Monthly Archives: July 2016

We Are The World

Guan Yin Portal


As I sat in meditation tonight, Saturday 30th August, just as Tareth is beginning his afternoon session at Wearyall Hill, I was transported instantly to the living energies and world of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.

Here is what they showed me.

Our consciousness is creating the world we live in every moment.

Our consciousness creates The Lion’s Gate energies which open every year at this time to a powerful alignment of the Sun, Sirius and earth energy centers such as the Pyramids of Giza.

We ARE the worlds we create.

We are not separate from any of these worlds, the human world, the dolphin worlds, the dragon worlds, the astral realms, celestial heavens and so many more.

A different way of looking at our world will cause the observed phenomena in that world to behave differently. This is one of the most fundamental insights of modern physics.

In the same way a different way of looking at the world changes the way we perceive the world. We know this because when our belief system is struggling, for example, everyone around us seems to be challenged and struggling too.

And when we are at peace and liberating our own self into the Light, all other people around us seem full of that same Light and abundant opportunity for liberation.

“The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you” is one of my favorite Rumi truths.

Your consciousness, right now, as you read this, is co-creating beauty with all others reading here, a new and vast ‘image’ of our world. This is the power of unity consciousness. This is why it is so important we all contribute.

I would love you to share the world and worlds of light you are co-creating NOW.

We all have truly magical abilities and worlds like Avalon and Shambhala help awaken our consciousness to our true divine self.

You have the power to change consciousness, yes, at the snap of a finger, to create NEW WORLDS, in this very moment.

This is the dance of the universe.

It all depends on your INTENTION.

On how you interact with your world.

Your world DEPENDS on you.

An infinite number of completely different worlds in fact exists.

For example, the Kepler Space Observatory has found there may be more than two billion planets in our galaxy capable of supporting life.

Buddhist cosmology two thousand years ago revealed that our present world system, comprising one billion worlds similar to ours, is part of a much larger universe where each of the five Buddha families, Vairochana, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, Amoghasiddhi, and Akshobhya, is the seat of twenty-five billion world systems.

These worlds and your ability to enter them all depend on your PERCEPTION.

And all these worlds are interconnected.

Which is why, many of you right now, can perceive not just the human world, but all formless, form and desire realms of being.

Right now, Light Beings, whose consciousness is operating on a different frequency to ours, so much so that you may even be unaware of their existence, are tuning in to you, when you make the INTENTION to RAISE YOUR VIBRATION.

Their connection with Source is so pure, that they would appear to you to be existing in a heavenly realm.

Right here, right now, you have within you the divine tools to connect to each and every one of those Light Beings.

And as you connect to them, and manifest them within and then ‘without’ or as internal and external forms, so you will connect to their worlds and manifest them within and without.

As above so below, as within so without.

The secrets of the cosmos are hidden right there, in those few words.

As you know, Tareth is able to manifest the sounds of the planets to enable you to channel the planetary influences to bring balance in your life.

Connecting to the worlds can be done in so many ways like this through sound and light.

It may be through connecting to Shambhala through manifested sounds.

It may be through healing and opening a Light Portal in a group on Wearyall Hill.

It may be through sitting on an island devoted to Saraswati by yourself at a Buddhist Temple of Amitabha and Guan Yin tuning into the Light Beings on Wearyall Hill.

It may be through offering your entire spiritual practice to another divine being in need.

It may be through emptying the self and allowing the Light in.

Through our daily practice of meditation, movement, sound and stillness we achieve the supreme feat of becoming ONE with Our Father, ONE with Our Mother, One with Krishna, Christ and Buddha, One with Guan Yin and Mary Magdalene, becoming the Source of Light and Love for all beings, and touching the Heart of all Light Beings, in this world and beyond.

This process is bringing Our Divine Father and Mother Within.

By doing these practices, initial feats like manifesting the Sacred Flame, lengthening your lifespan, gaining the five clairvoyances, healing the sick, inter-dimensional travels, opening Light Portals and miracles such as the Lighted Ones do, will come naturally to you.

These miracles and manifestations, when they come, are only ever used for the benefit of others.

They can only be used when the self is empty and the Divine is Present Within.


This Divine Essence, Cosmic Consciousness and its manifesting powers or Siddhis, born from the potential for Krishna, Christ and Buddha, Guan Yin and Mary Magdalene within you, is alive and awake.

There are many ways of activating the Cosmic Consciousness frequencies.

One is devotional concentration with repetition.

You invite Krishna, Christ, Buddha, Guan Yin, Mary Magdalene or any aspect of Divine Father or Mother in front of you as a real entity or as a field of energy or force of love or whatever quality He/She inspires in you. By making offerings and prayers you slowly absorb that Being into you until you are meditating on yourself as Krishna, Christ, Buddha, Guan Yin, Mary Magdalene, Divine Father or Mother.

The offering could be your spiritual practice.

This is very real, so offer that with all your Heart to Source.

The prayer could be as simple as “May I be filled with the eternal love of the Christ Light”.

Make it very real and offer the prayer with all your Heart to Source.


NOW is always waiting for YOU.

If you have a painting, called a Thangka, or statue, this can be used in front of you as a basis of centering your focus in the beginning.

First create the Mansion of Light.

This is the ground, the lotus seat, into which the Christ, the Buddha, Krishna Guan Yin, Mary Magdalene or your Light Being will be invited.

Meditate on emptiness.

The simple way to do this is to enter the silence and stillness.

Watch your breath, gently, calmly until all grows still inside you.

Within that emptiness allow your Mansion of Light to form WITHIN YOU.

Visualize the exact details of this Light Dwelling.

It may be as complex as a beautiful mansion in Shambhala शम्भलः བདེ་འབྱུང

or as simple as a healing Circle of Trees in Avalon, or a temple on Venus, Sirius or The Pleiades.

It may be a pure realm of Light.

And for many of you, because of your attunement and degree of practice and stillness, this Presence, this Ground, will arise within you, quite naturally.

Then invite the Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Guan Yin, Mary Magdalene or other Light Being WITHIN.

He or She will sit WITHIN YOU.

For those of you of great faith who have practiced attunement to your Beloved through prayer and meditation, the FORM BODY OF THE BLESSED ONE will appear WITHIN YOUR TRUTH BODY OF BLISS, SILENCE ANS STILLNESS so there is no need to invite. Your Beloved will just appear.

He/She arises naturally WITHIN you, just like your true mantra arises as a sound in your heart.

Then you offer your spiritual practice.

This can be as simple as offering your tears, a very real sprinkling of holy water.

Or your heart.

As Rumi says “Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself”

Then you offer your prayers,

“May I be filled with the eternal love of the Christ Light”


“By the Power of the Buddha, fill me up with your Grace”


“Krishna, sweet Krishna, the Door of My Heart I keep open wide for Thee”


“Divine Mother, Guan Yin, Your Child Forever Am I”


“Chosen One, Mary Magdalene, You are The Beloved. I pray to you, in bliss, and ask for divine light and purity to shine upon me”

From this arises the four immeasurables


Now you are ready.

Sit in the cross legged position of Vairochana, the celestial Buddha.

The seven points of Vairochana as detailed in the six yogas of Naropa are

“Body in the vajra posture

Spine like a string of jewels

Chest always open

Adam’s apple tucked

Tongue pointing toward the upper palate

Hands, one on top of the other, below the navel, in the gesture of composure

Eyes and awareness immobile

Vigorously tame energy and mind mingled.”

Make sure the body is straight.

When the body is straight the channels that direct the course of the divine winds, the Holy Breath of Spirit, is straight, thus balancing and enlightening the mind.

Withdraw your sense consciousness and settle your mind WITHIN.

If you have difficulty doing this for a continued period you can use divine sounds or mantra, such as OM or AUM to help you center.

Breathe naturally and gently with closed or partially opened eyes in the central astral spine, the sushumna सुषुम्णा, the spine of light which runs up the centre of your physical spinal cord, through the seven chakras, from the Kundalini coiled at the base of your spine to the crown chakra.

Breathe all the way up to the third eye and all the way down to the base of the spine.

Do this until the emptiness is filled with light.

Focus on the third eye, the seat of the Blue Lotus, the Blue Pearl of Guan Yin.

The heart and mind of enlightenment is cultivating.

The heart and mind of love, compassion, joy and peace for others is being generated.

When this divine heart and mind is continuous and natural and steady Buddhahood, the Christ and Krishna Consciousness, the Love and Light of Guan Yin, Mary Magdalene, Our Divine Father and Mother is easily attained and you are able to bring the pure light of happiness to yourself and others through the Shared Heart.

You are co-creators with Source.







All traditions have Source Messengers.

Those that followed Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Mary Magdalene and Guan Yin were just like you.

They overcame great obstacles to do as you will do and as the Ones they loved did.

St Therese of Lisieux made flower petals rain from heaven through her great devotion to Jesus.

Nagarjuna, one of the greatest Buddhist philosophers, used alchemy to turn base metals into gold for a poor village through his pure Buddha mind.

Sai Baba was able to manifest objects through surrendering to the divine consciousness and Presence in Hinduism.

Tareth manifests Divine Light and Sound to bring healing and awakening.

The Bodhisattva Within you must arise naturally to become the Buddha, Christ, Krishna, Guan Yin, Mary Magdalene and all Divine Beings, not as a wish but as a deep knowing within, a desire in you to help all beings become a Krishna, Christ, Buddha, Guan Yin or Mary Magdalene BY BECOMING ONE YOURSELF.


WE are Krishna, WE are The Christ, WE are the Buddha.

WE are Guan Yin, WE are Mary Magdalene.

Seek refuge in Krishna, the Buddha, the Christ, Guan Yin, Mary Magdalene Within.

There is Our Salvation.

I AM that I AM אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה, ehyeh ašer ehyeh

ONE with Lord Krishna and Lady Guan Yin

From the Pleiadian Dolphin Isle Daenkus

Love and Blessings from the Source

I AM here to do the work of Our Divine Mother in assisting both in Mother Gaia’s ascension and by walking the Path of the Bodhisattva in seeking Krishnahood, Christhood, Buddhahood and healing for all beings.

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā ག༌ཏེ༌ག༌ཏེ༌པཱ༌ར༌ག༌ཏེ༌པཱ༌ར༌སཾ༌ག༌ཏེ༌བོ༌དྷི༌སྭཱ༌ཧཱ།

“go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, and establish yourself in enlightenment”


I AM a teacher, healer and mystic guiding the Way of Love, Unity and Harmony for the New Gaia that we are co-creating.

I teach simply that We are the Way, the Truth and the Light and that our freedom to be our True Self is the key to transformation.

“The miracles of God lie within Us.

We are the Light.

We are the Temple of the One Chakra.

Our Awakened Infinite Light Body brings all our dreams into reality.”

With deepest Love and Devotion to Our Divine Mother, Lady of the Earth, Guan Yin (from the Sanskrit root Guanyin/Kuan Yin/Kwan Yin)

“The Divine Mother who perceives the Sounds and Cries of Mother Gaia and Her Children.”

Dalai Lama Chenrezig



Diary Thursday 28th July


Last night, just before I sat to meditate, the Rainbow Body of Vajrasattva arose in front of me.

I am humbled and greatly blessed by such glorious manifestations, the experiences of which are truly manifestations of our own radiant SELF.


How you perceive the world is a reflection of your state of consciousness.

Every moment your consciousness co-creates the world.

The reason a rainbow body appeared INSIDE my house is actually because I AM co-creating it WITH Vajrasattva.

You can do all this and much more.


So let us discuss the practical co-creation of the Clear Light of Being.

Truth is very simple, and in its simplicity is woven the power of activation as the pure light of your consciousness engages the energies and is activated.

In the Clear Light of Being, truth has four phases – union with Light, union with Deity, union with Wisdom and union with Presence.

They go by many names, these just happen to be the ones I use drawn from Vedic Lore, Alchemy and ancient Tibet and Buddha’s teachings.

We are going to practice something together, if you are guided to accept this into your heart.

It is called the practice of




Make that your intention NOW.

The whole key to final enlightenment is to be able to stabilize your practice so that at any point, even at the point of death, your awareness is bright, full of light and clear. This shows the importance of activations or initiations. You can take activations and initiations from a master, from your SELF or from a Light Being like a Buddha or Christ or member of your Light family.

Here is practice to try to stabilize KNOWING THE LIGHT in your day to day moments or meditations.

Try it right now.

Use your mantra to centre you if you need. Use OM or AMEN if you don’t have a personal mantra.

Look around you at the room. Now look out your window. What do you see? Go out the door and look outside too. Write down what you see… ❤️

Now Do it again but first Centre yourself in Silence and Stillness and chant your mantra internally for a few minutes until you feel it arise naturally in your heart. This is Union with Presence ❤️

Then slowly open your eyes and still chanting internally repeat the same exercise walking so gently that you keep the Presence and write down what you see ❤️

It is very Beautiful, is it not? Your Presence, Your Light. Very beautiful. You are giving yourself SPACE. The Wisdom of Space. This is Union with Wisdom ❤️

Now sit for a while. Now that you have established Presence and Wisdom sit still and silent for a few minutes more. This time sit AS YOUR DEITY. You are HIM OR HER. FATHER OR MOTHER. You could be Christ, the Buddha, Mary Magdalene or Guan Yin for example ❤️

Guan Yin Clear Light

See the room again. Write down what you see through HIS OR HER EYES… ❤️

Sit. Be still. Be silent. Let GOD THE FATHER OR MOTHER AS THE DEITY fill you. Fill your womb, your belly, then fill your heart. This is Union with Deity. ❤️

As you go about the day doing your daily things DO THEM AS GOD THE FATHER OR MOTHER while you chant ❤️

Do this as often as you can 💛

Beautiful. You are so beautiful. This is a very deep and profound shift into Presence, Wisdom and Deity ❤️

You know how to do it now.

You need to practice so you can do it at will.

When you can do it at will, shining light for every living being, this is Union with Light.



Union with Light – Co-creating the Body of Light – Your consciousness becomes a landscape of light. Your world is a vibrant tapestry of sound, light and color, brilliantly clear and radiant, far beyond the sensory experiences of this world. The elements are liberated in the clear light of your mind and heart. Space is the Blue Light, Water is White Light, Earth is Yellow Light, Fire is Red Light, Wind is Green Light. You will recognize that these radiant manifestations are not separate from the clear light of mind and heart. Try walking mindfully and breathing light as you walk. Be aware of when your consciousness is IN THE LIGHT and when your consciousness falls ‘out of the light’.

Union with Deities – The Mandala of All Deities appear. Your light dissolves into union with the light of those close to your heart, your Light Family. This could be the Five Dhyani Buddhas, or Yeshua and Mary Magdalene or the Archangels and Metatron or Krishna or Thoth or any combination of the Ones you have devoted your heart to in this lifetime. Light streams out from your heart, joining theirs. The Light Family then dissolves into you.

Union with Wisdom – the five wisdoms are revealed within the light, wisdom of space, wisdom of mirror-likeness, wisdom of equals, wisdom of discernment, all accomplishing wisdom

Union with Presence – the whole of reality is revealed – the primordial state of being, like an open cloudless sky, complete with deities, the pure realms of the Christs and Buddhas, the six realms of existence. It is limitless. From wisdom and liberation to ignorance and rebirth, knowledge of all past and future lives and all other beings lives and the realms of existence, all teachings.

If you can recognize all of this manifestation as your own Being, the Divine I AM Presence, the SELF-Radiance of the True Self, you will be liberated.

If you have trained yourself throughout this life to ‘turn your gaze upward’ and TURN TO THE LIGHT and TO ALLOW THE LIGHT TO ENTER then you will BECOME THE LIGHT. If your habit is to ‘die daily’ (lose your ‘self) in union with the light, the deities, wisdom and Presence then you will recognize that all these are manifestations of your own Being.

If your habit has been to constantly turn to the tendencies of your previous lives which you are now living in this life and to grasp at reality then your gaze will be drawn downward to the six realms and those you recognize will draw you back into delusion. This delusion can be VERY attractive such as the dreamlike state of the astral worlds and their creations.

The practical key to understanding this is to know that all the experiences are natural radiance of the nature of our mind. When you experience an ‘aha’ awakening it is different aspects of the enlightenment energy being released. YOU ARE THE LIGHT. If you are able to sit, here and NOW, and simply REST in an undistracted state of Being, in one single state of mind, then you are KNOWING THE LIGHT. If you develop stability in meditation practice, in the silence and stillness of Presence, and begin to shine throughout your day then you are SHARING THE LIGHT.

Bless every Being on your path today.

This is ultimate compassion.

Because like you, THEY ARE THE LIGHT, and like you, we all share both a common humanity and a common Light.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother


The Incredible Lightness of BEING ONE



Diary July 24th

Dear All

People often ask me about this reality and that, about this life and that, about this existence and that dimension and about parallel and multiple dimensions.

I answer in the following way…

The I AM Presence, the Unmanifest, manifests throughout eternity in many ways.

YOU, together, are ONE, and individually, YOU are also one of those many ways.

The Christ Consciousness we are expressing is connected to the I AM Presence within us opening our multidimensional experience.

The Hebrew letter ‘MEM’ symbolizes the reversal of thinking, the profound realization necessary when entering into the multidimensional experience. That you are God, the One Light. MEM is also another word for SAMADHI and also Water and Ocean.


We are that One Light, that One Heart now.

We all know the power of unity consciousness.

Any soul group we are part of has these multidimensional aspects. Crossing time and worlds to link us all.

Any ‘role’ we play in a past or future life or multidimensional existence is only to help All of us gain wisdom and understanding collectively from that particular soul group to go deeper in Source.

If we grasp at a particular life we really will remain attached to it. It will release to us memories but little more. When we surrender that life we gain the inherent wisdom in its existence. We gain compassion for all those in similar lives. Right now we are learning wisdom and compassion for those on this planet. When we are able to let go of this individual life on this planet and open to the unity that exists by opening our heart to all lives on this planet we activate the alchemy within the fabric of this planet’s consciousness, the knowledge of spiritual unity and spiritual power.

This same principle applies to multidimensional experiences. It is gifted to you to learn compassion for ALL lives, all BEINGS in that existence, not just the solitary life or memory you tap into.

It is a magnificent Flower of Life, where compassion for ALL the petals gives you the wisdom of the Flower.

Wisdom merging with Compassion in a divine romance.

Father blending with Mother in pure harmony.

There is no-thing, just limitless being and love.

We are all God, and we are growing to know this, reveal this, open to this.

Behind the wave of our consciousness is the ocean of the Divine I AM Presence.

Look within. Reverse your thinking. Live the ONE LIGHT.

The I AM revealed in the silence and stillness of Presence is the source of all our joys and bliss.

In your garden you water all your flowers. There is not one you would leave out. You nurture them all. So it is with Gaia. All Her Flowers, the precious Petals we call living beings, need your water, your compassion, the warmth of your heart. Give of it freely and you will find that heaven’s garden is already being tended, watered and nurtured in your soul.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

Many thanks to Rakhi Baird for the artwork

I AM The Light

Buddha Yogananda

I AM The Light

WE are the LIGHT. In my meditation this Saturday morning, by the Grace of God I was uplifted into the Light, which remained with me for over four hours.

As I learned as a student of Paramahansa Yogananda, and when I walked as a disciple of Mahavatar Babaji, and a son of Lord Krishna…

Ezekiel 43:1-2

“Then the man brought me to the gate facing east, and I saw the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east. His voice was like the roar of rushing waters, and the land was radiant with his glory.”

Through the divine eye in the forehead (east), as yogi and yogini we sail our consciousness into omnipresence, hearing the Word or OM (Aum-Amen) the divine sound (of rushing waters), the vibrations of Light, the I AM Presence which is the sole reality of creation.

I also learned this same truth as a friend of Yeshua, when I walked with Yeshua in India and Tibet as Mary, Mother of James the Lesser and Joses, to the cave of Babaji…

Matthew 6:22

“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.”

This same Light was in the 5th Dalai Lama and the 14th Dalai Lama’s words to me. I have been friends with them both….

Kalachakra Tantra

“The fundamental innate mind of clear light abides in and pervades the heart of all sentient beings. It is also the final essence and creator of all environments and beings, the basis of emanation of all of cyclic existence and nirvana. It is the basis of emanation of all five Conqueror lineages and the Supreme Lord of All Lineages.”

My Father Lord Krishna said to me…

Bhagavad Gita 8:26

“By the Path of Light, liberation is attained.”

And Eckhart Tolle…

“In the near-death experience, people experience the portal of radiant light, “The luminous splendor of the colorless Light of Emptiness”, your own true self. If you have developed Presence you will enter conscious immortality.”

How can we do this practically?

From the writings of Paramahansa Yogananda:

“As a first step toward entering the kingdom of God, the devotee should sit still in the correct meditation posture, with erect spine, and tense and relax the body — for by relaxation the consciousness is released from the muscles.

“The yogi and yogini begins with proper deep breathing, inhaling and tensing the whole body, exhaling and relaxing, several times. With each exhalation all muscular tension and motion should be cast away, until a state of bodily stillness is attained.

“Then, by concentration techniques, restless motion is removed from the mind. In perfect stillness of body and mind, the yogi and yogini enjoys the ineffable peace of the presence of the soul.

“In the body, life is templed; in the mind, light is templed; in the soul, peace is templed. The deeper one goes into the soul the more that peace is felt; that is superconsciousness.

“When by deeper meditation the devotee expands that awareness of peace and feels his or her consciousness spreading with it over the universe, that all beings and all creation are swallowed up in that peace, then they are entering into Cosmic Consciousness. They feel that peace everywhere — in the flowers, in every human being, in the atmosphere. They behold the earth and all worlds floating like bubbles in that ocean of peace.”

— Paramahansa Yogananda

    The Yoga of Jesus

And from my good friend and Brother, Tareth…

“The Sanctuary of the Light is Within You, in this Sanctuary you can manifest your earth angel. Walk in Your Light. Clear a path where the Grail within you becomes clear and strong. You are a Channel of Light. Let us all join the Community of Light.”

Love and Soul Blessings

Altair and Divine Mother

As a beautiful reference of a pure experience of the Light of the Spiritual Eye

Love In Action

Divine Love


I would love to hear your feelings on love and non-judgment v love in action in the more challenging or difficult moments of your life.

Here is my story.

I have been on the Bodhisattva Path of Love and Compassion for a long time now so I practice “I am You, You are Me” and this is certainly not without its challenges! On the spiritual path I know each of us has their own secret way of BEING with the mystery of I AM and this is very unique and never judged. However, to test the reality of this, I have had to confront a man with a knife (who tried to kill my secretary in a business I was running) a man with a gun (who tried to break into my house to kill myself and my girlfriend) a man who assaulted (who, when drunk, punched me in the back and put me in hospital) and in each case and many others I was forced to draw on resources I didn’t know existed at the time. In the ‘Man with Knife’ I placed my hand on the man’s heart and was very still inside and by the Grace of God he put away his knife and came with me elsewhere (He had dreamed of being a piano player in a pub and I made that dream come true for him until the police came to arrest him). In the ‘Man with Gun’ I had to use very elaborate language which I will not repeat here for risk of offending and use some old martial arts training with a didgeridoo as defense to ensure my girlfriend was protected (there were police all around, he had a shotgun, was an escaped prisoner on the run, and with helicopters overhead warning us of the danger it was a very touch and go spur of the moment survival instinct kind of thing). In the ‘Man Who Assaults’ I could not respond as I was trapped in a crowd of Japanese in a train and he was very angry at foreigners generally (it was after the 2011 earthquake) so this was a good test in life as I ended up with injuries with no way of protecting myself. In the first case stillness love and compassion truly healed the assailant who was not known to me, in the second, fighting fire with fire was the only way of ensuring the protection of those dear to me which was the path I took which I call ‘active compassion’ and in the third I truly had to forgive deeply a rather blatant violent case of racism and prejudice which I did after the hospital operation mostly because I could not think clearly beforehand. Practical examples are always very useful I feel, I hope they provide some useful food for thought. I would love to hear your feelings on love and non-judgment v love in action in the more challenging or difficult moments of your life.

Thank you to Evie Blanks for the wonderful prompt!

The Secret Mantra

Guan Yin - Thousand-armed-avalokitesvara-hrih-1024


I will describe a little of my personal process with mantra just to help those of you who have asked how to work with mantra.

It is short so please take from it what you will, what enhances your path, and discard the rest.

Only accept those teachings given to you that you have truly tested in your heart and know to be true FOR YOU.

By mentally reciting the secret MANTRA which your Sacred Heart has chosen

You then are able to enter, rest in the silence and stillness and disperse energy at the Heart thus awakening Presence

The indestructible life drop at your Core, comprised of the five essences of the five elements KNOWS this process already and so assists you. You KNOW you have done this before and are given signs, initiations and empowerments to bring your mind home

The knots at the heart are untied

The alchemical marriage is consummated where the vajra is placed firmly in the lotus within your central channel which is alive with Source energy, prana, the Life Force

In this central channel the mystical syllable OF YOUR HEART’S PATH arises and vibrates (in my case the sound HRIH, shown in the picture above, the seed syllable of Amitabha Buddha, Avalokiteshvara/Guan Yin/Chenrezig awoke and flooded the sushumna)

You drink the essence of the nectar (amrita) and are filled with joy (the same joy that allowed me to manifest Divine Oil from my hands with Tareth)

The mind settles in the symbol (Light Language ‘thread’ connecting you to the Elders/Archangels). This Light symbol (for me it was HRIH) arises within you, surrounding you, a sign of the Light of healing, the Christ Light within

The Indestructible Drop of the Great Bliss in you which ‘transcends death’ KNOWS and opens the chakras and the sensory gates, and the Temple of the ONE CHAKRA arises

One is able to directly perceive ‘above’ (“as above so below”), RECEIVE guidance from the Father and Mother, The Christ Consciousness, Krishna, Thoth and the Five Dhyani Buddhas and Light Families and have direct knowledge of all the worlds

The doorway to miraculous powers (siddhis) is opened

You see the faces of innumerable deities known and unknown to you appearing in front of and within you to bring you initiations, empowerments and Light Family lineages

All teachings thus become open to you to bring to others to liberate them which is the true meaning of unity consciousness – bringing the Light wherever we can

And so you gain the delightful company of Immortal Love – the Direct Knowledge of Father Mother God

Love and Soul Blessings

Altair and Mother

Secret Methods for Healing



Amazing such an amazing meditation.

I connected directly with the Fifth Dalai Lama and the Light of Healing.

Here is how it happened.

In the meditation I was taken straight back into the life of Tenzin and this time I was at the Sacred Nalanda Mahavihara Library in India doing research for the Fifth Dalai Lama into the Secret Methods of Healing, reading the 2nd Dalai Lama’s notes on manifestation of amrita and the Wheels of Dharma and ‘Song to A Female Bodhisattva’, one of the 28 texts.

I saw all the details, was able to open the book to the one hundred and forty sixth page and read the vision therein, which I describe below, which also connected me to Tareth and his manifestation of divine oil with me, Chenrezig/Avalokiteshvara and the miracles of the Lotus, Mary, Mother of James the Lesser and her Light Work with Yeshua and St Therese of Lisieux and the flowers which rained down from heaven at her death.

This took me directly to The Continuum I experienced where I took the Bodhisattva vow from Maitreya and have continued it over so many lives. I was able some years ago to feel the lives I had devoted myself to, one after the other, on this world and many worlds, for the liberation of all beings.

Here is the vision itself, as confirmed by the 5th Dalai Lama.

He was the most mystical of the Dalai Lamas, spending most of his time in trance.

During trance, gurus of the past, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas would appear to him and give him secret transmissions, initiations and teachings.

We are experiencing that directly with great blessings ourselves.

This is from ‘Secret Methods for Healing’

“During the ritual when the life energies of the five Buddha families were being summoned, light rays suddenly burst forth from the heart of His Guru. The tips of the rays bore the five Buddhas and the five dakinis (Sky-Goer, Tantric Priestess, Deva, Spiritual Muse, Faerie) each in the color of their respective Light Ray. The dakinis were carrying longevity arrows with auspicious threads and as they waved them over the crown of the Fifth Dalai Lama he could actually feel the threads caress his crown…

Suddenly His Lama stood up, spoke the Sacred Words with his hands folded at his heart, “Kye Hoh!” and began the oral transmission of the Light Language.

When His Lama had finished, a stream of nectar flowed forth from the vase in His Guru’s hand. They came to the crown of the Fifth Dalai Lama’s head and entered his body, completely filling it. His central channel became as firm as an iron arrow with red half-vajras at the top and the bottom. These energies continued for an entire day.

The Guru then placed his hand on the Fifth Dalai Lama’s heart, transformed into a ball of light and dissolved into the Fifth Dalai Lama. The Great Bliss and the Void in Union filled his Being.”

I was struck by how I had been led to this place to read this particular passage by Tenzin and how similar this was to my first meeting with Tareth when I manifested divine amrita for eight hours from my hands through Tareth’s initiation, and then some years later was filled with the Diamond Consciousness initiation for an entire day through the grace of Archangel Metatron and Avalokiteshvara/Guan Yin.

I feel so blessed and humbled to share this with you and hope you can find in it all or some energies for inspiration.

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother

Medicine Buddha

The Dance of Infinity In the Heart of Bliss

Akshobhya Large

Diary Saturday 16th July


My meditation was a deeply humbling one.

The Great Wisdom Buddha Akshobhya अक्षोभ्य the Immovable One and the Infinite Clear Light of Bliss manifested within me.

He showed me my life as a Tibetan woman. I experienced the birth ritual, my obedience to my Lama as a young girl, my first taste of sex with the man I married, the birth of my three children, life, with two dear close friends living nearby, and death with the clear light of bliss rising. There was a vision of my clothes, the smells, the place and the feeling of that life throughout.

My father was Drupada (‘pillar’ – the King in Mahabharata) and my name was Tenzin བསྟན་འཛིན Lhopa (meaning Holder of the Buddha’s Dharma in the South). My mother was Lobsang and she died soon after I was born.

This gave me great insight into the Highest Yoga Tantra, where enlightenment is realized as a complete, continuing FLOW of awareness of the dance of infinity and bliss. It reveals ‘forms’ like the Tibetan life I experienced only when vital and necessary for wisdom.

By resting within the natural perfection of the BEING of Akshobhya I could see into the Heart of the Great Mantra.

Each of you has a deity, whether that be Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, Buddha or Guan Yin, Tara, Krishna or Saraswati, Thoth or Isis or Hathor AND your True Self whose core is accessed more easily through communication with that deity. In other words you BE-COME that deity within.

Each deity has his or her own mantra and by reciting and meditating on these at length you establish a link with the primordial stream of inner being (tantra) of that deity consciousness within you.

In Tibet for example at the Tantric Retreat of the female Buddha Arya Tara you will recite her mantra four hundred thousand times.

However this is the outer ‘ritual’. The inner secret, the mystical yogic process of the mantra involves bringing together the subtle body energies (the winds and fires within the ida and pingala) into the central channel (the sushumna) in an alchemical marriage where the body sits still in silence, a silence almost the same as the stillness of the body functions at the time of death. The breath and the heart with practice indeed do slow and then stop. This gives rise to extremely subtle states of consciousness, similar to near death and at moment of death consciousness and allow you to experience the after death state. ‘Your’ subtle mind blends with the primordial state of being, which gives rise to the state of enlightenment, which itself is a direct experience of ‘clear light’ within or in the 2nd Dalai Lama’s own words “The actual clear light, which is ‘your’ reality, is known, and the seeds of grasping for true existence are extinguished”

Then I went out for a Swimming meditation. I practiced the Heart Sutra with deep strokes and my swimming style changed! Very deep slow and rhythmic with no effort and yet moving faster than I had before, like a dolphin! A very novel experience.

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother

Celestial Beings, Visions and Meditation when you can’t

Guan Yin Celestial Buddha 2

Thursday 14th July


Some mornings when baby Maia gets up early I cannot sit and do what I would call a formal meditation ritual, and so continue the consciousness of what I wake up with, throughout the morning by simple breathing, walking, eating, playing practices. Mindfulness, Deeply Present. Presence.

I wake chanting the Heart Sutra Mantra (and do so whenever I wake during the night). It is a good practice. Any word or mantra true to your heart will work when intention is pure.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in the Buddha, your True Self.

It is said in the The Royal Seal of Mahamudra in the ‘Sutra of Entering the Sublime’ The Buddha said “The merit of a bodhisattva practitioner of yoga who practiced samadhi for just the duration of a finger snap is greater than the merit accrued by providing the necessities of life to all the beings in the three worlds for as long as they live”

So this time when I was in the bath playing with Maia I honored our Light Family (I do this through a Kriya breath in which I cycle through the Light Family energies in the inner astral spine as I am playing with Maia. I actually name and visualize them, from the Gurus, Angels, Saints and Masters, to Yogananda, Christ, Buddha, Krishna and Divine Mother. So each “member” “sits” in a chakra portal, Christ for example at the heart chakra. It is a simple practice, honoring each on the inward breath, connecting on the outward breath. You can do it walking down the street. The consciousness is in you. You are that Divine Christ Light in the Heart.)

Then I sat still and used the Kalachakra ritual of blending deities, Celestial Buddha and Guan Yin, by being drawn into the mouth of the Celestial Buddha, by Light, and then passing through His Body and into Guan Yin, dissolving into Her Womb.

All with my eyes open.

As I sat still, at that moment, at the ‘snap of a finger’ a bright light, brighter than any torch, brighter than a search light, brighter than the sun, from an infinitesimal dot in the distance, expanding to a bright splendid clear light in front of me, emerged and shone into me and entered me.

Allow the Light to enter.

And it will.

It stopped my breath.

Awe-inspiring and magnificent.

I gave thanks to baby Maia and all of you for this experience of the Divine Light in such a practical way.

Playing with my baby.

This transpired because in the previous night’s meditation The Buddha’s Celestial Being was revealed to me. Surrounding the Buddha were other celestial beings including our Mother Guan Yin. It reminded me of the following story.

On the seventh year after His Enlightenment, the Buddha preached the Abhidhamma (higher Doctrine) in Tavatimsa Heaven. As a fulfillment of gratitude to his former mother, now a Santussita Deva, the Buddha then delivered a sermon on the Higher Doctrine to thousands of Devas (Gods) and Brahmas (higher celestial beings) who attained the various stages of Noble Sainthood.

I knew I was equally immersed in Heaven when this was revealed to me and as gratitude to my own earth mother and Mother Guan Yin, I was able to receive this experience of the Celestial Buddha and through His Consciousness within me the Divine Light experience in the bath with baby Maia.

Love and Soul Blessings

Altair and Mother

Becoming the Five Dhyani Buddhas – Diary Wednesday July 13th


Becoming The Five Dhyani Buddhas – Diary Wednesday July 13th – Amoghasiddhi, The Five Dhyani Buddhas, The 3rd Dalai Lama, Tsongkhapa and The Incredible Experience of Being a Stone

Amoghasiddhi, The Five Dhyani Buddhas, The 3rd Dalai Lama, Tsongkhapa and The Incredible Experience of Being a Stone

This morning we visited the Temple of She Who Hears All the Sounds of the World, a Guan Yin Temple with great stones and a one thousand year old ginkgo tree.

I sat and meditated and was uplifted into the emptiness after I had said my prayers for all of you and given devotion to all my teachers.

My practice is very simple, prayers, devotion, alchemical affirmation (from Thoth’s Emerald Tablet – “All The Power That Ever Was Or Will Be Is Here Now” while drawing a circle of power on my left palm and holding it to my heart ), Kriya (Babaji Breath ‘awe’ upwards wind and ‘eee’ ‘downwards wind in the astral spine) and then sit still. What happens from there is the Will of Our Father.

I have had exactly the same practice for many many years. This enables me consciously to be aware of changes in mindfulness and awareness from day to day and rest in the Grace of Our Mother.

The emptiness is vast and I only recollect afterwards so write almost immediately.

The Light that appears from within is a regular occurrence and ‘blends’ with the emptiness when I AM, still and silent.

That is half the secret. To train your body, mind and heart to be very very still.

Be Still and know I AM.

That is how to know “I AM”

From the Source, I AM, all else comes.

It is not imagination.

Here is what happened.

Amoghasiddhi arose in the consciousness of this body energy and information.

Truly the body is a Temple. Trained carefully we awaken the internal winds and the fire dragons.

This body became a stone.

It was unexpected and incredible. The weight was the weight of all the worlds.

So grounded.

So anchored.

Stone of the Shiva and Shakti.

The standing stone (linga) surrounded by the ring stone (yoni).

From that stone arose the Third Dalai Lama.

And from The Third Dalai Lama arose Lama Tsongkhapa the founder of Tibetan Buddhism.

The message they brought was the symbolism of the Five Dhyani Buddhas.

Sitting, The Five were within this body, in a circle, chanting this…

(You will hear the Dalai Lama chanting it here for you)

This was the sound which filled the consciousness of this body.

This was the message they brought for you.

Anyone receiving initiation into the Highest Yoga Tantra systems honors the sacred pledges (samayas) connected with The Five Buddha Families.











These Five Buddhas are linked to

  • the Five Directions of the mandala – north, south, east, west and the center
  • the transformation of the Five Elements
  • the Five Skandhas – form, sensation, perception, mental formation, consciousness (and purifying and transcending these)
  • the Five Wisdoms
  •   the Five Enlightenments

The Sacred Pledges (samayas – of which there are 19 in all) are similar in intent to the Eagle Vow I included on the website.

In ancient times the 19 samayas included practicing certain rituals three times a day and three times at night. These included generating the mind of Refuge in the Three Jewels (the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) and bringing vajra (divine masculine) and bell (divine feminine) energies together in harmony and so on. Now a liturgy or vow called Six Session Yoga (because it is done 6 times in a day) replaces this.

Their message was, whatever sacred tradition or path you follow, do this practice as a formal dedication and devotion to the Absolute and the liberation of All Beings as many times as you can each day and consciously honor your Light Families at least six times a day. Some days or nights go past where we do not bring their energy consciously to mind. By setting up a formal practice within Our Sacred Heart, these Light Beings are honored and the Clear Light of Being within you spreads for All the Worlds.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother