Tag Archives: alchemy



Altair Shyam will do a live meditation “Alchemy of the Light Body” at 13:00 GMT, Sunday 9 December, or 1:00 PM London (5:00 AM in Los Angeles and 8:00 AM in New York, 22:00 PM in Tokyo and midnight in Sydney) on Facebook Live Stream.


To begin, Altair will share the process of alchemy of the light body or transformation of light body through the five gates of awareness; gathering awareness, preparing awareness, seeing awareness, meditation on awareness, and awareness of Awareness.

What does it mean to go beyond all we know?

To touch the Divine, to go beyond our senses into the fire of the eternal bliss?

Together we will enter Five Gates of pristine wisdom.

Breathe, be still, heal, awaken and Awareness, blessing us all, again and again.

Be the Christ, Krishna, Buddha, the Divine Mother Within.

We carry this flame of enlightenment within us.

Let it shine.

Let the Light in.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

These words of Avalokiteshavara Guan Yin from the Blessed Mother’s Heart of Wisdom Sutra are guidance through the gates of five paths to direct realisation of the Divine I AM Presence.

The Dalai Lama describes them as the first gate to the path of accumulation, the second to the path of preparation, the third to the path of seeing, the fourth to the path of meditation and the fifth to the path of no more learning.

Altair will share some of his stories, as well as the importance of faith and confidence in your practice and your own path with heart, and tips to help you in those days when events seem to make practice and your path more of a struggle than others.

Altair will also explore some of the subtle stages of consciousness in the meditation.

This meditation will explore portals of awakening through creating the awareness of Awareness consciousness within, through the power of the angelic, bodhisattva and master experience in each one of us, simply by being, and bringing deep presence and wisdom to our daily experience, moment by moment.

Just as we have an outer life now that we strongly connect to, and that we draw our outer purpose from, so we have an inner purpose, to awaken divine consciousness, and this is awakening within as we speak right now.

Experiences drawn from Altair’s new book

‘Diary of a Yogi – A Book of Awakening’



which has just been published,

and the new spiritual television channel, created by founder, Ruth Anderson

‘Enlightened World Network’



which has just launched

as well as the subtle levels of consciousness dialogues, with Kevin Schoeninger, author of

‘Clear Quiet Mind’


and together we will explore how to awaken the light within us, and how to awaken the alchemy of the light body and the subtle levels of consciousness which lie within us all.

Like Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Buddha and Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin Krishna and Babaji, and the Archangels and Bodhisattvas we are all Lights for this World.

We will then reveal through the unity of the Shared Heart the miracles we can unfold through the state of being that is the awakened divine consciousness of the Alchemy of the Light Body, ever-present in the light.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother




This is a long post so I humbly apologize.

For those that are working in 12 dimensions and beyond please forgive my simplicity.

Such is the mind of a barefooted monk.

This is a dialogue, not a lecture, so it is merely a way of working with the infinite possibilities and miracles we are given, a way to activate presence and enter portals to accomplish what you came here to do.

I could have called this “How to Navigate Multiple Dimensions and other natural divinely-born Siddhis”

Or Journeying Beyond Dimensions

And it has everything to do with the following two quotes…

“To the mind that is still the whole universe surrenders” Lao Tzu

“Be still and know that I AM” Psalm 46:10

It all began with a continuum of dreams, visions, meditations and actions, each inspired by the other and each contributing to the stream of love and bliss that we are all immersed in, whether we know it or not.

If you are reading this then it is very likely you were initiated on the Nile, or activated through Sirius, or are riding Wind Dragons or are one of the Djedhi. 

This week I was inspired by a young 7 year old boy, let’s call him ‘Y’ who asked me out of the blue

“How to do I create across all the dimensions?”

His teacher had no idea what to answer him so she referred him to me as someone who knows how to answer unusual things like this from young children lol.

The young boy has no father figure in his life.

What a humbling opportunity to bring love and compassion, clarity and insight and wisdom to one divine God-child such as this!

So I answered as follows, using worlds and Guan Yin as the core examples.

Awareness and creation are inextricably linked to dimensions.

According to current physics theories like superstring, there are at least 10 dimensions, M- theory suggests 11 and bosonic string suggests 26 dimensions (This young boy is particularly smart! He asked me to connect my knowledge to modern physics!)

Much like the physics of 500 years ago, we know in another 500 years we will look back at the physics of today like an ancient dinosaur. 

Oh how could we have ever thought that? We will chuckle.

So this discussion we are having is a little like that.

I am talking in the present.

With an awareness of the future.

Knowing that what I share is already in the past.

Most people understand three dimensions and can figure out that the fourth is time but how do we go beyond that?

What’s more how do we have a practical experience of and create within those dimensions so they mean something to our heart of love in our spiritual path of pathlessness?

Let us try exploring this together. 

The first dimension in length.

If we think of Guan Yin it would be Her as a picture, reduced down to a single line.

An edge in time, that is all.


We can’t see much of the picture, we don’t see the whole. 

From an awareness point of view when we are ignorant, stubborn and fearful we are reduced to 1D.

A single line of thought with no other dimensions.


Love and kindness…the ultimate remedy for one dimensional thinking is to offer love and kindness into the abyss of ignorance and fill it up with your heart of compassion.

Breathing in I am filled with love and kindness, breathing out I fill your heart with love and kindness.

The second dimension is height. 

If we think of Guan Yin it would be Her picture, which is a square and has length and height.


From an awareness point of view when we are see the world as physical and in black and white we are in 2D. 

We see things but do not investigate beneath them. 

There is no depth to our curiosity.


Insight…the ultimate remedy for two dimensional thinking is to offer insight into the stark landscape of black and white opinions and fill it up with your heart of compassion.

Breathing in I am open to all insights that life gives me, breathing out I fill your heart with openness and insight.

The third dimension is depth.

If we think of Guan Yin it would be as a three dimensional image or a hologram or a person, with volume. 

In visions She would arise with the appearance of an actual being although empty in form, but our perception would end there. 

From an awareness point of view we would see the world with all our physical perceptions in 3D. 

We see things and we see depth because we look beneath the surface. 

We see there is an ocean with waves and we can see beneath the surface and know there is depth to the ocean. 

That is all. 

We know there is more but we don’t know where to find it.


Timelessness…the ultimate remedy for three dimensional thinking is to offer presence into the ocean we are striving to see beyond and fill it up with our heart of compassion.

Breathing in I am simply present to all that lies beyond, breathing out I offer presence and love into your world. 

The fourth dimension is time.

If we think of Guan Yin it would be as a three dimensional image or a hologram or a person, with volume moving in time. In visions She would arise with the appearance of an actual being although empty in form, and we would be aware of shifts in time. We may see Her here with us in the Now or in a past life and we would be aware of that.

From an awareness point of view we would see the world with all our physical perceptions and open to the perspective time casts on these perceptions. We see things and we see depth and time because we are aware that our mind casts the aspect of time upon things. It divides into past present and future. So we become more aware of ‘where and when’ we are at any particular point in our path. We see there is an ocean with waves and we can see beneath the surface and know there is depth to the ocean and when we dive into the ocean we touch our pasts, our presence and our futures.


Creation…the ultimate remedy for four dimension thinking is to offer creative presence into the past present and futures and fill it up with your heart of compassion.

Breathing in I am fully present at the heart of creation, breathing out I offer presence into the heart of your creations

The fifth dimension is creation of possible worlds.   

If we think of Guan Yin it would be as Guan Yin in two forms, one that we are familiar with, the second in a slightly different form. In visions She would arise with the appearance of an actual being, this time in two different forms, slightly different. 

We may see Her as Guan Yin and then again as Long Nu.

From an awareness point of view we would see the world as we see it now with the possibility of a different world overlaid or side by side. 

We see things with the awareness of creating possibilities. 

We no longer divide into past present and future but into potential possibility. 

So we become more aware of the magic and alchemy of possibility at every turn. 

Around every corner we expect a miracle. We see there is an ocean with waves and we can see when we dive into the ocean we touch our potential for possibility as a creator although at this point we see each point on our path as opening to another possibility (rather than a multiple of possibilities).


Miracles…the ultimate remedy for five dimensional thinking is to offer the Light of Miracles into the creation and fill it up with your heart of compassion.

Breathing in I am a miracle, breathing out I see you as a miracle.

The sixth dimension is creation of all possible worlds all with the same beginning.

If we think of Guan Yin it would be as Guan Yin in multiple forms, one that we are familiar with, the others in different forms all arising from the same origin. 

In visions She would arise with the appearance of an actual being, this time in a multiplicity of different forms. We may see Her as Guan Yin and then again as Long Nu and then again as Tara and then again as the Virgin Mary. 

We would know the unity that exists in all these forms.

From an awareness point of view we would see the world as we see it now with the possibilities of multiple worlds in a plane all from the same origin. 

We see things with the awareness of multiple possibilities. 

We no longer divide into past present and future but into multiple possibilities. 

So we become more aware of the magic and alchemy of multiple possibilities at every turn. 

Around every corner we expect many miracles and all the possibilities that unfold from there. 

We see the fact that we are a divine being in a physical body as a miracle. 

We see there is an ocean with waves and we can see when we dive into the ocean we touch multiple possibilities as a creator. 

We see each point on our path as opening to a multiple of possibilities. 

So while we sit in meditation we are aware we are meditating and sending healing and doing rescue work and touching the hearts of beings on other star systems and activating profound Presence.


Multiple Paths of Being…the ultimate remedy for six dimensional thinking is to offer the Light of Multiple Worlds into the creation and fill it up with your heart of compassion.

You are aware at any point that you are in contact with numerous aspects of your self and that together great unity brings about deepening awareness of the Pure Light of Being.

Breathing in I am calling on assistance from multiple worlds and my True Self, breathing out the many emanations of my Self touch the hearts of many Beings.

The seventh dimension is creation of all possible worlds all with different beginnings. 

If we think of Guan Yin it would be as Guan Yin in multiple forms, one that we are familiar with, the others in different forms all arising from different origins. 

In visions She would arise with the appearance of an actual being, this time in a multiplicity of different forms all from different worlds. 

We may see Her as Guan Yin on Earth and then again as Long Nu on Sirius and then again as the many forms and colors of Tara in many Pure Lands. 

Our understanding of cosmology shifts as we see and experience worlds that do not originate in a Star system as ours does but come from a Buddha field or Christ grid or exist in a celestial realm. 

We perceive astral and causal worlds and universes.

From an awareness point of view we would see the world as we see it now with the possibilities of multiple worlds in a plane all from different origins.

We see things with the awareness of celestial beings from celestial realms.

We no longer divide into past present and future but into divine possibility.

So we become more aware of the magic and alchemy of divinity within us.

Around every corner we see other divine beings.

We see there is an ocean with waves and we can see when we dive into the ocean we are the creator of all the worlds we venture into, both those we know and recognize from origin as well as those that are unknown.


Divinity…the ultimate remedy for seven dimensional thinking is to offer the Light of of Our Divine Self to all other divine beings and fill them up with your heart of compassion.

Breathing in I am a pure divine being, breathing out I see all around me pure divine beings walking in pure lotus fields and celestial realms.

The eighth dimension is creation of all possible worlds all with different beginnings all branching out infinitely.

If we think of Guan Yin it would be as Guan Yin in all possible forms being IN all possible forms, one with the wind and the sun and the stars and the universes. In visions She would arise as an infinite number of forms with infinite arms of compassion reaching out. We may see Her as Guan Yin in the wind and the sun and the stars or the wind as Guan Yin.

From an awareness point of view we would see the world as un-originated. We would see all things, all objects as un-originated. We would look within at our mind free from all constructs. We become liberated into our original condition. We experience truth beyond thought. All kinds of magic are exhibited in the space, all rivers unite in the ocean, all phenomenal worlds are primordially liberated from beginning and end.

No beginning, no end.


Dharmata …the essence of mind and heart is utterly empty like space…the ultimate remedy for eight dimension thinking is to offer the spontaneous presence of emptiness into the Divine Heart and fill it up with your heart of compassion.

Breathing in I am spontaneous Presence in the Divine Heart, breathing out I fill all beings with the spontaneous Presence of the Divine Heart.

The ninth dimension is creation of all possible worlds all with all possible different beginnings all branching out infinitely all with completely different laws and completely different laws of physics.

If we think of Guan Yin it would be as Guan Yin experienced as the radiance of the ground and sky. In visions She would arise as the teacher who shows that phenomena is mind and heart. We may see Her as Guan Yin, realizing that the wind that blows outside our window and the wind dragon that blows inside our central spine are inseparable and the sun and the stars or the wind within or without are like a dream after waking as neither is real. Everything, external and internal, arises vividly, unimpeded, uncovered by veils. 

From an awareness point of view we would see the world as pervaded by mind. We would see all things, all objects as magical creations of mind. We would know from beginning-less existence all things have been designated as external, but they are alchemical, magical creations of mind and heart which pervades everything. You realize your mind and heart essence, that no matter what phenomenon appears, it is no other than your mind and heart.


Moksha, Liberation…the ultimate remedy for nine dimension thinking is to offer all you do for the benefit of all beings. Take up your power to bless all beings mind and heart stream into the Divine Mind and Heart.  You are never separate from God and Guru within.

Breathing in I am here for you.

The tenth dimension is creation of everything that is possible, imaginatively and beyond. 

If we think of Guan Yin it would be as Guan Yin experienced as continuous meditation day and night. All that co-emerged with Her would have the taste of amrita, nectar. Her very nature would have a continuous flow, resembling space with the flow of a river. Changeless and ever present. She is no longer an object so cannot be meditated upon. She is non-meditation itself  and does not exist. She and you and I are one with all the minds and hearts of all the buddhas and Christs and Divine Mothers. 

From an awareness point of view we would see that there is nothing to be found. There is no seeker at all. Nothing originates or ceases. There is natural great bliss. The mind and heart are all-pervasive, encompassing all realms without exception. The flowers of compassion sustain the fruit of the welfare of all others in all realms.

The path is of no learning.

The yoga is of non-meditation.

There is neither meditation nor meditator.

There is neither deity nor mantra nor mudra nor mandala.

In the nature of simplicity all is at rest.

Continuity has ended.

This is your own awareness, primordial wisdom.

There is nothing whatsoever to show.

The supreme Siddhi.


Be still and know God.

Breathing in I AM.

Breathing out I AM.

The ten dimensions I have used as an example here, which parallel the ten dimensions of superstring theory in physics, also have their equivalent in the ten signs that accompany one of the six Kalachakra Tantra yogas in the generation stage. The ten vital energies or ten dimensions of the inner being are also the ten goddesses or ten Shaktis.

These are various dimensions of Light experienced as follows

Smoke – 1D – when there is ignorance vision is very hazy

Mirage – 2D – when there is Black and White thinking the inner vision is like an illusion

Flickering of Fireflies – 3D – when there is some perception of depth vision is like flickering light, seen sometimes but seemingly beyond reach and unable to be kept stable

Butterlamp – 4D – when some timelessness is experienced and some presence established the light is present and able to be seen for longer periods like a lamp lit in the inner temple

Sky in the space between clouds – 5D – when we are aware of alchemy and magic the world takes on an essential purity and our vision also becomes pure, clear insight into being, which appears like the blue sky when the clouds drift away

The Moon – 6D – when we are aware of the miracle of multiple possibilities the light in us is bright like a full moon, difficult to look at directly and a reflection of the divine radiance of the sun.

The Sun – 7D – when we are aware of divinity within us the light is blinding and burns away all impurities.

Rahu – 8D – Sirius – shining like a gem – when we are aware there is no beginning and no end the Chintamani Stone within us becomes an immeasurable jewel and fulfills all wishes.

Lightning – 9D – when we are aware of the radiance of ground and sky a lightning bolt catches our consciousness on fire and everything that is something becomes nothing in the emptiness of divine space

Amrita Nectar – 10D – the Bliss Drop of Divine Love in the Heart –  when we are aware there is no meditator or meditation there is nothing whatsoever to show except divine love and natural great bliss in each and every moment.

The 10 Shaktis are portals to the 10 dimensions through symbols, sounds and Light Language.

For example, Prajnaparamita who corresponds to the wisdom portal is accessed through deep intention and devotion (deity yoga) and chanting Her name (mantra) and taking Her position (mudra), and attending to Her Sacred Realm (mandala).

Revelation comes as dreams, in deep meditation, in full blown sensory experience (like seeing a piece of theatre) and as concealed treasure, the Chintamani Stone within.

We work simply across worlds and through dimensions when we envision in any of these states.

Be very aware, as each dimension you enter is a Chintamani Stone, a wish-fulfilling jewel. 

s you think each thought, now, slowly, with great space and awareness, feel yourself with the body, mind and speech of Guru Rinpoche or Yeshe Tsogyal or Yeshua or Mary Magdalene throughout your day, every moment, thinking in the Light Language of the Guru within.

Try it now.

Begin with the thought I AM, then think and visualize and hear and feel its movement, the way it shifts and weaves through both time and space.

Watch it fill the room with Light.

I AM Presence.

Now understand that if you think this way, the very fabric of the Universe you touch with this Pristine Light and Mind of Wisdom will be transformed.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother

NOTE : my dreams have also wandered dimensions and worlds.

I had a profound insight in dreaming this week where I realized my dreams over aeons, like my lives and visions and meditations, are also continuums.

I connected my dream as a monk at age 2 to my dream of a few years ago where two of my brothers entered my dream state.

We were doing the Kalachakra Initiation with the Dalai Lama in the future which reminded me of accessing future information from our Higher Selves.

In the dream we were mapping out our future by ‘light posts’ (signposts of Light) and were viewing a soul blueprint of each of our missions.

We embedded clear ‘states’ of Being, 4 of them, to recognize along the Path.

They were in a timeline with particular dates that our soul wished them to be triggered.

We would remember them and these would occur over the next one-year period at the end of which we would attain full Buddhahood.

Each member of the group Circle of Light that I was in at the time were each located in groups in Temples at one of each of the Four Directions planning as we were the missions.

I connected those dreams with dreams I had this week.

In one dream Sri Yukteswar appeared as a form of Vajrasattva within me.

In a second I was a silver-haired female from the Pleiades sacrificing myself in order to liberate others.

In a third I was in the Light Body of a Moon Wolf.

And a fourth I was in New Zealand running-power gliding (flying low above the ground) in Light Body/physical form as a Tibetan Lung Gom Pa wind runner.

After this, in the dream, I sat with Swami Shyam in the Himalayas and discussed with him the ways of using this power for the benefit of humanity.

Four dreams, four light posts.

The four states of being I realized that have provided a continuum for consciousness so that I remember them from past lives and worlds are




Action – Light Body in action in the physical

I often wonder where this will lead as I venture further into the unknown

Like sands shifting everything is revealed as the veils lift.

What I see gets revealed again and again with more clarity and greater depth than how it appeared to me before.

It confirms my intuition.

It shows me that patience brings revelation and that revelation comes at the perfect time.

With deep and humble gratitude to the Presence of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Amitabha, Padmasambhava, Guan Yin, Mother Mary, Tara, Yeshe Tsogyal and Princess Mandarava.

I AM THAT I AM, אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה ’ehyeh ’ăšer ’ehyeh

I am here to do the work of Our Mother by walking the Path of the Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder in assisting all beings to find Krishna’s Bliss, Christ’s Light and the Buddha’s Heart and Healing within.

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā


“go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, and establish yourself in enlightenment”



Using the Alchemy of the Breath and the Alchemy of the Light Body

People often ask me about Light Body practices, the practices to assist the Light to enter the physical body and transform it into the Light Body.

Allowing the Light to enter is a critical part of all alchemy, transformation, the I AM Presence.

Here are some Light Practices.

They are presented humbly knowing that it is your own love and wisdom that guides you and that all of these practices you know already and I am merely reminding you.

While listening to the Elder Sounds here is what you can do.

The effect of the vibration of the Sounds affects our Light Body, allowing the Light to enter your mind and heart.

Check it out through your own experience.

While listening, maintain the visualisation of the Light Body.

Say to yourself, like a mantra

“Breathing in, I allow the light to enter. Breathing out, I awaken the light in others”

At your heart chakra is an open flower, the Lotus of Light.

The Lotus is made of Light.

As you breathe in and out the mantra, see the Lotus petals dance and glow and sparkle.

At the centre of the Lotus is your seed syllable, the Light Language of your Light Body, vibrating in perfect harmony.

I use HRIH, if you don’t know yours use OM or the Tongue of Flame that is the Light of the Holy Spirit or the Violet Flame.

The Petals of the Lotus form a circle around the seed syllable, radiant, made of light, glowing and sparkling.


Healing and awakening begins with ourselves.

Begin by purifying and transforming ourselves.

Let the Light fill you.

May you be free of all pain and suffering, all difficult emotions.

All areas of your physical body that have pain are filled with healing light.

Your body is at ease.

Peace and relaxation fill your being.


Now the blissful light, with your Light Body on the tip of each ray, streams out of you and touches all beings, those you love and those you don’t and those you don’t even know.

You touch each and every being purifying and healing them of all negativity and inspiring them to realise their own Light Body.

It is simple to start imagining the light touching all the beings with you in your room and your house, then your neighbours, your country, your world and all worlds.

We use the power of Our Shared Heart to reach out to and embrace All.

Send them light and realisation to become fully enlightened Buddhas and Christs, Krishnas and Divine Mothers.

Keep doing this practice, transforming, so that soon you will see all these beings have realised their Light Body and we will not be tempted to be fooled by appearances and drop back into thinking about them in an ordinary way.

Purify, inspire, enlighten and bless them all, again and again.

Be the Christ, Krishna, Buddha, the Divine Mother Within.

You carry this flame of enlightenment within you.

Let it shine.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother




Preparing for the inner fire of the Great Bliss means knowing how to train the wind-energy dragon up and down the central channel with mindfulness and heartfulness.

Training in the channels is like training in the rivers that lead to Divine Mother’s Great Ocean.

We cleanse and purify to prevent hindrances and afflictions in our energy system so that the wind dragon can be encouraged to enter the central channel.

We ride the fire of bliss that is the breath of the wind dragon.


First we do our meditation on emptiness.

We see ourself as Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Thoth, AED, EA, Saraswati, Guan Yin, Metatron, AA Michael or whatever form we choose to identify most deeply with, our Light Body as clear as crystal.

Try doing this while listening to the Sound Codes.

(email me at altairshyam@gmail.com if you do not have them and I will send them to you)

Visualize the three main channels, all the chakras and all the branch channels as three rivers of light flowing through lotus blossoms of light (the chakras) with beautiful streams of light flowing off these throughout your light body.

Everything is transparent, clear, empty and free of blockage.


At the heart chakra visualise a radiant drop of kundalini about the size of a mustard seed. It radiates with the colors of the rainbow which represent your Light Family.


In the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition the Light Family comprises five colors and five Buddha Families, Akshobhya (blue/space), Vairochana (white/air), Ratnasambhava (yellow/water), Amitabha (red/fire), and Amoghasiddhi (green/earth).

This is the Bodhisattva tradition.

They are also five, the Mother of All Buddhas Prajnaparamita (blue), Tara (white), Mamaki (yellow), Guan Yin (red) and Lochana (green).

The Archangel tradition is four, Auriel, Gabriel, Raphael and Michael.

The Elders are nine.

The Way I perceive the Elders are as an amalgamation of the five Buddha Light protectors and the four Christ Light protectors.

They are known as the Archangels in some traditions and the Bodhisattvas in others.

If you work with Tareth in Sacred Alchemy he will teach you the Light Language names of the Elders and how to contact them more deeply.

They walk with me, breathe with me and surround me as they do you.

They have protected me across time as they protect you and protect this planet.


Concentrate on the Bliss Drop about the size of a mustard seed at the heart chakra.

Don’t look on it from the outside but instead enter into it, making yourself One with it in your mind and heart.

As the Bliss Drop, you look down from the heart chakra and see the navel chakra and the secret chakras.

Travel down as the bliss drop and cleanse and purify the flower petals of the chakras with your Rainbow Light as you descend, and regenerate and activate the channels as you pass through.

Any blocked chakras and channels are opened.

Everything in your Light Body becomes radiant and rainbow-like.

The channels are now as soft as silk, empty and transparent, activated for anything you WILL the Light Body to do.

Return to the heart and look up and see the throat, third eye and crown chakras.

The central channel is clear.

As the bliss drop you cleanse and purify the flower petals of the chakras as well as all the branch channels with your Rainbow Light as you ascend, and regenerate and activate the channels as you pass through.

When you reach the third eye you are able to look and see your Rainbow Light Body all the way down to your feet.

This Body is filled with Bliss.

When it is clear and pure like a diamond you will have transformed into the Vajra or Diamond Body.

Make this journey many times, always ending up at the heart chakra.

Visualize, meditate and activate the Light Body in this way until you are completely familiar with the Diamond Body and its structure, until it is clear as your own physical body.

As within, so without.

Dedicate all benefits from this practice to the liberation of all beings.

“May the liberation of my chakras and channels into emptiness liberate all beings from pain into the freedom of eternal bliss.

May the wind dragon energy enter the central channel allowing me to experience the path of clear light and Great Bliss.

May we all realise the eternal state of Great Bliss.”

“Breathing in this breath of Bliss, I breathe in peace.

Breathing out this breath of Bliss, I give my peace to you.”

When we are truly ourselves, in that moment of presence and awareness, in the movement and stillness in our breathing, we are a Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder, immersed in Bliss.

The mind and heart can go in a thousand directions

But on this beautiful path in life I have chosen to walk in bliss and peace

With each step a gentle wind blows

With each step a flower blooms

I often mindfully and heartfully walk watching the lotus flowers bloom under my feet and the divine wind blow from my breath.

A very simple beautiful practice to try at any time of your day.

Be the Christ, Krishna, Buddha, the Divine Mother Within.

You carry this flame of enlightenment within you.

Let it shine.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother




Here is a simple way of engaging the inner fire of bliss in the Higher Heart by absorbing all the energy-winds into the central channel and rebirthing the blissful wisdom.

Union of our physical body with our light body, clear light of being and full en-light-ening means having full knowledge of the Vajra or Diamond Body and its structure.

We know our physiology and so we should know our channels and chakras and how the winds work.

To prepare ourselves to allow the light to enter we need to visualise and realise our body as empty (or hollow). Both Yogananda and the Dalai Lama describe the central channel (the sushumna) for example as “a hollow tube of light”.


Sitting is very natural. The reason we see Buddha sitting under a Bodhi Tree is that inner energies and bliss happen very naturally when we let them. Alchemy, Tantra (or Union) and Ascension use the natural resources of our body and Light Body. They follow the natural play of our energy.

Having our spine straight is so important, whether we are sitting in a chair, lying down or sitting in full lotus. It allows the inner energies to talk to us through our spine.


Emptying or surrendering is very natural. In simple terms we visualise ourself as a Christ Light or Buddha or Divine Mother with our body completely transparent from our head down to our feet. Our body is clear, light and empty, like a balloon filled with air. Nothing at all is inside. Nothing. Rest on this. Contemplate it for a day. Walk with it, sit with it, lie with it and get used to it.


Seeing our body as empty is very natural. We are the ones, the self, who has filled the body with all the unnecessary stuff, anxieties, worry, stress and pain. Becoming empty is surrendering all this to the Christ Light Within. Let the Light take care of it. Now we can free ourself to meditate on the channels. Or the Ascended Masters. Or our Loved Ones. When we are empty the river channel is open for the water to flow to the ocean.


We arise from emptiness in the form of the Christ, Buddha, AED, EA, Saraswati, Guan Yin, Metatron, AA Michael or whatever form we choose to identify most deeply with. Our entire body of radiant rainbow light is empty and as clear as crystal with the precision of a diamond. Even our hands and feet are crystalline. We are transparent and light. Space itself. Radiant. Bright. Conscious.


In front of us and all around are our Light Family – our teachers and gurus, masters, angels and saints, all those we honour, all those we are connecting deeply to. We offer them our body, this world, and all worlds.


We pray to experience bliss in all its forms and formlessness, blissful energy, blissful channels, blissful Kundalini. “For the sake of all sentient beings, who are as vast in number as space itself, I will engage in this meditation to discover Buddha Within, the Vajra or Diamond Body, the Christ Light.”


Visualize the three main channels. The central, right and left. They are rainbow like, radiant, clear with energy that feels like silk. The central channel starts at the point between the eyebrows and the side channels start at the nostrils. All channels curve up to the crown and down the length of the spine like hollow tubes of light just in front of the physical spine to end at the secret tip chakra. All the practical work I have done, from contacting star craft to connecting with dolphins, from manifestation of Guan Yin’s pearl through to deep telepathy with humans and the miracles of healing has involved activating the energy in these channels.


The colors of the channels are taught in similar ways by alchemists, Lamas and those I have met from other worlds including Pleiadians and Sirians. Yogananda and the Dalai Lama emphasise  that the central channel is close to the physical spine but does not actually touch it and the colors are described variously as a golden astral spine or as a blue channel. The right channel is universally described as red and when the Pleiadian visitors showed us how to use this to connect to star craft and our galactic family they used that color. This is the same color as the Tibetan Vajra/Diamond Traditions use. It is also the same color as I used to connect to dolphins to call them. The left channel is pure white or green like an emerald. The width of the channels is about the size of a drinking straw. There are thousands of channels making up the Light Body just as there are many chakras both in and around the body. These three channels are the ones we will contemplate and utilise in meditation.


The simplest way of breathing is to breathe in these channels beginning with the central channel using the sounds ‘aww’ (like the English word ‘awe’ as you breathe in and up the central channel) and ‘eee’ (like the ‘E’ sound in the English word ‘bee’ as you breathe out and down the central channel). This takes practice and will yield divine results. Yogananda’s own book on Kriya practice is attached below. Concentrated focused practice will allow you to do all that Ascended Masters speak of. I have tested them out and found them to work exactly as we have always known, since this wisdom is intuitively part of us and naturally manifests once we give our attention to it. For example, to call a star craft I had to work diligently with a Master for a number of months in order to be able to accomplish it and the craft came within 5 minutes of calling it once all the conditions were right.


There are a number of different ways to work with the channels.

To manifest draw the energies of the earth element up the central channel from the earth with the inward breath and return them down the central channel to the earth with the outward breath.

This is similar to Tareth’s One Chakra Alchemy and through the power of prayer was the way Guan Yin’s Pearl manifested from Her Statue for me.

To fill the Light Body with Source Energy concentrate on the central astral spine and fill it with Light. This is Yogananda’s basic technique and a direct method of communicating with the Divine.

To immerse yourself in the inner fire of bliss draw the fire or threefold flame up the inner spine from the navel with the in breath and back to the navel with the out breath. This is the basis of Naropa’s Vajra method in Tibet.

To communicate with animals like dolphins or Extraterrestrial forms and star craft, draw the energies up the right red channel (pingala) after earthing and using Venus energy in the pure white-green light of the left channel (ida) as I was instructed to do by the Pleiadian and Sirian visitors and as you know resulted in calling in the star craft in the famous sightings of 1990-1991 (Belgian Black Triangle). The right channel is masculine/sun/red and the left channel feminine/venus-green, moon-white.

To bring your Light Family power and support draw the energies down through the crown as Metatron (or your chosen masculine deity) and then rebirth yourself through Guan Yin (or your chosen feminine deity). This is the basis of the Dalai Lama’s Kalachakra Tantra.

I have experimented with these for many years and though just a humble beginner have found great success as a student of these great Masters.


It takes great dedication, focus, concentration and intention as well as years and lifetimes of practice to perfect these practices so that at the moment of death/transition we can maintain ‘sight’ of the clear light of being and use that brief ‘flash’ of light as a portal to transfer our consciousness where we ‘will’ it – to this world and another life, or to other worlds or dimensions. This is what it means by developing true Presence in every moment. That is a truly divine quality and practice.

When you dedicate all your benefits from these enlightening practices to the liberation of all living beings you will find the true path of pathlessness is love. Love brings all our practices together. Love brings us all together.

For example, in the Kalachakra tradition I trained every day and night for a year to have just one authentic experience of the clear light of being under the Dalai Lama’s tutelage.

Through the Sirian and Pleaidian visitors it took 2 weeks to call the star craft and then only 5 minutes when the conditions were right but I had been practising for 2 years before that.

With Tareth it took 1 year of dedicated practice before the divine sounds manifested in the room of their own accord.

With Yogananda it was 3 years of practice, two hours in the morning and two hours at night before the Divine Mother came to me and embraced me with Her Love.

Yogananda’s Babaji-Krishna Kriya initiation follows a simple principle.

That we are One Chakra and One Light.

The Sun or Heart Chakra is the centre of the Cosmos of Light that is the Light Body.

The Chakras are the Planets or the Interior Stars of Alchemy.

When you practice Kriya, Tantra or Alchemy for Ascension, each breath is revolving around the ‘planets/chakras’ and ‘sun/heart’ in your body, making one chakra, one cosmos.

The Pleiadians I met used the same system, emphasising the Venus channel (left/ida) and the Jupiter channel (right/pingala) running vertically amongst the interior stars/chakras to create one chakra.

I mention this just so you are aware of the great love and dedication and devotion we all have to our paths and how very simple they are as we get closer to the Divine Source.

All the many become One.

The many chakras become One Chakra.

The many channels become One Channel.

The many paths become One Path. 

“Breathing in this breath of the Divine Beloved, I breathe in peace.

Breathing out this breath of the Divine Beloved, I give my peace to you.”

When we are truly ourselves, in that moment of presence and awareness, in the movement and stillness in our breathing, we are a Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder, immersed in the Divine Beloved.

The mind and heart can go in a thousand directions

But on this beautiful path in life I have chosen to walk in peace

With each step a gentle wind blows

With each step a flower blooms

I often mindfully and heartfully walk watching the lotus flowers bloom under my feet and the divine wind blow from my breath.

A very simple beautiful practice to try at any time of your day.

Be the Christ, Krishna, Buddha, the Divine Mother Within.

You carry this flame of enlightenment within you.

Let it shine.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother



Dear All

Our work in the Elements, Kriya, Alchemy and Tantra of the Light is experiential.

It is a continuum of compassionate wisdom and bliss over many lives which is to be shared and is a collective work, meaning it is your wisdom as much as it is mine that has co-created and contributed to this, with a view to liberating all beings.

I am You and You are Me.

Arise as a divine being.

That is our truth.

Returning to each other, to the earth and to our bodies means a return to peace. There are times when all of us feel tired or stressed and we lose touch with ourselves and each other, things come out wrong, we mess up and create misunderstanding. We have simply gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. It happens to all of us, from the greatest gurus and teachers to me and you. Yogananda described a time in his life when he was beset by depression after his mother died and the Dalai Lama was struck by anxiety for his people after the Chinese invasions which manifested in terrifying dreams. At such times we can simply return to the body and take time out in silence and stillness, in the warm embrace of nature or a good hot bath, follow our breath and bring the mind, body, heart, soul and breath all together, and they will become one. We sit in this warmth, just as we did as a child beside the fireplace in winter, while a cold wind raged outside and our mother fed us hot soup.

“Breathing in, I calm my body

Breathing out, I smile at my body”

It is that simple.

It doesn’t have to be on retreat or in a meditation hall in the Himalayas of Tibet.

We come back to ourselves to make ourselves whole again.

We are the Mother feeding ourselves the hot soup of peace and love.

Contact with life is truly profound when we are truly ourselves.

The Bamboo Forest Zen Master said “Everything I touch becomes new”

So let us come back to ourself and touch everyone we meet with the freshness and newness of peace and love.

When we are not truly ourselves in the present moment there may be a beautiful blue sky but we don’t really see it.

The wholeness of ourselves is the first, deepest and most profound contact we can ever make with life. By conscious breathing we bring ourselves home, to the mind, body, heart and soul.

Renewing ourselves in this way, we see everything else anew.

We become the Bamboo Forest Zen Master, empty yet full, ancient yet new, still yet active.

Here are the writings on the other Elements if you wish to explore them.


Becoming the Ocean


Becoming Water


Divine Consorts and the Ocean of Divine Mother



Mother of Dragons


The Great Seal


Blending with the Light



Winds, Air and Breathing


Light Language and Portals


Light Meditation and Sound Codes



Becoming Earth


Finding Ground




“Breathing in this breath of love, I breathe in peace.

Breathing out this breath of love, I give my peace to you.”

When we are truly ourselves, in that moment of presence and awareness, in the movement and stillness in our breathing, we are a Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder.

The mind and heart can go in a thousand directions

But on this beautiful path in life I have chosen to walk in peace

With each step a gentle wind blows

With each step a flower blooms

I often mindfully and heartfully walk watching the flowers bloom under my feet.

A very simple beautiful practice to try at any time of your day.

Be the Christ, Krishna, Buddha, the Divine Mother Within.

You carry this flame of enlightenment within you.

Let it shine.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother



Ascension and The One Chakra

We are ONE as we have always known.

UNITY, a collective consciousness.

ONE without a second.

As the energy centers or chakras purify, they unite within us.

There is no feeling of separation.

The self with its separateness is extinguished and returns home to the Self, the Divine Self, where there is only unity and only One Chakra, Love, the Inner Fire of Wisdom and Bliss.

We all feel it as a collective, this gathering of energies in the inner spine as a nectar, a Chalice, the Holy Grail, running through our spine and our heart as one pure consciousness.

The Divine Self is the One Healer.

The One Chakra within and without.

The illusion of separateness disappears.

So when we heal, we place our hands near the chakras on these other bodies belonging to other divine beings still awakening and then ‘get out of the way’ and allow the Source to enter us and flow through.

It is like a palpable divine current.

A river of life.

Connected to all things.

We already all feel that flow.

Our Light Family and the Elders remind us of that.

Our divinity.

That we are ONE.

That there has always only been ONE CHAKRA.

The reason Kriya and the work with the inner channel or inner spine is so important is to prepare us to receive the inner fire or what Yeshua called the tongues of fire of the Holy Spirit.

We are opening and encouraging the air elementals to purify and enter the central channel.

All the training with the Elders, Bodhisattvas and Archangels reminds us

of the One Chakra.

By working with people to help heal their chakras we loosen the tightness of the blocked channels.

The wind energies eventually clear the central channel and we experience the ‘path’ of clear light.

In our bodies.

The ‘path’ is an actual path in our bodies for ascension.

The Chakras are Lights on the Way.

By penetrating and opening the pleasure centers of the Chakras we achieve the realization of the One Chakra of Eternal Bliss.

Divine Love.

That is why we sometimes feel alone.

Or search for others like us.

Most are not aware of the levels of ascension internally in terms of Chakra work or are just beginning to open to them.

So our Light Body is empty.


Clear channels and chakras.

Free from blockage.

Merging and uniting into one.

That is what Tantra means.

That is what Alchemy means.

That is Ascension.

The bliss seed in our sacred spot has ascended and is right now filling our brain so our body can ascend too.

This requires full knowledge and realization of the Light Body.

How it all works.

Primarily because our mission is to use this knowledge to free others.

That is why we are here.

An ascended being.

A Bodhisattva.

An archangel.

Or Elder.

We exist moment to moment in full consciousness of the One CHAKRA (from Sanskrit – meaning – circle – the alchemical circle – unity)

We only need to touch another’s heart to heal.

As they heal we heal.

That is the secret.

Liberate ourself to liberate others.

Arise as a divine being.

That is our truth.

To succeed in Alchemy, as we are reminding each other, we need to identify strongly with the reality of the One Chakra in our physical body and our Light Body. We identify strongly as a deity. That is why we have had so many experiences with gods and Buddhas and Christs and Lighted Beings and so on. We have had intense awareness of our body as a deity’s body (Love God and Goddess) so we attract god and goddess experiences. They are not our imagination. Our speech becomes the deity’s mantra, our hands the deity’s mudra, our mind Her blissful wisdom ❤

Now we are learning to see this world as the deity’s mandala where all living beings become Bodhisattvas or Elders. That is how we help heal them. Our vision becomes transcendent.

When we think about great Masters their inner vision is unshakeable.

That is the Vision we have.

That is why we have faith in each other.

To share this Vision.

When we read some of these experiences we are having we may be thinking “what an interesting philosophy”. So we can easily relate to the story of Naropa.

Naropa was a well educated professor and monk in the ancient Indian Buddhist University of Nalanda. He had a great knowledge of sutras and tantras but was dissatisfied and longed for deep realisation. He knew something was missing. Naropa’s own guru told him to recite his favourite mantra (by Heruka) om hrih ha ha hum hum phat – until he had a solution. He recited it several million times and then suddenly felt the earth shake. A voice from Source spoke to him and said “You are still a baby. Your knowledge is still intellectual. In order to gain deep realisation you need to find Tilopa who is your special guru.”

Naropa left the monastery and searched for many months. Finally he found Tilopa, sitting on the ground cooking live fish, seeming more like a madman than a great yogi. Naropa stayed with Tilopa and year after year he requested initiation, only to be given one outrageous task after another. Naropa struggled for 12 years and in trying to fulfil those 12 tasks he nearly died 12 times.

One day they were walking in the desert together and with no warning Tilopa decided to give Naropa the initiation. The only gift Naropa had was his body so he mixed his urine with sand and offered it to Tilopa as a mandala.


Tilopa beat Naropa on the head with his sandal and Naropa then went into deep meditation for 7 days.

Naropa was a highly advanced intellectual but had not discovered peace and happiness in himself.

We are like this. These days we have an abundance of information through the internet and other means but very little fertilisation. We collect all this information but do little with it to water its seed and nurture it within. So sometimes our spiritual practice seems to stall.

So we sometimes need to leave ‘Nalanda’ our own ‘collection’ of information, in search of the master within, who will bring us peace and happiness. We may struggle with that master for many years, like Naropa. And then suddenly, if we practice continuously, simply, with focus and deep compassion for ourselves, She will confer Her initiation on us and we will ‘achieve’ enlightenment. We will become the mahasiddha we have always been destined to be.

That we always are.

The Teachings of the One Chakra are the lessons of Naropa.

In the One is the Many.

In the Many is the One.

I am You and You are Me.

This is the Alchemy of the Earth, the Ground.

The earth is in us are we are in the earth.

We are all in this together.

With simplicity and compassion for ourselves and others, for this world and all worlds.

We are One through our conscious choices and creations, through our Presence, through our moment to moment awareness of how important our co-creation is to our fellow beings, this planet and the many worlds we serve.

We carry the golden flame of enlightenment, the One Chakra, within us.

Let the Light shine.

Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond our self, go beyond what we know, go beyond the breath, empty ourself, bathe ourself in Our Divinity.

WE are Krishna, WE are The Christ, WE are the Buddha.

WE are the Divine Mothers bringing loving kindness and compassion to all beings.

Seek refuge in Her, in Krishna, the Buddha, the Christ Within.
There is Our Salvation.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother



Last night I had a powerful alchemical dream.

In front of me was the element of water, moving in mid air in a sequence of whorls, arcs and spirals.

I made the intention to transform these to the element of earth and was showing my wife.

After making the intention with deep intensity I surrendered my “self” which was extinguished in a flash, like lightning, and the elements began to inter-be and inter-play.

Water became Earth and manifested a torus, circling our Earth which was the sphere in the centre.

That dream inspired what I will share with you next.

Remembering this is all shared wisdom in Our Shared Heart so you know this already. This is merely a reminder.

One of my most powerful experiences of water and earth was the manifestation of a rare deep sea ocean pearl out of the heart of a bronze Guan Yin statue which I had prayed in front of with a group of friends. The pearl, which I used for healing for many years, reminded me of the fact that ‘terma’ which is when a physical object such as a Pearl, or Cup like the Grail, or text like the Book of Love, or ritual implement like the Rod of Aaron, is buried in the ground or earth or encoded in a crystal or statue or tree or lake or in the sky appears, that these Signs are in fact reminding us of the many hidden teachings of wisdom which are buried in our bodies, hearts and minds. 

One of these hidden teachings is the work of the bodhisattva Protector of the Earth also called Earth Holder (Dharanimdhara) who when Buddha wanted to visit his mother Mahamaya in Tushita Heaven built the road for Buddha to travel on.

The consciousness of being an Earth Holder means to preserve this planet’s air water and soil for all living beings. Protecting and preserving our earth and its environment through mindfulness and awareness of what is present is truly crucial in these current times.

Equally we need to awaken the teachings of the Earth Angel within us, to be an Earth Store Bodhisattva (Kshitigarbha) which means a womb or storehouse of the Earth.

The Earth is solid and contains many kinds of jewels (terma) or treasures but so does our heart. Everywhere we go there are beings who need our help, in the darkest places of the universe we can go to rescue those who are in the greatest suffering. There are those who have no freedom or dignity, to whom we can lend a hand, we can reach out to a child in our school system who is bullied or having problems in their own family, for whom a kind word is a jewel or treasure in their day. This is being an Earth Angel.

People who don’t fit in their family or society or community need lots of courage and compassion from us, to help them feel the anchor of the Earth Angel so that they in their turn can bring love and compassion to others.

“Breathing in, I am an Earth Angel

Breathing out, I bring the compassion of an Earth Angel to all beings”

Looking into these Jewels, we see all three Jewels, the Christ, Community and Teachings or the Buddha, Sangha and Dharma all live within us. This is inter-being. If we look after our community we are looking after the Buddha, the Christ and the Divine Mother within. When we look after our community and we are all happy and advancing in our practice of the teachings we share, then the holiness of our community increases and our Divine Presence, the true Buddha and Christ within and our true Teachings, the Shared Heart, become clearer. A Christ is a Christ when the Teaching is embodied within each one of us. Every Jewel or Terma or Pearl or Chalice contains the other Jewels. Every one of us is a Christ or a Buddha or a Divine Mother and we each ‘contain’ each other. Inter-Being. I am you and you are me. “In Lak’ech Ala K’in”. This is realised in every moment, through every breath.

And this means every moment, both in waking and in sleep we are realising this together. The body itself, like a mini-planet, provides a doorway to awareness and consciousness.

“Breathing in, my body is calm

Breathing out, my body is calm.”

During the day, through calmness, stillness and silence, we meditate on energy entering, stabilising and absorbing in the central channel. We experience the absorptions of the four elements which naturally give rise to the visions of deities and worlds and dimensions and inter-being, which in turn manifest the clear light of being or the Christ Light experience, aspiring to enlightenment for the purpose of freeing all beings in all worlds.

It is amazing to see and perceive the miracle we are, growing together, that through surrender and silence and stillness, we see the Earth Angels we are, where the sky and the earth and the lake and the tree are all Our One Self, for the God-Self is in All.

The process of becoming Earth in alchemy could be simply described as follows

  1. Our journey to awakening and transformation goes beyond words, ideas and concepts. It is grounded in Liberation, which is a practice of the teachings of love, wisdom and bliss that we contain within us all. That liberation is found in silence and stillness, the portal to the eternal light of being.
  2. This world and all worlds, all dimensions and all time and form are all Our One Self and so any separation or division of that reality is ultimately illusion.
  3. The self creates its own suffering and illusion.
  4. When we make the desire for our own liberation and the liberation of others the strongest desire so that our entire life is dedicated to awakening, we walk the path of the Bodhisattvas, Archangels and Elders.
  5. Simply, make the intention to bring the self and all suffering of all beings to an end.
  6. Turn our attention inward towards self-awareness and self-realisation.
  7. Spend as much time as we can, together, every day, practicing the most rapid, effective and direct method of Self-inquiry to bring the self to an end. When we turn the outward-going mind back to the Self, the Source, and the Heart and be with it in silence and stillness, we will see through the empty ‘I’ which will be extinguished. This is the real ‘Piercing of the Veil’. Self-awareness, moment to moment, is the true, Light Path of devotion or love. Knowledge of our true inner nature as indivisible Bliss Supreme wells up as love inside us. When we are ‘grounded’ together in this knowing and being we will be at one with the element of Earth and all the elements, which is the healing power of Alchemy.

Love and Light always

Altair and Mother




On this event of the New Year, 2017, as I was practicing the Yoga of Dreams in bed one night, this somewhat lazy monk was thinking of the many beautiful energies I wish to share together in the Circles of Light, the Pure Lands, Shambhala and Avalon.

Of the many lineages present on our planet, two lineages in particular have arisen in our world consciousness that I wish to speak about.

From India, that of the Buddha and Avalaokiteshvara/Guan Yin.

And from Egypt, that of Yeshua and Mary Magdalena.

You may choose any others and replace those Divine Ones whom I speak about with your own path’s Loved Ones.

These are just my personal experiences I am sharing with you, that you know already and whose wisdom is within you that I am reminding you of.

Both are alchemic practices of the mahasiddhas and this is their Light practices, that I follow daily.

We first receive the appropriate initiations from our Light Family.

This is a profound… (right at this moment in real time in Japan as I wrote the word ‘profound’ we experienced an earthquake of magnitude 6.3. I bow with humble reverence to the worlds at Earth Mother’s feet, to the wind at Her back, and to the sun in Her heart. May flowers bloom wherever you walk with Her and may every breath you take liberate all beings into peace in Her Presence.)

This is a profound transmission where we honour and observe and learn from Our Light Family the levels of commitment to love and compassion on our path.


Firstly we arrange an altar of devotion in our Heart to the Chosen One(s) whether this be to Christ or Mary Magdalena or any of those spoken or unspoken on our path of pathlessness.

We do this by simple visualisation and an invitation to be present.

This is presence.

To be present with the Beloved.

We begin each session by preparing the mind and heart for the profound footsteps on our path for the day by meditating upon Christ or Magdalena or others by drawing them into our Heart.

Draw the Divine Feminine Form in first and then open Her Heart to receive the Divine Masculine Form of the God-Self in you.

With them both present in your Heart recite the mantra or prayer or sacred word or sound that is their essence to you.

This purifies the mind and heart of any karma in that moment.

Then comes the purification in emptiness through mantra and visualisation.

The entire universe is visualised as dissolving into light.

The light then dissolves into all living beings.

All  living beings then dissolve into light.

The light then dissolves into you.

Your own body dissolves into light from the head down and feet up meeting at the seed mantra in your heart.

The seed in your heart dissolves into vast, infinite, radiant being or awareness.


Reciting a mantra within this radiant awareness will transform your mind into the form of a syllable, the essence of your path as a sound, in the centre of your heart.

It arises spontaneously, emanating brilliant rays of light that touch all the world.

The sound melts into a ball of light, from which you emerge in the Light Body as Christ or Magdalena or whatever form you have chosen, your body as dazzling as a snow mountain.

In this form the divinities and Enlightened Ones of your Light Family are absorbed into your body which now becomes their home.

Upon your head appears the Lord/Lady of Boundless Light and all the root and lineage keepers of your path are summoned and absorb into Him/Her.

In a similar way the root sound of your Heart summons all sounds which are absorbed and become in nature all sounds, all mantras, limitless sound with the power to listen and touch all the world.

The entire world is now transformed into Christs or Magdalenas and the vast radiance of your awareness perceives the world now as Shambhala or Avalon filled with divine beings.


The Light Body now naturally moves as one with all nature on this world.

There is no separation and the light is in your heart as your heart is in the light.

It is as if all nature is making love to your heart.

The wind is in me and I am in the wind.

This is truly inter-being.


As you interact with the world of nature and divine beings and go about your daily life all things such as food clothing and shelter are dissolved into emptiness and the skies are filled with ambrosia, divine raiment and mandala palaces or temples and houses from whatever Light Families or worlds you serve.


At night when you go to bed, see yourself as the Christ or Magdalena or whomever you have chosen with the Lord and Lady of Light seated above the crown of your head.

At the centre of your Heart is the hum of the Source sound revealed to you and as you sleep the Christ and the Magdalena are transformed into two mystic drops of nectar uniting in your heart.

Maintain this vision in your mind and when the clear light of dawn breaks and the drops of nectar move to the throat centre observe any dreams that occur and transform them by seeing the dream persons as Christ or Magdalena and the objects and places as ambrosia and mandala palaces.

“Breathing in this breath of love, I AM the Way the Truth and the Light

Breathing out this breath of love, I give you the Way the Truth and the Light

Breathing in this breath of love, I come to the Father through the Christ Centre in my Heart

Breathing out this breath of love, I come to the Mother through the Christ Centre in my Heart”


Yeshua and Mary Magdalena said “What is the Kingdom of God like? To what shall I compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a person took, and put in the garden of their heart. It grew, and became the Tree of Life, and the birds of the vast infinite sky of radiant awareness lodged in its branches.” (Luke 13 :18-19)

The Third Dalai Lama and Avalokiteshvara said from ‘The Tantric Yogas of the Bodhisattva of Compassion’

“At the base of the central energy channel, is a mystic drop, reddish white in colour. Inside it is your own mind in the form of a white drop the size of a mustard seed…this is the heart of the Divine/Deity”

Draw the lower energies of the sushumna or central channel up into your heart.

Like a shooting star this mystic drop, the grain of mustard seed, enters the centre of the garden of your heart.

Your heart dissolves into the deity Christ and Magdalena or whomever you have chosen and your mind becomes inseparably one with them.

Your mind and heart in the form of the Christ and Magdalena Light moves up the central channel and comes to the Brahma opening at the top of your head.

Lights emanate in all directions from the heart of the Lord/Lady of Light seated above the crown of your head, radiating downward and striking at the heart of the Christ and Magdalena light, pulling it upward into the heart of the Father and Mother via the crown opening.

The birds of the infinite sky of bliss and radiance fly directly into your branches (the limbs and channels and centres of the light body).

Such is the profound state of consciousness transference by which you attain the exalted state of liberation.

This is why Yeshua and Mary Magdalena said to their followers (John 14:6) “I am the way and the truth and the light of the tree of life. No one comes to the Father and Mother except through me”


The power of now in the present and life becomes so important in the now of death or transition.

When you consider that death or transition can rise like the flash of lightning in a cloud you realise that your awareness in the present moment is so critical to conscious transition.

The clear light of transition at the point of death manifests as very subtle consciousness and energy so you need to practice being very aware.

This is how the Dalai Lama can redirect his consciousness to a new birth and give indications of how and where he will be reborn.

So if you can transform your physical body now into the light body of divine nature of a tantric deity and mystic mandala through the process of the alchemy of love and your speech into the mantra of compassion and your mind and heart into pure awareness then in this way you can control your destiny in any moment, consciously directing your mind and heart to a rebirth IN THIS MOMENT in a pure realm or as a human or a celestial being on any world.


When you consider the simplicity of these teachings, alchemy is about transforming yourself into what you already are, the Divine Self, through stillness, silence and presence.

Basically, the most precious power in the universe, that we are given, is the power of love, because love gives us power over time and space.

Everyone knows those times of deep love when any separation and all notion of time is stripped away.

This could be a mother’s love, a lover, becoming lost in a melody or immersed in the beauty of nature.

We become one.

In effect we are all ‘Time Beings’, with the ability to access timelessness through the presence of Love and Kindness and Compassion in our lives in the Now, in the present moment.

This is the magic and alchemy of the Divine Self.

When Love and Kindness and Compassion arise in our Hearts, then we arise as One Family in the One Shared Heart, together.

This is why it is so critical that we learn how to liberate each other, together, in unity consciousness, Now.

You will find these practices within your own heart, celebrated in your own way, and in formal rituals and practices of Yeshua and Mary Magdalena in the Gnostic Gospels and the Buddha and Avalokiteshvara/Guan Yin in the Sutras and Tantras of the successive Dalai Lamas.

“This sacred method is a treasure, a lotus garden/heaven from which living beings may find the nectar/honey of enlightenment and accomplish the highest joy. May this profound knowledge be carried far and wide for the goodness and welfare of the world” (from the words of Yeshua and Mary Magdalena and Buddha and Guan Yin/Avalokiteshvara)

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

ALCHEMY OF BREATH – Part 3 – Light Meditation and Sound Codes



Alchemy of Breath, Solar Winds and Cosmic Air

Becoming Wind

The power of being

To be with things as they are

In the body and breath

The mind and emotions

Without judgement

To allow the alchemy of the heart to work its magic

Through the clear light of being, the Light Body

To arise

To awaken the sleeping dragon

This moment, the present, is truly the only time we have to realize the True Self

That you were never born and can never die

That is what you are remembering to nourish

To flow into

To calm and ease

A continuum of lives devoted to liberation

We honor that now

By bringing gentleness and kindness to ourselves and whatever arises as we share here together

In the physical realm of sensations in the body, of thoughts and emotions, in the light body with vast freedom of being

We are discovering what is here right now

And we are loving and embracing that like Divine Mother

We are learning to be the Christ or Buddha with fresh eyes and an awakened heart

So now we sit or rest comfortably whatever that means for us

Ever gentle in our care of this precious temple we call the body

Sitting or resting in a way that allows the spine to be straight

So that the winds of spirit can flow easefully through from one chakra, one energy center to another

And flow into the cosmos and back again with each breath

Finding what level of awareness is appropriate for you in the now

Your sincerity of heart and intention of mind is more important than any body position

Your posture is like the earth, a mountain reflecting stability

And your breath becomes the wind, reflecting the flow of cosmos, of divine light, in and out

Let the base of your mountain be solid with the power of spirit flowing in you and your chest be open like the window to heaven to accept the breath of God

Soften all the body muscles as you breathe especially those in your face and neck and gently close your eyes





As you settle, sensations sounds light thoughts and emotions will naturally arise

Turn your attention your focus to the breath

So you begin the alchemy of Breathing

Allow everything else to rest and subside

As the breath flows into and out of the body

You feel it flow



It may help you to name it

This alchemical flow of energy

Breathing in

Breathing out

Or you may be happy just feeling it

Flowing in

Flowing out

Being with the power of the breath

Breathing in I am aware of my breath

Breathing out I smile at my breath

Breathing in Buddha Breath

Breathing out Buddha Smile

Breathing in Christ Breath

Breathing out Christ Smile

Breathing in Mother’s Breath

Breathing out Mother’s Smile

All your focus and concentration on the breath

Allowing it to be

Breathing in

Breathing out

As you follow the flow you will be aware of where you feel the breath most distinctly

This is the inner energy wheels opening

Perhaps in the nose or the chest or the belly area

Rising and falling

Where is the feeling?

Where is the energy right now?

Simply be with it

And allow the breath to be a portal

Opening you to the Love within

Opening you to the Light Body within


Notice the texture and quality of the energy and consciousness that is your breath

Each breath shares its being with the stars, with the cosmos itself

Each breath is breathing in the light

Following it from its beginning as it enters the body

To its end as it leaves the body

This is like the entire cycle of a universe in a single breath

Seeing how the breath does this of its own accord

Its own intelligence

The breath of life

There is nothing you need to do

Other than surrender to the power of the light and the breath in you

This is the secret of alchemy

Knowing you are breathing in

And knowing you are breathing out

Each breath totally new and unique

A new creation

A new universe in every breath

A totally new world

Consider the incredible potential in the now, in the present moment

You have this possibility of realisation right here and now

When you consider it, the Buddha, the Christ, the Mother has always been present in you from the beginning of time and will always be

All the power that ever was or will be is here right now


You will notice that your attention moves away from the breath, from this incredible power of now, of being, pulled into a thought, a memory, looking into the past or the future.

At some point in your awareness, you will wake up, you will realise the moving away as it happens. You will see the power of awareness, the God-Self movement, actually at play, and realising it you will see the power of the cosmos is in you, moving in and moving out and you return to the mountain, the foundation, the breath.

With kindness and love you return your attention to the breath again and again, in and out, breathing in and breathing out, Buddha is breathing, Christ is breathing, Mother is breathing, Buddha is the breathing, I AM the breathing, there is only breathing, peace while breathing.

Returning to the cycles of the universe, since this is what the mind does, creating, co-creating, we simply bring it back to what is here and now.




Now expand your awareness to include the whole light body, from the crown chakra at the tip of the head, to the hands of light emanating energy at the finger tips, to the toes, which walk with in the footsteps of the Christ, the Buddha and the Mother.

Be present with whatever arises.

Lightness or heaviness.

Tightness or ease.

Expansion into the vast nature of being.

Being with the light body here and now.


Notice the ever changing nature of the sensations in the light body.

The energies arise, stay for a while and then dissolve.

These are the winds or Shaktis of the Light Body.

These are constantly changing in large or subtle ways.

Being awake.

Being aware of the dancing pools of light energy in the body.


As you attend to the sensations in the light body you may find yourself moving, shifting and re-shaping according to the attraction of the sensations.

You may move towards some sensations and push away from others.

Notice when your awareness is pulled or pushed like this and offer deep listening and kindness to what is present so that you can be there with the energies as they are.

Each moment, whatever it holds is perfect, is a God-self moment, as it comes to be and passes away. This is co-creation. This is the movement of worlds.


If energies arise that are uncomfortable, you have a choice in response.

You can choose to adjust your position or you can choose to bring attention close to the sensation and explore and investigate the boundaries of this world. Is it deep or shallow narrow or defined, hot, cold, find out exactly what is here in this world.


Now widen your awareness to the Light Body’s own light, its own presence and energy field, cast about it like a radiant sun.

Be the Light.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

With deep gratitude to Tareth for the Pyramid Sounds and Kusaba Kazuhisa for the Divine Art