Tag Archives: Light




Altair Shyam will do a live meditation with Questions and Answers “Light Satsanga” at 13:00 GMT, Sunday 30 December, or 1:00 PM London (5:00 AM in Los Angeles and 8:00 AM in New York, 22:00 PM in Tokyo and midnight in Sydney) on Facebook Live Stream.


To begin, Altair will share the process of surrender to the light of awakening and entering into Source, which is the wisdom of realizing there is no beginning and no end.

Altair will then open the “Ground” to questions related to any topic with those gathered. The “Ground” will open our “Path of Presence” through the heart of love to the “Fruits” of the light. These will be in the form of questions provided in this thread below prior to the live stream and also during the live stream.

Hopefully, they will encourage us all to share our wisdom and be open to exploring the consciousness of the light.

Please feel free to share insights on any questions as they are posted while observing all manner of respect and kindness to the questioner in your answers.

In our questions are revealed the Witness who questions and the One Shared Heart of Wisdom. You are all Masters, and you are all lamps and lights unto your selves.

Satsanga means to be in the company of, and Light Satsanga means to be in the company of those seeking to raise their consciousness to the level of realization where their soul, the Light and the Lord are One.

For example,

A beautiful awakened soul asked me:

“What is the best way to realize the self?”

My reply was:

“Simply to witness. So when you breathe, watch the breath, and be aware of the Divine Witness, the One that observes All including the breath. As you watch the breath you will learn to watch the winds in the trees and the waters on the earth and the clear blue sky and realize that you cherish them all as you are in them all. You will know the I AM Presence in them all that is not ‘me’ or ‘I’ that grasps and collects. It is a deeper I. The awakened One. You will know the value of stillness and silence. You will wish then only for the freedom and liberation of all beings. And you will also know that the greatest gift you can offer this planet and its people is your own self-realization.”

Whatever you bring your attention to, with deep awareness, becomes a portal, and through that portal you can connect to and co-create anything in the universe.

When we touch the Divine, the eternal space of love, how does it appear to us?

Some years ago, I was practicing Mahamudra and sitting in a Zen garden when I started to perceive all the surrounding trees, birds, wind and sunlight as emanations of Divine Mother in the form of Guan Yin. I walked in the gardens and the wind became Her Voice, the petals Her Skin, the light Her Face and the water Her Tears.

We walk our path with the Lord, with Divine Mother. We are not separate. There is no “me” and something else. We are all over the place, in the ground we walk upon, the air we breathe, the light we see.

You are seeing and hearing your wisdom, the wisdom of the One Shared Heart, awaken and appear in the energy forms of light or fire or subtle states of consciousness like peace or love or forms like Gods or Goddesses.

Our wisdom is in plain sight, settled in our Heart.

“Be still and know God” Psalm 46:10

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp of the body, if your vision is clear, your whole body will be full of light.” Matthew 6:21-22

Altair will share some of his stories, as well as the importance of faith and confidence in your practice and your own path with heart, and tips to help you in those days when events seem to make practice and your path more of a struggle than others.

Altair will also explore some of the subtle stages of consciousness in the meditation.
This meditation will explore portals of awakening through creating the awareness of Awareness consciousness within, through the power of the angelic, bodhisattva and master experience in each one of us, simply by being, and bringing deep presence and wisdom to our daily experience, moment by moment.

Just as we have an outer life now that we strongly connect to, and that we draw our outer purpose from, so we have an inner purpose, to awaken divine consciousness, and this is awakening within as we speak right now.

Experiences drawn from Altair’s new book
‘Diary of a Yogi – A Book of Awakening’
which has just been published,

and the new spiritual television channel, created by founder, Ruth Anderson
‘Enlightened World Network’
which has just launched

as well as the subtle levels of consciousness dialogues, with Kevin Schoeninger, author of
‘Clear Quiet Mind’

and together we will explore how to awaken the light of the Holy Spirit within us, and how to awaken the subtle divine winds and body of light and the subtle levels of consciousness which lie within us all.

Like Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Buddha and Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin, Krishna and Babaji, and the Archangels and Bodhisattvas we are all Lights for this World.

We will then reveal through the unity of the Shared Heart the miracles we can unfold through the state of being that is the awakened divine consciousness of our subtle divine consciousness and Light Body, ever-present in the light.

Be the Christ, Krishna, Buddha, the Divine Mother Within.
We carry this flame of enlightenment within us.
Let it shine.
Let the Light in.

Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

These words of Avalokiteshavara Guan Yin from the Blessed Mother’s Heart of Wisdom Sutra are guidance into the heart of the subtle divine consciousness to direct realisation of the Divine I AM Presence.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother



Altair Shyam will do a live meditation “We are the Light” at 13:00 GMT, Sunday 23 September, or 2:00 PM London (6:00 AM in Los Angeles and 9:00 AM in New York, 22:00 PM in Tokyo and 23:00 PM in Sydney) on Facebook Live Stream.


This meditation will explore portals of awakening through being the Light, and the power of the angelic, bodhisattva and master experience within, by being, and bringing deep presence and wisdom to our daily experience, moment by moment. Just as we have an outer life now that we strongly connect to, and that we draw our outer purpose from, so we have an inner purpose, to awaken divine consciousness, and this is awakening within as we speak right now.

That is the master within that we will experience.

Matthew 5:14-16 

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

In our spiritual evolution, as many of us are experiencing, the Great Ones tell us “We are the Light.”  Your inner purpose is to awaken this divine consciousness, your outer purpose is to follow the signs gifted to you by this universal consciousness with presence and awareness and assist others to liberate and be free.

When the Buddha lay dying his disciples pleaded, “Blessed One, who will be our teacher now? Who will guide us? How will we achieve enlightenment without your help?”

The Buddha’s last words were, “Be your own light.”

You may be forgiven for thinking the Christ and the Buddha were singing from the same hymnbook, one saying to let your light shine and the other to be your own light.

The truth is the light. Seek the truth, follow the way of the inner master and the light shall set you free. You will be your own light, you will be enlightened.

Everyone has their own light. Inside each of us is the light of the master, the angel and the bodhisattva, the being, the human being, that knows who we truly are, where we come from, and where we are going. In this light, there is clarity and insight, and when we are silent and still, in meditation on this timelessness within us, the truth of who we have always been sets us free.

Every day we flower, unfolding to receive the Light. The light, the illumination, is an awakening to the awareness that everything is connected. We feel it as resonance, as awareness of the life energy flowing through us, as a knowing that we are part of everything and everything is part of us. The meditation and the meditator vanishes, and only the Universe as it is, remains.

It can come in so many ways, through dreams and visions, meditation, and relationships, in any everyday moment, or in near-death experiences. The light is always there.

The Christ and the Buddha realized that everything is connected.

So did Einstein.

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us `the Universe.’ Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening the circle of understanding and compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

Experiences drawn from Altair’s new book ‘Diary of a Yogi – A Book of Awakening’ due to be published on 19 October of this year, will explore techniques of connecting to the light within in 7 steps. We will then reveal through the unity of the Shared Heart the miracles we can unfold through the state of being that is the awakened divine consciousness, present in the light.

To bring the Consciousness of the Awakened Divine Life into our lives is to bring Presence into our hearts, Self Realization into our every moment, with the awareness that we are channels for the universal consciousness and nothing we do is by our hand alone. 

The Awakened Consciousness, the Consciousness of pure awareness of the light within is to be present in God or Source Consciousness, or the True Self, to know the Divine Experience Within, to be present and awake. 

If you are reading this then you are likely to feel a deep connection to the consciousness of the light, presence and awakening, to relate to the feeling that this physical life is becoming more and more transparent as the light arises within you, and that you are drawing power and wisdom from the light, and know that we are in a cycle of communicating with unity consciousness and the light at every moment. We are all human beings and divine beings, ever present in the realization of this divine wisdom and presence and so speak to one another of the I AM essence and the power of now, the stillness beyond time and form. 

Timeless presence. 

Be the Light.

We are the Light.


Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother

For Altair’s own personal experience of the light please refer to:


and other posts under the menu ‘Wisdom Teachings’ on the website.



Love and blessings from the Source.

As each of you sits there, listening to me, reading these words, you perceive that we are separate.

That is what our brains are hard-wired to do.

Through years of evolution our brains have developed physiologically to be in fight or flight mode.


So we don’t experience the universe as it is.

Within us, is the cosmos.

Within each of us, sitting here, is the God-Self, the deeper “I”, which connects to the universe as it is.

When we are still.

A universal connector as it were.

That universal connector within us, that universal gate is the consciousness of the goddess Guan Yin Avalaokiteshvara.

The Universal Gate.

Quantum physics calls this the gate of quantum entanglement or as Einstein said “spooky action at a distance.”

Because we all know the lightness of being that comes when we are in love.

It works at a distance.

The Universal Gate activates.

When I met my wife, Sumire, we were traveling together to an isolated beach in New Zealand called Whale Beach. This story is in my new book ‘Diary of a Yogi – A Book of Awakening’ coming out in October. As we reached an old farm gate and started to climb over we were both transported to the realm of pure consciousness and cosmic awareness and we could feel it moving in and through us.


Connecting us to the universe as it is.

Even when we are not close we know what the other person is doing or feeling when we are in love.

Like quantum physics, we are entangled, in love.

The Universal Gate of Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara Consciousness is not outside you.

She is within you, alive and speaking through me and through you in everything we do, when we are present, and experiencing the universe as it is.

When I met the Dalai Lama, personally, on several occasions, and asked him how to practice the consciousness of Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara he always says study, study Her Way, then practice, practice being a Divine Mother for the world with the affection of a mother for a child.

Then he said to teach 10 people and ask them to teach 10 more people the path of compassion of Guan Yin.

Why compassion?

The Buddha said “Have compassion for all beings.”

This puts us directly in touch with the power of the Universal Gate, to be present for every person we come across on our path.

Jesus said “Love your neighbor.”

The power of love to touch the hearts of every person in our day.

How are we to practice?

The Dalai Lama guided me to follow Guan Yin’s own words as spoken in the Heart Sutra or Prajnaparamitahrihdaya

Tadyatha gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha

Tadyatha – Prepare – pause, breathe, stop, listen deeply, establish presence

Gate Gate – Foundation – generosity, teaching (interconnectedness), patience of inclusiveness, effort, meditation, samadhi or wisdom and bliss

Paragate – Meditation

Parasamgate – Insight

Bodhi Svaha – Go beyond

The Universal Gate is

1 gate, 2 gates, 3 gates, 4 gates and the 5th is beyond the gate.

What is the deeper meaning?

Simply, to stay in connection with the universe, when you walk, walk.

Remember to pause and breathe throughout your day.

Stop, listen deeply to the universe flowing around you and within you.

Practice presence moment to moment through activating portals of presence.

Use the breath, breathing in breathing out.

When your mind is disengaged from its usual mindless or obsessive behavior it connects to presence, the deeper “I AM” or Source.

Use the energy body, breathing in the light, breathing out the light, feeling the ocean of light within and expanding it to feel the ocean of light that surrounds you.

As you practice deep listening and seeing, see the mind and its thoughts as merely waves on that ocean of light. The deep of the ocean is the deeper “I” or “I AM Presence”. Then day to day, though you may not notice anything, the cup, the Chalice or the Grail gets fuller, until one day the consciousness of the cosmos speaks to you and through you, because now it has filled up the cup of the heart within you, and lets you know you are home.

Some time ago I was practicing in a mindfulness group and was very very still.

For a long time.

In that presence the Dragon’s Daughter Long Nu, acolyte of Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara arose in light body form, as clear and real as you are to me when I meet you in the physical world, and she held out a pearl to me, the Chintamani Stone, which many of you know I received from the Heart of Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara as a real rare deep sea ocean pearl in this lifetime. In the Lotus Sutra, Manjushri speaks of Her as the eight-year-old daughter of the Dragon or Naga King Sagara. As she is only eight some of the Buddha’s disciples do not believe she is a Buddha. She offers a pearl to the Buddha, symbolizing her life and ego, and he accepts it. She then instantly transforms into a bodhisattva and then attains complete enlightenment. When I received the pearl from her I understood her message as I had just offered my own pearl that I had received from Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara and had used for years in healing work to a woman who was dying and needed it more than me. For me, that woman was Guan Yin Buddha and I could offer my self and all the blessings I had accumulated for her complete enlightenment.

When you do the Babaji Breath, breathing the light of AWE up your astral spine or spine of light and breathing the light of E-ternity down the spine, you are deep in presence and awareness and breathing a cosmic current around the interior stars of the chakras, connecting one to all and activating the power of the One Chakra.

You literally breathe into existence the consciousness of the cosmos within you.

The Light of the Cosmos Within.

I was contemplating the Light of the Cosmos within us as I was editing the ‘Diary of a Yogi’ today.

I have had some real AHA moments while writing and contemplating the book and entering the portals of Presence that such a book’s words create. Like all portals, words create shifts in us, and the book’s main purpose is to create a shift in consciousness, to awaken us. That is why I say that all who read ‘Diary of a Yogi’ are awakeners. 

  Like the Chintamani Stone, the Lotus Flower, the Phoenix and the Dragon, which are all portals of Presence, making us more transparent to the light of consciousness within us, an inner transformation that is radical and profound is the state of consciousness of an awakener. As you shift, others around you feel the shift, and awaken spiritually too. 

  When we are alert, still and silent and present with the words, when we contemplate them deeply in our heart, our own divine life essence, the consciousness that exists in every being, awakens from its sleep, and love blossoms. We see that same divine consciousness in all living things and we love it as our own, as one, as the One Shared Heart. 

We see that divine consciousness in Guan Yin.

We love her as our own, as one with us, in the One Shared Heart.

Be Guan Yin.

Be love and compassion.

Be the Light of the Source.

Love and blessings always

Altair and Mother



How to be the Light?

Ask the Light to be your teacher.

“I” was stunned into silence and stillness today when in deep meditation this morning I heard a Source voice and then the luminous light syllable HRIH manifested spontaneously saying “I will be your teacher”.

It was very other-worldly.

I noted in the lives of the Tibetan Kagyu Lineage Masters that many began their lives reciting the mantra of Chenrezig OM MANI PADME HUM HRIH which arose spontaneously, such as the 4th Karmapa Rolpe Dorje.

The Dalai Lama says, OM MANI PADME HUM or Hail to the Jewel in the Lotus is found beneath the seed syllable HRIH which contains the essence of the Bodhisattva Way (the Archangel, Master or Elder Path).

HRIH is the seed syllable or Light Language Essence of Amitabha, Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin/Chenrezig/Kannon, and the Red Rite of Tantra Alchemy, which is the fire element and the inner fire of bliss or amrita.

Amrita represents great bliss union, usually of two deities such as Amitabha and Pandaravasini, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, or as I experienced Metatron and Guan Yin.

OM AMI DEWA HRIH is the sacred mantra of Amitabha Amitayus Buddha and it is this Voice I heard.

This chant is known as the Dharani for pulling out Karmic obstructions by the roots and obtaining birth in the Pure Land, the Pure Land of Bliss, Sukhavati.

In Vajrayana “Secret Mantra” or the Alchemy/Tantra of Diamond Consciousness, Amitabha, Guan Yin’s Guru, is known also as Amitayus or Amida and is one of the five Dhyani Buddhas, who together with Amoghasiddhi, Akshobhya, Vairocana and Ratnasambhava represent the 5 wisdoms of the Buddha.

Amitabha is compassion and light, awakening through meditation.

This awakening brings deep awareness of emptiness (sunyata) of all things.

Amitabha Amitayus means Limitless Light or Infinite Light so this is the teaching I am being instructed in and it is that Love and Light and Compassion I always humbly offer to you through these meditations together.

Amitabha Amitayus is the Lotus Family “Father”. This family includes many of the most beloved Bodhisattvas and Buddhas, including Padmasambhava, Yeshe Tsogyal, Princess Mandarava, Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin, Tara, and Shakyamuni Buddha.

Those of the Lotus Family like many of us here, work for the enlightenment of all beings, manifest boundless compassion, welcome all to the Pure Lands, and help all gain entry to the Western Paradise, where Enlightenment is certain in this lifetime.

The Lotus Family’s most important technique is visualization of all beings through love, light and compassion as Buddhas and Christs and all the surrounding world as a paradise, One Universal Mandala, where wisdom, clarity and loving kindness serve as our guiding light in all circumstances.

Simply, when we truly see this, our enlightenment energy awakens.

To be a student of the light where the teacher or master is the Light itself is a very profound feeling and a deep realization.

I am a very lazy shoeless monk so when mystical vision unfolds itself like this it is a humbling revelation indeed.

Trust your beautiful heart that already has the seed of Light within it. 

Follow your inner guidance, the path of pathlessness, the luminous gateway to the divine Light. 

Breathing in “I am filled with divine love, light and compassion”

Breathing out “I fill all beings with divine love, light and compassion” 

Continue breathing that way whenever you remember throughout the day, allowing the Light to enter and allowing the Flame of your Enlightened Heart to be the Light of the World for all beings.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother

With deep and humble gratitude to HRIH, the Light Syllable of Amitabha, Padmasambhava, Guan Yin, Tara, Yeshe Tsogyal and Princess Mandarava.

I AM THAT I AM, אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה ’ehyeh ’ăšer ’ehyeh

I am here to do the work of Our Mother by walking the Path of the Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder in assisting all beings to find Krishna’s Bliss, Christ’s Light and the Buddha’s Heart and Healing within.

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā 


“go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, and establish yourself in enlightenment”



The key to our path is to be mindful of love, light and compassion with every step, in whatever form or formlessness this takes. 

It could be Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Metatron and Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin, Krishna and Parvati or Light in Union with Love seated on the Lotus flower of compassion. 

By constant mindfulness of such divine Energies, our Heart is transformed and delivers us from all distractions, suffering and danger. 

Mindful practice in this way allows us to discern and act wisely, to respond appropriately, and to know what to do or what not to do, as the occasion arises. 

Looking deeply into the nature of things, through the Alchemy Of Light and Sound, allows us to see all living beings with love, light and compassion, as Buddhas and Christs, and all things as part of the One Universal Mandala where clarity and loving kindness serve as a protection for us in all circumstances. 

Compassion is always informed by wisdom, prajna, and understanding. 

So our practice of compassion begins with looking deeply, vipassana, at any person or situation. 

If we are in conflict with someone, we can look deeply into the nature of their own suffering, and when we see how deep it is we do not want them to suffer anymore.

We can accept them as they are and try to help them simply by refusing to add any more suffering to their ‘plate’. 


Small acts of empathy, affection, kindness, love and understanding all enhance wisdom, prajna. 

Here are some simple practices  

1) Mindful seeing – being able to see all beings as Buddhas or Christs takes Practice. One simple practice is to keep a picture in your purse or in your phone of the Buddha or Guan Yin or a Bodhisattva Archangel or Elder or any divine being including your partner or yourself if they inspire deep compassion in you and inspire you to be mindful of love of others which in turn fills your own being with love.

By taking good care of yourself you naturally take good care of others.

Think about driving home in your car to see a little child.

If you know you are going to see that beautiful child then you will drive carefully and mindfully and naturally take care of yourself on the way home in order to see that child.

So it is with life.

If we really knew every being was a divine child, just like us, we would take exceptional care of our consciousness, awareness, mind and heart in order to be able to see them and all beings as divine. 

2) Mindful hearing – being able to hear sacred names, chants, songs and mantras is a beautiful way of awakening the energy of compassion in our hearts and being able to know all beings as Buddhas or Christs.

Find a name or chant or song or mantra that you can make your own like OM MANI PADME HUM or the Lord’s Prayer or GURU RINPOCHE or another.

Say it every day at special times and in special places to awaken loving kindness and remind you that this same universal hum of loving kindness is alive in each and every person you meet even though they may not be aware of it.

Recalling the sounds of compassion often helps you to rebirth continuously the energy of compassion and love in your heart.

Hearing mindfulness of love often also births Amrita or the Nectar Of Love into your being quite naturally and you will feel the beauty of the divine realm gently melting into your heart. 


Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin has reminded me all my life through visions and dreams and direct connections that the little things in life are the real Chintamani Stone, the real Pearl. 

The small steps we take each day such as the fervent and devotional prayer to Our Father we have said since childhood is like a drop of nectar in the ocean of infinite love light and compassion, washing away fear and bathing us in bliss. 

We may not notice how the nectar has been accumulating until one day there is an explosion of Light in our Heart and we realize that the old saying “Before Enlightenment chop wood, After Enlightenment chop wood” also refers to just how important the smallest actions we take each day are when they are done with mindfulness of love and light. 

The more present and aware we are in these actions from moment to moment the more they become portals through which we can truly open magic. 

Let go of what you think Enlightenment should look like and surrender. 

Be open to what is arising within you. 

Honor the Beauty and Love, the power and guidance that comes from your own spiritual practice. 

Be free to meditate in a new way, to work with a different chant or prayer, to heal with love and unity as you are guided. 

Listen to your heart. 

Trust your heart that already has the seed of Enlightenment within it. 

Follow your inner guidance, the path of pathlessness, the luminous gateway to divine realization. 

Breathing in “I am filled with divine love, light and compassion”

Breathing out “I fill all beings with divine love, light and compassion” 

Continue breathing that way whenever you remember throughout the day, allowing the Light to enter and allowing the Flame of your Enlightened Heart to be the Light of the World.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother

With deep and humble gratitude to one of my teachers Thich Nhat Hanh for his wonderful stories he shared with me about the Mother of Compassion Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin.

I AM THAT I AM, אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה ’ehyeh ’ăšer ’ehyeh

I am here to do the work of Our Mother by walking the Path of the Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder in assisting all beings to find Krishna’s Bliss, Christ’s Light and the Buddha’s Heart and Healing within.

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā 


“go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, and establish yourself in enlightenment”



Diary of A Yogi

Sunday 15th October 2017

This morning as I sat to meditate the Rainbow Light of Vajrasattva arose within me. As I gave thanks the Light expanded into the Vast Luminous Light of Being.

These are experiences we all have in the One Shared Heart.

I will describe below what we can do together to cultivate them.

What we share here together is designed by us as a practical treasure for us all to keep, because we have all done this before, many times, in many lives.

It needs your input as you will see below.

And if you read to the end I honor your patience with deep humility as wisdom is always from the Shared Heart and nothing is of my doing.

Some days when I sit to meditate I am aware of so many energies in this vast infinite consciousness we call life and “I AM”.

Being open to All dimensions and realities, as you and I are, means touching so many experiences, some of them blissful and some of them challenging.

These are all manifestations of our radiant Self, both the experiences you label “positive” and those you label “negative” and All are opportunities to co-create the world.

Sometimes we face great challenges such as a loss of love, doubting ourselves, depression, losing faith in our path, conflicts with others, loss of health, loss of our possessions, loss of loved ones, perceiving what is happening around us in the world as negative, being attacked and so on.

Let us explore together how to embrace the Vajra or Diamond awareness as a simple path to embracing phenomena and events when they arise without identifying ourselves with them.

So how can we become the Diamond that cuts through illusion?

The first thing is to understand what power we have, at any given moment.

No matter what happens to us, we can smile in forgiveness, fill our minds with compassion, and our hearts with generosity, be courageous in any circumstance, have calm eyes full of love, even if no one knows of your smile, blossoming as a flower, knowing those who love you will see you while you travel through a thousand worlds of experience.

These worlds arise and pass away, just like our selves in those times.

As physicists say when they enter the world of atomic particles, our conceptualized world is an illusion.

It is empty of anything real.

Let us watch as objects arise within our consciousness and learn to transform and empty the mind which is Alchemy or Tantra in its essence, the Light of boundless Awareness.

In the simplest way we see this with other people who are all Buddhas.

If we look into their Hearts, which are just like ours, beyond the thin veil of the mind, we would love everyone totally just as we do ourselves.

Diamond or Vajra awareness is this vision of boundless awareness that encompasses all things that is experienced during the practice of crossing over with spontaneous Presence.

This is the principal method used on the path of Dzogchen, through which the rainbow light body is realised.

So let us look in continuing wisdom at how we can work together simply, in this pure pristine Diamond awareness.

When I was a child of 9 years old I was given a task to create a mural of St Paul’s Cathedral and I applied myself with deep focus. It took three days during which time I barely ate or drank and my mother had to come to the room she had set aside for me and force me to take sustenance and to sleep at appropriate times. I still remember the power of focus and intention that flowed through me. It was like a diamond, sharp, precise, definite. When I finished the mural was like a masterpiece to me, filled with the love and devotion of a small boy.

We all have experiences of truly being in the moment with people, other beings or an activity, being totally One with the world, with love, with the passion of the event.

This is the beginning of Diamond Awareness.

So here is the first exercise.

Choose something you are really passionate about.

It could be anything.

Reading a book or watching a movie, making music or art, meditating or hiking, eating out or making love.

Before you start reading for example, pause for about 3 seconds, be conscious and present and experiment.

Try visualizing yourself as Guan Yin reading for example.

Feel the kind of qualities she would embody rise within you.

Let Her Breath be yours.

Or do the same for Yeshua.

Or Isis.

Keep a diary.

Over the next three days record what happens deep inside you for the same activity. Be aware and fully present in those moments and see if you notice anything different about what happens to you by being fully aware and truly conscious of the flow of energy within you.

Here is another practice.

Consider the following.

As above so below.

We are made in the image of God.

If we devote the same amount of time to developing ‘sangha’ or communities of Light with Deity energies as we do on Facebook then an extraordinary network will manifest.

So every time you sit to go on Facebook gather the community of Light Beings, the deities, your Masters and beings from all worlds, gather them consciously before you begin.

Pause for three seconds, be grateful and fully conscious of their Presence.

Then begin and go online.

As above so below.

What you do here with Presence you will carry with you for all time and timelessness.

And one more.

When you are on the internet and you are about to connect with someone on Facebook, before you connect try bringing to mind for 3 seconds their true name. Honor it, be grateful for the connection across time, and then connect. In the time I was in the Merlin Source group, one’s true name was a source of great liberating power. My own name then was a secret, a spell, a nectar of immortality and has remained that way ever since. For the few that knew it, it was a portal to the Light as it was for me.

If you do not know someone’s true name ask them, and if you do not know your own name ask someone who is skilled in this knowing as they will always help you find it.

Portals to the Light like these are Paths of Intrinsic Radiance such as described in the Tibetan Book of Living and Dying and the Egyptian Book of the Dead which are effectively Books of the Most Profound Eastern and Western Alchemy (tantra).

At their Foundation is an understanding of dharmatā, ཆོས་ཉིད་chö nyi in Tibetan, the All, the essence of things as they are.

Dharmata means the intrinsic nature of everything, the naked unconditioned truth or Night Turning Into Day, the clarity of the empty sky before dawn, a process that is described in both the Tibetan and Egyptian Book of the Dead.

It is a transition experienced in the process of death and it is also a process that can be practiced and experienced as I have discovered, in life.

Here are four simple practices for beginning mastery of dharmata.

1 – The Luminous Landscape of Light – in this phase you take on a body of light.

The flowing vibrant world of sound light and color opens fully to your awareness. Clear radiant and unlimited.

Beginning mastery of this practice means experimenting with the perceptions of colors that arise in the mind as elements and stabilizing them.

You could find that the violet flame arises and work with stabilizing that color throughout your practice.

For myself I have worked deeply with the element of space as blue light and I work with daily in meditation as it arises by going into the experience of the Blue Pearl as gifted to me by Mother Guan Yin.

As always these radiant manifestations of light have no separate existence from the nature of mind.

If you do not work to stabilize this, in the bardo of dharmata it will simply flash by you like a bolt of lightning.

2 – The Union with Deities – in this phase the mandalas of the peaceful and wrathful deities appear.

The luminous landscape of Light dissolves into union in the form of Christs, Krishnas, Buddhas, Divine Mothers.

In my experience when they arise it is blinding and dazzling and humbling, unfolding a vision that can be quite overwhelming.

Pillars of light stream out of you and them joining your heart with theirs.

All deities dissolve into you.

Again your practice aims to stabilize these experiences. 

Beginning mastery of this practice means experimenting with the perceptions of deities that arise in the mind as elements and stabilizing them.

You could find that Yeshua or Thoth or Mary Magdalene or Hathor arises and work with stabilizing their heart qualities throughout your practice.

For myself I have worked deeply with Mother Guan Yin in her various forms as Tara, Yeshe Tsogyal, Princess Mandarava, Vajrayogini, Prajnaparamita, Mother May, Mary Magdalene, Isis, Hathor…

3 – Wisdom – in this phase the deities dissolve into wisdom.

The Light in your heart manifests a Vision of Wisdom.

The various aspects of wisdom from all lives and all worlds reveals itself.

The brilliant display of light is the manifestation of all wisdoms.

The all-accomplishing wisdom is perfected at the time of enlightenment, when we become the Christ and the Buddha, the Divine Mother of All.

Beginning mastery of this practice means experimenting with the beauty of wisdom and compassion that arises in the form of interactions with every living being on this beautiful planet and how we deal with the thoughts and emotions that arise in the mind and work to stabilize them.

4 – Spontaneous Presence – all reality presents itself, like an open cloudless sky.

The limitlessness of our being is realized.

Every possibility we have encountered, every wisdom and liberation, confusion and rebirth over countless lives is seen and comprehended.

All past and future lives, knowledge of all realms of existence, all teachings awaken within you.

To recognize this is to self-liberate.

And we have an opportunity to do this, every day, in the simplest of ways, when we encounter another being who may not do things the way we hope or may even act unkindly, we can see their pasts and their futures and understand that all these experiences taking place are the natural radiance of Our Shared Heart and Mind.

This Portal of Spontaneous Presence of Radiant Light as many of us have seen in a near death presence or in deep rituals of alchemy or tantra such as the Kalachakra are the revealing of our own One True Self as Eckhart Tolle experienced.

In the Egyptian Book of the Dead or Emerging Forth Into the Light or Coming Forth Into Day Mystical Spell 17 and the Chapters on Transformation describe the methods of transforming oneself into the various deities such as Ptah and Thoth, Hathor and Sekhmet, just as in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and all beings, including the divine hawk and the benu bird, and the divine lotus as well as describing the luminous landscape, wisdom and spontaneous presence.

“The Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, saith:- I am the holy lotus that cometh forth from the light which belongeth to the nostrils of Ra, and which belongeth to the head of Hathor. I have made my way, and I seek after him, that is to say, Horus. I am the pure lotus that cometh forth from the field [of Ra].”

The process and the wisdom and method of Tantra in the East and Alchemy in the West follows the same paths.

When I did the Kalachakra Tantra, I discovered that the practice of the pure light of being also follows a similar path.

I will describe to you what happened.

I was drawn into the mouth of Metatron, passed through his body and into the womb of Guan Yin and melted into a drop that dissolved into emptiness.

The seed syllable HRIH appeared and transformed into the symbol of the pearl I received from Guan Yin, which transformed into Guan Yin who was embraced by Metatron.

Guan Yin was drawn by Metatron into my body and I became Guan Yin.

Light from the Heart of Metatron drew in all male and female Christs, Krishnas, Buddhas and Divine Mothers from all directions, all bodhisattvas, archangels and elders.

Offering and deep gratitude was made to all Great Beings who were now nearby.

The Buddhas and Christs entered into absorption with their respective divine consorts, melting into ambrosia light that entered Metatron through the crown.

This ambrosia light passes through His body and emerged into the womb of the consort Guan Yin, anointing me, and as I emerged from the womb I was struck senseless and mindless by the pure indescribable Light of Being.

I remained in that state for three days, dying to every moment, in a state of indescribable bliss.

Yeshua and St Paul describe this dying daily where every portal is a portal of ‘death’ meaning the death of the false self.

  1. John 3:30 He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less.
  2. Galatians 2:20-21 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”
  3. Corinthians 15:31 I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily

4.   Ephesians 4:22-24 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put  off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

This same New Self, the True Self or Diamond or Vajra awareness is experienced by Padmasambhava as the natural liberation of mindfulness from the straight central channel also described in Kriya by Babaji and Yogananda.

In the center of your body imagine a straight erect central channel like a hollow tube of Light.

At the lower end below the navel is a white radiant luminous Light which is the pure nature of awareness.

In the space above your head imagine your spiritual mentor, whoever that may be, Yeshua or Guan Yin or another.

Using the sacred breath draw the white radiance upwards while making the sound HAU like the English word “awe” with all your inner power.

Some disciplines use the word KA and others OM or HONG or AH.

The white radiance of your inner being will automatically be drawn up the central channel.

When it reaches the embrace of your spiritual mentor imagine it descending down again until it comes to rest at the base of the spine using the sound EEE.

Some disciplines use the same word ascending and descending.

These experiences I describe above are what I personally have explored with different masters and is the consciousness of someone who is a diamond cutting through illusion.

All the great saints and sages, Masters, gurus and angels speak in the same One Heart.

Pray single-mindedly with faith and devotion to the enlightened form of the Christs and Buddhas within you. 

Obtain the empowerment of immortality through the sacred breath you breathe.

Liberate from birth and death through mindful heartful practice, breathing, breathing, walking, walking.

Make enlightened connections in this world and all worlds as we have shared above.

You will become endowed with the noble enlightened qualities of the Christs and Buddhas.

You will be led to the realm of the Pure Light of Being.

You will mingle indivisibly in the space of the Great Mother.

We carry the sacred flame of enlightenment, the miracle of the inner fire of bliss, within us.

Let it shine.

This is the mantra of the Heart Sutra, the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Sutra of the Blessed Mother.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in the miracle of the fire and bliss of Divine Love and Light.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

Artwork with deep and humble thanks to Jampaydorje




For the last four days I have had heavy bronchitis and fever.

Any aspect of being, whether it be illness, depression, separation, financial misery or joy, exuberance, abundance, birth, death, marriage and falling in love, all have the same possibility to reveal treasures and insights through our precious lives here.

It is challenging, in my case, when I cannot breathe or sleep properly and am battered by an aching physical body that is suffering, to catch spaces in those energies and make an effort to surrender and practice, however fleeting those moments may be.

Last time I had bronchitis I was in the middle of a retreat with the University of Massachusetts Medical School Mindfulness Program and I learned how to be with the energy of that suffering.

So this time I could go into it more effectively with presence.

In the middle of the night, when I could not sleep for persistent coughing for example, I listened to the Dalai Lama speaking about Dzogchen, the Heart Essence of the Great Perfection, on You Tube.

It was difficult to concentrate, but the essence of the talk was that according to the Secret Mantra Vehicle in order for the fundamental innate mind of clear light to manifest, it is necessary first of all for the coarser mind, caught up in thoughts and concepts, to be harnessed by yogas, such as the yogas of vital energies, pranayoga, or the yoga of inner bliss or fire or heat, tummo.

These yoga practices harness and purify thought into revealing the fundamental innate mind of clear light.

Well, why not try it in the midst of pain with a little more presence than I did before?

As I was attempting to meditate on this I practiced the Kriya Breath of Babaji and withdrew my consciousness into the central channel and waited, surrendering to the innate nature of the Light.

After a long period of being still there was a wondrous silence (wondrous because my breathing had been so labored for so many hours prior to this) and then the vast vista of being, an inner lucidity of primordial purity dawned in my consciousness.

It is best described as spontaneous presence when the natural radiance of mind becomes manifest for the benefit of others.

This is our nature, that Light and Presence are our innate mind and heart.

I remember being told the story of a famous Lama who for all his years of practices could not remain mindful while under the influence of drugs when he was in hospital after a heart attack. He realized how important practice was and how when he was not able to be mindful he had to rely on the good karma of years of practice.

So on another occasion I decided to have a very hot bath to try to alleviate the heavy breathing as steam is known to help breathing trouble.

I had been absorbing the terma of Princess Mandarava, also known as Dakini Pandaravasini, a divine consort of Guru Padmasambhava.

I used the same principle of relying on the good karma of Princess Mandarava’s terma to guide me as I sank into the steamy waters, first visualizing myself sinking into the emerald waters of the Naga King’s abode of Lake Namaru in Tibet where She had visited.

I practiced the Kriya Breath of Babaji and withdrew my consciousness into the central channel and waited, surrendering to the innate nature of the Light.

I drifted consciously into a space between wakefulness and dreaming and called upon Divine Mother in all Her forms.

Devotion to Her is a wondrous thing.

From the point between my eyebrows a white hrih came forth and then a ruby hrih from my throat and a clear blue hirh radiated from my heart, a yellow hrih from my navel and a green hrih from the secret place.

This was a most magnificent form of Light Language revealing itself from the power of concentration as a Rainbow Body.

This is also our nature, using the power of concentration with intention to manifest a portal which benefits all living beings.

You could use any place and time and any vibration.

I use the seed syllable hrih because this had manifested spontaneously some time ago in an initiation with the Dalai Lama.

You could just as simply use OM or AMEN and be with Shiva or Shakti at Mt Kailash, Yeshua or Mary Magdalene at Bethany.

Each of us, when we share with divine focus and pure intention, becomes a gateway, a portal, for another to reach love and compassion, other worlds and other dimensions, to touch immortal pure awareness.

When we share with courage, faith and will, we allow those we share with to return again and again, regardless of time or place, to divine consciousness.

This is known as Terma or hidden teaching, an esoteric form of revelation from alchemy or tantra.

You create magic in this way.

Transporting others at will by the Light of your Consciousness.

This earth is a Pure Land and all its beings are Christ, Buddha, Guan Yin.

I am just a shoeless monk opening hearts by sewing seeds of love and compassion.

If a single heart awakens just a little with me, then that is miracle enough for me.

As it is written…

Whoever sees, hears, recalls or encounters Terma will be placed on the path to perfect enlightenment.

When you tell the story of your own Terma, your own hidden treasures that were revealed over the course of this precious human lifetime, what will you tell your friends and children and what will they tell their children?

Since this is you creating magic I would tell the story of how I see you, the Buddha and Divine Mother, and your life in the seven paradises, your intention to manifest here on earth for the benefit of all living beings, your choice of mother and how you entered her womb with the power of the five clairvoyances, how you quickly perceived the illusion of samsara, practiced the six perfections and trained on the stages of the path, developing qualities through your practice of secret mantra, accomplishing the state of immortal pure awareness holder, attaining enlightenment, journeying beyond into nirvana, and then intentionally reincarnating for the benefit of all beings. 

We carry the sacred flame of enlightenment, the miracle of the inner fire of bliss, within us.

Let it shine.

This is the mantra of the Heart Sutra, the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Sutra of the Blessed Mother.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in the miracle of the fire and bliss of Divine Love and Light.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother



Let us explore together how the Christ Light, the Buddha Mind, the Divine Mother’s Heart and the Bliss of Krishna in each one of us activates all that is necessary for us in our path of pathlessness.

That was my intention when I went to sleep last night and as I practiced dream yoga, so I received the following dream.

I was in Kyoto, Japan and I missed the train.

I was standing on the platform by myself when the Blue Buddha Samantabhadra appeared in front of me, levitating.

He gave a deep adamantine-blue wish fulfilling jewel from the centre of His Heart which was a flowering blue lotus…

And so I was inspired to write about the way each of us receives initiations and activations, like this, all in our own unique way in our path.

Simply, we make a pure intention and apply our faith and will to whatever practice we assume.

Here are some suggestions.

Most of these I practiced in the continuum of memories that is Mary Mother of James the Lesser and Joses at the time of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene in Egypt and Sakya Pema at the time of Sakya Pandita in Tibet.


The simplest activation is an offering, sometimes called a Mandala Offering in Tibet if you offer the whole sphere of offerings to the lama or your teacher or your indivisible Self who is the True Guru.

You offer everything you have to Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal for example in return for the Teachings which throughout the course of many lives are more important than any material object.

In offering everything with deepest gratitude you are also relieving the mind and heart of temporary attachment to anything and bringing the mind and heart to focus with enormous power on the teachings. 


The basic motivation for all practices in the Light is to bring about the welfare, including liberation, of other beings through love and compassion.

Love activates All and as your Sacred Heart opens wide, so the Shared Heart and Unity Consciousness with collective experience opens.

We feel and experience each other as One.


The eternal Self is the True Lama, the Guru, and the most profound internal activation.

In ordinary rebirth we flow in a state between the last life and the new life and see and choose our father and mother.

We enter a sacred womb and experience conception, which in its highest form is Light Conception of the form Mother Mary experienced with Yeshua.

Entry into the sacred womb in the Mother is by way of passing through the Father.

In the practice of Light Conception the process pattern is similar.

The ‘birth’ takes place in the Womb of the Divine Consort who is called The Mother. This could be Guan Yin for example.

You take birth by being drawn into The Father, who could be Metatron for example and passing through His Divine Body into the Mother and dissolving into Her Womb.

This was how I experienced the Pure Light of Being continuously for three days.


Activations in Sound and Light often mean our deep commitment to practice of sound and light consciousness.

We can practice with the help of a teacher, a community and teachings such as Mooji or Tareth and the Round Table.

By taking an internal vow of commitment which we make ourselves, we activate the lineage, energies, information and consciousness of the Source group or soul group connected with the teachings.

We may take on the practice of a mantra, absorbing sacred sounds to activate DNA memories or Light Language to reawaken the Light Body.


As we generate a blissful consciousness we realize the power of emptiness, surrender and letting go into the Heart of the Bodhisattva, Archangel or Elder.

We have already become a Buddha by dissolving all the enlightened beings of all time, represented by Our Light Family, into ourselves.

Within our being, portals open, symbols like the Flower of Life activate and we become deeply aware of the overall pattern on the path.

We may find one Light Being like Raphael for example may appear to us to guide us as an individual consciousness or the collective consciousness of the Archangels as a whole may radiate from our being.


We each bless each other into magnificence.

The Radiant Light syllables some call Light Language in each of our Light Bodies are the Diamond Consciousness activated.

In the Tibetan Teachings the Diamond Consciousness is activated by the Lama touching a Vajra (thunderbolt diamond) to the heart, throat and top of the head.

Radiance is experienced both within and without.

As within so without, as above so below.

Purification of body speech mind and heart is fulfilled.


Entering into Mandala with Our Light Families directs as to our true purpose here on this planet and the path of pathlessness that we are best suited to, and the siddhis, or powers, we are destined to awaken.

The doors of liberation, signlessness, wishlessness, emptiness and non-activity are opened.

It gives us a focus, a deep and pure intention, with which to practice this lifetime.


Any work in the Light always involves helping to liberate many souls acting in ignorance of their own Light and magnificence, so natural purification, enhancement and protection flows to help the mind and heart remain calm to heal in spite of interfering influences.

In Tibet for example kusha grass or dharba  is given for the bed or pillow to protect dreams against interference.

Kusha is considered to be the hairs of the cosmic Tortoise form Vishnu assumed to create amrita, the nectar of immortality.

The greatest protection is love and the most powerful love comes from a mind and heart of deepest clarity.


The chakras represent important places of wisdom in the body, portals that open us to the interconnectedness and presence of the Light Body, to the power of the One Chakra.

In Tibetan Buddhism Light syllables are used to focus energies at the points of the chakras to open these portals to allow the pure inner fire of bliss to flow as One Love throughout the body.


Many of us experience Divine Love with another, through true love on earth or divine love with an emanation of the Creator such as Yashua and Mary Magdalene or Amitabha and Guan Yin.

Vajrasattva and Vajrasattva’s Divine Consort represent the pure exalted wisdom just as Yeshua and Mary Magdalene represent the Resurrection Flame, the Sacred Heart of Humanity and the Christ Light.

In the same way as Yeshua and Mary Magdalene bestow the Christ Consciousness on us so Vajrasattva bestows the supreme feat of Buddhahood on us through the magnificent blessings of the Kalachakra’s exalted body speech and mind entering into our continuum in the practice of Kalachakra Tantra.


Any time we share wisdom we activate the wisdom of the Shared Heart within our being and all those we share with.

We discover rare treasures, Cintamani, wish fulfilling jewels with which to heal, Terma, hidden treasures with which to teach, and Tantra, unity consciousness and alchemy practices from many cultures, with which to practice.

We develop the power to cleanse and bring full enlightenment to others as a Buddha or Christ Light.


Dream yoga provides a powerful practice to make pure intentions and co-create with masters, gurus, angels and saints in the dream space. As above, so below, as in the day, so in the night, with deep practice we can continue the activities of liberation and wisdom we unfold during the day during the night when we sleep.

These examples are just some of the initiations and activations and are based on a simple parallel of what is available to us when there is true intention, faith and will as found in the Kalachakra Tantra, shared by the Dalai Lama, in Chapter 7 if you are following.

Please do share what initiations and activations you are experiencing in whatever form or formlessness, consciousness and energy.

You carry the golden flame of enlightenment within you.

Let it shine.

This is the mantra of the Heart Sutra, the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Sutra of the Blessed Mother.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in Divinity.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother




The Light of One Meditation by Altair, with OM Grail Crystal Source Sounds from Tareth and Tibetan Bowl Sounds from River Guerguerian



These are five minutes that can be entirely your own, in your devotion to the divine within.

You can put down any concerns or worries.

There is a time for problem solving and taking care of what you need to.

This time is for you to settle into your SELF, into the Divine PRESENCE, I AM.

To become more intimate with the Beloved, God, Your True Self, in this moment.

With Life and Light and Love as it is, right now.

So to establish PRESENCE you begin by taking some deep breaths, conscious breaths, really focusing on the exhale.


You may wish to continue resting in the Conscious Breath, breathing, “Breathing in, I AM Divine Love, Breathing out, I AM Divine Love”.


You can also use sound and light as a way of establishing PRESENCE.

Perhaps it is quiet or perhaps there is noise.

Perhaps it is dark or perhaps there is light.

Either way give your attention fully to the rhythm of sound and light around you.

The quiet and silence, the space in between the sounds.


The colour and stillness, the consciousness immersed in the light.


Even if it is noisy, very noisy, it is possible to attend to the sound in such a way that the nervous system settles, you become aware of the energies in the spine, you start to come home to the present moment.

Just give yourself over to that sound, listening with open, vast awareness.

Even if it is dark, very dark, it is possible to attend to the light within in such a way that the light body awakens, you become aware of the light in the spine, you start to come home to the present moment and the I AM Presence.

Allow the light to enter, let the light in, surrender to the divine consciousness within and without.


Whatever sounds are arising can take their place in this open, vast awareness.

Whatever light is received can be absorbed and transformed in this divine consciousness.


As the bell rings in a moment, notice any sense of settledness in PRESENCE, any groundedness in I AM, any arising of the TRUE SELF.


Breathe, be still, heal, awaken and bless us all, again and again.

Be the Christ, Krishna, Buddha, the Divine Mother Within.

We carry this flame of enlightenment within us.

Let it shine.

Let the Light in.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

These are the words of Avalokiteshavara Guan Yin from the Blessed Mother’s Heart of Wisdom Sutra.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

ALCHEMY OF BREATH – Part 3 – Light Meditation and Sound Codes



Alchemy of Breath, Solar Winds and Cosmic Air

Becoming Wind

The power of being

To be with things as they are

In the body and breath

The mind and emotions

Without judgement

To allow the alchemy of the heart to work its magic

Through the clear light of being, the Light Body

To arise

To awaken the sleeping dragon

This moment, the present, is truly the only time we have to realize the True Self

That you were never born and can never die

That is what you are remembering to nourish

To flow into

To calm and ease

A continuum of lives devoted to liberation

We honor that now

By bringing gentleness and kindness to ourselves and whatever arises as we share here together

In the physical realm of sensations in the body, of thoughts and emotions, in the light body with vast freedom of being

We are discovering what is here right now

And we are loving and embracing that like Divine Mother

We are learning to be the Christ or Buddha with fresh eyes and an awakened heart

So now we sit or rest comfortably whatever that means for us

Ever gentle in our care of this precious temple we call the body

Sitting or resting in a way that allows the spine to be straight

So that the winds of spirit can flow easefully through from one chakra, one energy center to another

And flow into the cosmos and back again with each breath

Finding what level of awareness is appropriate for you in the now

Your sincerity of heart and intention of mind is more important than any body position

Your posture is like the earth, a mountain reflecting stability

And your breath becomes the wind, reflecting the flow of cosmos, of divine light, in and out

Let the base of your mountain be solid with the power of spirit flowing in you and your chest be open like the window to heaven to accept the breath of God

Soften all the body muscles as you breathe especially those in your face and neck and gently close your eyes





As you settle, sensations sounds light thoughts and emotions will naturally arise

Turn your attention your focus to the breath

So you begin the alchemy of Breathing

Allow everything else to rest and subside

As the breath flows into and out of the body

You feel it flow



It may help you to name it

This alchemical flow of energy

Breathing in

Breathing out

Or you may be happy just feeling it

Flowing in

Flowing out

Being with the power of the breath

Breathing in I am aware of my breath

Breathing out I smile at my breath

Breathing in Buddha Breath

Breathing out Buddha Smile

Breathing in Christ Breath

Breathing out Christ Smile

Breathing in Mother’s Breath

Breathing out Mother’s Smile

All your focus and concentration on the breath

Allowing it to be

Breathing in

Breathing out

As you follow the flow you will be aware of where you feel the breath most distinctly

This is the inner energy wheels opening

Perhaps in the nose or the chest or the belly area

Rising and falling

Where is the feeling?

Where is the energy right now?

Simply be with it

And allow the breath to be a portal

Opening you to the Love within

Opening you to the Light Body within


Notice the texture and quality of the energy and consciousness that is your breath

Each breath shares its being with the stars, with the cosmos itself

Each breath is breathing in the light

Following it from its beginning as it enters the body

To its end as it leaves the body

This is like the entire cycle of a universe in a single breath

Seeing how the breath does this of its own accord

Its own intelligence

The breath of life

There is nothing you need to do

Other than surrender to the power of the light and the breath in you

This is the secret of alchemy

Knowing you are breathing in

And knowing you are breathing out

Each breath totally new and unique

A new creation

A new universe in every breath

A totally new world

Consider the incredible potential in the now, in the present moment

You have this possibility of realisation right here and now

When you consider it, the Buddha, the Christ, the Mother has always been present in you from the beginning of time and will always be

All the power that ever was or will be is here right now


You will notice that your attention moves away from the breath, from this incredible power of now, of being, pulled into a thought, a memory, looking into the past or the future.

At some point in your awareness, you will wake up, you will realise the moving away as it happens. You will see the power of awareness, the God-Self movement, actually at play, and realising it you will see the power of the cosmos is in you, moving in and moving out and you return to the mountain, the foundation, the breath.

With kindness and love you return your attention to the breath again and again, in and out, breathing in and breathing out, Buddha is breathing, Christ is breathing, Mother is breathing, Buddha is the breathing, I AM the breathing, there is only breathing, peace while breathing.

Returning to the cycles of the universe, since this is what the mind does, creating, co-creating, we simply bring it back to what is here and now.




Now expand your awareness to include the whole light body, from the crown chakra at the tip of the head, to the hands of light emanating energy at the finger tips, to the toes, which walk with in the footsteps of the Christ, the Buddha and the Mother.

Be present with whatever arises.

Lightness or heaviness.

Tightness or ease.

Expansion into the vast nature of being.

Being with the light body here and now.


Notice the ever changing nature of the sensations in the light body.

The energies arise, stay for a while and then dissolve.

These are the winds or Shaktis of the Light Body.

These are constantly changing in large or subtle ways.

Being awake.

Being aware of the dancing pools of light energy in the body.


As you attend to the sensations in the light body you may find yourself moving, shifting and re-shaping according to the attraction of the sensations.

You may move towards some sensations and push away from others.

Notice when your awareness is pulled or pushed like this and offer deep listening and kindness to what is present so that you can be there with the energies as they are.

Each moment, whatever it holds is perfect, is a God-self moment, as it comes to be and passes away. This is co-creation. This is the movement of worlds.


If energies arise that are uncomfortable, you have a choice in response.

You can choose to adjust your position or you can choose to bring attention close to the sensation and explore and investigate the boundaries of this world. Is it deep or shallow narrow or defined, hot, cold, find out exactly what is here in this world.


Now widen your awareness to the Light Body’s own light, its own presence and energy field, cast about it like a radiant sun.

Be the Light.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

With deep gratitude to Tareth for the Pyramid Sounds and Kusaba Kazuhisa for the Divine Art