Tag Archives: breath



My dreams were of dragons.

We were on a parallel world, totally inhabited by dragons.

I was about to mount an azure-blue Phoenix-like bird-dragon on this dragon world.

The dragon in the dream is symbolic of the breath and prana (life force), and the techniques of mounting the wind dragon are given below.

We are given an unsurpassable teaching and an immeasurable gift in the simple power of the breath, which contains within it the Alchemy of the Breath and in turn the power to harness the Wind Dragon which constantly rides the bridges between this world and other worlds whether we are aware of it or not.

It is simply discovered through vision, meditation, action and goal where vision is freedom from thinking that we can or can’t accomplish this Siddhi (or power), meditation is the experiential knowledge of this primal purity, action is mindful relaxation, peace and stillness, and the goal is the natural expression of the Buddha or Christ within us which is the liberation of all living beings.

Practicing harnessing the wind dragon according to kriya, is the drawing up of the energy of prana in the breath, both up and down and in cycles around the chakras in the central channel, which will eradicate all negativity in any form.

Cultivating the mind according to mahamudra, is seeking silence and stillness within, knowing how to pause, then stop, then drawing insight from the wisdom that arises, and this brings the inner teacher, the inner Master.

Training vision according to Tantra and Alchemy, is bringing the divine Self as a deity into your Heart and achieving union with Him or Her which brings the blessings of compassion.

Practicing these automatically produces vision, meditation and action and the energies that arise within you gift you with power and siddhis.

The seed essence that arises as a result in terms of the bliss drop in the Sacred Heart accomplishes Buddhahood and the Christ Light within.

My dreams grow more prophetic and I am also practicing dream yoga more precisely as we navigate the astral dream dimensions more accurately together.

Mine is not an individual consciousness but a collective and so this wisdom arising is ours, not mine.

Children are coming to me to explore time travel and other dimensions and mindfulness, and groups are forming of their own accord (in mindfulness, compassion and healing) in the different communities I am involved in.

I am growing in awareness, knowing that we are growing in awareness and that consciousness flows in all things and allows me to connect with “you in me” where “you” can be humans or dolphins, snakes, dragons and star ships and all other beings besides.

The more I surrender the more awareness flows.

The more we flow.

I also become aware of the synchronicities, such as the orbiting breath of Kriya around the solar system of the chakras within the central sushumna, and the orbiting of vessels around the universe that belong to civilizations that have already realized the timelessness of time travel and the spacelessness of multiple dimensions.

The mystical in us all is awake.

In silence and stillness we can connect to many gurus of past ages, mandala deities, buddhas, Christs, Divine Mothers, bodhisattvas and archangels who will directly give us secret transmissions, initiations and teachings.

Such is the path of pathlessness in our Heart.

We become continually absorbed in the wisdom dance that experiences all appearances as pure vision.

We see behind the veil.

We unite lineages and religions and spiritual paths, the Old and the New, within the stream of our practice.

We embody both the distant and the close.

Above and below.

Within and without.

We see into the original transmissions, the Bible, the Koran, the Sutras and Tantras, the Alchemic Texts.

We also awaken paths within us born from visionary experiences of the Master Within.

We become treasure revealers.

Revelation comes as dreams, in deep meditation, in full blown sensory experience (like seeing a piece of theatre) and as concealed treasure, the Chintamani Stone within.

We work simply across worlds and through dimensions when we envision in any of these states.

Be very aware, as each dimension you enter is a Chintamani Stone, a wish-fulfilling jewel. 

s you think each thought, now, slowly, with great space and awareness, feel yourself with the body, mind and speech of Guru Rinpoche or Yeshe Tsogyal or Yeshua or Mary Magdalene throughout your day, every moment, thinking in the Light Language of the Guru within.

Try it now.

Begin with the thought I AM, then think and visualize and hear and feel its movement, the way it shifts and weaves through both time and space.

Watch it fill the room with Light.

I AM Presence.

Now understand that if you think this way, the very fabric of the Universe you touch with this Pristine Light and Mind of Wisdom will be transformed.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother

With deep and humble gratitude to the Presence of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Amitabha, Padmasambhava, Guan Yin, Tara, Yeshe Tsogyal and Princess Mandarava.

I AM THAT I AM, אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה ’ehyeh ’ăšer ’ehyeh

I am here to do the work of Our Mother by walking the Path of the Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder in assisting all beings to find Krishna’s Bliss, Christ’s Light and the Buddha’s Heart and Healing within.

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā 


“go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, and establish yourself in enlightenment”




As we journey into the sacred time of Christmas together I am reminded of the incredible power of healing and purification we hold in our hearts and minds, together as one, in unity.

The Christ and the Buddha stated that liberation and ascension always come about as a result of healing.

Maitreya said this healing is “a wish for complete perfect enlightenment for the sake of others”

The Buddha and the Christ said the nature of the mind and heart is light, pure clear light.

This comes about as a real experience through realizing the Emptiness of the mind and the heart where Emptiness means allowing the Heart to be like the Grail, a cup where there is no self, and therefore no bondage or restrictions or obstructions to Spirit in the form of light entering.

Only when you are empty can you be filled.

How can we realize the True Self simply?

Through silence stillness and presence.

This is a practice.

A simple time set aside in the morning noon and night to enter into communion with the light of the Spirit in silence and stillness will begin the process of full awakening.

As you breathe in the silence say

“Breathing in I am aware of Spirit

Breathing out I am aware Spirit is present”

See hear and feel the light of the Spirit fill your heart.

The Buddha called this bodhicitta or the mind of enlightenment and Christ called this Holy Spirit in ancient Hebrew and Aramaic ‘ruach’ and ‘rucha’ which means Spirit, life force, wind and breath, or the heart of enlightenment.

In Hebrew and Aramaic ‘ruach’ is feminine meaning the ancient masters knew that transformation through the breath was accomplished by Divine Feminine energy, Divine Mother’s Grace.

Both Buddha and Christ taught the alchemy of breath or wind because the secret of the elemental winds within you equates to the force of the breath of Yahweh or the breath of God.

The many miracles we have seen are accomplished through the Holy Spirit, Bodhicitta, or the heart and mind of enlightenment through the breath.

Work with your breath very simply in silence and stillness on the first day for 20 minutes three times during your day and you will touch the breath of Yahweh within you. You will know the true meaning of the words “Yeshua was conceived of the Holy Spirit” Matthew 1:20

Consider this.

Many of you here listening to the Teachings of the One Temple, One Chakra, were also present at the time of Christ and the time of the Buddha.

So you remember the true meaning in the ancient Hebrew and Aramaic of Yeshua blowing upon you and saying

“Receive the Holy Spirit, the breath of Yahweh within me and within you”

“This is He (Yeshua) who baptises with the holy Spirit.” John 1:33

And you remember one of the first Teachings of the Buddha, the Anapanasati Sutra, also known as the Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing, which if ‘developed and practiced continuously…will give rise to understanding and liberation of the mind’.

Because you are Mother Mary, Mary Mother of James the Lesser, Mary of Bethany, Mary Salome, Mary Mother of Mark, Mary Magdalene, Johanna, Phoebe, John the Beloved, James, Luke, Matthew, Andrew, Priscilla, Sara, Judas, Barnabas, Thomas, Sarah the woman at the well, Susanna, Martha, Caleb, Paula de Venetian, Michael, Mark and so many more

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

ALCHEMY OF BREATH – Part 3 – Light Meditation and Sound Codes



Alchemy of Breath, Solar Winds and Cosmic Air

Becoming Wind

The power of being

To be with things as they are

In the body and breath

The mind and emotions

Without judgement

To allow the alchemy of the heart to work its magic

Through the clear light of being, the Light Body

To arise

To awaken the sleeping dragon

This moment, the present, is truly the only time we have to realize the True Self

That you were never born and can never die

That is what you are remembering to nourish

To flow into

To calm and ease

A continuum of lives devoted to liberation

We honor that now

By bringing gentleness and kindness to ourselves and whatever arises as we share here together

In the physical realm of sensations in the body, of thoughts and emotions, in the light body with vast freedom of being

We are discovering what is here right now

And we are loving and embracing that like Divine Mother

We are learning to be the Christ or Buddha with fresh eyes and an awakened heart

So now we sit or rest comfortably whatever that means for us

Ever gentle in our care of this precious temple we call the body

Sitting or resting in a way that allows the spine to be straight

So that the winds of spirit can flow easefully through from one chakra, one energy center to another

And flow into the cosmos and back again with each breath

Finding what level of awareness is appropriate for you in the now

Your sincerity of heart and intention of mind is more important than any body position

Your posture is like the earth, a mountain reflecting stability

And your breath becomes the wind, reflecting the flow of cosmos, of divine light, in and out

Let the base of your mountain be solid with the power of spirit flowing in you and your chest be open like the window to heaven to accept the breath of God

Soften all the body muscles as you breathe especially those in your face and neck and gently close your eyes





As you settle, sensations sounds light thoughts and emotions will naturally arise

Turn your attention your focus to the breath

So you begin the alchemy of Breathing

Allow everything else to rest and subside

As the breath flows into and out of the body

You feel it flow



It may help you to name it

This alchemical flow of energy

Breathing in

Breathing out

Or you may be happy just feeling it

Flowing in

Flowing out

Being with the power of the breath

Breathing in I am aware of my breath

Breathing out I smile at my breath

Breathing in Buddha Breath

Breathing out Buddha Smile

Breathing in Christ Breath

Breathing out Christ Smile

Breathing in Mother’s Breath

Breathing out Mother’s Smile

All your focus and concentration on the breath

Allowing it to be

Breathing in

Breathing out

As you follow the flow you will be aware of where you feel the breath most distinctly

This is the inner energy wheels opening

Perhaps in the nose or the chest or the belly area

Rising and falling

Where is the feeling?

Where is the energy right now?

Simply be with it

And allow the breath to be a portal

Opening you to the Love within

Opening you to the Light Body within


Notice the texture and quality of the energy and consciousness that is your breath

Each breath shares its being with the stars, with the cosmos itself

Each breath is breathing in the light

Following it from its beginning as it enters the body

To its end as it leaves the body

This is like the entire cycle of a universe in a single breath

Seeing how the breath does this of its own accord

Its own intelligence

The breath of life

There is nothing you need to do

Other than surrender to the power of the light and the breath in you

This is the secret of alchemy

Knowing you are breathing in

And knowing you are breathing out

Each breath totally new and unique

A new creation

A new universe in every breath

A totally new world

Consider the incredible potential in the now, in the present moment

You have this possibility of realisation right here and now

When you consider it, the Buddha, the Christ, the Mother has always been present in you from the beginning of time and will always be

All the power that ever was or will be is here right now


You will notice that your attention moves away from the breath, from this incredible power of now, of being, pulled into a thought, a memory, looking into the past or the future.

At some point in your awareness, you will wake up, you will realise the moving away as it happens. You will see the power of awareness, the God-Self movement, actually at play, and realising it you will see the power of the cosmos is in you, moving in and moving out and you return to the mountain, the foundation, the breath.

With kindness and love you return your attention to the breath again and again, in and out, breathing in and breathing out, Buddha is breathing, Christ is breathing, Mother is breathing, Buddha is the breathing, I AM the breathing, there is only breathing, peace while breathing.

Returning to the cycles of the universe, since this is what the mind does, creating, co-creating, we simply bring it back to what is here and now.




Now expand your awareness to include the whole light body, from the crown chakra at the tip of the head, to the hands of light emanating energy at the finger tips, to the toes, which walk with in the footsteps of the Christ, the Buddha and the Mother.

Be present with whatever arises.

Lightness or heaviness.

Tightness or ease.

Expansion into the vast nature of being.

Being with the light body here and now.


Notice the ever changing nature of the sensations in the light body.

The energies arise, stay for a while and then dissolve.

These are the winds or Shaktis of the Light Body.

These are constantly changing in large or subtle ways.

Being awake.

Being aware of the dancing pools of light energy in the body.


As you attend to the sensations in the light body you may find yourself moving, shifting and re-shaping according to the attraction of the sensations.

You may move towards some sensations and push away from others.

Notice when your awareness is pulled or pushed like this and offer deep listening and kindness to what is present so that you can be there with the energies as they are.

Each moment, whatever it holds is perfect, is a God-self moment, as it comes to be and passes away. This is co-creation. This is the movement of worlds.


If energies arise that are uncomfortable, you have a choice in response.

You can choose to adjust your position or you can choose to bring attention close to the sensation and explore and investigate the boundaries of this world. Is it deep or shallow narrow or defined, hot, cold, find out exactly what is here in this world.


Now widen your awareness to the Light Body’s own light, its own presence and energy field, cast about it like a radiant sun.

Be the Light.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

With deep gratitude to Tareth for the Pyramid Sounds and Kusaba Kazuhisa for the Divine Art