Tag Archives: meditation





  This chapter on the yoga of meditation is in three parts because I humbly wanted to present three profound practices in meditation that have benefited me over the years, aware that everyone has their own unique path and not everyone is suited to the same techniques and methods.

The first part is on the stillness and silence of the great saints like St Teresa of Avila and St Therese of Lisieux, the second part is on the power of that stillness and silence applied to Yogananda and Babaji’s Kriya Yoga and this third part is on the tantric practice of stillness and movement of mind from Mahamudra which I found deeply profound when doing the rituals of the Kalachakra Tantra with the Dalai Lama, through Metatron and Guan Yin. 

  Of the many lineages I have studied, one of the most beautiful is the Mahamudra, a set of meditation teachings and practices belonging to the Highest Yoga Tantra, and unique in its practice of clear light, wisdom and emptiness. It is authentic tantric spiritual practice and very practical in its instruction, incorporating many of the same principles of stillness and silence that St. Teresa of Avila’s prayerful meditation and Yogananda’s Kriya Yoga uses.

 When I first started practicing Mahamudra I was sitting in a Zen garden and I started to perceive all the surrounding trees, birds, wind and sunlight as emanations of Guan Yin. Then some time later when I was doing the Kalachakra Tantra with the Dalai Lama, “I” vanished into Light and was Nameless and Timeless in Pure Presence for 3 days. I spoke to Her about this 

  “Divine Mother, you told me to meditate on the innate divine essence within, and mediate is what I did. It so happened that meditation and meditator simply vanished. There was no-thing after the meditation to maintain.”

At the time in my diary I described it as follows,

  “Divine Mother has given me a gift, the gift of healing. My gift manifests as the simple act of devotion to My Divine Mother. As I write tears fill my eyes. It is as simple as that. Anything I offer to you is Hers. Any miracle manifested is done by Her Hands, any friendship we share is a Divine Friendship given by Her. So my day and my night and every waking thought is devoted to Her. I will share a Sacred Vision she gave me. My Mother Guan Yin was working her divine magic in and through me in this healing process. I received a simple, yet profound message. LOVE. I was meditating by a Zen rock garden under a Sakura tree. Listening to manifested sounds of the Pyramids of Giza from the Source. When my eyes were opened My Mother Guan Yin gifted me with a sacred gift. Not a pearl this time (in the past a deep ocean pearl manifested out of the heart of a statue of Guan Yin for me) but a Sacred Vision. As I walked in the gardens the wind became Her Voice, the petals Her Skin, the light Her Face, the water Her Tears. It was truly sublime. She walks the paths with me. My Divine Mother and I are not separate. It made me think about how the gifts of healing we receive are like the Petals of the Flower of Life. Pure and Precious Divine Consciousness manifesting through us. Love You Dearest Blessed Mother. Thank you for being beside me every moment of my life.
Every person, animal, nature and thing from the crowds gathering to the rock to the sky and beyond was immersed in the Universal Mother Love. Thank you again from every part of my heart.”

The Mahamudra, the heart of the profound true meaning, works with the Source through mindful knowing, stillness and presence, and was composed by an emanation of Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava. It has some basic guidelines. The following are presented as a beginning only.


1. If you are determined to accomplish in a single lifetime the fruit of enlightenment on the basis of self realization in the ground of being then you should practice meditation regularly.

  The Inconceivable Secret Sutra says “Bodhisattvas who wish to attain the unsurpassable perfect enlightenment should not devote themselves to words. Those who want to learn the path to enlightenment should devote themselves to practice. Through words enlightenment will not be gained in an eon, yet by realizing the truth, liberation will be gained in an instant.”

  Even if meditation has not yet dawned on you, merely to have the intention to gaze at the mind is significant. To think “I must look at the mind” is deeply meaningful as it has the power to instantly cleanse all impurities and through such observation to receive all the blessings of the buddhas.


2. Known as the seven points of the Buddha Varochana, these are especially important and were ones that Yogananda also emphasized. A straight spine, for example, so that energy can flow up and down the inner astral spine of light, and keeping the eyes still. It is said “the eyes are the windows to the soul” and in Matthew 6:22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. If the eye is single then your whole body is filled with light” and in Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God”. Still eyes lead to I AM Presence and full realization of the Light Body. From this the natural power of the channels, winds and energies in the body arises.

  Amazingly, the latest research in ‘quiet eye’ amongst elite athletes and also a technique used at Juilliard School of Music for its top musicians, identifies a secret in the way people see the world, noting that they have long steady gaze at critical periods of success.

  Embarking on a PhD at the University of British Columbia, a student named Vickers began to suspect the secret lay in the way that elite athletes see the world. She hooked a group of professional golfers up to a device that precisely monitored their eye movements as they putted their balls. She found an intriguing correlation: the better the player (as measured by their golfing handicap) the longer and steadier their gaze on the ball just before, and then during, their strike. Novices, by contrast, tended to shift their focus between different areas of the scene, with each fixation lasting for shorter periods of time.

  The general idea that you should ‘keep your eye on the ball’ is well-known, of course – but this suggested something more intricate, with the precise onset and duration of the gaze correlating with an objective measure of sporting success.

  I was contemplating this when thinking of the Buddha and how he saw the world. He saw it with deep presence and mindful-heartful awareness. I was watching a group of shoppers at the supermarket and how their gaze shifted constantly between this need and that, this distraction and that. I then proceeded to shop with slow deep awareness taking time to connect with each section and be fully aware of what was all around me and within me. I often practice seeing the supermarket as a pure buddhafield or Christgrid peopled by buddhas and Christs or deities. It is the perfect place to practice as it is loud and busy with few pockets of stillness.


3. When the Buddha was practicing austerities by the river for six years he remained in samadhi without moving his body or uttering sounds with his voice. Ultimately to remain silent in the Lord’s Presence Within is the greatest of all prayers and mantras.


4. When three of us look at a painting, each of us can see it in a different way. So it is with the world. We see it in many ways. Water can be seen as a drink, but also as our environment when we go scuba diving. They are all perceptions of our mind. We have exchanged one body for another countless times but the mind has existed from timelessness without beginning. The mind experiences happiness and suffering, and is the root of all samsara and nirvana, all illusions and heavens. When you meditate, and your mind is distracted and forgets, you wander in illusion. When you purify yourself and recognize your original face and remain in your natural state, you awaken to buddhahood and the Christ Within. The root of all paths, the crucial point of all teachings, is the mindful knowing, nurtured within, that keeps the mind present. Be still and Know I AM Presence.

Be still and Know God. 

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother




All over the world as I have travelled I have been asked this question, “How do I enter the spiritual eye?”

It would seem that above all else we crave the divine, because we know that in seeking and finding God or Source or Being within us, all other questions are answered.

My own experiences of cosmic consciousness came in multiple ways, through Jesus, through Yogananda and Babaji, through Swami Shyam and through the Buddha and Guan Yin. The picture posted here is as close as I could find to my own experience.

They were all deep, profound experiences of the Light, all arrived at slightly differently yet all gave the same extraordinary experience of bliss and knowing we are all looked after in the Divine Plan.

What I endeavor to do below is to give you a series of techniques and practices that you can use to open and enter the spiritual eye.

Please note that the techniques below are primarily Yogananda’s descriptions. I prefer you to have His words on the practices as they are direct from Source.

And that is what they are. Practices that require practice.

I would deeply appreciate your feedback as to what works for you and what you experience. I have practiced all these in various forms morning and night overt the years and I am always learning. As I continue to travel it is a deeply humbling experience knowing that your wisdom informs my wisdom and all is by nature of the One True Self an experience of the One Shared Heart.


The first is a technique I was taught in both Tibet and India, to develop an unblinking steady gaze. Yogananda in fact tells us: “Restless and constantly blinking eyes indicate a restless mind; quiet, unblinking eyes, a calm mind. God is not visible, not recognizable to the ordinary restless eyes of mortal man. By fixing the eyes at one point induces the mind to grow calm and concentrated.”

Fixing the eyes on one point is a classical yoga practice, called tratak. It consists in gazing at an object, often a candle, which is placed a little higher than the eyes, at a short distance. Fix that object, never looking away, remaining steady with your gaze, unblinking, even if the eyes start producing tears.


Yogananda taught another technique to stimulate our vision of the spiritual eye, using an outer light, a lamp. He explains: “Look at a light and close your eyes. Forget the darkness around you and watch the blood red color within your eyelids. Try to look intently into that violet red color before you. Meditate on it and imagine that it is becoming bigger and bigger. Behold around you a dimly shining sea of violet light. You are a wave of light, a ripple of peace floating on the surface of the sea.”


Yogananda teaches visualization as a powerful technique to develop inner concentration. It even leads to the siddhi (power) of materialization:

I can keep looking at this room and concentrating upon it until, when I close my eyes, I can still see the room exactly as it is. This is the first step in deep concentration, but most people haven’t the patience to practice it. I had the patience. As you continue to practice visualization you will find that your thoughts become materialized. The cosmic law will so arrange it that whatsoever you are thinking of will be produced in actuality, if you command it to be so. Suppose I am thinking of an apple, and the apple appears in my hand. That would be a demonstration of the highest power of concentration.

Try it. Experiment with it. Practice it: intensely look at an apple (or any object in your room) for some time. Imprint the image in your mind. Then close your eyes, looking at the point between the eyebrows. Inwardly try to see that object as clearly as you can.”


Concentrate at the point between the eyebrows. Visualize there a tunnel of golden light. Mentally enter that tunnel, and feel yourself surrounded by a glorious sense of happiness and freedom. As you move through the tunnel, feel yourself bathed by the light until all worldly thoughts disappear.

After soaring through the tunnel as long as you feel to do so, visualize before you a curtain of deep violet-blue light. Pass through that curtain into another tunnel of deep, violet-blue light. Feel the light surrounding you. Slowly, the tunnel walls disappear in blue light. Expand your consciousness into that light – into infinite freedom and bliss. Now there is no tunnel. There is only the all-encompassing blueness and bliss of infinity.

At last, visualize before you a silvery-white, five-pointed star of light. Surrender every thought, every feeling into this star of absolute, ever-existing bliss.

Mentally affirm: “I awake in Thy Light, I awake in Thy Light, I am joyful, I am free, I awake in Thy Light!”


When you meditate, the intense gaze at the spiritual eye has its proper moment. During the time of practicing any technique, the eyes are upturned to the spiritual eye, yes, but our concentration is not on that point, but on the technique itself: while practicing Hong-Sau or any mantra technique we concentrate on the breath and the mantra; during Kriya Yoga we concentrate on the inner currents in the astral spine; during the AUM technique we focus on the inner sounds.

The time for fully concentrating on the spiritual eye comes after the technique, during the last part of meditation. At that moment fully concentrate your gaze and attention on the “Christ Center,” the space between the eyebrows  – the seat of ecstasy in the body – with devotion, looking toward God. Surrender everything to Source. Let nothing take your gaze away from your spiritual eye, which leads you to ecstasy.


Here is Yogananda’s description of the spiritual eye

“When the yogi concentrates long enough with half-open eyes at the point between the eyebrows, and when the gaze is without any restless motion, he will be able to see a steady light surrounded by other, but flickering, lights. He should not be diverted by this glimmering halo of the spiritual eye, but should steadfastly look at the center of the eye until he feels his mind completely absorbed within it. In time, he will see the perfect formation of the spiritual eye: a dark opal-blue globe within a quivering ring of flame. Gradually, by deep concentration, an extremely brilliant white star occasionally glimmers in the center of the blue. The star is the gateway through which the consciousness must pass to attain oneness with Spirit. It requires time and calm practice to steady the light of the intuitive astral eye. It takes deeper and longer practice to see the star. It requires greater realization to hold the perception of the star. And it takes mastery in meditation to march the consciousness, valiantly triumphant, through the starry gate of light. After the devotee is able at will to see his astral eye of light and intuition with either closed or open eyes, and to hold it steady indefinitely, he will eventually attain the power to look through it into Eternity; and through the starry gateway he will sail into Omnipresence. Progression through the spiritual eye, experienced by advancing yogis, unfolds first the wondrous perceptions of superconsciousness, the region of rays of light out of which all matter evolves. The creative cosmic rays hide like veils the presence of the immanent universal Christ or Krishna Consciousness, the Lord omnipresent in creation. By deeper concentration and meditation, the spiritual eye of intuition opens, and through the wisdom star the yogi becomes united to the Christ-Krishna Omnipresence; and thence, in deepest ecstasy, he reaches the Cosmic Consciousness of Spirit.”


Yogananda told us that when he first came to Sri Yukteswar’s ashram, he would keep his mind and gaze focused at the point between the eyebrows as much as possible. “If you want to make very rapid progress on the spiritual path,” he used to tell us, “keep your mind always centered there.” This practice must be joined to, however, and supported by the heart’s devotion. For concentration at the spiritual eye, which is known as the ajna chakra, develops great will power, but it can also make one ruthless if it isn’t combined with the heart’s love. When will power is combined with love, great joy is the consequence.

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother




“We need no wings to go in search of God, but have only to find a place where we can be alone and still and look upon God present within us”

(St. Teresa of Avila)

After the yoga of dreams and visions I was guided by the yoga of meditation.

When we consider the great gifts for the return home that we have been given in this precious life as human beings, one of the greatest is meditation.

Think of it this way.

How can we describe the path to the Kingdom of God Within, which we can reach through stillness in meditation?

It is like a grain of mustard seed, this silence and stillness, which we all have access to, every moment, and which we can sow through deep presence in the field of our heart.

It is smaller than all the other seeds we sow on earth, such as desire for wealth or fame, yet it can touch the immeasurable.

It becomes greater than all the gold and jewels in the world and becomes a tree of life, for its branches spread with love and kindness and compassion to remind us of the bodhisattvas, angels and masters within, that we all are.

As divine light beings we are an integral part of the cosmos and God’s plan, and yet when we arrive on earth in a physical body it can be a strange adjustment. We can feel out of place, lonely and unaccustomed to the new elements and feelings, the fears that arise and the separation.

Yet in all this, deep inside our sacred heart we know a divine truth.

We have been given a secret.

A simple one, to guide our path of pathlessness.

“Be still and know God within.” (Psalm 46:10)

We are composed of consciousness and life force, which flow through the spine and nerves and can be directed outwardly or inwardly. 

  When our attention, which acts as the conductor of both consciousness and life force, is directed outwards, we find our powers are concentrated on the external world and matter. 

  When our attention is focused inwards on the point of divine perception at the Ajna chakra or space between the eyebrows, our powers are concentrated on the spiritual eye and the inner realms of divine consciousness. 

 We have studied with many Masters of Meditation, Jesus and the Buddha, Mary Magdalene and Guan Yin, Yogananda and the Dalai Lama and many others. 

 With deep devotion it is not necessary to have the Master in the flesh. Just as our current age has progressed technologically into physical communication methods that allow us to reach across the world with the internet, so the souls incarnating are sufficiently advanced in esoteric communication methods to navigate the Christ Grids and Buddha Fields to receive initiations and activations and transmissions that we are attuned to. 

 The Dalai Lama, for example, has assured pilgrims in the past that they will still receive their Kalachakra empowerment through the power of their faith, prayers and devotion. “Distance cannot dampen the sacred ties between a lama and a disciple. You can all pray from the far-flung areas in Tibet and I assure you that you will receive the Kalachakra empowerment,” he was quoted as having told them. “From the Kalachakra ground, I will keep the Tibetans inside Tibet in my deepest prayers.”

Kalachakra, or the Wheel of Time empowerment, prepares devotees to be reborn in Shambhala, a celestial kingdom which will vanquish the forces of evil in a future cosmic battle.

Just as the Dalai Lama said it is by the power of faith, prayers and devotion that we receive empowerment, in the same way Yogananda said, by the right method of devotion and meditation we open the gates of Heaven. When we are focused and still and the breath and mind are calm, a light begins to form at the third eye area. This light becomes the spiritual eye with deep concentration.  Like any doorway, the spiritual eye, once we learn how to open it and enter it, allows us to surrender the consciousness into worlds of other dimensions. It is through this light, the gold light that we perceive the Holy Spirit, the blue light of the Christ Consciousness that we perceive the angels and saints, deities and Masters, and the white light that we enter cosmic consciousness and ascend to God the Father and Mother. 

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother


Last night I was gifted with two visions of us while in deep meditation.

They were very simple.

The first, suddenly and spontaneously when I was very silent and still in meditation, was of the Buddha facing Us and in Union with the Mother of All Buddhas Prajnaparamita and in between them Babaji. The Buddha was facing Us a short distance away, then Babaji sat facing a little closer and then the Mother sat just in front with Her back to Us.

The second, overwhelmingly, as I lay down to sleep immediately following the first vision is connected to the first and somewhat more difficult to describe. The first is a Sign, that in Our meditations the Muladhara or base chakra energy is awake and connected to the crown chakra through the third eye as represented by the Union of the Mother (Prajna or Wisdom) the Buddha and Babaji. In the second vision We were ‘seated’ in the 1000 petalled crown chakra looking “down” the astral spine that runs up the center of the body (see NOTE) just in front of the physical body. As We watched, the 7 doors, which we call chakras through which the soul has descended into the body, were wide open, and We watched as the soul, through the process of silence and stillness of meditation, reascended, and each chakra like a Lotus with petals turned upwards, opened into worlds of much vaster dimensions than our own. Before Our awakened and astonished inner vision each door was transformed into strange worlds, the chakras transmuted into transcendent splendor. World upon world revealed itself in glory and magnificence. I am reminded of the Book of Revelations 1:19-20 which carefully veils this Secret in saying “the mystery of the seven stars…are the angels of the seven churches” in referring to these chakras, and also from the Book of Revelations 5:1-2 “and I saw a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals…who is worthy to open the book, and to loosen the seals?” This Book of Love (the soul’s path of reascension) has seven seals (the seven chakras or doors) which when loosened (through the ‘worthiness’ of deep and consistent practice of yoga, devotion, prayer and meditation) open us all to Revelations.


The PHYSICAL spine (vertebrae, spinal cord, etc) is not the same as the ASTRAL (energy) spine, where the chakras are located. They are different and located in different places and dimensions!

The Astral Spine is the place through which you should be “running” prana (life-force) when you are practicing Kriya Yoga. It can be imagined as a hollow tube, about an inch and a half in diameter, running very straight up from the base of the spine (Muladhara or 1st chakra area) going through the middle (central core) of the body (which places it mostly in front of the S-curve of the physical spine).

When it reaches the Medulla Oblongata (receptive pole of the 6th chakra) it curves slightly forward to the Spiritual Eye (point between the eyebrows – the positive pole of the 6th chakra) As you are practicing Kriya Yoga, the prana goes through chakras # 1-6, from to the bottom to top of your Astral Spine, and back down again.

Blessings to you as you practice the sacred technique of Kriya Yoga.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother




  This chapter on the yoga of meditation is in three parts because I humbly wanted to present three profound practices in meditation that have benefited me over the years, aware that everyone has their own unique path and not everyone is suited to the same techniques and methods.

The first part is on the stillness and silence of the great saints like St Teresa of Avila and St Therese of Lisieux, the second part is on the power of that stillness and silence applied to Yogananda and Babaji’s Kriya Yoga and this third part is on the tantric practice of stillness and movement of mind from Mahamudra which I found deeply profound when doing the rituals of the Kalachakra Tantra with the Dalai Lama, through Metatron and Guan Yin. 

  Of the many lineages I have studied, one of the most beautiful is the Mahamudra, a set of meditation teachings and practices belonging to the Highest Yoga Tantra, and unique in its practice of clear light, wisdom and emptiness. It is authentic tantric spiritual practice and very practical in its instruction, incorporating many of the same principles of stillness and silence that St. Teresa of Avila’s prayerful meditation and Yogananda’s Kriya Yoga uses.

 When I first started practicing Mahamudra I was sitting in a Zen garden and I started to perceive all the surrounding trees, birds, wind and sunlight as emanations of Guan Yin. Then some time later when I was doing the Kalachakra Tantra with the Dalai Lama, “I” vanished into Light and was Nameless and Timeless in Pure Presence for 3 days. I spoke to Her about this 

  “Divine Mother, you told me to meditate on the innate divine essence within, and mediate is what I did. It so happened that meditation and meditator simply vanished. There was no-thing after the meditation to maintain.”

At the time in my diary I described it as follows,

  “Divine Mother has given me a gift, the gift of healing. My gift manifests as the simple act of devotion to My Divine Mother. As I write tears fill my eyes. It is as simple as that. Anything I offer to you is Hers. Any miracle manifested is done by Her Hands, any friendship we share is a Divine Friendship given by Her. So my day and my night and every waking thought is devoted to Her. I will share a Sacred Vision she gave me. My Mother Guan Yin was working her divine magic in and through me in this healing process. I received a simple, yet profound message. LOVE. I was meditating by a Zen rock garden under a Sakura tree. Listening to manifested sounds of the Pyramids of Giza from the Source. When my eyes were opened My Mother Guan Yin gifted me with a sacred gift. Not a pearl this time (in the past a deep ocean pearl manifested out of the heart of a statue of Guan Yin for me) but a Sacred Vision. As I walked in the gardens the wind became Her Voice, the petals Her Skin, the light Her Face, the water Her Tears. It was truly sublime. She walks the paths with me. My Divine Mother and I are not separate. It made me think about how the gifts of healing we receive are like the Petals of the Flower of Life. Pure and Precious Divine Consciousness manifesting through us. Love You Dearest Blessed Mother. Thank you for being beside me every moment of my life.
Every person, animal, nature and thing from the crowds gathering to the rock to the sky and beyond was immersed in the Universal Mother Love. Thank you again from every part of my heart.”

The Mahamudra, the heart of the profound true meaning, works with the Source through mindful knowing, stillness and presence, and was composed by an emanation of Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava. It has some basic guidelines. The following are presented as a beginning only.


1. If you are determined to accomplish in a single lifetime the fruit of enlightenment on the basis of self realization in the ground of being then you should practice meditation regularly.

  The Inconceivable Secret Sutra says “Bodhisattvas who wish to attain the unsurpassable perfect enlightenment should not devote themselves to words. Those who want to learn the path to enlightenment should devote themselves to practice. Through words enlightenment will not be gained in an eon, yet by realizing the truth, liberation will be gained in an instant.”

  Even if meditation has not yet dawned on you, merely to have the intention to gaze at the mind is significant. To think “I must look at the mind” is deeply meaningful as it has the power to instantly cleanse all impurities and through such observation to receive all the blessings of the buddhas.


2. Known as the seven points of the Buddha Varochana, these are especially important and were ones that Yogananda also emphasized. A straight spine, for example, so that energy can flow up and down the inner astral spine of light, and keeping the eyes still. It is said “the eyes are the windows to the soul” and in Matthew 6:22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. If the eye is single then your whole body is filled with light” and in Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God”. Still eyes lead to I AM Presence and full realization of the Light Body. From this the natural power of the channels, winds and energies in the body arises.

  Amazingly, the latest research in ‘quiet eye’ amongst elite athletes and also a technique used at Juilliard School of Music for its top musicians, identifies a secret in the way people see the world, noting that they have long steady gaze at critical periods of success.

  Embarking on a PhD at the University of British Columbia, a student named Vickers began to suspect the secret lay in the way that elite athletes see the world. She hooked a group of professional golfers up to a device that precisely monitored their eye movements as they putted their balls. She found an intriguing correlation: the better the player (as measured by their golfing handicap) the longer and steadier their gaze on the ball just before, and then during, their strike. Novices, by contrast, tended to shift their focus between different areas of the scene, with each fixation lasting for shorter periods of time.

  The general idea that you should ‘keep your eye on the ball’ is well-known, of course – but this suggested something more intricate, with the precise onset and duration of the gaze correlating with an objective measure of sporting success.

  I was contemplating this when thinking of the Buddha and how he saw the world. He saw it with deep presence and mindful-heartful awareness. I was watching a group of shoppers at the supermarket and how their gaze shifted constantly between this need and that, this distraction and that. I then proceeded to shop with slow deep awareness taking time to connect with each section and be fully aware of what was all around me and within me. I often practice seeing the supermarket as a pure buddhafield or Christgrid peopled by buddhas and Christs or deities. It is the perfect place to practice as it is loud and busy with few pockets of stillness.


3. When the Buddha was practicing austerities by the river for six years he remained in samadhi without moving his body or uttering sounds with his voice. Ultimately to remain silent in the Lord’s Presence Within is the greatest of all prayers and mantras.


4. When three of us look at a painting, each of us can see it in a different way. So it is with the world. We see it in many ways. Water can be seen as a drink, but also as our environment when we go scuba diving. They are all perceptions of our mind. We have exchanged one body for another countless times but the mind has existed from timelessness without beginning. The mind experiences happiness and suffering, and is the root of all samsara and nirvana, all illusions and heavens. When you meditate, and your mind is distracted and forgets, you wander in illusion. When you purify yourself and recognize your original face and remain in your natural state, you awaken to buddhahood and the Christ Within. The root of all paths, the crucial point of all teachings, is the mindful knowing, nurtured within, that keeps the mind present. Be still and Know I AM Presence.

Be still and Know God. 

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother




All over the world as I have travelled I have been asked this question, “How do I enter the spiritual eye?”

It would seem that above all else we crave the divine, because we know that in seeking and finding God or Source or Being within us, all other questions are answered.

My own experiences of cosmic consciousness came in multiple ways, through Jesus, through Yogananda and Babaji, through Swami Shyam and through the Buddha and Guan Yin. The picture posted here is as close as I could find to my own experience.

They were all deep, profound experiences of the Light, all arrived at slightly differently yet all gave the same extraordinary experience of bliss and knowing we are all looked after in the Divine Plan.

What I endeavor to do below is to give you a series of techniques and practices that you can use to open and enter the spiritual eye.

Please note that the techniques below are primarily Yogananda’s descriptions. I prefer you to have His words on the practices as they are direct from Source.

And that is what they are. Practices that require practice.

I would deeply appreciate your feedback as to what works for you and what you experience. I have practiced all these in various forms morning and night overt the years and I am always learning. As I continue to travel it is a deeply humbling experience knowing that your wisdom informs my wisdom and all is by nature of the One True Self an experience of the One Shared Heart.


The first is a technique I was taught in both Tibet and India, to develop an unblinking steady gaze. Yogananda in fact tells us: “Restless and constantly blinking eyes indicate a restless mind; quiet, unblinking eyes, a calm mind. God is not visible, not recognizable to the ordinary restless eyes of mortal man. By fixing the eyes at one point induces the mind to grow calm and concentrated.”

Fixing the eyes on one point is a classical yoga practice, called tratak. It consists in gazing at an object, often a candle, which is placed a little higher than the eyes, at a short distance. Fix that object, never looking away, remaining steady with your gaze, unblinking, even if the eyes start producing tears.


Yogananda taught another technique to stimulate our vision of the spiritual eye, using an outer light, a lamp. He explains: “Look at a light and close your eyes. Forget the darkness around you and watch the blood red color within your eyelids. Try to look intently into that violet red color before you. Meditate on it and imagine that it is becoming bigger and bigger. Behold around you a dimly shining sea of violet light. You are a wave of light, a ripple of peace floating on the surface of the sea.”


Yogananda teaches visualization as a powerful technique to develop inner concentration. It even leads to the siddhi (power) of materialization:

I can keep looking at this room and concentrating upon it until, when I close my eyes, I can still see the room exactly as it is. This is the first step in deep concentration, but most people haven’t the patience to practice it. I had the patience. As you continue to practice visualization you will find that your thoughts become materialized. The cosmic law will so arrange it that whatsoever you are thinking of will be produced in actuality, if you command it to be so. Suppose I am thinking of an apple, and the apple appears in my hand. That would be a demonstration of the highest power of concentration.

Try it. Experiment with it. Practice it: intensely look at an apple (or any object in your room) for some time. Imprint the image in your mind. Then close your eyes, looking at the point between the eyebrows. Inwardly try to see that object as clearly as you can.”


Concentrate at the point between the eyebrows. Visualize there a tunnel of golden light. Mentally enter that tunnel, and feel yourself surrounded by a glorious sense of happiness and freedom. As you move through the tunnel, feel yourself bathed by the light until all worldly thoughts disappear.

After soaring through the tunnel as long as you feel to do so, visualize before you a curtain of deep violet-blue light. Pass through that curtain into another tunnel of deep, violet-blue light. Feel the light surrounding you. Slowly, the tunnel walls disappear in blue light. Expand your consciousness into that light – into infinite freedom and bliss. Now there is no tunnel. There is only the all-encompassing blueness and bliss of infinity.

At last, visualize before you a silvery-white, five-pointed star of light. Surrender every thought, every feeling into this star of absolute, ever-existing bliss.

Mentally affirm: “I awake in Thy Light, I awake in Thy Light, I am joyful, I am free, I awake in Thy Light!”


When you meditate, the intense gaze at the spiritual eye has its proper moment. During the time of practicing any technique, the eyes are upturned to the spiritual eye, yes, but our concentration is not on that point, but on the technique itself: while practicing Hong-Sau or any mantra technique we concentrate on the breath and the mantra; during Kriya Yoga we concentrate on the inner currents in the astral spine; during the AUM technique we focus on the inner sounds.

The time for fully concentrating on the spiritual eye comes after the technique, during the last part of meditation. At that moment fully concentrate your gaze and attention on the “Christ Center,” the space between the eyebrows  – the seat of ecstasy in the body – with devotion, looking toward God. Surrender everything to Source. Let nothing take your gaze away from your spiritual eye, which leads you to ecstasy.


Here is Yogananda’s description of the spiritual eye

“When the yogi concentrates long enough with half-open eyes at the point between the eyebrows, and when the gaze is without any restless motion, he will be able to see a steady light surrounded by other, but flickering, lights. He should not be diverted by this glimmering halo of the spiritual eye, but should steadfastly look at the center of the eye until he feels his mind completely absorbed within it. In time, he will see the perfect formation of the spiritual eye: a dark opal-blue globe within a quivering ring of flame. Gradually, by deep concentration, an extremely brilliant white star occasionally glimmers in the center of the blue. The star is the gateway through which the consciousness must pass to attain oneness with Spirit. It requires time and calm practice to steady the light of the intuitive astral eye. It takes deeper and longer practice to see the star. It requires greater realization to hold the perception of the star. And it takes mastery in meditation to march the consciousness, valiantly triumphant, through the starry gate of light. After the devotee is able at will to see his astral eye of light and intuition with either closed or open eyes, and to hold it steady indefinitely, he will eventually attain the power to look through it into Eternity; and through the starry gateway he will sail into Omnipresence. Progression through the spiritual eye, experienced by advancing yogis, unfolds first the wondrous perceptions of superconsciousness, the region of rays of light out of which all matter evolves. The creative cosmic rays hide like veils the presence of the immanent universal Christ or Krishna Consciousness, the Lord omnipresent in creation. By deeper concentration and meditation, the spiritual eye of intuition opens, and through the wisdom star the yogi becomes united to the Christ-Krishna Omnipresence; and thence, in deepest ecstasy, he reaches the Cosmic Consciousness of Spirit.”


Yogananda told us that when he first came to Sri Yukteswar’s ashram, he would keep his mind and gaze focused at the point between the eyebrows as much as possible. “If you want to make very rapid progress on the spiritual path,” he used to tell us, “keep your mind always centered there.” This practice must be joined to, however, and supported by the heart’s devotion. For concentration at the spiritual eye, which is known as the ajna chakra, develops great will power, but it can also make one ruthless if it isn’t combined with the heart’s love. When will power is combined with love, great joy is the consequence.

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother




“We need no wings to go in search of God, but have only to find a place where we can be alone and still and look upon God present within us”

(St. Teresa of Avila)

After the yoga of dreams and visions I was guided by the yoga of meditation.

When we consider the great gifts for the return home that we have been given in this precious life as human beings, one of the greatest is meditation.

Think of it this way.

How can we describe the path to the Kingdom of God Within, which we can reach through stillness in meditation?

It is like a grain of mustard seed, this silence and stillness, which we all have access to, every moment, and which we can sow through deep presence in the field of our heart.

It is smaller than all the other seeds we sow on earth, such as desire for wealth or fame, yet it can touch the immeasurable.

It becomes greater than all the gold and jewels in the world and becomes a tree of life, for its branches spread with love and kindness and compassion to remind us of the bodhisattvas, angels and masters within, that we all are.

As divine light beings we are an integral part of the cosmos and God’s plan, and yet when we arrive on earth in a physical body it can be a strange adjustment. We can feel out of place, lonely and unaccustomed to the new elements and feelings, the fears that arise and the separation.

Yet in all this, deep inside our sacred heart we know a divine truth.

We have been given a secret.

A simple one, to guide our path of pathlessness.

“Be still and know God within.” (Psalm 46:10)

We are composed of consciousness and life force, which flow through the spine and nerves and can be directed outwardly or inwardly. 

  When our attention, which acts as the conductor of both consciousness and life force, is directed outwards, we find our powers are concentrated on the external world and matter. 

  When our attention is focused inwards on the point of divine perception at the Ajna chakra or space between the eyebrows, our powers are concentrated on the spiritual eye and the inner realms of divine consciousness. 

 We have studied with many Masters of Meditation, Jesus and the Buddha, Mary Magdalene and Guan Yin, Yogananda and the Dalai Lama and many others. 

 With deep devotion it is not necessary to have the Master in the flesh. Just as our current age has progressed technologically into physical communication methods that allow us to reach across the world with the internet, so the souls incarnating are sufficiently advanced in esoteric communication methods to navigate the Christ Grids and Buddha Fields to receive initiations and activations and transmissions that we are attuned to. 

 The Dalai Lama, for example, has assured pilgrims in the past that they will still receive their Kalachakra empowerment through the power of their faith, prayers and devotion. “Distance cannot dampen the sacred ties between a lama and a disciple. You can all pray from the far-flung areas in Tibet and I assure you that you will receive the Kalachakra empowerment,” he was quoted as having told them. “From the Kalachakra ground, I will keep the Tibetans inside Tibet in my deepest prayers.”

Kalachakra, or the Wheel of Time empowerment, prepares devotees to be reborn in Shambhala, a celestial kingdom which will vanquish the forces of evil in a future cosmic battle.

Just as the Dalai Lama said it is by the power of faith, prayers and devotion that we receive empowerment, in the same way Yogananda said, by the right method of devotion and meditation we open the gates of Heaven. When we are focused and still and the breath and mind are calm, a light begins to form at the third eye area. This light becomes the spiritual eye with deep concentration.  Like any doorway, the spiritual eye, once we learn how to open it and enter it, allows us to surrender the consciousness into worlds of other dimensions. It is through this light, the gold light that we perceive the Holy Spirit, the blue light of the Christ Consciousness that we perceive the angels and saints, deities and Masters, and the white light that we enter cosmic consciousness and ascend to God the Father and Mother. 

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother



A connection I made to our dreams hit me like an earthquake and thundered through Being for several days.

I was still talking to my wife, Sumire about it this morning.

I will try to put it into words as it affected me profoundly at the core and touched so many ‘pieces’ of the puzzle in our continuum from beginning to no-end.

Here is what unfolded in a nutshell.


We are all searching for purpose.

We come here as Light Beings trying to make sense of the physical.

We get presented with so many pieces of the puzzle, from creating a family to finding a job, connecting with our place, finding a home, and all the past lives, future possibilities, spiritual paths and steps along the way of pathlessness.

A Brother reminded me of my dream in 2016 where we were given sign posts or Light Posts which if we are present enough will act as portals and open up infinite possibilities to explore.

I was contemplating that and thinking about all my friends struggling or searching with one or another of these aspects when a wave of dream consciousness hit me.

It came as a continuum like watching many lives unfold and instead of actions taking place over a series of past lives, which might be how you would traditionally view lives, it was as a sequence of dreams viewed over many lifetimes.

Then everything switched places and the dreams became lives and the lives became dreams.


I saw the many lives where I had used dreams as dream yoga teachings to teach me.

As Palmo Shonu in the time of Padmasambhava and Sakya Pema in the time of Sakya Pandita just prior to the first Dalai Lama, for example.

How I had placed signposts or Light Posts in my dreams as well as in the physical.

Then everything became still.

And I received teachings I had activated in past lives.

Which is when the thunder rumbled.

Metaphorically, and physically inside.

I became aware of very powerful signposts or Light Posts I had left…such as the dream I had at age 2, which has triggered a lot of exploration, and the one I mentioned in 2016 that was brought up again now, which in effect triggered this thunder.

I realized I have very specific past life memories and memories of actual rituals and ceremonies…and that like the dream I planted at age 2, I have planted similar dreams at the beginning and during those past lives, such as Palmo Shonu and Sakya Pema, which are acting now as continuums of experience to help me remember those memories and activations.

That in turn sparked a series of realizations connecting the continuum of visions meditations and actions I have had over this life and others.

Which I in turn connected to a teaching I literally just opened after all this happened which reads…

“Liberate yourself through dreams visions meditation and actions”

By Yeshe Tsogyal, Padmasambhava and Princess Mandarava

So a real AHA moment.

And something I am eternally grateful for.

Easter Sunday offered us a beautiful gift.

We were traveling to pick up Maia from Sumire’s mum when a large hare ran out in front of the car and instead of running across the road continued in a straight line up the road as if it was wanting us to follow.

It was most unusual, so we slowed down and followed it a little way.

It reminded us of a similar time, just before Sumire found out she was pregnant, when we discovered a snake climbing up the two floors of steps that led to the house we were staying in as if it were bringing us a message.

So we saw this hare on Easter Sunday like the Easter bunny, bringing us rebirth and life like our brother Yeshua.

As a result of what has happened I am contemplating deeply the “immensity” as my Brother put it, of the dreams, visions, meditations, actions and Light Posts that are littering my incarnation.


I am discovering the vinaya or “learnings” of the Sangha or community we are in that I live by.

These include a promise to liberate all others.


I am faithful to the sutras or our own internal teachings that we live by.

These include the Heart sutra

“gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā” 


“go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, and establish yourself in enlightenment”

The Heart Sutra or Prajñāpāramitāhṛdaya tells us that the Heart is the Perfection of Wisdom.

Science has discovered that the heart has a complex neural network that can be characterized as a brain on the heart.

The heart-brain’s neural circuitry enables it to act independently of the of the cranial brain to learn, remember, make decisions and even feel and sense.

The heart has 40,000 specialized cells called sensory neurites, brain-like cells in the heart.

We can learn from our heart.

We can listen to our heart.

Kriya and techniques like pranic breathing take these two organs, the heart and the brain and combine them into a single potent neural network through the astral spine or spine of light.

This opens the door, the portal, to deep intuition, when we want it.

Connecting the heart and the brain in precise ways like this is how deathless states, as Babaji and Padmasambhava experienced, can be actualized in this lifetime.

We all have these abilities.

The key is to harmonize the heart and the brain into a single whole network.

The heart has a vibration we call emotions.

When people experience uplifting emotions like compassion and gratitude and they practice and sustain the emotion, there is a coherence, which creates waves, like dropping a pebble in the water.


The waves around the heart expand.

That energy is a frequency.

All frequency carries information.

These powerful emotions become the carrier wave for the person’s intention.

The intention is information (at this point in my writing, diamond white light appeared in front of me) which when combined with uplifting emotions, means you broadcast a new electromagnetic signature into the field.

A new day, a new dawn begins.

It is your signal, your sign post, your Light Post to the universe and destiny.

The longer you are able to rest your consciousness in that energy, instead of three dimensional consciousness (tied to time and space) the more you will generate a flow, a vibrational match, beyond space and time.

The heart opens and there is a connection to something greater and we know whatever we wish is going to happen and we trust in the impossibility and multiple possibilities.

We collapse time into timelessness and space moves towards us.

We become the magnet.

Like a planet, a world, created anew, we become a divine realm in which the whole cosmos exists. 


My visions are in alignment with abhidharma or higher teaching/meta-teaching as we are constantly learning about our inner teacher as we teach.

These include the synthesis and connections of the work of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Yogananda and the Dalai Lama, St Therese Of Lisieux, Ramana Maharshi, Padmasambhava, Yeshe Tsogyal and Princess Mandarava.

These are our bedrock, our foundation.

I purify the breath, prana, as a Child of the Sacred Breath, through Kriya as taught by  Babaji.

I cultivate the mind and heart through upayoga (energisation, good diet, sleep, exercise through yoga, generosity, teaching, patience, effort, meditation, samadhi).

I train my vision through yoga-tantra (annuttarayoga tantra) which in the Dzogchen system, used by Nyingma practitioners devoted to Padmasambhava and also by Babaji and Yogananda involves gathering and dissolving the inner winds (prana) into the central channel (sushumna) through meditation, often manifesting as mystical visions and inner activations.

These give rise to the blessings of compassion.


I practice invocation through Mahayoga the divine masculine principle (transforming anger) where one visualizes oneself as divinity with a consort.

By doing this we give external form to the formless enlightenment within us.

The external world is visualized as a mandala, pure and sacred and we realize that all of our everyday experience is a visualization.

Sometimes we ‘see’ or ‘perceive’ it through our senses as good, and sometimes as bad, when in fact we can through training visualize ourselves constantly as a Buddha or Christ or Divine Mother and the world as pure.

We gain, through practice, alchemy and magic, a unique portal to the underlying veils that exist in our world and a way of transforming them.

We learn eight cosmic commands, eight ways of inter-being and interconnecting with reality and altering its momentum for the benefit of others.

(These eight include invoking the alchemy or powers of deities of body, speech, mind, enlightened qualities, action, summoning, offerings and praise and mantra or sound)

These in turn are producing dreams, visions, meditation and actions which all are a continuum and all are informing each other like enlightened families and friends.


I practice energy awareness through anuyoga the divine feminine principle (transforming passion) by meditating on the inner subtle light body, the energy centers (chakras), prana (winds or subtle energies) nadis (inner pathways along which ones energy travels) and bindu (consciousness) often experienced by me as the Blue Pearl manifesting as a blue light. 

This grants power and siddhi through purification of the seed essence, the bliss seed or drop of amrita or nectar at the heart.

(I saw the Blue Light at this point as I wrote this, which is one of my Light Posts)


This is Ati Yoga. 

Its origins reach back to before human history, and neither is it limited to Buddhism nor to Tibet, nor indeed even to this world of ours, as it is recorded that it has existed in thirteen different world systems.

It means ‘primordial yoga’;

Ati indicates the topmost, summit or zenith.

It has the sense of scaling a mountain, reaching the peak, fulfilling our mission and having a view over everything.

Perfecting the four visions of the path, one gains the supreme kaya or Light Body, the rainbow body* of great transference, and attains the level of glorious Samantabhadra, the Primordial Christ or Buddha , the thirteenth bhumi or dimension known as ‘Unexcelled Wisdom’ or ‘Great Rays of Light in All Directions’ , the embodiment of timeless awareness.


I contemplated the four visions,

The direct experience of reality (as Light, the Clear Light of Being)

The increasing of experience (increase in experiences of the Light in all directions)

The awareness that reaches its full ultimate presence (awareness of the Light pervades everything and everywhere)

The dissolution of these experiences into a reality beyond the mind (nameless, timeless, formless awareness where the “I” is not and I AM Presence is)


As if in validation of what was being revealed I had a beautiful dream where I died and was met by Yogananda and the Dalai Lama in the Light and offered the opportunity to be a monk with either order in the next world.

I told them I would choose both based on my understanding of the enlightened Rainbow Body and emanations.

When I resurrected on Hiranyaloka I would emanate two other bodies to help liberate others in two other worlds.


Catching moments like this is like catching an AHA or an immense moment in your life.

When you are in those moments, totally present, everything flows, you realize that the AHA moment has always been with you, it is just that this time you saw it differently and so had an AHA experience.

The key is SEEING.

Consciousness, perception, awareness and presence.

It all depends on how you are guided to see. You see those precious moments, the AHAs, the ‘immensity’ in a different light so that you are now accountable for the immensity in your life or the AHA.

You need to act.

If you could awaken the same feeling in others around their ‘key responsibility’ in their life and give them the same feeling you had, our world would be full of flow and AHA.

The world would wake up and be responsible now for what they do and see since they now understand it.

You would help people wake up to their missions.

Realization is the key.



Being responsible.

Taking action.

And helping others wake up.

And once you can ‘see’ or ‘understand’ something, then you can move toward it – providing you want to move toward it.

That is why you need to cultivate first an altruistic desire to want to move towards it.

The AHA or immense moments are Light Posts in your life script as if you are writing them with golden scroll as you go, to be alert and awake to them.

I had several other signs following this – a red white and gold Japanese fan fell on my head symbolizing birth and infinite paths as well as luck and wealth.

Then a spider came out of my meal, the symbol for creativity.

After that numerous dreams and a butter lamp light in my meditation.


At the heart of all we do is Love and Wisdom.

We are learning how to teach our body, mind and heart to be empowered and know what any state will feel like in the future.

For example, with enlightenment, through the Dalai Lama and the Kalachakra Tantra I was fortunate enough to have an enlightenment experience that lasted three days.

I am now continuously in the process of teaching my body mind and heart, NOW, what it feels like to Iive and love in the future in that state of enlightenment.

A continuum, a continual state.

A Presence.

Such states are our soul compass.

The moment we contact these states within directly, we manifest them.

The moment we are in awe with life we attract the mystical.

The moment we are in love with life we attract an equal.

We are all finding our own language of Love and Wisdom.

When we decide to take up our unique vision, our unique contribution to the universe, fully, we have to be prepared to die to the old self. We will be challenged!

Our life is our initiation and our enlightenment.

We haven’t had the experience yet perhaps because of bad habits, limited beliefs, unconscious thoughts and automatic programs which are all happening behind the scenes of our awareness.

As we make the journey to our dream we hit the first obstacle.

We have to be creative in our environment.

Every great person in our history knows they have to be in a different state of being to solve those obstacles.

We have to die to our old self, modify ourself and surrender.

If we meet new obstacles with old patterns of behavior and belief then we are meeting it with the past, not presence.

Each obstacle is a new initiation.

The key is knowing we are worthy and staying very present for that experience. We also know that people in history have gone through that same experience.

So we can ask ourselves basic questions.

What new beliefs do we need? (= new feelings and states)

What new questions should we be asking?

What new strategies should we be putting in place?

What new actions should we be taking?

The New Dawn.

For a New Day.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother

With deep and humble gratitude to the Presence of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Yogananda and Babaji,  Amitabha, Padmasambhava, Guan Yin, Tara, Yeshe Tsogyal and Princess Mandarava.

I AM THAT I AM, אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה ’ehyeh ’ăšer ’ehyeh

I am here to do the work of Our Mother by walking the Path of the Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder in assisting all beings to find Krishna’s Bliss, Christ’s Light and the Buddha’s Heart and Healing within.

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā 


“go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, and establish yourself in enlightenment”


*Rainbow body (Tib. འཇའ་ལུས་, ja lü, Wyl. ‘ja’ lus) — fully accomplished Dzogchen practitioners can dissolve their body at the time of death.

  • Through the practice of trekchö, the practitioner can attain the so-called ‘rainbow body’, in which the body becomes smaller and smaller as it dissolves, emanating rainbow light, and finally only the hair and nails are left behind.
  • Through the practice of tögal, the practitioner can dissolve his or her body into the ‘Light Body’ (Tib. འོད་སྐུ་, ö ku), where the body transforms into light and disappears completely into space. This was done by Garab DorjeManjushrimitraShri SinghaJnanasutra and Vairotsana.
  • Another accomplishment of tögal practice is the ‘Rainbow Body of Great Transference’ (Tib. འཇའ་ལུས་འཕོ་བ་ཆེན་པོ་, ja lü phowa chenpo; Wyl. ‘ja lus ‘pho ba chen po), where the master dissolves his or her body into rainbow light and lives for centuries in order to benefit others. Such was the case with Babaji, Mataji, PadmasambhavaVimalamitraNyang Tingdzin Zangpo and Chetsün Senge Wangchuk.



Listen, O Blazing Blue Light

I have discovered through our deep immersion in many divine practices how simple the Light’s healing becomes once we allow it in.

Our pristine awareness carries us through this world and all worlds and far beyond.

I am practicing awareness in the consciousness of Guru Rinpoche and Yeshe Tsogyal.

My week has been filled with ambrosia and gold, nectar that fills my body like a Lover and flowers that blossom in my Heart.

Blazing Blue Light is a reference to the Divine Love Padmasmbhava expressed for Yeshe Tsogyal.

So listen Daughters of Divine Mothers Ocean.

Immerse yourself in the Masters Teachings, whether the Buddha or Christ, Guan Yin or Mary Magdalene.

Listen O faithful Beloved of the One God Within.

Be with the Light always through Guru Yoga, visualizing your Divine Lover with every breath.

Listen Lords and Ladies.

Meditate upon mahamudra to gain insight into impermanence.

Pause, stop, breathe, be still, go deep into the thoughts that arise, embrace them with compassion and kindness.

Listen eternal Being.

Study, contemplate and meditate on above and below, within and without, sustaining the teaching of your path of pathlessness with every breath.

Listen Immortal God and Goddess dwelling in this body of Emptiness.

Meditate upon Dzogchen, the Great Perfection Of Being, and ignite awareness of deathlessness.


Meditative absorption and prayer dispel all obstacles.

Listen O Blazing Blue Light

We have all shared advice and instruction in the past together, both in lives here on this world and in the many worlds and Pure Realms of Being

All of this is gathered here, now, in this final practice.

Practice this Guru Yoga as your path dictates and as you feel free to do so.

Above your head on Lotus and Moon in an expanse of Rainbow Light imagine your Self or Guru (Without or Within) or the One True Light with Vajra and Bell (Bliss and Emptiness) radiating Light, filled with the Sacred Marks, Symbols and Signs.

When this vision is clear, surrender, and receive the empowerment offered, in silence and stillness.

Let the Hum of the Siddhi Mantras, the sacred words and sounds on your path, fill your Heart.

Share these blessings with all Beings.

Pray to be as the Master, yourself.

Awareness is like this.

This week I have been blended with the Lama Guru Rinpoche in the three doors, body, speech, mind.

Here is the practice. (There is a You Tube video to help you)


Begin with the awareness of body.

Use the breath to breathe, breathing in, breathing out, I AM.

Do this as you walk and talk and think throughout the day on the first day.

So you feel yourself walking and talking and thinking as Guru Rinpoche or Yeshe Tsogyal or Yeshua or Mary Magdalene throughout your day, every moment.

Try it now.

Begin with the breath, then stand up and walk slowly mindfully heartfully…

On the second day practice awareness of speech.

Use the words you speak to speak I AM.

So as you breathe out as you speak feel yourself with the body of Guru Rinpoche or or Yeshe Tsogyal or Yeshua or Mary Magdalene throughout your day, every moment, breathing out and speaking the Light Language of the Guru…

Try it now.

Begin with the breath, then breathe out and chant a syllable like OM. Watch it fill the room with Light. Now understand that if you speak this way, those you touch with the Light will be transformed…

On the third day practice awareness of mind.

Use the the thoughts you think to think I AM.

Be very aware, as if each thought you think is a Chintamani Stone, a wish-fulfilling jewel.

So as you think each thought, slowly, with great space and awareness, feel yourself with the body of Guru Rinpoche or or Yeshe Tsogyal or Yeshua or Mary Magdalene throughout your day, every moment, thinking in the Light Language of the Guru…

Try it now.

Begin with the thought I AM, then think and visualize and hear and feel its movement, the way it shift and weaves both time and space. Watch it fill the room with Light. Now understand that if you think this way, the very fabric of the Universe you touch with this Pristine Light and Mind of Wisdom will be transformed…

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother

With deep and humble gratitude to the Presence of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Amitabha, Padmasambhava, Guan Yin, Tara, Yeshe Tsogyal and Princess Mandarava.

I AM THAT I AM, אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה ’ehyeh ’ăšer ’ehyeh

I am here to do the work of Our Mother by walking the Path of the Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder in assisting all beings to find Krishna’s Bliss, Christ’s Light and the Buddha’s Heart and Healing within.

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā 


“go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, and establish yourself in enlightenment”

DIARY OF A YOGI – Monday July 24th 2017

DIARY OF A YOGI – Monday July 24th 2017

Dearest All

Last night I watched a movie called ‘Awake’ a biography about Yogananda, on Netflix, and then went to bed and fell into a deep sleep. I was awoken at about 1am by the most beautiful experience. A deep blue light was shining on me. It was a shaft of Light. I was sleeping in a dark room. The Light was there with my eyes open or closed. I received one message, that I was receiving the healing energies of the moon winds of the Buddha Amoghasiddhi.

It connected me to series of meditations that arose within me just over a year ago, over 5 days in July 2016, where various Buddhas and deities spontaneously appeared. 

I include them below wishing only that reading and absorbing them may also inspire the energies of Light and Love to crystallize and transform and arise within you in your own particular way as you read. 

Diary July 9th 


Appearance of deity form of Guan Yin Senju Kannon with hands in prayer posture, petite, ascending heaven-wards. Dark emerald-green.

Diary July 10th 


Vairocana Buddha Form Body manifested

Now, I, Vairocana Buddha am sitting atop a lotus pedestal; On a thousand flowers surrounding me are a thousand Sakyamuni Buddhas. Each flower supports a hundred million worlds; in each world a Sakyamuni Buddha appears. All are seated beneath a Bodhi-tree, all simultaneously attain Buddhahood. All these innumerable Buddhas have Vairocana as their original body

In the meditation, there was a celestial radiance of a hundred million worlds.

The Primordial Buddha of Emptiness.

Profound feeling of celestial emptiness.


Sunday PM

Utterly amazing. The Clear Light of the Great Bliss is even more astonishing and vast than I can possible imagine.

Diary July 11th


The mighty brilliance of golden Guan Yin Senju-Kannon formed within me in Potala/Shambhala spreading Her Light from the Diamond Consciousness of the Womb Within Us to All Worlds

Diary July 12th 


This morning when I sat to meditate a remarkable vision arose within me.

I will share it.

The Buddha Shakyamuni rose within me and in front of me rose a white cobra, the Dragon King.

This is the story of that vision, The Mucalinda Tree

With the passing of seven days, the Gracious One, the Buddha, after arising from his meditation approached the root of the Mucalinda tree and he sat in one cross-legged posture for seven days experiencing the happiness of liberation. 

Then at that time a great cloud arose out of season, bringing seven days of rainy weather, cold winds, and overcast days. Then a great king Cobra, the Dragon-King Mucalinda, came out, and coiled his body seven times around the Buddha to keep him warm and placed his hood over the Buddha’s head to protect him from the rain, thinking

“May the Gracious One not be cold, may the Gracious One not be hot, may the Gracious One not be affected by gadflies, mosquitoes, wind, the heat of the sun, and serpents.” 

After seven days the rain stopped and the Dragon-King Mucalinda understood that the sky was now clear, without a cloud. After unravelling his coils from the Gracious One’s body, withdrawing his own form, and creating the appearance of a young brāhmaṇa, he stood in front of the Gracious One, revering the Buddha with raised hands. 

The Buddha, having understood the significance of this, uttered this exalted saying

“Happy are they who are contented. 

Happiness is for those who hear and know the truth. 

Happy are they who have good will in this world towards all sentient beings. Happy are they who have no attachments and have passed beyond sense-desires. 

The disappearance of the ‘I am’ , the self, is indeed the highest happiness.”

So I AM you and you are me.

We work through things together.

That is the evolution of Love and Unity.

You are ALL that Buddha under that Tree.

That is the Divine I AM Presence within you that I bow humbly to.

Rest now, take space, breathe, walk, eat, give joy.

Diary July 13th 


This morning we visited the Temple of She Who Hears All the Sounds of the World, a Guan Yin Temple with great stones and a one thousand year old ginkgo tree. 

I sat and meditated and was uplifted into the emptiness after I had said my prayers for all of you and given devotion to all my teachers.

My practice is very simple, prayers, devotion, alchemical affirmation (from Thoth’s Emerald Tablet – “All The Power That Ever Was Or Will Be Is Here Now” while drawing a circle of power on my left palm and holding it to my heart ), Kriya (Babaji Breath ‘awe’ upwards wind and ‘eee’ ‘downwards wind in the astral spine) and then sit still. What happens from there is the Will of Our Father. 

I have had exactly the same practice for many many years. This enables me consciously to be aware of changes in mindfulness and awareness from day to day and rest in the Grace of Our Mother.

The emptiness is vast and I only recollect afterwards so write almost immediately.

The Light that appears from within is a regular occurrence and ‘blends’ with the emptiness when I AM, still and silent.

That is half the secret. To train your body, mind and heart to be very very still.

Be Still and know I AM.

That is how to know “I AM”

From the Source, I AM, all else comes.

It is not imagination.

Here is what happened.

Amoghasiddhi arose in the consciousness of this body energy and information.

Truly the body is a Temple. Trained carefully we awaken the internal winds and the fire dragons. 

This body became a stone.

It was unexpected and incredible. The weight was the weight of all the worlds.

So grounded. 

So anchored. 

Stone of the Shiva and Shakti. 

The standing stone (linga) surrounded by the ring stone (yoni).

From that stone arose the Third Dalai Lama.

And from The Third Dalai Lama arose Lama Tsongkhapa the founder of Tibetan Buddhism.

The message they brought was the symbolism of the Five Dhyani Buddhas.

Sitting, The Five were within this body, in a circle, chanting this…


(You will hear the Dalai Lama chanting it here for you)

This was the sound which filled the consciousness of this body. 

This was the message they brought for you and me.

Anyone receiving initiation into the Highest Yoga Tantra systems honors the sacred pledges (samayas) connected with The Five Buddha Families.






These Five Buddhas are linked to

• the Five Directions of the mandala – north, south, east, west and the center

• the transformation of the Five Elements

• the Five Skandhas – form, sensation, perception, mental formation, consciousness (and purifying and transcending these) 

• the Five Wisdoms

•   the Five Enlightenments 

The Sacred Pledges (samayas – of which there are 19 in all) are similar in intent to the Eagle Vow I included on the website.

In ancient times the 19 samayas included practicing certain rituals three times a day and three times at night. These included generating the mind of Refuge in the Three Jewels (the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) and bringing vajra (divine masculine) and bell (divine feminine) energies together in harmony and so on. Now a liturgy or vow called Six Session Yoga (because it is done 6 times in a day) replaces this.

Their message was, whatever sacred tradition or path you follow, do this practice as a formal dedication and devotion to the Absolute and the liberation of All Beings as many times as you can each day and consciously honor your Light Families at least six times a day. Some days or nights go past where we do not bring their energy consciously to mind. By setting up a formal practice within Our Sacred Heart, these Light Beings are honored and the Clear Light of Being within you spreads for All the Worlds.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother




The Light of One Meditation by Altair, with OM Grail Crystal Source Sounds from Tareth and Tibetan Bowl Sounds from River Guerguerian



These are five minutes that can be entirely your own, in your devotion to the divine within.

You can put down any concerns or worries.

There is a time for problem solving and taking care of what you need to.

This time is for you to settle into your SELF, into the Divine PRESENCE, I AM.

To become more intimate with the Beloved, God, Your True Self, in this moment.

With Life and Light and Love as it is, right now.

So to establish PRESENCE you begin by taking some deep breaths, conscious breaths, really focusing on the exhale.


You may wish to continue resting in the Conscious Breath, breathing, “Breathing in, I AM Divine Love, Breathing out, I AM Divine Love”.


You can also use sound and light as a way of establishing PRESENCE.

Perhaps it is quiet or perhaps there is noise.

Perhaps it is dark or perhaps there is light.

Either way give your attention fully to the rhythm of sound and light around you.

The quiet and silence, the space in between the sounds.


The colour and stillness, the consciousness immersed in the light.


Even if it is noisy, very noisy, it is possible to attend to the sound in such a way that the nervous system settles, you become aware of the energies in the spine, you start to come home to the present moment.

Just give yourself over to that sound, listening with open, vast awareness.

Even if it is dark, very dark, it is possible to attend to the light within in such a way that the light body awakens, you become aware of the light in the spine, you start to come home to the present moment and the I AM Presence.

Allow the light to enter, let the light in, surrender to the divine consciousness within and without.


Whatever sounds are arising can take their place in this open, vast awareness.

Whatever light is received can be absorbed and transformed in this divine consciousness.


As the bell rings in a moment, notice any sense of settledness in PRESENCE, any groundedness in I AM, any arising of the TRUE SELF.


Breathe, be still, heal, awaken and bless us all, again and again.

Be the Christ, Krishna, Buddha, the Divine Mother Within.

We carry this flame of enlightenment within us.

Let it shine.

Let the Light in.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

These are the words of Avalokiteshavara Guan Yin from the Blessed Mother’s Heart of Wisdom Sutra.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

ALCHEMY OF BREATH – Part 3 – Light Meditation and Sound Codes



Alchemy of Breath, Solar Winds and Cosmic Air

Becoming Wind

The power of being

To be with things as they are

In the body and breath

The mind and emotions

Without judgement

To allow the alchemy of the heart to work its magic

Through the clear light of being, the Light Body

To arise

To awaken the sleeping dragon

This moment, the present, is truly the only time we have to realize the True Self

That you were never born and can never die

That is what you are remembering to nourish

To flow into

To calm and ease

A continuum of lives devoted to liberation

We honor that now

By bringing gentleness and kindness to ourselves and whatever arises as we share here together

In the physical realm of sensations in the body, of thoughts and emotions, in the light body with vast freedom of being

We are discovering what is here right now

And we are loving and embracing that like Divine Mother

We are learning to be the Christ or Buddha with fresh eyes and an awakened heart

So now we sit or rest comfortably whatever that means for us

Ever gentle in our care of this precious temple we call the body

Sitting or resting in a way that allows the spine to be straight

So that the winds of spirit can flow easefully through from one chakra, one energy center to another

And flow into the cosmos and back again with each breath

Finding what level of awareness is appropriate for you in the now

Your sincerity of heart and intention of mind is more important than any body position

Your posture is like the earth, a mountain reflecting stability

And your breath becomes the wind, reflecting the flow of cosmos, of divine light, in and out

Let the base of your mountain be solid with the power of spirit flowing in you and your chest be open like the window to heaven to accept the breath of God

Soften all the body muscles as you breathe especially those in your face and neck and gently close your eyes





As you settle, sensations sounds light thoughts and emotions will naturally arise

Turn your attention your focus to the breath

So you begin the alchemy of Breathing

Allow everything else to rest and subside

As the breath flows into and out of the body

You feel it flow



It may help you to name it

This alchemical flow of energy

Breathing in

Breathing out

Or you may be happy just feeling it

Flowing in

Flowing out

Being with the power of the breath

Breathing in I am aware of my breath

Breathing out I smile at my breath

Breathing in Buddha Breath

Breathing out Buddha Smile

Breathing in Christ Breath

Breathing out Christ Smile

Breathing in Mother’s Breath

Breathing out Mother’s Smile

All your focus and concentration on the breath

Allowing it to be

Breathing in

Breathing out

As you follow the flow you will be aware of where you feel the breath most distinctly

This is the inner energy wheels opening

Perhaps in the nose or the chest or the belly area

Rising and falling

Where is the feeling?

Where is the energy right now?

Simply be with it

And allow the breath to be a portal

Opening you to the Love within

Opening you to the Light Body within


Notice the texture and quality of the energy and consciousness that is your breath

Each breath shares its being with the stars, with the cosmos itself

Each breath is breathing in the light

Following it from its beginning as it enters the body

To its end as it leaves the body

This is like the entire cycle of a universe in a single breath

Seeing how the breath does this of its own accord

Its own intelligence

The breath of life

There is nothing you need to do

Other than surrender to the power of the light and the breath in you

This is the secret of alchemy

Knowing you are breathing in

And knowing you are breathing out

Each breath totally new and unique

A new creation

A new universe in every breath

A totally new world

Consider the incredible potential in the now, in the present moment

You have this possibility of realisation right here and now

When you consider it, the Buddha, the Christ, the Mother has always been present in you from the beginning of time and will always be

All the power that ever was or will be is here right now


You will notice that your attention moves away from the breath, from this incredible power of now, of being, pulled into a thought, a memory, looking into the past or the future.

At some point in your awareness, you will wake up, you will realise the moving away as it happens. You will see the power of awareness, the God-Self movement, actually at play, and realising it you will see the power of the cosmos is in you, moving in and moving out and you return to the mountain, the foundation, the breath.

With kindness and love you return your attention to the breath again and again, in and out, breathing in and breathing out, Buddha is breathing, Christ is breathing, Mother is breathing, Buddha is the breathing, I AM the breathing, there is only breathing, peace while breathing.

Returning to the cycles of the universe, since this is what the mind does, creating, co-creating, we simply bring it back to what is here and now.




Now expand your awareness to include the whole light body, from the crown chakra at the tip of the head, to the hands of light emanating energy at the finger tips, to the toes, which walk with in the footsteps of the Christ, the Buddha and the Mother.

Be present with whatever arises.

Lightness or heaviness.

Tightness or ease.

Expansion into the vast nature of being.

Being with the light body here and now.


Notice the ever changing nature of the sensations in the light body.

The energies arise, stay for a while and then dissolve.

These are the winds or Shaktis of the Light Body.

These are constantly changing in large or subtle ways.

Being awake.

Being aware of the dancing pools of light energy in the body.


As you attend to the sensations in the light body you may find yourself moving, shifting and re-shaping according to the attraction of the sensations.

You may move towards some sensations and push away from others.

Notice when your awareness is pulled or pushed like this and offer deep listening and kindness to what is present so that you can be there with the energies as they are.

Each moment, whatever it holds is perfect, is a God-self moment, as it comes to be and passes away. This is co-creation. This is the movement of worlds.


If energies arise that are uncomfortable, you have a choice in response.

You can choose to adjust your position or you can choose to bring attention close to the sensation and explore and investigate the boundaries of this world. Is it deep or shallow narrow or defined, hot, cold, find out exactly what is here in this world.


Now widen your awareness to the Light Body’s own light, its own presence and energy field, cast about it like a radiant sun.

Be the Light.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

With deep gratitude to Tareth for the Pyramid Sounds and Kusaba Kazuhisa for the Divine Art