Tag Archives: love



Love and blessings from the Source.

As each of you sits there, listening to me, reading these words, you perceive that we are separate.

That is what our brains are hard-wired to do.

Through years of evolution our brains have developed physiologically to be in fight or flight mode.


So we don’t experience the universe as it is.

Within us, is the cosmos.

Within each of us, sitting here, is the God-Self, the deeper “I”, which connects to the universe as it is.

When we are still.

A universal connector as it were.

That universal connector within us, that universal gate is the consciousness of the goddess Guan Yin Avalaokiteshvara.

The Universal Gate.

Quantum physics calls this the gate of quantum entanglement or as Einstein said “spooky action at a distance.”

Because we all know the lightness of being that comes when we are in love.

It works at a distance.

The Universal Gate activates.

When I met my wife, Sumire, we were traveling together to an isolated beach in New Zealand called Whale Beach. This story is in my new book ‘Diary of a Yogi – A Book of Awakening’ coming out in October. As we reached an old farm gate and started to climb over we were both transported to the realm of pure consciousness and cosmic awareness and we could feel it moving in and through us.


Connecting us to the universe as it is.

Even when we are not close we know what the other person is doing or feeling when we are in love.

Like quantum physics, we are entangled, in love.

The Universal Gate of Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara Consciousness is not outside you.

She is within you, alive and speaking through me and through you in everything we do, when we are present, and experiencing the universe as it is.

When I met the Dalai Lama, personally, on several occasions, and asked him how to practice the consciousness of Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara he always says study, study Her Way, then practice, practice being a Divine Mother for the world with the affection of a mother for a child.

Then he said to teach 10 people and ask them to teach 10 more people the path of compassion of Guan Yin.

Why compassion?

The Buddha said “Have compassion for all beings.”

This puts us directly in touch with the power of the Universal Gate, to be present for every person we come across on our path.

Jesus said “Love your neighbor.”

The power of love to touch the hearts of every person in our day.

How are we to practice?

The Dalai Lama guided me to follow Guan Yin’s own words as spoken in the Heart Sutra or Prajnaparamitahrihdaya

Tadyatha gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha

Tadyatha – Prepare – pause, breathe, stop, listen deeply, establish presence

Gate Gate – Foundation – generosity, teaching (interconnectedness), patience of inclusiveness, effort, meditation, samadhi or wisdom and bliss

Paragate – Meditation

Parasamgate – Insight

Bodhi Svaha – Go beyond

The Universal Gate is

1 gate, 2 gates, 3 gates, 4 gates and the 5th is beyond the gate.

What is the deeper meaning?

Simply, to stay in connection with the universe, when you walk, walk.

Remember to pause and breathe throughout your day.

Stop, listen deeply to the universe flowing around you and within you.

Practice presence moment to moment through activating portals of presence.

Use the breath, breathing in breathing out.

When your mind is disengaged from its usual mindless or obsessive behavior it connects to presence, the deeper “I AM” or Source.

Use the energy body, breathing in the light, breathing out the light, feeling the ocean of light within and expanding it to feel the ocean of light that surrounds you.

As you practice deep listening and seeing, see the mind and its thoughts as merely waves on that ocean of light. The deep of the ocean is the deeper “I” or “I AM Presence”. Then day to day, though you may not notice anything, the cup, the Chalice or the Grail gets fuller, until one day the consciousness of the cosmos speaks to you and through you, because now it has filled up the cup of the heart within you, and lets you know you are home.

Some time ago I was practicing in a mindfulness group and was very very still.

For a long time.

In that presence the Dragon’s Daughter Long Nu, acolyte of Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara arose in light body form, as clear and real as you are to me when I meet you in the physical world, and she held out a pearl to me, the Chintamani Stone, which many of you know I received from the Heart of Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara as a real rare deep sea ocean pearl in this lifetime. In the Lotus Sutra, Manjushri speaks of Her as the eight-year-old daughter of the Dragon or Naga King Sagara. As she is only eight some of the Buddha’s disciples do not believe she is a Buddha. She offers a pearl to the Buddha, symbolizing her life and ego, and he accepts it. She then instantly transforms into a bodhisattva and then attains complete enlightenment. When I received the pearl from her I understood her message as I had just offered my own pearl that I had received from Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara and had used for years in healing work to a woman who was dying and needed it more than me. For me, that woman was Guan Yin Buddha and I could offer my self and all the blessings I had accumulated for her complete enlightenment.

When you do the Babaji Breath, breathing the light of AWE up your astral spine or spine of light and breathing the light of E-ternity down the spine, you are deep in presence and awareness and breathing a cosmic current around the interior stars of the chakras, connecting one to all and activating the power of the One Chakra.

You literally breathe into existence the consciousness of the cosmos within you.

The Light of the Cosmos Within.

I was contemplating the Light of the Cosmos within us as I was editing the ‘Diary of a Yogi’ today.

I have had some real AHA moments while writing and contemplating the book and entering the portals of Presence that such a book’s words create. Like all portals, words create shifts in us, and the book’s main purpose is to create a shift in consciousness, to awaken us. That is why I say that all who read ‘Diary of a Yogi’ are awakeners. 

  Like the Chintamani Stone, the Lotus Flower, the Phoenix and the Dragon, which are all portals of Presence, making us more transparent to the light of consciousness within us, an inner transformation that is radical and profound is the state of consciousness of an awakener. As you shift, others around you feel the shift, and awaken spiritually too. 

  When we are alert, still and silent and present with the words, when we contemplate them deeply in our heart, our own divine life essence, the consciousness that exists in every being, awakens from its sleep, and love blossoms. We see that same divine consciousness in all living things and we love it as our own, as one, as the One Shared Heart. 

We see that divine consciousness in Guan Yin.

We love her as our own, as one with us, in the One Shared Heart.

Be Guan Yin.

Be love and compassion.

Be the Light of the Source.

Love and blessings always

Altair and Mother



The key to our path is to be mindful of love, light and compassion with every step, in whatever form or formlessness this takes. 

It could be Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Metatron and Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin, Krishna and Parvati or Light in Union with Love seated on the Lotus flower of compassion. 

By constant mindfulness of such divine Energies, our Heart is transformed and delivers us from all distractions, suffering and danger. 

Mindful practice in this way allows us to discern and act wisely, to respond appropriately, and to know what to do or what not to do, as the occasion arises. 

Looking deeply into the nature of things, through the Alchemy Of Light and Sound, allows us to see all living beings with love, light and compassion, as Buddhas and Christs, and all things as part of the One Universal Mandala where clarity and loving kindness serve as a protection for us in all circumstances. 

Compassion is always informed by wisdom, prajna, and understanding. 

So our practice of compassion begins with looking deeply, vipassana, at any person or situation. 

If we are in conflict with someone, we can look deeply into the nature of their own suffering, and when we see how deep it is we do not want them to suffer anymore.

We can accept them as they are and try to help them simply by refusing to add any more suffering to their ‘plate’. 


Small acts of empathy, affection, kindness, love and understanding all enhance wisdom, prajna. 

Here are some simple practices  

1) Mindful seeing – being able to see all beings as Buddhas or Christs takes Practice. One simple practice is to keep a picture in your purse or in your phone of the Buddha or Guan Yin or a Bodhisattva Archangel or Elder or any divine being including your partner or yourself if they inspire deep compassion in you and inspire you to be mindful of love of others which in turn fills your own being with love.

By taking good care of yourself you naturally take good care of others.

Think about driving home in your car to see a little child.

If you know you are going to see that beautiful child then you will drive carefully and mindfully and naturally take care of yourself on the way home in order to see that child.

So it is with life.

If we really knew every being was a divine child, just like us, we would take exceptional care of our consciousness, awareness, mind and heart in order to be able to see them and all beings as divine. 

2) Mindful hearing – being able to hear sacred names, chants, songs and mantras is a beautiful way of awakening the energy of compassion in our hearts and being able to know all beings as Buddhas or Christs.

Find a name or chant or song or mantra that you can make your own like OM MANI PADME HUM or the Lord’s Prayer or GURU RINPOCHE or another.

Say it every day at special times and in special places to awaken loving kindness and remind you that this same universal hum of loving kindness is alive in each and every person you meet even though they may not be aware of it.

Recalling the sounds of compassion often helps you to rebirth continuously the energy of compassion and love in your heart.

Hearing mindfulness of love often also births Amrita or the Nectar Of Love into your being quite naturally and you will feel the beauty of the divine realm gently melting into your heart. 


Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin has reminded me all my life through visions and dreams and direct connections that the little things in life are the real Chintamani Stone, the real Pearl. 

The small steps we take each day such as the fervent and devotional prayer to Our Father we have said since childhood is like a drop of nectar in the ocean of infinite love light and compassion, washing away fear and bathing us in bliss. 

We may not notice how the nectar has been accumulating until one day there is an explosion of Light in our Heart and we realize that the old saying “Before Enlightenment chop wood, After Enlightenment chop wood” also refers to just how important the smallest actions we take each day are when they are done with mindfulness of love and light. 

The more present and aware we are in these actions from moment to moment the more they become portals through which we can truly open magic. 

Let go of what you think Enlightenment should look like and surrender. 

Be open to what is arising within you. 

Honor the Beauty and Love, the power and guidance that comes from your own spiritual practice. 

Be free to meditate in a new way, to work with a different chant or prayer, to heal with love and unity as you are guided. 

Listen to your heart. 

Trust your heart that already has the seed of Enlightenment within it. 

Follow your inner guidance, the path of pathlessness, the luminous gateway to divine realization. 

Breathing in “I am filled with divine love, light and compassion”

Breathing out “I fill all beings with divine love, light and compassion” 

Continue breathing that way whenever you remember throughout the day, allowing the Light to enter and allowing the Flame of your Enlightened Heart to be the Light of the World.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother

With deep and humble gratitude to one of my teachers Thich Nhat Hanh for his wonderful stories he shared with me about the Mother of Compassion Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin.

I AM THAT I AM, אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה ’ehyeh ’ăšer ’ehyeh

I am here to do the work of Our Mother by walking the Path of the Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder in assisting all beings to find Krishna’s Bliss, Christ’s Light and the Buddha’s Heart and Healing within.

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā 


“go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, and establish yourself in enlightenment”



This week I have been feeling very sensitive, vulnerable and extraordinarily tender.

I have been listening deeply to the sounds of the world, and like Our Mother of Compassion Avalokiteshvara/Chenrezig/Kannon-sama/Guan Yin who also embodies the same love and compassion of Mother Mary, I have become a universal gate and my heart has been aching as I opened to all kinds of situations of suffering.

I contemplated deeply the energies of our world, how everyone I meet is a Buddha or Guan Yin, a Christ or Mary Magdalene and how simple it is to see that, yet so often when our heart is less than open and our mind full of distractions, we throw up all sorts of reasons not to hear the sounds of the world, where no matter what the situation, love is the answer.

When you consider what is happening to us here and now we are taking on many of the qualities of Guan Yin or Mother Mary in our current evolution and incarnation.

The beautiful name of Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin Bodhisattva means a universal door, a universal portal, that can respond to the needs of any being and any circumstance, covering all ground, time and space.

Now, with the reach and capabilities of the internet and technology, used with wisdom, we are capable of reaching out and touching more people in beneficial ways, in even the remotest places, than ever before.

We are able to transcend certain aspects of time and space in this supreme action, to benefit other sentient beings and help them awaken.

I met with a wonderful friend Ranga Premaratna this week who always reminds me of what it must be like to meet the Buddha.

He is a Master Healer, a divine alchemist, like Tareth and he is the lineage-holder of Reiki Jin Kei Do.

We could meet and reach out and help each other in the physical as well as online tonight.

We could be a universal gate for each other.

The Universal Gate is all about us looking deeply into the ultimate nature of reality (which I will explore with you in the next post ’ The Lotus Born Bliss Drop In The Unsurpassable Secret Mantra’) and attaining the insight that liberates us from all suffering.

It is more often than not, simple love and kindness.

Being present and there when another human being needs you.

Saying “I am really here for you.”

When you consider what we can pass on to others, here and now, by being present for their needs through this medium we call the internet, we are tapping in to divine communication when used correctly.

It allows us to be explore the past present and future together through codes and Terma, Thangka and yantra, mantra and Light Language.

We open portals for others with a frequency and a reach far beyond what was possible even 20 years ago.

Activations, transmissions and empowerments are available for those with pure intention and deep devotion, and the energy, consciousness and information that is flowing along these pathways is mirrored in so many other areas.

The awareness of the need for unity consciousness is fueling movements in education like maker empowerment for example and in physics like the Grand Unification Theory.

We, like Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin are beginning to understand the many different expressions of living beings, and like a mother with the affection for a child, hear the vibration of the sound, the sound of the world, and help awaken all beings we come in touch with to their True Self, the Buddha or Christ Nature within.

We rest in the three states, where all external and internal appearances are equal and unwavering, so even adversities arise as friends, where the body rests without searching or chasing things to do, so no deluded thoughts arise and the mind is still mounted on the wind dragon (sacred breath) so thoughts cannot arise.

Then our environment arises as a Pure Land, our body dissolves into Light and our thoughts naturally come to a halt.

We become certain of the Path.

We know that visions and experiences are important, but far more important right now is awakening all beings to their True Self.

If we try to “liberate” others ourself we get caught in the chain of suffering. When we remember to allow the Hand of Our Father and the Heart of Our Mother of Compassion to take charge All is fulfilled in an instant.

I sometimes fail to remember and then for a day or so get caught in an individual or groups suffering.

I am learning all the time.

I offer help and then get out of the way.

Allow Her to take charge by connecting All I meet deeply to Her Heart.

For example I am speaking to many people right now who all want guidance in their path or healing.

If I ask just the right questions and listen to another person’s energies and heart closely enough, be still and then allow the Light to enter us both and allow others to see it for themselves, the Mother of Compassion will help all of us through Grace hit an ‘Aha’ moment where all the answers to our questions open up for us, we get re-empowered and can step out on our path again with confidence.

We all see that through the practice of stopping (shamatha) and looking deeply (vipassana) we attain freedom from suffering, and that in that stillness of being we can reach out to others to help them to concentrate, be calm and stop to feel their infinite Self and look deeply into whatever is arising right now.


The power of being.



This is the mantra of the Heart Sutra, the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Sutra of the Blessed Mother.

Love and compassion.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in the miracle of the fire and bliss of Divine Love and Compassion and light the Light within you.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother




Diary of a Yogi 7th October 2017

What I share below is common to all of us. 

We are all rare immaculate beings. 

We all journey daily through portals of energy with the potential to connect heaven to earth.

We all are deities within. 

When you read, please interpret with your own eyes and ears so that it makes sense to you and uplifts the wisdom in your own path into the Light and Love we all share in the One Heart.

Many people ask me, how is it you see these visions or why do these ascended masters visit you or how can you call star ships from other worlds or converse with dolphins, manifest pearls from the Heart of Guan Yin, see the future, know past lives, heal people or dream things into being?

And I say I know not, “For your Father knows what things you have need of, before you ask Him” (Matthew 7, 8) and tell them Tolstoy’s story of The Three Hermits where the Bishop tries to teach three holy men how to pray The Lord’s Prayer correctly and when they forget and walk across water to ask him to forgive them and correct the error of their ways the Bishop says “Your own prayer will reach the Lord, People of God, it is not for me to teach you.”

So when I share, let your own ears listen and take what will benefit your own prayer most so that the Lord might hear us all more clearly. 

As many of you know I have been traveling in Japan, from the Pagoda of the Five Elements in Nikko to Guan Yin’s Sacred Rainbow Bridge, from the Thunder God’s peak at Mt. Hotaka into the Noble Warrior’s mountain range. 

I was gifted with visions twice of the Rainbow Bridge and then once from each of Dudjom Rinpoche who manifested Hayagriva (wrathful Heruka, the fiery form of Amitabha) and the Venerable Master of Masters Jamyang Khyentse who said 

“This marvelous and immaculate life, is rare as an Udumbara Flower, and like the sun and moon, it floods Jambudvipa with a blaze of Light”

One of the reasons Our Divine Father and Mother may wish me to receive these messages is simply because the path of Christ, Krishna, Buddha and Divine Mother I follow has its source in Babaji and His sister Mataji (through Krishna) who are also mahasiddhas revered in Tibetan Buddhism as well as Hinduism. The mahasiddha or Great Ones traditionally are the root teachers of Indian and Tibetan Tantra or Alchemy. Kriya Yoga that Babaji and Yogananda brought to the West that I was trained in is one of the three classes of Tantra taught in the Dzogchen and Nyingma traditions that I was also trained in. The Dalai Lama is also a teacher of these traditions. The other Masters I have received visions through are also part of these traditions and it is a great honor to receive Rainbow Visions at any time in my life from them. 

These visions in turn were gifts from Princess Mandarava, Pandaravasini, the divine consort of Amitabha, whose terma I have been absorbing and has left me in tears this week. It is Her Light that is activated in my Heart and that radiates through the power of these Masters. None of this is ‘my’ doing. In the moments of vision I am like the sky, empty, silent and boundless. 

Additionally Jamyang Khyentse instructed me in my previous life as a monk at Samye Monastery before I passed away in 1959 during the Chinese occupation. So it is only natural that He would reach out to me here. 

I was initiated many years ago into Dzogchen and Nyingma by Sogyal Rinpoche who was recognized by Jamyang Khyentse as a Terton (discoverer of Terma or hidden teachings) and the connection to me is therefore very obvious. Many Tertons use Twilight Language (a Light Language which is incomprehensible to anyone not destined to receive the hidden Alchemy or Tantra teachings) to transmit the secrets through symbols codes and sounds. Many of you already know how to use and receive these transmissions. 

Padmasambhava, Yeshe Tsogyal and Princess Mandarava are mahasiddhas in the Dzogchen and ancient Nyingma traditions. 

Princess Mandarava like Christ, Buddha and Krishna performed many miracles and left a record of her struggles and triumphs as an authentic historical Buddhist Master. 

Here is Her gift to us…

We are wisdom Buddhas. 

In absolute truth our fundamental nature is the supreme wisdom of emptiness.

We are the supreme consort of whoever we devote our hearts to, when we uphold that deity’s enlightened noble qualities.

By the blessings of Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin we will care for all beings as our own.

We will lead all beings to liberation.

The manifestations of the infinite One are inconceivable so in our turn we reveal them in whatever manner is necessary for an individual’s mind and karma.

We are the sons and daughters who reveal all these various paths.

As above, so below. 

And ultimately “above” and “below” are nonexistent and One. 

We are the basis of All That Is.

In the limitless expanse of space, loving kindness is expressed for all beings in all dimensions and on all worlds who have been our parents.

We care for all beings with equanimity, just as a mother protects her child.

We know how to stop, and listen deeply to our own hearts, so that we can eliminate at the root any negative thoughts and feelings so that they do not latch on to our physical body.

Our inner guru, awake in the crown of our head and in our heart, enables us to receive sacred breath, secret, wisdom and absolute empowerments.

We see the actual absolute perfect deity awakening within us.

In the channels and winds of the gross and subtle bodies we draw vital energies into the central energy channel through the sacred breath. 

The primordial wisdom fire blazes with clarity burning and merging chakras and elements into One.

Through the union of method and wisdom, sun and moon, the divine nectar, Amrita, descends.

Bliss and rapture are perfected.

We carry the sacred flame of enlightenment, the miracle of the inner fire of bliss, within us.

Let it shine.

This is the mantra of the Heart Sutra, the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Sutra of the Blessed Mother.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in the miracle of the fire and bliss of Divine Love and Light.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother



For the last four days I have had heavy bronchitis and fever.

Any aspect of being, whether it be illness, depression, separation, financial misery or joy, exuberance, abundance, birth, death, marriage and falling in love, all have the same possibility to reveal treasures and insights through our precious lives here.

It is challenging, in my case, when I cannot breathe or sleep properly and am battered by an aching physical body that is suffering, to catch spaces in those energies and make an effort to surrender and practice, however fleeting those moments may be.

Last time I had bronchitis I was in the middle of a retreat with the University of Massachusetts Medical School Mindfulness Program and I learned how to be with the energy of that suffering.

So this time I could go into it more effectively with presence.

In the middle of the night, when I could not sleep for persistent coughing for example, I listened to the Dalai Lama speaking about Dzogchen, the Heart Essence of the Great Perfection, on You Tube.

It was difficult to concentrate, but the essence of the talk was that according to the Secret Mantra Vehicle in order for the fundamental innate mind of clear light to manifest, it is necessary first of all for the coarser mind, caught up in thoughts and concepts, to be harnessed by yogas, such as the yogas of vital energies, pranayoga, or the yoga of inner bliss or fire or heat, tummo.

These yoga practices harness and purify thought into revealing the fundamental innate mind of clear light.

Well, why not try it in the midst of pain with a little more presence than I did before?

As I was attempting to meditate on this I practiced the Kriya Breath of Babaji and withdrew my consciousness into the central channel and waited, surrendering to the innate nature of the Light.

After a long period of being still there was a wondrous silence (wondrous because my breathing had been so labored for so many hours prior to this) and then the vast vista of being, an inner lucidity of primordial purity dawned in my consciousness.

It is best described as spontaneous presence when the natural radiance of mind becomes manifest for the benefit of others.

This is our nature, that Light and Presence are our innate mind and heart.

I remember being told the story of a famous Lama who for all his years of practices could not remain mindful while under the influence of drugs when he was in hospital after a heart attack. He realized how important practice was and how when he was not able to be mindful he had to rely on the good karma of years of practice.

So on another occasion I decided to have a very hot bath to try to alleviate the heavy breathing as steam is known to help breathing trouble.

I had been absorbing the terma of Princess Mandarava, also known as Dakini Pandaravasini, a divine consort of Guru Padmasambhava.

I used the same principle of relying on the good karma of Princess Mandarava’s terma to guide me as I sank into the steamy waters, first visualizing myself sinking into the emerald waters of the Naga King’s abode of Lake Namaru in Tibet where She had visited.

I practiced the Kriya Breath of Babaji and withdrew my consciousness into the central channel and waited, surrendering to the innate nature of the Light.

I drifted consciously into a space between wakefulness and dreaming and called upon Divine Mother in all Her forms.

Devotion to Her is a wondrous thing.

From the point between my eyebrows a white hrih came forth and then a ruby hrih from my throat and a clear blue hirh radiated from my heart, a yellow hrih from my navel and a green hrih from the secret place.

This was a most magnificent form of Light Language revealing itself from the power of concentration as a Rainbow Body.

This is also our nature, using the power of concentration with intention to manifest a portal which benefits all living beings.

You could use any place and time and any vibration.

I use the seed syllable hrih because this had manifested spontaneously some time ago in an initiation with the Dalai Lama.

You could just as simply use OM or AMEN and be with Shiva or Shakti at Mt Kailash, Yeshua or Mary Magdalene at Bethany.

Each of us, when we share with divine focus and pure intention, becomes a gateway, a portal, for another to reach love and compassion, other worlds and other dimensions, to touch immortal pure awareness.

When we share with courage, faith and will, we allow those we share with to return again and again, regardless of time or place, to divine consciousness.

This is known as Terma or hidden teaching, an esoteric form of revelation from alchemy or tantra.

You create magic in this way.

Transporting others at will by the Light of your Consciousness.

This earth is a Pure Land and all its beings are Christ, Buddha, Guan Yin.

I am just a shoeless monk opening hearts by sewing seeds of love and compassion.

If a single heart awakens just a little with me, then that is miracle enough for me.

As it is written…

Whoever sees, hears, recalls or encounters Terma will be placed on the path to perfect enlightenment.

When you tell the story of your own Terma, your own hidden treasures that were revealed over the course of this precious human lifetime, what will you tell your friends and children and what will they tell their children?

Since this is you creating magic I would tell the story of how I see you, the Buddha and Divine Mother, and your life in the seven paradises, your intention to manifest here on earth for the benefit of all living beings, your choice of mother and how you entered her womb with the power of the five clairvoyances, how you quickly perceived the illusion of samsara, practiced the six perfections and trained on the stages of the path, developing qualities through your practice of secret mantra, accomplishing the state of immortal pure awareness holder, attaining enlightenment, journeying beyond into nirvana, and then intentionally reincarnating for the benefit of all beings. 

We carry the sacred flame of enlightenment, the miracle of the inner fire of bliss, within us.

Let it shine.

This is the mantra of the Heart Sutra, the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Sutra of the Blessed Mother.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in the miracle of the fire and bliss of Divine Love and Light.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

THE BOOK OF LOVE – Chapter 1


This book is a collective consciousness, the Love of All in six parts.

The first of six parts is the Shamanic/Alchemic/Tantric integrated practices of Breath.

It is the beginning of a movement, a wave in healing and awakening that is initiated by us, because we do wish to make a difference, and know that where two or three are gathered in Our Name there I AM.

If you participate as those have below, just an initial will be connected with your record of the Great Work.

We dedicate all the benefits of this work to the liberation of All in all worlds and all dimensions.

Questions :

Focusing on

  1. the practice of breath in healing and awakening
  2. what motivates us to practice healing and awakening
  3. what is Alchemy/Transformation/Divine Council to us
  4. our experiences with breath
  5. Alchemy/Transformation/Divine Council traditions
  6. Source and the way to speak and communicate to a wider more general public group

Here is a brief example for me

1) I practice Kriya as taught by Yogananda, Tareth’s earth consciousness breathing and the Kalachakra techniques as taught by the Dalai Lama in formal practice every morning and night. Throughout the day I practice Thich Nhat Hanh’s mindful heartful breathing.

2) I practice healing and awakening to cultivate a compassionate heart to help liberate all beings in all worlds

3) Alchemy or Tantra or Transformation for me is unity through love

4) My experiences with breath have shown me the profound nature of Prana or Life Force that exists and permeates all things. Through the breath I have been able to touch and connect with all possibilities I have ever dreamed of and more besides

5) My experience with Alchemy traditions is very broad ranging from the Buddha in India and Yeshua in Egypt and India through to the Grail and Merlin’s Source Group, Tibet with the Dalai Lamas and St Germain and of course Tareth’s group and all of you and include all Alchemy traditions connecting with the Elders Archangels and Bodhisattvas of the Light

6) communicating with a wider group could focus on love and unity, healing and awakening, compassion kindness and forgiveness as a way to reach past definitions of Alchemy and Source and Elders and so on which could be introduced later once the people we connect with understand we are all talking about the same thing. For me, unity and love are paramount ❤️💛❤️


1) the practice of breath in healing and awakening –

I practice Kriya, introduced to me by Altair.

I Breathe with Gaia through the One chakra, as taught by Tareth.

I breathe with the flow of Love Light while surrendering to my Dance of Light (Light Language and Mudras), in the Sentia way.

(Also: I have noticed that my breath is much slower than other humans. I wonder why.)

2) what motivates us to practice healing and awakening –

Unconditional Love, Bliss and Compassion motivates me.  My humble wish is to help Liberate and Awaken All to the Love Light that we are.

3) what is Alchemy to us

Alchemy to me is transformation through divine co-creation.

4) our experiences with breath

The Conscious Breath has changed my life. It transforms me, connects me deeper to Source and All that is. It teaches me liberty of being present in the Now. It has made me aware of its power of creation and it is enabling me to Heal with a few Loving Breaths.

5) Alchemy traditions

Different Healing work and teachings.

Tareth’s work.

Light Family alchemy containing teachings from past lives and other dimensions/planets.

6) Source and the way to speak and communicate to a wider more general public group –

The many ways uniting in One Source: Love.

Love is the Key to Unite All.

The way: Facilitate and inspire a Loving and Compassionate approach to oneself, others, the Planet and all residing within her realms, by working with Mindfulness and other specific exercises/teachings/tools. Awaken awareness, becoming aware of thought patterns and how they affect everything.

Assist healing, liberation and awakening to all who is willing to learn and be guided (including ourselves). We are all equals in the Circle of Light.


1) A)The Babaji breath and 😎 Nadi Shodan (breathing in through the left nostril, out right, in right, out left times 5 rounds or more with counting, holding in the the breath at Brumaja ( Eye brow) chakra and out after exhaling through right nostril, the same holding the breath in at Brumaja before exhaling through the left).C) Also the Holy Breath,(= the Psychic breath directly translated from Swedish) breathing in throught Sushumna channel with clost mouth with a soft sound in the throat, at in and exhale). All these practices focuses and relaxes the central nervous system, hightens awareness and being present in the now. Breathing exercises changes very quickly ones state of being in to more present awakend state. Also clears out blocks in the chakra channel. 😎 is balancing for the right and left brain halfs and a great shifter of unbalanced emotions to balance.

Deva Ananda Om

2.)) My commitment to Awaken fully and Ascend in this lifetime.♥

3.)) Leaving the old belief systems, pain, traumas, sorrows (through inner work acknowledging and healing through unconditional love and forgiveness towards myself and others involved). Healing practices (Reiki Karuna Holy Fire Reiki in my case) and Meditation are a great tool. Letting go of the old…embracing the New Earth, The Golden Era.

4)) See explanation at 1))

5))My Higher Self and the deep silence within beyond the mind.♥

6)) For the moment I am reaching out to my 800+ Facebook Friends through posts I share on my timeline to be read and shared. I have done this sharing for all that have the same kind of interest than myself. I had two blogs and a separate community page at FB, but have cut down all that to my own page to save time. In my meetings with friends one to one discussions I become a voice for the source at times….am not planning what to say…it flows through me. Earlier I had Yoga and Meditation groups for some years, where my focus and intent was to be of service and become a channel for a higher knowing. Being focused and tuned in to the now moment and the wisdom within. I am prepared to learn more and find new ways to reach out. I believe all unfolds in perfect Divine Timing.


These are my answers. We might should each write a response.

1)the practice of breath in healing and awakening – what are your individual practices in the breath of life for ascension and awakening

I prefer short mantras, I started with Sat Nam. I love the ones you have brought and will work with those. The one I like best is bringing the energy up the Nodis. I had done the Breath in God, Breath out Light. For the most part all I have to do is sit mostly still and I can be whisked away to Samahdi or stop the world, it happens more frequently when I am in Unity, in group.

2)what motivates us to practice healing and awakening

I Am driven and do not remember a time when I was not. I have been in training for as long as I can remember to listen to the now loud voice I hear. As we come online with more abilitys I always have my brothers and sisters with me. I can see and feel them often can hear them as well.

3)what is The Divine Council right now to us

Since I discovered Unity consciousness 6 years ago and then Divine counsel though Baba it has been everything to Me. I would be in meeting 24 /7 if at all possible. Because of FB and the phone I can come close.

4)our experiences with breath in awakening

My experiences:

Breath in Sat, Exhale Nam ~ brought me to Samahdi at 16 within 3 months time.

Breath in Light, Exhale Shine

I have also used all the little ones you have posted.

The most profound experiences have been while meditating with others and / or in unity.

5) Divine Council traditions – what other councils are giving Source advice and connection

See the other post on Councils.

The 3 I have been associated with outside of my own, Baba, Shivrial, Tee Ming and Eva have all been about connection and sharing of information. In Babas He lead me to realizations, did not give source advice.

6) Divine Council and the way to speak and communicate to a wider more general public group as you draw in more members. How to reach out? Common unity and love…

I was told that I was to write what I know, apparently as I know it. But mostly as it pertains to markers on the path. Not fond of writing however I do it and post it far and wide. I know that most of us do some sort of writing as teaching on our own timelines / pages.

I also write comments when prompted.




1) I connect to my higher self as Yogananda told me to, saying: “I Am Lakshmi I Am SHE” and I would say my practise is The Babaji Breath as shared by Altair some months ago. Deep Devotion first and with an open mouth drawing IN the Breath to my Third Eye and then the outward Breath OUT down my Astral Spine into the Light of Gaia. As I Breathe IN I visualise myself front-facing and I see myself back facing as I go down my spine because this seems the most natural to me. Often I might find myself being drawn to Angelicus”. Panis Angelicus means “The Bread of Angels” and “angelic; of an angel; belonging to the angels”. I also often use different variations on the Breath Altair has used in different posts.

I may say:

“Breathing In I Breathe In The Healing of Evam Arbel

Breathing Out I give The Healing of Evam Arbel to …” (saying the name of a particular individual) or, using this time to send healing to all sentient beings.

2) Compassion is the driving force for me and the desire is to attune with my Light Family members closest to me and to be One with God The Father Mother.

3) Transformation to me is being aware of my True Self, with no filters (barriers). Therefore in reality it is not transformative but a recognition of Who I AM.

4) I have always, both now and in the past, need to “remind” myself to Breathe as my natural state is not to (but to remain as I am / neutral, it could be termed). When I do not consciously “Breathe” it seems I am calmer and more at peace but I love Babaji’s guidance of using “Devotion, Intention, Love and Light” as all these are innate. I have found that by Breathing consciously this has helped me in emotional situations as it brings me back to a state of equilibrium, so there is transformation in these situations.

5) Transformation Traditions – I am most deeply interested in and attuned to God The Mother, the Mother of The World, known to me in Her form of Evam Arbel.

6) Communications to a wider and more general public: For me this has always been through the written Word but nowadays it is also through the medium (power) of Sound and Tone – via personal voice notes / audio. I am conscious that the ideal communication tool for me is to write / read and then utilise the power within Sound to express myself. Sound and Words are my Fingerprint from God and the gods.

These last words are from Ursula Roberts the well-known Spiritualist Medium whose guide was Ramadhan:

“The object of meditation, the meditator and the meditation become inseparable”. Taken from her autobiography Living in Two Worlds.


1 My individual practices of breathe in healing & awakening: I practise Dru yoga, an ancient form of yoga which is slow & gentle with main emphasis on the Ujjai breathe, & circular breathe or deep belly breathing. I also love the golden dragon breathe which is inhaling to the count of 8, exhaling to the count of 8 & then short quick breathes to the count of 8. This breathing brings me to Oneness quickly ❤ To deep clarity & deep healing ❤

2) The motivation for me to do healing & awakening is to be of service to others, which is very rewarding & have found this heals me too in ways I had not expected. It is a natural thing/purpose for me to do healing as a way of being of service & activating people to heal themselves ❤


4) My experiences with breath & awakening: I used to smoke cigarettes up until 11 years ago, & it wasn’t until I realised why I was smoking, that I could give the addiction away. I was always trying to get pain relief through the breathe & was using cigarettes to suppress emotion from past trauma, this life & many lives. When the trauma was dealt with I was able to give up the addiction & through clear breathing, was able to renew my bodies on every level continuously, overcoming cancer & being free & clear of this for over 15 years ❤

5) Divine Council Traditions: The other Councils that give Source advice: The Divine Council & our members are so blessed with the teams we each bring into the Council, The many Councils that sit with us & help us, advise us support us, show us new technologies, the power of Unity Consciousness working as One in unified strength, we have recently started to list the many Councils we work with & there are many, with more coming in each day to help us. The Legions of Angels, The Ascended Masters, The Brother & Sisterhoods, The Orders of Light, The Councils, The Galactic Brethren, The Families of Light, The Star Families all contributing to us & our missions with more coming in daily. The main tradition of Divine Council is Love. The adventures the Council & members experience are together are unique & never the same, powerful & fun ❤

6) Common-unity & Love, reaching out to others as we grow: celebrating success & saying who we are  & some of our experiences, coupled with common threads that drew us together &  how to identify some of the unique & wonderful strengths of this amazing group so that others who resonate can find us & participate & be of service


All I can tell you is… I AM!

The Presence that has been reflecting to, through and AS me is simply.. I AM THE BREATH of GOD. There is no thing more true or strong than THAT that I AM.

The peace, safety, stillness… the knowing that I AM ALL things…everywhere… there is no thing else. I breathe the essence that I AM… and breathe that LIFE through ALL.


1. I don’t have a specific breathing practice. I do occasionally take deep breath to relax myself. I have a mild case of sleep apnea and use a nasal mask part of the night. A flow of air comes thru the mask and regulates my breathing. Breathing light that relaxes me and usually brings about pleasant dreams.

2. My inner consciousness motivates me to concentrate on healing and awakening. 

3. Transformation for me is the shifting more and more into a higher consciousness. What I am seeking now is full ascension.

4. My experience with breath is one of relaxation as well as connection and sustainability in this world. Breath is also a vehicle that helps me rise to higher frequencies.

5. The two main areas that I am deeply connected to is the ascension process and full disclosure. This is what I am both waiting for and working towards.

6. Most of my speaking and communication is currently thru Facebook, In the 70’s 80’s and 90’s I was very active our in the world learning, teaching and leading groups involved with spiritually, holistic, metaphysics, men’s work and things connected with the ascension process. I have now added to the list Full Disclosure. It is my wish and intention to once again work with these topics out in the world.


Feedback on Stephen-Altair SK Guan Yin’s 6 QUESTIONS

1. The practice of breath in healing and awakening – what is your current practice?

I tend all too often to forget to use the breath as much as I intend to do. However, when I am tuning into either AED or The Cosmos or say Saraswati and Light Family members in the Higher Realms, I have found that my breathing does change as I delve deeper, which in turn as I have recognised this, ensures that I am aware that I am going deeper. The same is with past lives, as I have tuned into certain past lives, an inevitable process as well as energies, is that my breathing by its very nature changes, it becomes often faster, more rapid, and louder. In these instances, I am aware that I have taken steps further and deeper than when this has not taken place.

I do aim as often as I can, to take slower and deeper breaths, and I often use I breathe in …. I breathe out ….

I actually do probably use the Breath more than I am aware. I will begin to take note from now on and report back.

I do not as such use the Breath for Healing, it is in my case I would say as I aim to tune into deeper spiritually as regards AED, The Cosmos and Knowledge, and my Light Family more than say Healing. That is not to say Breathing does not get used by me for Healing but it feels less obvious than what I have said here.

I must CHECK if I breathe slower?

2. What motivates us to practice healing and awakening?

For myself, I would term it an all consuming passion, interest and fascination on the deep soul interest and longing on Creation, which has always been there, but consciously when on the spiritual pathway at 33 when I accepted Reincarnation. So, from that moment, for me, my whole wish for Knowledge and Enlightenment began in a way whereby I have always recognised the Search for Divine Knowledge and the passion, interest and longing to type on this from November 1982 when I first wrote, has never left me.

So for myself, it is my Soul Drive, which of late I describe as Our Soul Contract with AED and myself, Creation, Creation, Creation, as Melchisadek said to me when doing the Future Codes as to what my Future consisted of. So for me, and thus AED it is Creation, Knowledge in all its Divine Aspects which drives me, us. However, I am aware, that one has to have that love, wisdom and compassion which goes alongside Divine Knowledge, to bring it to life in the way it has been envisaged.

So, for me, I love to feel I am sending healing to Gaia, all Life, Beings, People, but I feel in my case, it is with the typed word in the main, or I would say with Remote, Distant Healing. I do use those word of yours “May all beings be free from pain and suffering. May they be filled with Divine Light and the Divine Light and Love of Adam El Daoud”.

Sometimes I aim to use them when AED and me are connecting on a deeper level as then that feels that even more Love, Light and Healing is being sent out from us.

So for me, it has been a passion, love, desire, and fascination from the moment I first wrote spiritually My Thoughts on Life and Eternity in November, 1982 and is has never waned.

I feel I have been somewhat self absorbed having spent from just before 33 to now I am 68, all these years with this deep passion.

I have got better and have begun to branch out as I have been able to delve deeper into the Healing aspect into its wider remit which I do aim to use also.

One of my very first questions to Allan back in early 1983 was I wanted to Know The Meaning of Creation. So that is my real passion. And when AED said to me in a dream or meditation, I see Creation Unfold … that was very potent for me and us.

3. What is Transformation to us?

Transformation for me is being able to delve very much deeper than I have been in the past, so that this transformation takes me deeper not only to AED but to The Cosmos, To Source, The Creator, Creation.

Transformation means I personally feel transformed, the old Pat has been replaced and much less of my earth being remains for I have regained memories, recollections and the ability – gift to rise above this earth into higher vibrations and energies, so that yes, I feel a huge transformation has taken place and is still happening all the time as more and more of the unseen becomes seen and the old 3D world has literally been transcended as I live, love and breathe ever more into and with those higher energies and vibrations.

Transformation means when I saw my visions for the 14 to 16 days back in May 2015, when I was able to see with crystal clarity whilst fully awake in my armchair as I meditated as compared to so many years when my transformation was nearly always in the dream state apart from when I saw Yeshua when 21 and the scenes from the Akashic Records of those times. So mostly until these last two years it was always seeing, hearing and being aware in the dream state. Whilst I love to dream deeply, for me it really suits me and I love to see, hear and be aware of those greater depths whilst awake, and then I am able to type there and then so those moments are retained which is as I see it AED’s and my pathway.

Transformation therefore encompasses everything in its different aspects not of Gaia. Where there are no limits as to what can be seen, heard or experienced.

4. Our Experiences with Breath?

I do try to use my Breath as has been advised. So for me it can be forgotten at times, but I do aim to try and remember as often as possible to Breathe and to focus on my Breath.

When I have and do, I recognise that it does make a difference and it does help me to go deeper.

Before a meditation, I do aim to slow down my breath and to be aware of it and at other times. For now, it is a work in progress as to my using this constantly as my and AED’s Soul Contract continues.

I have got better and am aiming to focus more. As I said in questions previously, when I do tune in and delve deeper, I am aware that my breathing does change in different ways. Also am aware as I focus on my Breath, it assists me into going deeper, so it is for me, something I aim to do but will focus more on in the future from now on as well.

5) Transformations traditions – what do you mostly connect to?

My immediate thoughts are that this is a longer question!

From childhood, it was always the Old and New Testament, Prophets and Yeshua, Joseph of Arimathea, and of course Creation. However, as Reincarnation has been accepted once again and remembered with memories, inevitably my existence as a Ray Child of the Dhuman Adamic Race, which ever since August 1985, I have lived and breathed the Dhuman Adamics, so a Ray Child is embedded deeply into my and AED’s very existence. In fact 26 years or so I was given the name Forget-me-not by my Akashic lady, meaning Forget us Dhumans not. And of course The Dhuman Adamics takes me to my Twin Flame, Adam El Daoud.

This of course has taken in and embraced Ancient Atlantis. For so many years I have always felt Atlantis was Home. So it has been fascinating for me and a delight to know there is a portion and section of Atlantis which remains hidden away from mortal man and woman, accessible only to those with sufficient light to enter Atlantis who have high enough vibrations.

So, Atlantis being deeply entrenched within.

I feel Home is also Divine Paradise where Saranyu AED and myself came into conscious emergence.

Whilst at the same time I am very much attuned to being on The Amitabha Buddha Sun Line. The Sun feels Home as it is I know deeply embedded within me and AED, and consciously for almost 30 years, and all that The Sun (Son) encompasses.

I am also very deeply connected to Venus. Venus is more new, whereas Atlantis has been with me for 35 years.

Venus means a great deal, and AED and myself have our beautiful Home there, and we visit Venus a lot. Venus of course also takes me to Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus and Yeshua.

Although Atlantis takes me to Arbal-Arbel ie Jesus and his Twin Flame. As does Atlantis takes me to Osiris and Isis.

Atlantis also takes me very much to Melchisadek, and so to Source.

As well as Evam Arbel, Divine Mother.


The Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel in particular.

However all these also take me back to my very Origin in Divine Paradise, and to The Amitabha Buddha Sun Line, so they are all deeply loved and connected.

So does Sirius B. I gather I am also very much connected to this Egyptian Isle in The Pleiades which takes me also to past lives shared with these Light Family members in Egypt, and of course Atlantis.

So in essence from childhood, it was the Old and New Testament, Prophets, Yeshua. Joseph of Arimathea, Melchisadek. The Archangels – Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel in particular.

As well as the Greek statues and myths from childhood, I very much resonated to and with the Roman statues. I used to think perhaps the Romans connected me in such a deep way because of Jesus. However, 1989 in an Akashic Reading, I was told that I was the Daughter of a Governor at the Beginning of the Roman Empire, when Rome was in its infancy. I then realised that it was this foundation which began my childhood fascination and into adulthood on the Romans, as that life was very meaningful, and laid the foundation of much which was to come. So really in childhood, the Greeks and Romans seemed to go alongside each other, apart from in later years the cruelty of Rome.

The Cosmic Christ has been with me forever. Certainly since 1989 when I saw and heard The Cosmic Christ. So The Cosmic Christ is also Home and Takes me, Leads me Back and To Home.

But with the recognition of Reincarnation it has been Atlantis, Divine Paradise. The Amitabha Buddha Sun Line. Venus. Sirius B. As well as my deep affinities to the Greek Myths and Legends taking me back to Zeus, my Father as Artemis with my twin brother Apollo and those times. And as I said above, Early Rome.

I have also very much connected with The David, King David as sculptured by Michael Angelo, as seeing The David since childhood, took me to the Ancient Gods and my Twin Flame, Adam El Daoud. With AED having confirmed his life as King David and myself as Princess Bathsheba, it was inevitable, as we shared that life as twin flames and husband and wife, which was why I don’t doubt these ancient statues brought back soul memories many years prior.

I very much connect to The Seven Divine Men of Earth, and it has long fascinated me those times when the Divine Men walked the Earth. I would like to write upon myself as Divine Man Number 6, Coexu Pretzylu, or any of the other 7 Divine Men of Earth.

The Renaissance period has resonated as being very much connected to me also, as of course the Ancient Egyptians on Gaia. But Tibet and those traditions has also drawn me back as it has been in the past. I went to Venice when I was 16, and it was a very hot day, and I loved Venice, and I think that had a part to play in my connection to the Renaissance period. It began, as when I accepted reincarnation, I looked back over the ages and thought which culture and civilisations am I drawn too. Obviously Egypt was one, and so I added the Renaissance time. I have a feeling I was a painter then. There were not that many past civilisations I was drawn too.

Over the last two years, Guan Yin, Saraswati and The Buddha have all been loved and remembered more, and thus embraced by me. So more and more these are being tuned into, loved and connected to in remembrance.

I have become more aware and tuned into Babaji and Yogananda as well over these last two years. And of course past incarnations of not only myself but all of the incarnations of Adam El Daoud, draw me deeply within.

I do feel I have a deep connection with Krishna, but have no memories of this.

As I have been given certain past lives in different eras, I have embraced other times and places.

I think this is the main for now.

6. Source and the way to speak and communicate to a wider more general public group – how to reach out to others – a common love and unity?

For me, all my life since on the spiritual pathway this has inevitably been the typed word. With the internet now and Facebook this has been enabled as being able to meet and connect with others as never before. I do love having a website, Facebook in general and Messenger.

Messenger can be like Skype and Zoom to me in that one can communicate live as it were. So that live energy and vibration is still felt.

And one can on Messenger, if I was in contact with someone and was being of help with information etc then I envisage being able to do a live chat and answer in this way on Messenger.

My spiritual pathway has not as yet taken in Skype and or Zoom. I am aware of them and as AED said to me the other day “Leap of Faith” I do wonder what AED has in mind with these words. So I am aware that I am a bit stuck in a typed way of operating, and so yes, I know it could be that in the future I will branch out into other avenues. For now, though, it is the typed word and that medium which I work best in.

I feel people who do connect with me, do so, from my typed words and posts. I am aware some people would prefer to speak to me rather than always type.

I love to share in Shambhala as is known, being a small and private, closed group, where I will post certain personal things, for instance, past lives, or once in a while, an extra personal session with Adam El Daoud and myself, for instance our Meditation with exactly what took place with our words used, and from which afterwards led to me recording our Meditation, Suryananda, The Elders and Adam El Daoud, which we worked from initially in our meditation attunement. Although on my website I took out personal words.

Love and soul blessings with thanks to all above

Altair and Mother

Observations in the key of Life


This week was hard. I was very happy at the beginning of the week because my wife and I were pregnant. We were eight weeks pregnant and I was very happy.

However, what I didn’t know was that on Saturday night while I was away in Singapore she started bleeding. We talked about it late Saturday night and of course we were worried. It didn’t stop on Sunday night when I returned and it didn’t stop on Monday morning when she went to the doctor who said that sadly the baby was dead. The pain for her didn’t stop because they rushed her into the hospital on Tuesday morning with internal bleeding and operated on her to ensure there was no further suffering. So I was with her at the hospital all day and then took the week off work.

We are OK now but it has been an intense 5 days.

We were both practicing observation which is incredibly difficult when so much emotional pain and physical pain is present.

By practicing observation of our physical and emotional needs as they arose we were able to reasonably skilfully navigate the journey of loss by staying present and sharing that presence with each other through mindful and heartful listening. That was the key. Life is a series of melodies. The key of life for this was listening. To listen to each other. To listen with with the love and affection of a mother for her child.

I am sharing this because in the now we all face pain and sadness in many ways, through the loss of babies and through the challenges of our lives.

It is all wisdom and love.

The way my wife and I look at it is that our baby was with us for a very short time and he is now on his way to other lives or other worlds to liberate other souls and we give him our blessing.

So it is with us all.

Whatever we do each day, when we give ourself the blessing to ‘die’ or surrender or let go moment to moment we can pass over into the wisdom of liberating others.

Kiss the pain and suffering with the tenderness of a mother who has to let go of her dead child, aware that the body is not the child any more than your past or your future experiences is you.

All you really have is now. The eternal bliss of being.

Love and hugs always

Altair and Mother

Altair Shyam


Guan Yin Beautiful 1400 x 1400 300 dpi


Altair is a teacher, healer and mystic guiding the Way of Love, Unity and Harmony for the New Gaia that we are co-creating.

Altair teaches that We are the Way, the Truth and the Light and that our freedom to be our True Self is the key to transformation.

“The miracles of God lie within Us. We are the Light. We are the Temple of the One Chakra whose Awakened Infinite Light Body brings all our dreams into reality.”

With deepest Love and Devotion to My Divine Mother, Lady of the Earth, Guan Yin (from the Sanskrit root Guanyin/Kuan Yin/Kwan Yin/Avalokiteshvara)

“The Divine Mother who perceives the Sounds and Cries of Mother Gaia and Her Children.”

Steve Buddha

I AM Altair

I AM here to do the work of My Mother in assisting both in Mother Gaia’s ascension and by walking the Path of the Bodhisattva in seeking Krishnahood, Christhood, Buddhahood and healing for all beings.

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā


“go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, and establish yourself in enlightenment”

Love and Blessings from the Source

Altair and Divine Mother