Tag Archives: unity consciousness



Tantra तन्त्र simply means “to weave” from the root tan meaning expand and

tra meaning instrument.

This also means union, unity or unity consciousness.

The essence of the path of Tantra in Tibetan Vajrayana Yoga is “to weave method and wisdom”.

The method here refers to bodhicitta, buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings and the wisdom refers to wisdom realizing emptiness.

In deity yoga practice we first meditate on and dissolve everything into emptiness.

Then from within emptiness (or the profound stillness and silence of being), the very clear mind and heart of light that realizes emptiness arises in the form of the meditation deity. This could be Our Divine Mother, Guan Yin, Christ, Krishna, or whatever form or formlessness you give your intention to in your practice.

We will explore together deeper and deeper into this practice as we go along until you experience directly becoming the Light and can sustain the practice moment to moment for the benefit of others.

As the Dalai Lama says “in the Tantra systems in order to become a Buddha (or Christ, Krishna or Divine Mother), one meditates on oneself as the Buddha in body, mind and heart.”

The systems that have this practice are called Vajra, because Vajra means diamond, unbreakable, and is the fusion of compassion as your method and penetrating wisdom.


As you surrender into the Light of One Love, join your body, speech, mind, heart and activities this week with God Consciousness in the Pure Light of Being, manifesting on your path the same effect as you would being God, Buddha, Christ, Krishna, Divine Mother, being All One in the Light.

Please share what you discover.

Note : if you are following in the Dalai Lama’s book ‘Kalachakra Tantra’ this is Chapter 2. Otherwise I will continue to summarise the essence for you as above.

The Dalai Lama has said “one should engage in the Highest Yoga Tantra (the Kalachakra Tantra), the secret short path, with the motivation of becoming enlightened because you are unable to bear the suffering of your fellow beings.”

Thus your only wish in this life would be to find the shortest path to liberate them all.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

(Artwork with deepest gratitude to Kusaba Kazuhisa)