I am not sure really as there was only a dim awareness as the universe manifesting within takes its own course and direction and is its own conductor of this divine symphony. The advanced stated of spiritual joy has its own rhythm and beat, each layer infinitely finer and more delicate than the last. The gross vibrations of earth on return are so much heavier and there is only a desire to be freed from these material longings and dwell in the freedom of the astral universes. ❤️ This is the graph from my meditation discussed above

DIARY OF A YOGI – January 2019 – I AM awake

DIARY OF A YOGI – January 2019

I wanted to share a little of my meditations from this first week of 2019 with you simply so that the gatekeeper in you can let go and stay present and go beyond the self.


Last Sunday after our meditation I was overcome by Shakti for several hours, spontaneously, keeping me awake until 3 am. The energies burst in my spine and light manifested around me and visions erupted one after the other so that I had to ask my wife to stay with me to help me ground and be present. I was concerned what would happen if the energies didn’t stop and my self was completely extinguished too suddenly without the normal accompanying harmony of peace. Divine Mother nurtures and She also makes it very obvious when the energies are nearing the capacity of this body to withstand.

So I understood there was some fine tuning necessary.


The next few days I more fully gave myself to the process of surrender to the light of awakening and entering into Source, so that the wisdom of realizing would more fully embrace the experiences. In other words I didn’t try. My meditations were softer, gentler.


Then on Friday night I could feel the mind and heart align with Source so I began with my usual Kriya practice, which these days is very short (perhaps 12 to 14 times) and settled into going beyond.


I was very awake.


In the stillness and silence and spaciousness of the most subtle mind and heart, the winds of Divine Mother blew a light body of the purest energy, clear and as radiant as a rainbow, into being. It was accompanied by a bliss that deepened rapidly on three to four occasions, as if Her lips blew that bliss into my being. I was not meditating, in fact there was no meditator. She was meditating me. There was no volition or control or any attempt to do anything whatsoever. In that non-doing everything was done. The bliss brought deep rolls of tears, waves of light upon a deeper ocean of light that was Her Light.


There was no self and no doing thinking or grasping. In the letting go all wonders and miracles revealed themselves.


I realized we are always in the company of those Masters, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Yogananda and Babaji, the Dalai Lama and Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin, who are seeking to raise our consciousness to the level of realization where their souls and ours, the Light and the Lord are all One.


On Saturday night, as I meditated again, aware that the Master’s consciousness had been with me all day, as I sat to meditate (which, with my family is about an hour, and can be interrupted by my gorgeous 4-year-old at any time) around 30 to 40 minutes in, my breath was drawn out of my lungs as if Divine Mother had sucked it out, quite beyond anything I could do myself. It was as if every part of me became part of every other aspect of being and was shredded or dispersed throughout the cosmos. There was no awareness of the body, but more a dispersal of my consciousness to every other place imaginable. Those places became me and I became them. The inner spaciousness was vast and could perceive all of this simultaneously. It was like watching a million movies, yet there was no watcher. The watcher had melted and the light itself was the creator and the creation. The joy was unfathomable. Tears of bliss enveloped a brief flash of me and then the cosmos that was unfolding continued, layer upon layer, light upon light, radiantly blinding.


The light drew me onwards, into a tunnel of light, giving the effect that whatever was left of this ‘I’ was being drawn into an Eternal Source of Light and Love, like an Eternal Flame. This flame burned with a divine wind, a tornado of OM, that blew through me like an engine, roaring in the inner ears. The intensity seemed infinite, endless and there was no wish for it to end. And then when it did come, there were just tears of endless gratitude for the Light within us, that we all share.


A beautiful awakened soul recently asked me:


“What is the best way to realize the self?”


My reply was:


“Simply to witness. So when you breathe, watch the breath, and be aware of the Divine Witness, the One that observes All including the breath. As you watch the breath you will learn to watch the winds in the trees and the waters on the earth and the clear blue sky and realize that you cherish them all as you are in them all. You will know the I AM Presence in them all that is not ‘me’ or ‘I’ that grasps and collects. It is a deeper I. The awakened One. You will know the value of stillness and silence and spaciousness. You will wish then only for the freedom and liberation of all beings. And you will also know that the greatest gift you can offer this planet and its people is your own self-realization.”


Whatever you bring your attention to, with deep awareness, becomes a portal, and through that portal you can connect to and co-create anything in the universe.


When we touch the Divine, the eternal space of love, how does it appear to us?


Some years ago, I was practicing Mahamudra and sitting in a Zen garden when I started to perceive all the surrounding trees, birds, wind and sunlight as emanations of Divine Mother in the form of Guan Yin. I walked in the gardens and the wind became Her Voice, the petals Her Skin, the light Her Face and the water Her Tears.


We walk our path with the Lord, with Divine Mother. We are not separate. There is no “me” and something else. We are all over the place, in the ground we walk upon, the air we breathe, the light we see.

You are seeing and hearing your wisdom, the wisdom of the One Shared Heart, awaken and appear in the energy forms of light or fire or subtle states of consciousness like peace or love or forms like Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Yogananda and Babaji, the Dalai Lama and Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin.


Our wisdom is in plain sight, settled in our Heart.

“Be still and know God” Psalm 46:10

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp of the body, if your vision is clear, your whole body will be full of light.” Matthew 6:21-22


Remember the importance of faith and confidence in your practice and your own path with heart, especially in those days when events seem to make practice and your path more of a struggle than others.


Remember the Creator within, and that creating the awareness of Awareness consciousness within, through the power of the angelic, bodhisattva and master experience in each one of us, simply by being, brings deep presence and wisdom to our daily experience, moment by moment.

Just as we have an outer life now that we strongly connect to, and that we draw our outer purpose from, so we have an inner purpose, to awaken divine consciousness, and this is awakening within as we speak right now.


Together we are exploring how to awaken the light of the Holy Spirit within us, and how to awaken the subtle divine winds and body of light and the subtle levels of consciousness which lie within us all.


Like Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Buddha and Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin, Krishna and Babaji, and the Archangels and Bodhisattvas we are all Lights for this World.

We reveal through the unity of the Shared Heart the miracles we can unfold through the state of being that is the awakened divine consciousness of our subtle divine consciousness and Light Body, ever-present in the light.

Be the Christ, Krishna, Buddha, the Divine Mother Within.
We carry this flame of enlightenment within us.
Let it shine.
Let the Light in.

Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

These words of Avalokiteshavara Guan Yin from the Blessed Mother’s Heart of Wisdom Sutra are guidance into the heart of the subtle divine consciousness to direct realization of the Divine I AM Presence.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother



Losar Bey Tashi Delek

2019 is the year of the Earth Wild Boar, ‘the Transformer’ in the Tibetan, Chinese and Vedic Traditions.

If you are reading this then you are likely to have had a past life in a highly structured environment like a monastery or convent, strict religious community or secret society, or as a hermit, wise woman, alchemist, shaman or mystic, in a mountain, forest or cave retreat and identify with the quest of achieving spiritual heights, quite set apart from human society. You know that you are in a cycle now of transforming in your connections to life, abundance, flow and success in your divine mission here on earth with the heart purpose of connecting to all humankind with unity consciousness in this year, 2019, of the Tibetan Earth Wild Boar.

The year of the Tibetan Earth Wild Boar is repeated once every 60 years, offering a powerful new period of universal love, luck, abundance, success and a reinterpretation of our human purpose individually and collectively.

The last time this occurred in 1959 was the year the Dalai Lama was forced to flee Tibet, an event of enormous transformation in terms of the potential this brought for opening Tibetan Buddhism to the world through the spotlight it placed on Tibet and the Dalai Lama’s plight.

This time will see transformation on a never-before-seen scale as unity of faith and spirituality reveal the truth of what we have all known to be the truth of our origins.

This is the final cycle of the planet, a time when your inter-dimensional alchemy is flowing. You understand the power within and without, “as above so below” so you know many of the events happening on earth are reflecting the wider cosmos and your knowledge of how to use the alchemy you practiced in solitary retreat is awake.

So you know how to transform.

Yourself and others.

This year is potent for transforming the wisdom within you of ancient cultures and star families you have connections to such as the Chaldean, (energy that leads), the ancient Chinese (heavenly teachers), Assyrian and Akkadian (Sun and Solar consciousness), North American indigenous tribes (Seri and Tohono O’odham who teach the Way of the Mountain, Cherokee who follow the Guardians of the Paths of Souls, or Inuit and the Moon God energies) or the Egyptian (the Goddess Of Sirius, Sopdet, She of sacred fertility consciousness) and the Greek (Demeter or Ceres and Her sacred animal the pig).

It was the star of Radha “the delight” or “success” so many connections to Krishna are found here.

The deities of Indra, the God of Transformation and Agni, the God of Fire reflect the consciousness of energy, strength and power, vyapani shakti, to achieve the many fruits in life you have desired.

Like Ceres it reflects, plowing, cultivating and achieving the fruits of harvest.

We all know the earth has chakra points known as sacred sites like Glastonbury and Giza. “As above so below”. The universe reflects our bodies and also has chakra points where Sirius is the Higher Mind, the Pleiades (or Seven Sisters) the seven chakras, and Venus the Higher Heart. The Earth is the base or root anchor though which the universal mind and heart flows.

Sirius, the Pleiades and Our Sun (Earth, Venus, Jupiter) form a cosmic triangle of inter-dimensional energies. It is these energies we attune to, to connect to our star families.

Your knowledge of alchemy and natural magic is flowing through these connections and your consciousness is already reaching a point of presence in the sounds and light of the Divine, opening the language we call light language to communicate beyond and retrieve information and energy from the divine Light.

You can touch your deity consciousness, your Light Family, and bring healing to those around you by embodying god and goddess consciousness.

Seeing all beings as earth angels and bodhisattvas of the Light.

Seeing all beings as Light Beings.

Your path is the Shambhala Path, a simple awareness of being and co-creation where you are aware that the veils cast over our earth with its confusion of politics and grasping after material possessions has nothing whatsoever to do with you and everything to do with perspective. When you fill yourself with compassion and gratitude you will naturally surrender and let go and attract those who will shelter and feed your heart and bring you divine friendship to expand your true self and our shared heart.

You are the Light.

You know the Moon Consciousness in the Pure Land of Divine Mother where you embrace all events and circumstances knowing that everything is in order. The ocean of Divine Mother is perfection in its timing and tides and bathes you in energies you can trust. It is safe to trust now. There are no mistakes. Nothing has happened to you by chance or coincidence. It is all in the Divine Plan.

This year 2019 falls into the embrace of the Tibetan Goddess Wangpo Denma, She of Divine Purpose and Celestial Vision and the Vedic Star of Purpose, Vishakha, which is the Tree of Life, and the mystical sixteenth Vedic nakshatra of success, great fruit on the path, enthusiasm, faith, optimism and hope.

It represents the bliss drops at the center of your heart. When activated it brings “undefeatable power”, yatna shakti and spiritual enlightenment.

The treasure is in the heart.

You may find yourself making gains from whatever you anchored in 2018, so long as you persist with determination in what you started. Worldwide there will be massive transformation as the old order dies away.

The greatest good you can do is to help alleviate the suffering of others by reminding them of who they truly are.

You are the Light.

A sattwic, pure foods or vegetarian diet and practice of ahimsa (non-violence) is advised to allow the Light to enter.

The Divine energy within will be aroused as you expand with your consciousness of abundance. The key is transformation. Keep the focus on transforming towards unity consciousness. Be careful not to be critical or complaining as this energy brings a period of a sensitive nervous system, skin sensitivity, allergies and mental restlessness and critical speech only heightens such sensitivities.

Gratitude and appreciation can heal many wounds.

Compassionate awareness and presence.

Gratitude, courage, purification of eating habits and time to be alone in nature and stillness with your loved ones and divine friends are the best remedies.


The simplest way to practice the alchemy of transformation is to BE the energies of transformation and Light for all beings, as you have the Light Body of a Buddha, a Guan Yin and a Christ, a Mary Magdalena, a Krishna or Radha, within.

The Buddha and the master Nagarjuna taught in the Generation stage methods of Tantra, Secret Mantra and Vajrayana practice to apply yourself to a system such as a deity mandala and mentally purify the three states of death, intermediate transition and rebirth, by mentally transforming these into the three perfect Buddha Kayas or bodies, the ‘body’ of what we perceive around us, the Light ‘body’ and the truth ‘body’.

The Five Buddha Families and the Deity Mandala were taught in a way that the more complex the mandala meditated upon, the more powerful its potency to ripen one’s continuum throughout time and space.

As within so without.

As above so below.

Here is a way to activate the Deity Mandala for the abundance and success of this transformational energy.

Settle yourself somewhere quiet.

Place your feet flat on the ground and your hands in your lap.

For a few minutes take your attention to your breathing.

Breathing in, I am aware I am breathing in love and light, wisdom and compassion, breathing out I am aware I am breathing out love and light, wisdom and compassion.

You may be aware of the breathing as sensation, a feeling in the nasal passages, or as the sound of the breath or you may see it as light entering the body.

Be kind to yourself.

Enjoy the flow of this beautiful breath.

Let it nurture and embrace you deeply.

Who is it that is witnessing the breathing?

I AM Presence.

Take your attention to your spine, the astral spine, the sushumna, and visualize the breath as a river of light, beginning at the base of the spine and rising up to curve into the third eye, the ajna chakra and then curve up and over the crown chakra and down your back like a river of light.

Breathing in, I am aware I am breathing in love and Light, wisdom and compassion, breathing out I am aware I am breathing out love and Light, wisdom and compassion.

Who is it that experiences the breath as light?

I AM Presence.

Now let go.


Allow the space of peace to expand in infinite directions.

Be silent.

Who is it that is aware of the silence?

I AM Presence, the Creator Within.

Be still and know the Creator within.

In that stillness witness what arises.

The mind and heart that realizes the emptiness starts to resonate as the sound of the cosmos throughout this infinite space.

The sound dissolves into a bliss seed, the size of a mustard seed that transforms into a bliss syllable representing your true self, that emanates rays of light with offerings to all the Christs, Buddhas and Divine Mothers.

Their blessings then absorb back into us.

Then we radiate these Great Light Beings on the tips of rays of light to our friends and family, those near and dear to us, the ones we work with, our neighbors in the community.

They in turn transform into Earth Angels, Masters and Bodhisattvas of the Light and absorb back into you.

You then appear as a radiant Light Being, manifesting the body of Light, radiant and transparent, filled with the Light of the Creator within.

“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20)

Love and soul blessings and Happy New Year!

Sakya Pema (previously Palmo Shonu with Princess Mandarava)

serving as Tibetan astrological adviser to Sakya Pandita

at the request of the Protectress of Tibet Goddess Palden Lhamo, friend of Our Mother Guan Yin

(Altair and Mother)

***At New Years in Tibet people say: “Losar Bey Tashi Delek”, meaning “Prosperity and Good Will for the New Year”.

Losar Bey Tashi Delek





Altair Shyam will do a live meditation with Questions and Answers “Light Satsanga” at 13:00 GMT, Sunday 30 December, or 1:00 PM London (5:00 AM in Los Angeles and 8:00 AM in New York, 22:00 PM in Tokyo and midnight in Sydney) on Facebook Live Stream.

To begin, Altair will share the process of surrender to the light of awakening and entering into Source, which is the wisdom of realizing there is no beginning and no end.

Altair will then open the “Ground” to questions related to any topic with those gathered. The “Ground” will open our “Path of Presence” through the heart of love to the “Fruits” of the light. These will be in the form of questions provided in this thread below prior to the live stream and also during the live stream.

Hopefully, they will encourage us all to share our wisdom and be open to exploring the consciousness of the light.

Please feel free to share insights on any questions as they are posted while observing all manner of respect and kindness to the questioner in your answers.

In our questions are revealed the Witness who questions and the One Shared Heart of Wisdom. You are all Masters, and you are all lamps and lights unto your selves.

Satsanga means to be in the company of, and Light Satsanga means to be in the company of those seeking to raise their consciousness to the level of realization where their soul, the Light and the Lord are One.

For example,

A beautiful awakened soul asked me:

“What is the best way to realize the self?”

My reply was:

“Simply to witness. So when you breathe, watch the breath, and be aware of the Divine Witness, the One that observes All including the breath. As you watch the breath you will learn to watch the winds in the trees and the waters on the earth and the clear blue sky and realize that you cherish them all as you are in them all. You will know the I AM Presence in them all that is not ‘me’ or ‘I’ that grasps and collects. It is a deeper I. The awakened One. You will know the value of stillness and silence. You will wish then only for the freedom and liberation of all beings. And you will also know that the greatest gift you can offer this planet and its people is your own self-realization.”

Whatever you bring your attention to, with deep awareness, becomes a portal, and through that portal you can connect to and co-create anything in the universe.

When we touch the Divine, the eternal space of love, how does it appear to us?

Some years ago, I was practicing Mahamudra and sitting in a Zen garden when I started to perceive all the surrounding trees, birds, wind and sunlight as emanations of Divine Mother in the form of Guan Yin. I walked in the gardens and the wind became Her Voice, the petals Her Skin, the light Her Face and the water Her Tears.

We walk our path with the Lord, with Divine Mother. We are not separate. There is no “me” and something else. We are all over the place, in the ground we walk upon, the air we breathe, the light we see.

You are seeing and hearing your wisdom, the wisdom of the One Shared Heart, awaken and appear in the energy forms of light or fire or subtle states of consciousness like peace or love or forms like Gods or Goddesses.

Our wisdom is in plain sight, settled in our Heart.

“Be still and know God” Psalm 46:10

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp of the body, if your vision is clear, your whole body will be full of light.” Matthew 6:21-22

Altair will share some of his stories, as well as the importance of faith and confidence in your practice and your own path with heart, and tips to help you in those days when events seem to make practice and your path more of a struggle than others.

Altair will also explore some of the subtle stages of consciousness in the meditation.
This meditation will explore portals of awakening through creating the awareness of Awareness consciousness within, through the power of the angelic, bodhisattva and master experience in each one of us, simply by being, and bringing deep presence and wisdom to our daily experience, moment by moment.

Just as we have an outer life now that we strongly connect to, and that we draw our outer purpose from, so we have an inner purpose, to awaken divine consciousness, and this is awakening within as we speak right now.

Experiences drawn from Altair’s new book
‘Diary of a Yogi – A Book of Awakening’
which has just been published,

and the new spiritual television channel, created by founder, Ruth Anderson
‘Enlightened World Network’
which has just launched

as well as the subtle levels of consciousness dialogues, with Kevin Schoeninger, author of
‘Clear Quiet Mind’

and together we will explore how to awaken the light of the Holy Spirit within us, and how to awaken the subtle divine winds and body of light and the subtle levels of consciousness which lie within us all.

Like Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Buddha and Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin, Krishna and Babaji, and the Archangels and Bodhisattvas we are all Lights for this World.

We will then reveal through the unity of the Shared Heart the miracles we can unfold through the state of being that is the awakened divine consciousness of our subtle divine consciousness and Light Body, ever-present in the light.

Be the Christ, Krishna, Buddha, the Divine Mother Within.
We carry this flame of enlightenment within us.
Let it shine.
Let the Light in.

Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

These words of Avalokiteshavara Guan Yin from the Blessed Mother’s Heart of Wisdom Sutra are guidance into the heart of the subtle divine consciousness to direct realisation of the Divine I AM Presence.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother




Altair Shyam will do a live meditation “The Light Body and the Holy Spirit” at 13:00 GMT, Sunday 23 December, or 1:00 PM London (5:00 AM in Los Angeles and 8:00 AM in New York, 22:00 PM in Tokyo and midnight in Sydney) on Facebook Live Stream.


To begin, Altair will share the process of surrender to the light of the Holy Spirit or letting go of the physical body and entering into Spirit, which is the wisdom of realizing there is no beginning and no end.


What does it mean to receive the Holy Spirit?


Acts 2:2-4

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.


Luke 3:22

And the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”


When we touch the Divine, the eternal space of love, how does it appear to us? Does it appear to us as flames of fire descending upon us or other energy forms like a dove? How does it appear to you?
Together we will enter the wisdom of the energies of the inner and outer Holy Fire to explore this together.
On our path we breathe compassion to access this subtle wind from heaven and all that is One with it, awaken Awareness, allow the Light of God to enter us and allow it to bless us all, again and again.


That is why Thomas Merton, the great Christian mystic said, “At the center of our being is a place of pure Light, a place untouched by sin or illusion.” That is why the messages of Christ and Mary Magdalene, Buddha and Guan Yin, the Archangels and the Bodhisattvas, all speak of a body of Light and a language of Light.

You are seeing and hearing your wisdom, the wisdom of the One Shared Heart, awaken and appear in the energy forms of light or fire or subtle states of consciousness like peace or love or forms like the dove.


The Dalai Lama in his discussions with Father Lawrence and Sister Eileen, spoke about the Christ Consciousness in Jesus/Yeshua being present today through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is She who hovers over the waters of pre-creation Void, and She who manifested at the baptism of Jesus, empowering him for his ministry. We are all here to minister (to attend to the spiritual needs of this planet and its people) too bring this Love of God or Source (the Holy Spirit) to liberate all in the consciousness of love and compassion.

The Holy Spirit is the nondual spirit of divine oneness present formlessly in all forms of existence.

You can understand why the power of surrender to the light of the Holy Spirit through formless, timeless awareness is so crucial to sharing the awakened Christ Consciousness or Buddha Light. You can see and feel the Holy Spirit in interconnectedness with all beings.


In their discussions Father Lawrence, Father Bede Griffiths and the Dalai Lama spoke about the physical body, the subtle body and the spiritual body associated with Jesus.

Again, you can see the importance of exploring the physical body through grounding and an understanding of the winds, channels and nadis, the subtle body through the subtle states of consciousness and the spiritual body through love and compassion and wisdom.

Before Jesus’ death his body is the physical body, during the Resurrection before ascending to the Father/Mother God it is the subtle body, after Ascension to the Father/Mother God it is the spiritual body.

The Buddha describes degrees of subtleties in one’s embodiment and many texts describe the stages of spiritual unfoldment in these bodies moving towards full enlightenment.


Where do we find these subtle states in the teaching of Jesus?

The truth is they were always there, as were the dual teachings of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene (in the Gospel of St. Mary), they were just carefully removed in the Councils of Nicaea from 325 to 787, with the secret or esoteric teachings carefully guarded and passed through secret societies even up to the present day.

Some remain in plain sight.

“Be still and know God” Psalm 46:10

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp of the body, if your vision is clear, your whole body will be full of light.” Matthew 6:21-22

St. John describes Jesus breathing the Holy Spirit into his disciples after the Resurrection. “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so also I am sending you.” When he had said this he breathed on them and said “Receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:22

You will note the divine wind (wind from Heaven in Acts 2:2) and the divine breath (John 20:22) are both intrinsic aspects of the Holy Spirit.


Yogananda describes the Holy Spirit as the Holy Presence of God, His Word, omnipresent in the universe and in every form, the vehicle of God’s perfect universal reflection, the Christ Consciousness, The Comforter, Cosmic Mother Nature, Prakriti.

I had a dream several nights ago in which I was given three numbers by an extraterrestrial civilization as the code for the energy the human race needed for enlightenment. 32-24-19. 19 is the number of Prakriti, the Cosmic Spirit.

Holy Spirit is a translation of the same Greek and Hebrew words. Ruach in Hebrew and pneuma in Greek are used to signify a range of concepts: spirit, breath, and wind — in general, the life principle of humanity and the cosmos. Similarly, in Latin, in which inspiration refers to the inflow of breath as well as of divine or creative spirit; and in Sanskrit, in which prana denotes the breath as well as the subtle astral life energy that sustains the body, and Pranava—an alternate term for Aum (Om) — is the name for the universal Cosmic Vibratory Energy that underlies and upholds every particle of creation.


So, you can understand why our exploration of the subtle states of consciousness, the subtle winds within the physical body and the light body, and silent awareness of the breath is so important to us in awakening and receiving the Holy Spirit.


Some time ago when I did the Kalachakra Tantra with the Dalai Lama over a period of a year of intense meditation, I experienced the clear light of being in a particular part of the ritual with him where we are drawn in through the Mouth of the Father as a Light Seed and birthed through the Womb of the Mother. The Light left me with no meditation and no meditator for a space of around 3 days.


Two weeks later I was meditating on the subtle winds of the Christ Consciousness in the central astral spine or sushumna and praying deeply to Jesus and Mary and the Holy Spirit came upon me and descended into my being as tongues of fire. It was a unforgettable, deeply profound and life-changing experience.


It is that experience of the Holy Spirit that I want to explore with you in this meditation just prior to Christmas, celebrating the birth of Jesus and the birth of Christ Consciousness in you.


Altair will share some of his stories, as well as the importance of faith and confidence in your practice and your own path with heart, and tips to help you in those days when events seem to make practice and your path more of a struggle than others.


Altair will also explore some of the subtle stages of consciousness in the meditation.
This meditation will explore portals of awakening through creating the awareness of Awareness consciousness within, through the power of the angelic, bodhisattva and master experience in each one of us, simply by being, and bringing deep presence and wisdom to our daily experience, moment by moment.

Just as we have an outer life now that we strongly connect to, and that we draw our outer purpose from, so we have an inner purpose, to awaken divine consciousness, and this is awakening within as we speak right now.


Experiences drawn from Altair’s new book
‘Diary of a Yogi – A Book of Awakening’
which has just been published,

and the new spiritual television channel, created by founder, Ruth Anderson
‘Enlightened World Network’
which has just launched

as well as the subtle levels of consciousness dialogues, with Kevin Schoeninger, author of
‘Clear Quiet Mind’

and together we will explore how to awaken the light of the Holy Spirit within us, and how to awaken the subtle divine winds and body of light and the subtle levels of consciousness which lie within us all.


Like Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Buddha and Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin Krishna and Babaji, and the Archangels and Bodhisattvas we are all Lights for this World.

We will then reveal through the unity of the Shared Heart the miracles we can unfold through the state of being that is the awakened divine consciousness of our subtle divine wind and Light Body, ever-present in the light.

Be the Christ, Krishna, Buddha, the Divine Mother Within.
We carry this flame of enlightenment within us.
Let it shine.
Let the Light in.

Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

These words of Avalokiteshavara Guan Yin from the Blessed Mother’s Heart of Wisdom Sutra are guidance into the heart of the subtle divine wind to direct realisation of the Divine I AM Presence.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother



Altair Shyam will do a live meditation “Alchemy of the Light Body” at 13:00 GMT, Sunday 9 December, or 1:00 PM London (5:00 AM in Los Angeles and 8:00 AM in New York, 22:00 PM in Tokyo and midnight in Sydney) on Facebook Live Stream.

To begin, Altair will share the process of alchemy of the light body or transformation of light body through the five gates of awareness; gathering awareness, preparing awareness, seeing awareness, meditation on awareness, and awareness of Awareness.

What does it mean to go beyond all we know?

To touch the Divine, to go beyond our senses into the fire of the eternal bliss?

Together we will enter Five Gates of pristine wisdom.

Breathe, be still, heal, awaken and Awareness, blessing us all, again and again.

Be the Christ, Krishna, Buddha, the Divine Mother Within.

We carry this flame of enlightenment within us.

Let it shine.

Let the Light in.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

These words of Avalokiteshavara Guan Yin from the Blessed Mother’s Heart of Wisdom Sutra are guidance through the gates of five paths to direct realisation of the Divine I AM Presence.

The Dalai Lama describes them as the first gate to the path of accumulation, the second to the path of preparation, the third to the path of seeing, the fourth to the path of meditation and the fifth to the path of no more learning.

Altair will share some of his stories, as well as the importance of faith and confidence in your practice and your own path with heart, and tips to help you in those days when events seem to make practice and your path more of a struggle than others.

Altair will also explore some of the subtle stages of consciousness in the meditation.

This meditation will explore portals of awakening through creating the awareness of Awareness consciousness within, through the power of the angelic, bodhisattva and master experience in each one of us, simply by being, and bringing deep presence and wisdom to our daily experience, moment by moment.

Just as we have an outer life now that we strongly connect to, and that we draw our outer purpose from, so we have an inner purpose, to awaken divine consciousness, and this is awakening within as we speak right now.

Experiences drawn from Altair’s new book

‘Diary of a Yogi – A Book of Awakening’

which has just been published,

and the new spiritual television channel, created by founder, Ruth Anderson

‘Enlightened World Network’

which has just launched

as well as the subtle levels of consciousness dialogues, with Kevin Schoeninger, author of

‘Clear Quiet Mind’

and together we will explore how to awaken the light within us, and how to awaken the alchemy of the light body and the subtle levels of consciousness which lie within us all.

Like Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Buddha and Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin Krishna and Babaji, and the Archangels and Bodhisattvas we are all Lights for this World.

We will then reveal through the unity of the Shared Heart the miracles we can unfold through the state of being that is the awakened divine consciousness of the Alchemy of the Light Body, ever-present in the light.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother




Dear Enlightened Ones

It is always such a blessing to be with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, this time I was in Yokohama Japan for a 3 day retreat.

The Dalai Lama began the day with a talk about us all being One Family of Love and Compassion.

Here is the core of His teachings for today for you.

We are all One Family of Love and Compassion no matter what religion or history or scientific background.

Happiness comes from peace of mind and we cultivate happiness through love and compassion and practicing patience and kindness.

Obstacles like anger, delusion and attachment act as a veil to the mind. When we purify these we become free and see reality as it is.

The Heart Sutra of Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin is like an Ancient Mother.

She teaches us the wisdom of emptiness which means seeing that things have no external existence (at this point in my meditation and contemplation on this a bright violet blue orb appeared) and also teaches the essence and importance of Bodhicitta which means to have an altruistic intention to cherish others and then to liberate others.

In dreams we can see an elephant and when we wake up know it is not real so in life we can see a partner or friend as frustrating and be angry at them but then the next day be fine and calm around them showing us that those impressions we have of people through the impurified mind or consciousness are unreliable. When you are aware of that in the present, in that moment, you are awake. Awareness is luminous. Past and future have no existence.

Liberation of your self comes down to cherishing others. When you have compassion you see suffering in others and develop empathy because you can see how ignorant others are of how things are. So there is a strong desire to help. To take on the suffering of others.

Maitreya taught the Buddha Nature is All One so there is no division between teachings on love and compassion.

Afflictive emotions like anger can be used to see into the nature of emptiness and luminosity. When you are angry you believe your reasons for being angry are real. If you see directly into the nature of things and see that these feelings change so realize the nature of change and see that these feelings dissipate so are empty of any real existence so realize the nature of emptiness then you can use these to liberate.

Quantum physics points to things having no objective existence.

Ask yourself who is this body this voice this mind? Who am I?

We appear to each other as if we are real but where are you? Are you the body? Are you the voice? Are you the mind?

The nature of these forms is emptiness. They all change and eventually transform and dissolve.

Things exist by Name. The Dalai Lama had a “lightning bolt” of realization about the “I” the Name we give to ourself and the identity feelings thoughts we attach to it.

By cultivating the path of perfection of wisdom we make the intention to help all beings and bring love and compassion wherever we go. We see the truth of emptiness, that there is no “I” and seek to liberate ourselves by cherishing others. By letting go of self-cherishing and “I” we open to a deeper luminous awareness of All That Is.


Stages of Meditation

Past and future lives can be discovered. They are based on dependent origination. The roots of compassion in us all are a special resolve to bring all sentient beings to enlightenment.

There are different types of suffering to be free from.
Suffering of suffering. Suffering of change. Suffering of conditions or conditioning.

Then afflictive emotions.

And karma.

Cherishing others with an altruistic attitude and emptiness is helped by meditation. Meditation on equanimity, on love and kindness, on compassion and on wisdom.

Meditation practice on emptiness involves perfecting singe pointed concentration to begin with.

Training in mindfulness and introspection develops concentration.

1. To begin choose a quiet serene place.

2. Physical posture – Vajra cross legged or lotus or chair.
Hands held together in Mudra. Left hand under right and two thumbs touching against the navel.
Straighten spine.
Tip of tongue to upper palate. Eyes on top of nose or straight ahead or slightly uplifted.
Eyes Half open.
Shoulders relaxed.
This is important for later Tantric practices where you use the breath to breathe light and energy in the spine and the flow of energy in the right and left channel needs to be balanced.

3. Use an object of focus to begin with. A flame or flower or piece of wood. This uses the 6th mind, not visual consciousness for example. Focus on the image of the flower in your mind. Stay singled pointed for a long time until you can hold the object in mind with calm abiding.
The Dalai Lama joked that he had met Hindu Sadhus in the Himalayas with better focus than Buddhist monks!

4. Special insight. You begin to see things as they are in extraordinary ways. You see into the formless realms and Higher Realms that all saints and mystics and Buddhas and Christs and Mohammeds and Krishnas and Avalokiteshvara Guan Yins have spoken of. The Dalai Lama said from his conversations with all Masters they all agree on these basic points and He is on the lookout to meet many more beings who have developed single pointed focus and insight into the nature of things!


The Notion of an Independent self is the root of all delusion.

There is no self.

There is no “I”

Nothing can be found.

The innate clear light mind is not the self.

Within consciousness there are degrees of subtlety. Past and future lives are explained on the basis of self.

As the self becomes more transparent to the light the memory of these past and future lives is realized. Some children have clear memories of their past lives. There is a child in New York who has a past life memory of dying in the tragedy of 9/11.

There are meditators the Dalai Lama has met who can keep a single focus in their mind for 3-4 hours and can stay in the subtle clear light of death at the point they transitioned through long and continuous practice.

To develop calm abiding you have to calm the mind and place it again and again in that state through practice.

The main obstacles are mental laxity and mental excitation.

Alertness must be there.

If your mind is dull or lax or cloudy like daydreaming and you have lost alertness then you need to practice uplifting the mind like visualizing the Buddha or Christ in illuminated bodies. Tantric Yoga is particularly useful wheee you meditate visualizing yourself as a deity and doing it within emptiness. Some yogis can project their bodies out into other bodies.

If your mind is too excited then meditate on emptiness.

Then contemplate what arises.

And develop special insight or Vipassana.

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother with the Dalai Lama






Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin Initiation


This was a completely different day to day 1.


To begin with I met up with such a diverse group of people, Mongolian and Tibetan monks and devotees who had traveled all the way to Japan to receive this initiation. Many did not speak English or Japanese so we spoke with my smattering of Tibetan and lots of gestures and acting out scenarios.


It was a day of energies and as the Dalai put it, channels, winds and bliss drops.


The actual ritual is secret so I cannot share the techniques although you can find many similar techniques documented in my favorite book by the Dalai Lama, Kalachakra Tantra: Rite of Initiation.


The Avalokiteshvara Initiation is a Secret Mantrayana Ritual. Fundamentally you visualize yourself as the deity Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin although the experience is far more profound than my words can say. Perhaps because of my karmic predisposition, although I have a very fresh beginners mind, I was able to devour the energies like a starving man and as such went through some quite startling, even shocking transformations, as if a lightning bolt had struck me. Those blessings in particular I dedicate to all beings.




The initiation begins with taking vows. These include layperson vows, monk and nun vows and Bodhisattva vows. To summarize these the Dalai Lama says, is to be kind to everyone. To not wish anyone harm in thought word or action.


I will share the one I use daily here with you, should you wish to use it. It is derived from the one I took when I did the Kalachakra Tantra.


“From my Heart I go for refuge to the three jewels, Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, Christ Krishna, Divine Mother. I will free all beings from pain and set all in final bliss. To do that I will generate an altruistic intention to attain perfect enlightenment, and thereupon will train in the learnings of Bodhisattvas, Archangels and Elders/Masters.”


Whatever Vow you take, a formal one or one that you create yourself, the Dalai Lama recommends saying this with a deep pure intention at least 6 times a day. I say it in the following way. As you open your eyes upon rising, in your morning meditation, in your midday meditation, at some point in your afternoon, in your evening meditation, and as you close your eyes to go to sleep.




The Avalokiteshvara Initiation is comprised of Secret Mantra and Secret Kriya. It comes from Tibet and the tradition of the 17 Nalanda Masters. It involves activating energies in the channels, winds and bliss drops in the physical body and light body. The Buddha tailored these techniques for specific disciples and arose in different bodies, sometimes a celibate monk and sometimes a deity to teach these.



It comes from the Hidden Terma (treasure) or Profound Vision tradition.

The initiation we took came from the 5th Dalai Lama. The 5th had many visions of deities and shared 25 cycles of visionary teachings. These are called the Father Teachings.

Each of the Dalai Lamas was famous for particular visions. The 1st had visions of white and green Tara. The 2nd had visions from childhood and composed music and chants about them. The current Dalai Lama has dreams not visions. He joked about this by saying he was the only Dalai Lama who has not had visions of deities but he takes consolation from the fact that he is the most famous Dalai Lama.




Though I cannot share the specific techniques of the initiation (the Dalai Lama asked us not to share them) I can share the visions I received as they are very personal and do not in any way reveal the secret process.


I hope that you may relate to some of them.


As many of you know, I have had a deep connection to the Fifth Dalai Lama over a long period of time. I had five visions over the course of this initiation.


The First

A dark-haired woman with tanned skin appeared suddenly with eyes blazing with light. It was quite shocking. This was a form of Palden Lhamo. She is the Protector of Tibet.


The Second

I was transported bodily to a world I did not recognize, somewhat similar to the windswept snowy slopes of the Tibetan highlands with all my senses fully on and engaged yet I feel it was not there.


The Third

I was witness to what I would describe as twin Vajras spinning horizontally with tremendous force.


The Fourth

I was aware of an enormous pillar of light we all are connected to that ran the length of my spine above and below and connected space and spacelessness. It was immovable and yet highly volatile like being connected to a God-cable through heaven and earth. My body shook as if unable to contain the voltage. This was a somewhat shocking part of the initiation and I felt as if I might pass out.


The Fifth

There was a point at which this body dissolved, and the physical body was “replaced” by another in full light body “form”. I recognized it as our ultimate truth and the energy and consciousness was overwhelming and entirely magnificent. It left me in tears.



Today the Dalai Lama told many stories.

He shared about famous Thangka (sacred art) of Avalokiteshvara and the effect it had on devotees leading them into trance and ecstacy.


He told the story of Je Tsongkhapa’s vision of Manjushri sitting in a circle of Blue Light.

He spoke about how the 5th Dalai Lama’s visions emerged from the Heart of Avalokiteshvara.

He told us about a statue in Potala that when he prayed in front of it its expression changed. He had seen the face change from serious to smiling.

He also had a dream of Avalokiteshvara where he got to ask about the depth of realization of emptiness and have many of his own personal questions about enlightenment answered.

He sees Avalokiteshvara on his own shoulder. He said “I act as Messenger for Avalokiteshvara”. And he said he was born to do this.

He told stories about Nagarjuna and his feats of moving beneath the ground and flying.

But he said the real miracle is in the transformation of the mind through the Master’s writing.

He spoke about how magnificent the true teachings and writings of all traditions are and that all religions are beneficial.

He spoke about the types of visions and that the profound visions were when deities appear to Masters when the Master’s eyes are open.

He said there is a Divine plan in place.

He said the divine plan was about spreading a spirituality that was sovereign and unified, and that all religions were part of that.


The Dalai Lama ended the initiation with the aphorism, “NO BEGINNING, NO END” in true tantra and alchemy tradition.


Love and blessings


Altair and Mother


Useful resources

You may find the following helpful.





The third day of the retreat with the Dalai Lama started with a debate between His Holiness and three well-known scientists, a psychologist, a neuroscientist and a quantum physicist.

From the outset the Dalai Lama made it very clear he was here to discuss and investigate the mind and consciousness, because, he explained, science seems to have very few answers about what consciousness is and how it operates. He said he was like an alchemist, who checks to see it the gold is pure and that anything we believe we should investigate it thoroughly until it becomes clear and only then accept it.

I really took this to heart as you will see later when I got the opportunity to speak to the Dalai Lama directly as I have on each occasion I have met him. I feel so blessed as just like with Jesus/Yeshua, Yogananda and Babaji, and Guan Yin, I feel I have had ‘personal tuition’ on the path with heart!




In case you haven’t followed my particular process with the Dalai Lama, I dreamed when I was 2 years old that I was one of his monks at Samye Monastery. I had the same dream every night for a year, a dream in which I fell into an abyss, heard the sacred OM sound and saw the clear light.

Then in my twenties when I was running a company I sponsored his first trip to New Zealand in which I was granted a personal audience with him and when I met him his simple advice to me was to follow the path of love and compassion.

Some years later when I met the Dalai Lama again he guided me to follow the path of Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin with the love and affection of a mother for her child. Then, while doing the Kalachakra Tantra (a Ritual I followed for over a year devotedly) he appeared to me in a profound vision (he appeared to me with my eyes open after I had breakfast one morning) and guided me into the techniques of subtler consciousness of the Kalachakra.

When I came to do the actual initiation, which I did with deep devotion over a 12 day period, online, as the Dalai Lama specifically stated that Tibetans who lived abroad would be able to receive the initiation if they applied themselves with deep faith and devotion (and I considered myself a Tibetan because of my past life experience over a year as a 2 year old until when I was 3) I experienced two profound moments.

One was while I was in a train meditating on the fire part of the ritual. Suddenly my hand caught on fire and my thumb burst into a flame and I was left with a burnt thumb which I had to nurse when I got back home.

The second was when doing the rebirth part of the initiation at home I spontaneously changed the ritual to include the Archangel Metatron and Guan Yin in Union and my mind burst into light and in the most shocking event of my life there was no meditator and no meditation for three days, an event my wife witnessed.

That was my experience of the clear light. I realized we were made of light and the divine light was our birthright and as the Dalai Lama said, I was able to test it and verify its authenticity. As Jesus said, if your eye is single then your entire body is filled with light.


The Dalai Lama said our world is in an emotional crisis. He said we are repeating our mistakes and that violence is out-dated. It is not the right method. The key is inner peace. If we want to de-militarize the world then we need to inner de-militarize ourselves. Constant anger and fear weakens our immune system.

The Dalai Lama does not spread Buddhism in the West anymore because the West has a Judeo-Christian tradition. He spoke to a Christian monk who was a well-known speaker who asked him how to develop emptiness. “Don’t ask,” joked the Dalai Lama. “It is none of your business.” He told the monk that if he put doubt into people’s minds he would feel uncomfortable. Whereas he feels comfortable teaching in Japan as it is a Buddhist country.





The Dalai Lama kept repeating this, that he felt very happy, there was no hesitation, the he truly appreciated the opportunity and I could really feel it. Something was different. Something had changed.

He praised Indian psychology, the Vedas and the yoga systems saying how highly developed they were and that the Buddha himself used them. He said they were like the university and modern psychology was like being in kindergarten. He repeated often that with all our modern psychology, education and technology we are failing our children and our people.

He gave a number of examples of where science is unable to explain phenomena. At death, The Dalai Lama’s senior tutor and Yogananda’s body stayed fresh for many days after passing showing how deeply a meditators kind affects the brain and body.

He spoke about Dreamtime and how sensorial consciousness is not active but other consciousness is.





He talked a lot about no beginning no end.
About how when the brain stops there is subtle consciousness (this helped me explain why I could experience the clear light because of what happened to me as a two-year old when I repeatedly died).

He gave another example of a Tibetan monk in New Zealand whose body remained very fresh after death. On the 4th night three fingers of his left hand moved to hold his right hand showing these subtle levels of consciousness and the 4 levels of emptiness. That around the 2nd level of emptiness at death the body consciousness dissolved into emptiness but the bright kind or subtle consciousness continues.

He asked the scientists to explain when is consciousness formed and at what point?

He also asked the scientists to explain the cause of the Big Bang.

On both points they were forced to admit they didn’t know.





A small group of us were allowed to be part of the final discussion and again I was blessed to be chosen. I was the first to speak to His Holiness and the scientists and I asked the following question.

“Your Holiness, from the age of two to three I had a recurring dream as a Tibetan monk, every night, in which I died and experienced the cosmic sound of OM and the clear light. From my own observations of space time it would seem that space and time emerged from nothing at the moment of the Big Bang, from an emptiness as it were. In our universe the constant is light and light is the only exception from the fact that it can propagate in a vacuum or emptiness. Einstein intuited the theory of relativity from observing light. Christ and the Buddha tell us be the Light of the world and be a Light unto ourselves. What can be learned about the origins of consciousness by observing clear light in meditation and studying its connection to physical light like an Einstein-Buddha?”



The Dalai Lama answered me by first addressing my dream experience. He said that I should follow the practices of dream yoga (as outlined in the six yogas of Naropa) and practice realizing the clear light within the dream. He explained that the subtle consciousness is awake generally only through dreaming and deep meditation and so dreaming affords a remarkable opportunity to know the self by realizing you are dreaming within the dream. Then you are able to practice witnessing consciousness at play within the dream and awaken within the dream with clarity at the same time. (In beautiful synchronicity this is actually one of the practices I outlined in the first chapter of Portals of Presence at the end of my book Diary of a Yogi: A Book of Awakening.)

He then went on to talk about the clear Light. He said the Experience of the Light the Masters speak about is a direct experience of the Source. No beginning no end. The Dalai Lama joked and said he had tried to realize clear light consciousness but failed. That it was a very difficult subtle experience of consciousness and not his experience so far.



His Final Speech was as follows.

You are your own Master.

Be a Light for the World

Take this amazing opportunity of a human life and use it well.

Become like Nagarjuna who was both a scientist and a meditator.

If you are suffering look for the “I” that is complaining. Where is it?

He told a story of a woman who was suffering. He told her “If you think the “I” is in the heart, what shape is it? Imagine the Dalai Lama there in your heart with you. He will help take the burden of your suffering.”

Be like a mother with the affection for her child.

Educate the world with love and kindness and compassion.

If you are involved in any spiritual education and technology, we need more education on human values to unite our world.

Finally he said “Meditate for 30 min to an hour every day for inner peace. That is the bare minimum”

Love and blessings


Altair and Mother with the Dalai Lama




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Hi Divine Beings of Light and Love

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Diary of a Yogi – A Book of Awakening!

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Available in Kindle, soft cover and hard cover.

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother