Tag Archives: Bliss Syllables





As we prepare for ascension of the inner fire, the Resurrection Flame of the Great Bliss, we activate the element of space by transmuting our consciousness into emptiness.

This means knowing how to train in Alchemy through Presence in the NOW.

For most of our lives our minds are so busy it is rare that we stop and allow them to empty and fill with the divine light which is what happens with True Presence and silence and stillness.

Activating your Light Body Guidance is the simplest way to access soul wisdom and the most natural way to do this is through sound, one of the reasons why mantra and prayer universally is considered the most powerful way to access the divine.

Developing a deeper connection with Ascended Divine Consciousness can be done through mantra we personally ‘recite’ OR it can be done by absorbing and resonating with the ‘mantra of the Elders and Archangels’ which is encoded in the sound transmissions Tareth has manifested in the Pyramid Sounds as I have shared before.

PLEASE EMAIL ME on altairshyam@gmail.com




Learning how to communicate with the Divine (Your Ascended Consciousness) is intrinsic to communicating with each other, the earth, the planets and the stars.

Both western alchemy and eastern alchemy in tantra (union) use light language to communicate with the divine, the elders, the archangels, the bodhisattvas.

As we co-create the element of space, emptiness, for the Divine to fill, we create channels of energy and light, for this communication, in the physical body and our Light Body, for the bliss to flow down.

As above, so below.

From above, to below.

Here is a simple method for co-creating inner space and communicating with your ascended divine consciousness.

Be aware that your brain will physically change when you do this, which is part of the Light Body process.

Studies on the plasticity of the brain have found that deep Presence through stillness and working with sound transforms the prefrontal cortex in the brain and literally “alters our brains and how we engage with everything…. when practiced and applied, it fundamentally alters the operating system of the mind. Through repeated practice, brain activity is redirected from ancient, reactionary parts of the brain, including the limbic system, to the newest part of the brain, the prefrontal cortex”

(Harvard Business Review, 2017)


When I first worked with the Elders/Archangels/Bodhisattvas with these Codes they transmitted what I called ‘Sputnik’ codes into the living room. This was extremely dramatic as we could hear the transmissions similar to those you hear in the Dragon Codes moving from left to right across the room.

Later as I worked with the Codes the Elders transmitted, visual portals manifested in my room in the form of the Flower of Life. In discussions I had with Tareth after I learned how to enter the individual portals in the petals of the Flower of Life and travel across worlds and dimensions (by remaining in deep present moment communication with the Elder’s Light syllables that appeared on each petal). He confirmed that he had also discovered many layers within layers and that access to one ‘petal’ portal was like an infinite line that you could travel on, opening to an infinite number of other portals along that radiant light line.

This is the same experience as the Tibetan Lamas describe.

Lama Yeshe in His texts on the advanced practices of Higher Yoga Tantra describes how important the bliss syllables and light language is.

The rainbow Light Body of radiant rainbow light connects with the Light Family of the Five Buddha Families and Bodhisattvas to generate the Great Bliss.

By placing a bliss syllable or symbol for the elders/archangels at each of the main chakra points, when the kundalini at our crown chakra melts and flows down the central channel we can expand the experience of bliss consciously because we have already concentrated on the Light Language there.

Different teachers I have worked with such as Yogananda, Tareth and the Dalai Lama teach the Light Language symbols in slightly different ways but the fundamental technique is the same.

The Light Language syllables open portals in the physical body which allow the light to enter and activate the Light Body.

As you practice deeply you develop a feeling of unity where your body energy becomes consciousness and your consciousness becomes body energy.

This is how we integrate shamanic and alchemical practices where the body and mind become one by Being in the Moment.

Here is a simple example.

When I worked with the Dalai Lama in the Kalachakra Initiation the Light Syllable HRIH arose spontaneously in my Heart.

You are welcome to use this as HRIH is the universal syllable of Amitabha, Guan Yin’s Guru and my own paramguru.

HRIH looks like this (see below)

Or you could use your own symbol or Light Syllable.

A Lotus of Light is a very simple symbol to begin with.

When you hold it in your heart while listening to Tareth’s sounds allow the light to enter and transform you. As you transform so will the Light Syllable.

Using Tareth’s Codes

Here are the Sounds that are the keys to beginning to open the element of space and divine consciousness. This is the sound transmission of the Elders as manifested from Source by Tareth from Sacred Places.

The Crystalline Grid of Earth is a beautiful doorway to the awakening of our ‘Light Being’ which will allow you to access all spaces at will. By connecting to these sounds you are also connecting to the Grail Crystal that we work with to open these doorways which is currently physically manifested in Glastonbury. This energy is now entering a new phase preparing transmissions for our time that will become a key to create in other souls and their activating crystals an identical doorway to the Divine Source of Creation. During this process of receiving these transmissions, you will not only witness the ‘Sound & Light’ of the space you are travelling through, manifesting from the Divine Source to empower you and your crystal, you will also be helping to bring it into being.


Listen to the sequence three times over the next three days. As you do so, hold a crystal for your heart in your left hand. This crystal will connect you to the Round Table of Unity and Equality where we all are sharing this experience in Our Shared Heart.

The first time, on the first day you listen, make the INTENTION to be present AS YOUR HIGHER SELF and CONNECT to the ELDERS/ARCHANGELS/BODHISATTVAS. This will immediately activate the DNA Codes that are imprinted in your physical/Light Body to access the doorway to where you wish to travel. It is as simple as that. Open your Heart to channel the ENERGIES of Your Higher Self in this time.

The second time, on the second day you listen, make the INTENTION to help the ELDERS in their mission for you on the NEW GAIA. It is as simple as that. Open your Heart to channel the INFORMATION of Your Higher Self from the ELDERS.

The third time, on the third day you listen, make the INTENTION to help Mother Gaia through the Earth’s crystalline Christ grids. Ask for the assistance of our cosmic Mother and Father in whatever form/formlessness you choose. It is as simple as that. Open your Heart to channel the LIGHT of Your Higher Self for Mother Gaia and all worlds.

Here are the previous notes.

This is the sound manifested in the Great Pyramid at Giza from Source by Tareth. The best way to listen is to create a Pyramid around you with its mirror image beneath (An octahedron). As you listen let the pyramid turn.


Training in the sounds is like training in the water that is Divine Mother’s Cosmic Blood.

We cleanse and purify in Her Ocean so that Her Love can be encouraged to enter the central channel and fill us with bliss.

We allow the Divine Light to enter.

We bathe in the ocean of bliss that is Her and Our Sacred Shared Heart.

Dedicate all benefits from this practice to the liberation of all beings.

“May the liberation of my consciousness into divine ascended consciousness liberate all beings from pain into the freedom of eternal bliss.

May Divine Mother’s energy enter the central channel allowing me to experience the path of clear light and Great Bliss.

May we all realise the eternal state of Great Bliss.”

“Breathing in this breath of Divine Mother, I breathe in peace.

Breathing out this breath of Divine Mother, I breathe out peace to you.”

When we are truly ourselves, in that moment of presence and awareness, in the movement and stillness in our breathing, we are a Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder, immersed in Bliss.

The mind and heart can go in a thousand directions

But on this beautiful path in life I have chosen to walk in bliss and peace

With each step a gentle wind blows

With each step a flower blooms

I often mindfully and heartfully walk watching the lotus flowers bloom under my feet and the divine wind blow from my breath.

A very simple beautiful practice to try at any time of your day.

Be the Christ, Krishna, Buddha, the Divine Mother Within.

You carry this flame of enlightenment within you.

Let it shine.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother