Tag Archives: wind



My dreams were of dragons.

We were on a parallel world, totally inhabited by dragons.

I was about to mount an azure-blue Phoenix-like bird-dragon on this dragon world.

The dragon in the dream is symbolic of the breath and prana (life force), and the techniques of mounting the wind dragon are given below.

We are given an unsurpassable teaching and an immeasurable gift in the simple power of the breath, which contains within it the Alchemy of the Breath and in turn the power to harness the Wind Dragon which constantly rides the bridges between this world and other worlds whether we are aware of it or not.

It is simply discovered through vision, meditation, action and goal where vision is freedom from thinking that we can or can’t accomplish this Siddhi (or power), meditation is the experiential knowledge of this primal purity, action is mindful relaxation, peace and stillness, and the goal is the natural expression of the Buddha or Christ within us which is the liberation of all living beings.

Practicing harnessing the wind dragon according to kriya, is the drawing up of the energy of prana in the breath, both up and down and in cycles around the chakras in the central channel, which will eradicate all negativity in any form.

Cultivating the mind according to mahamudra, is seeking silence and stillness within, knowing how to pause, then stop, then drawing insight from the wisdom that arises, and this brings the inner teacher, the inner Master.

Training vision according to Tantra and Alchemy, is bringing the divine Self as a deity into your Heart and achieving union with Him or Her which brings the blessings of compassion.

Practicing these automatically produces vision, meditation and action and the energies that arise within you gift you with power and siddhis.

The seed essence that arises as a result in terms of the bliss drop in the Sacred Heart accomplishes Buddhahood and the Christ Light within.

My dreams grow more prophetic and I am also practicing dream yoga more precisely as we navigate the astral dream dimensions more accurately together.

Mine is not an individual consciousness but a collective and so this wisdom arising is ours, not mine.

Children are coming to me to explore time travel and other dimensions and mindfulness, and groups are forming of their own accord (in mindfulness, compassion and healing) in the different communities I am involved in.

I am growing in awareness, knowing that we are growing in awareness and that consciousness flows in all things and allows me to connect with “you in me” where “you” can be humans or dolphins, snakes, dragons and star ships and all other beings besides.

The more I surrender the more awareness flows.

The more we flow.

I also become aware of the synchronicities, such as the orbiting breath of Kriya around the solar system of the chakras within the central sushumna, and the orbiting of vessels around the universe that belong to civilizations that have already realized the timelessness of time travel and the spacelessness of multiple dimensions.

The mystical in us all is awake.

In silence and stillness we can connect to many gurus of past ages, mandala deities, buddhas, Christs, Divine Mothers, bodhisattvas and archangels who will directly give us secret transmissions, initiations and teachings.

Such is the path of pathlessness in our Heart.

We become continually absorbed in the wisdom dance that experiences all appearances as pure vision.

We see behind the veil.

We unite lineages and religions and spiritual paths, the Old and the New, within the stream of our practice.

We embody both the distant and the close.

Above and below.

Within and without.

We see into the original transmissions, the Bible, the Koran, the Sutras and Tantras, the Alchemic Texts.

We also awaken paths within us born from visionary experiences of the Master Within.

We become treasure revealers.

Revelation comes as dreams, in deep meditation, in full blown sensory experience (like seeing a piece of theatre) and as concealed treasure, the Chintamani Stone within.

We work simply across worlds and through dimensions when we envision in any of these states.

Be very aware, as each dimension you enter is a Chintamani Stone, a wish-fulfilling jewel. 

s you think each thought, now, slowly, with great space and awareness, feel yourself with the body, mind and speech of Guru Rinpoche or Yeshe Tsogyal or Yeshua or Mary Magdalene throughout your day, every moment, thinking in the Light Language of the Guru within.

Try it now.

Begin with the thought I AM, then think and visualize and hear and feel its movement, the way it shifts and weaves through both time and space.

Watch it fill the room with Light.

I AM Presence.

Now understand that if you think this way, the very fabric of the Universe you touch with this Pristine Light and Mind of Wisdom will be transformed.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother

With deep and humble gratitude to the Presence of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Amitabha, Padmasambhava, Guan Yin, Tara, Yeshe Tsogyal and Princess Mandarava.

I AM THAT I AM, אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה ’ehyeh ’ăšer ’ehyeh

I am here to do the work of Our Mother by walking the Path of the Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder in assisting all beings to find Krishna’s Bliss, Christ’s Light and the Buddha’s Heart and Healing within.

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā 


“go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, and establish yourself in enlightenment”




Preparing for the inner fire of the Great Bliss means knowing how to train the wind-energy dragon up and down the central channel with mindfulness and heartfulness.

Training in the channels is like training in the rivers that lead to Divine Mother’s Great Ocean.

We cleanse and purify to prevent hindrances and afflictions in our energy system so that the wind dragon can be encouraged to enter the central channel.

We ride the fire of bliss that is the breath of the wind dragon.


First we do our meditation on emptiness.

We see ourself as Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Thoth, AED, EA, Saraswati, Guan Yin, Metatron, AA Michael or whatever form we choose to identify most deeply with, our Light Body as clear as crystal.

Try doing this while listening to the Sound Codes.

(email me at altairshyam@gmail.com if you do not have them and I will send them to you)

Visualize the three main channels, all the chakras and all the branch channels as three rivers of light flowing through lotus blossoms of light (the chakras) with beautiful streams of light flowing off these throughout your light body.

Everything is transparent, clear, empty and free of blockage.


At the heart chakra visualise a radiant drop of kundalini about the size of a mustard seed. It radiates with the colors of the rainbow which represent your Light Family.


In the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition the Light Family comprises five colors and five Buddha Families, Akshobhya (blue/space), Vairochana (white/air), Ratnasambhava (yellow/water), Amitabha (red/fire), and Amoghasiddhi (green/earth).

This is the Bodhisattva tradition.

They are also five, the Mother of All Buddhas Prajnaparamita (blue), Tara (white), Mamaki (yellow), Guan Yin (red) and Lochana (green).

The Archangel tradition is four, Auriel, Gabriel, Raphael and Michael.

The Elders are nine.

The Way I perceive the Elders are as an amalgamation of the five Buddha Light protectors and the four Christ Light protectors.

They are known as the Archangels in some traditions and the Bodhisattvas in others.

If you work with Tareth in Sacred Alchemy he will teach you the Light Language names of the Elders and how to contact them more deeply.

They walk with me, breathe with me and surround me as they do you.

They have protected me across time as they protect you and protect this planet.


Concentrate on the Bliss Drop about the size of a mustard seed at the heart chakra.

Don’t look on it from the outside but instead enter into it, making yourself One with it in your mind and heart.

As the Bliss Drop, you look down from the heart chakra and see the navel chakra and the secret chakras.

Travel down as the bliss drop and cleanse and purify the flower petals of the chakras with your Rainbow Light as you descend, and regenerate and activate the channels as you pass through.

Any blocked chakras and channels are opened.

Everything in your Light Body becomes radiant and rainbow-like.

The channels are now as soft as silk, empty and transparent, activated for anything you WILL the Light Body to do.

Return to the heart and look up and see the throat, third eye and crown chakras.

The central channel is clear.

As the bliss drop you cleanse and purify the flower petals of the chakras as well as all the branch channels with your Rainbow Light as you ascend, and regenerate and activate the channels as you pass through.

When you reach the third eye you are able to look and see your Rainbow Light Body all the way down to your feet.

This Body is filled with Bliss.

When it is clear and pure like a diamond you will have transformed into the Vajra or Diamond Body.

Make this journey many times, always ending up at the heart chakra.

Visualize, meditate and activate the Light Body in this way until you are completely familiar with the Diamond Body and its structure, until it is clear as your own physical body.

As within, so without.

Dedicate all benefits from this practice to the liberation of all beings.

“May the liberation of my chakras and channels into emptiness liberate all beings from pain into the freedom of eternal bliss.

May the wind dragon energy enter the central channel allowing me to experience the path of clear light and Great Bliss.

May we all realise the eternal state of Great Bliss.”

“Breathing in this breath of Bliss, I breathe in peace.

Breathing out this breath of Bliss, I give my peace to you.”

When we are truly ourselves, in that moment of presence and awareness, in the movement and stillness in our breathing, we are a Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder, immersed in Bliss.

The mind and heart can go in a thousand directions

But on this beautiful path in life I have chosen to walk in bliss and peace

With each step a gentle wind blows

With each step a flower blooms

I often mindfully and heartfully walk watching the lotus flowers bloom under my feet and the divine wind blow from my breath.

A very simple beautiful practice to try at any time of your day.

Be the Christ, Krishna, Buddha, the Divine Mother Within.

You carry this flame of enlightenment within you.

Let it shine.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother