Monthly Archives: January 2017




On this event of the New Year, 2017, as I was practicing the Yoga of Dreams in bed one night, this somewhat lazy monk was thinking of the many beautiful energies I wish to share together in the Circles of Light, the Pure Lands, Shambhala and Avalon.

Of the many lineages present on our planet, two lineages in particular have arisen in our world consciousness that I wish to speak about.

From India, that of the Buddha and Avalaokiteshvara/Guan Yin.

And from Egypt, that of Yeshua and Mary Magdalena.

You may choose any others and replace those Divine Ones whom I speak about with your own path’s Loved Ones.

These are just my personal experiences I am sharing with you, that you know already and whose wisdom is within you that I am reminding you of.

Both are alchemic practices of the mahasiddhas and this is their Light practices, that I follow daily.

We first receive the appropriate initiations from our Light Family.

This is a profound… (right at this moment in real time in Japan as I wrote the word ‘profound’ we experienced an earthquake of magnitude 6.3. I bow with humble reverence to the worlds at Earth Mother’s feet, to the wind at Her back, and to the sun in Her heart. May flowers bloom wherever you walk with Her and may every breath you take liberate all beings into peace in Her Presence.)

This is a profound transmission where we honour and observe and learn from Our Light Family the levels of commitment to love and compassion on our path.


Firstly we arrange an altar of devotion in our Heart to the Chosen One(s) whether this be to Christ or Mary Magdalena or any of those spoken or unspoken on our path of pathlessness.

We do this by simple visualisation and an invitation to be present.

This is presence.

To be present with the Beloved.

We begin each session by preparing the mind and heart for the profound footsteps on our path for the day by meditating upon Christ or Magdalena or others by drawing them into our Heart.

Draw the Divine Feminine Form in first and then open Her Heart to receive the Divine Masculine Form of the God-Self in you.

With them both present in your Heart recite the mantra or prayer or sacred word or sound that is their essence to you.

This purifies the mind and heart of any karma in that moment.

Then comes the purification in emptiness through mantra and visualisation.

The entire universe is visualised as dissolving into light.

The light then dissolves into all living beings.

All  living beings then dissolve into light.

The light then dissolves into you.

Your own body dissolves into light from the head down and feet up meeting at the seed mantra in your heart.

The seed in your heart dissolves into vast, infinite, radiant being or awareness.


Reciting a mantra within this radiant awareness will transform your mind into the form of a syllable, the essence of your path as a sound, in the centre of your heart.

It arises spontaneously, emanating brilliant rays of light that touch all the world.

The sound melts into a ball of light, from which you emerge in the Light Body as Christ or Magdalena or whatever form you have chosen, your body as dazzling as a snow mountain.

In this form the divinities and Enlightened Ones of your Light Family are absorbed into your body which now becomes their home.

Upon your head appears the Lord/Lady of Boundless Light and all the root and lineage keepers of your path are summoned and absorb into Him/Her.

In a similar way the root sound of your Heart summons all sounds which are absorbed and become in nature all sounds, all mantras, limitless sound with the power to listen and touch all the world.

The entire world is now transformed into Christs or Magdalenas and the vast radiance of your awareness perceives the world now as Shambhala or Avalon filled with divine beings.


The Light Body now naturally moves as one with all nature on this world.

There is no separation and the light is in your heart as your heart is in the light.

It is as if all nature is making love to your heart.

The wind is in me and I am in the wind.

This is truly inter-being.


As you interact with the world of nature and divine beings and go about your daily life all things such as food clothing and shelter are dissolved into emptiness and the skies are filled with ambrosia, divine raiment and mandala palaces or temples and houses from whatever Light Families or worlds you serve.


At night when you go to bed, see yourself as the Christ or Magdalena or whomever you have chosen with the Lord and Lady of Light seated above the crown of your head.

At the centre of your Heart is the hum of the Source sound revealed to you and as you sleep the Christ and the Magdalena are transformed into two mystic drops of nectar uniting in your heart.

Maintain this vision in your mind and when the clear light of dawn breaks and the drops of nectar move to the throat centre observe any dreams that occur and transform them by seeing the dream persons as Christ or Magdalena and the objects and places as ambrosia and mandala palaces.

“Breathing in this breath of love, I AM the Way the Truth and the Light

Breathing out this breath of love, I give you the Way the Truth and the Light

Breathing in this breath of love, I come to the Father through the Christ Centre in my Heart

Breathing out this breath of love, I come to the Mother through the Christ Centre in my Heart”


Yeshua and Mary Magdalena said “What is the Kingdom of God like? To what shall I compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which a person took, and put in the garden of their heart. It grew, and became the Tree of Life, and the birds of the vast infinite sky of radiant awareness lodged in its branches.” (Luke 13 :18-19)

The Third Dalai Lama and Avalokiteshvara said from ‘The Tantric Yogas of the Bodhisattva of Compassion’

“At the base of the central energy channel, is a mystic drop, reddish white in colour. Inside it is your own mind in the form of a white drop the size of a mustard seed…this is the heart of the Divine/Deity”

Draw the lower energies of the sushumna or central channel up into your heart.

Like a shooting star this mystic drop, the grain of mustard seed, enters the centre of the garden of your heart.

Your heart dissolves into the deity Christ and Magdalena or whomever you have chosen and your mind becomes inseparably one with them.

Your mind and heart in the form of the Christ and Magdalena Light moves up the central channel and comes to the Brahma opening at the top of your head.

Lights emanate in all directions from the heart of the Lord/Lady of Light seated above the crown of your head, radiating downward and striking at the heart of the Christ and Magdalena light, pulling it upward into the heart of the Father and Mother via the crown opening.

The birds of the infinite sky of bliss and radiance fly directly into your branches (the limbs and channels and centres of the light body).

Such is the profound state of consciousness transference by which you attain the exalted state of liberation.

This is why Yeshua and Mary Magdalena said to their followers (John 14:6) “I am the way and the truth and the light of the tree of life. No one comes to the Father and Mother except through me”


The power of now in the present and life becomes so important in the now of death or transition.

When you consider that death or transition can rise like the flash of lightning in a cloud you realise that your awareness in the present moment is so critical to conscious transition.

The clear light of transition at the point of death manifests as very subtle consciousness and energy so you need to practice being very aware.

This is how the Dalai Lama can redirect his consciousness to a new birth and give indications of how and where he will be reborn.

So if you can transform your physical body now into the light body of divine nature of a tantric deity and mystic mandala through the process of the alchemy of love and your speech into the mantra of compassion and your mind and heart into pure awareness then in this way you can control your destiny in any moment, consciously directing your mind and heart to a rebirth IN THIS MOMENT in a pure realm or as a human or a celestial being on any world.


When you consider the simplicity of these teachings, alchemy is about transforming yourself into what you already are, the Divine Self, through stillness, silence and presence.

Basically, the most precious power in the universe, that we are given, is the power of love, because love gives us power over time and space.

Everyone knows those times of deep love when any separation and all notion of time is stripped away.

This could be a mother’s love, a lover, becoming lost in a melody or immersed in the beauty of nature.

We become one.

In effect we are all ‘Time Beings’, with the ability to access timelessness through the presence of Love and Kindness and Compassion in our lives in the Now, in the present moment.

This is the magic and alchemy of the Divine Self.

When Love and Kindness and Compassion arise in our Hearts, then we arise as One Family in the One Shared Heart, together.

This is why it is so critical that we learn how to liberate each other, together, in unity consciousness, Now.

You will find these practices within your own heart, celebrated in your own way, and in formal rituals and practices of Yeshua and Mary Magdalena in the Gnostic Gospels and the Buddha and Avalokiteshvara/Guan Yin in the Sutras and Tantras of the successive Dalai Lamas.

“This sacred method is a treasure, a lotus garden/heaven from which living beings may find the nectar/honey of enlightenment and accomplish the highest joy. May this profound knowledge be carried far and wide for the goodness and welfare of the world” (from the words of Yeshua and Mary Magdalena and Buddha and Guan Yin/Avalokiteshvara)

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

With each step a flower blooms – walking with the Buddha and Guan Yin in Japan

Diary, 3rd January 2017

Still on holiday and wishing you all a very blessed and prosperous, healthy and magnificent New Year. It is tradition in Japan over the first few days of New Year to visit the shrines and temples of Japan to offer thanks, prayers and offerings to the gods (Hindu shrines) and deities (Shinto shrines) and buddhas (Buddhist Temples) for the blessings of the New Year. Each day we have been to different temples and shrines so it is a real treat with lots of yummy food from the different localities to tempt our mortal palate afterwards. The temples have different goma or fire rituals to ward off any negative karma you may be carrying over from past lives or the past year. It stems from the Vedic Agnicayana Ritual, and is both trance-inducing and a very profound experience. One of them we were able to attend was at Guan Yin’s temple in the hills in a very isolated part of the countryside with Taiko drums beating and mass chanting of Guan Yin’s Heart Sutra by the priests so it was very moving. It is also a tradition to see a temple ‘reader’ who can read spirits or Tarot or palms or auras and energies so we have done the same over successive years. This year they commented on the power of our family connections, particularly the deep strong luck our daughter Maia is carrying with her this lifetime!

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother