The Alchemy of Soundless Sound



Dear All

I am interested in you sharing any experiences of the healing alchemy of sound that would help us to open our hearts to the higher vibrations currently manifesting.

As the I AM Presence deepens we are much less caught in words.

In the practice of silence we are as free as a divine bird, in touch with the wind, the essence of all things.

‘The heavens do not say anything’ means the heavens say so much yet we don’t always know how to listen to them.

If we listen out of the silence, every flap of a hummingbird’s wings will say something to us and every voice of a dolphin’s call will be like poetry to our hearts.

Every time we hear the wind blowing through the jewels that are God’s leaves in the trees we will see a miracle.

If we listen carefully we will hear the alchemy of soundless sound, the consciousness of the Christ and Buddha, teaching us, in our hearts.

We started looking everywhere for God, not knowing how blind that is.
Divine Lovers don’t look for a place to meet.
They’re in each other all along.

As waves we don’t have to look for water.

We are water.

We are One.

ONE in the Ocean of BEING.

In the silence is the Light.
I AM with you All in the silence in the deep in the Heart of God the Father and Mother.
The Light of the Holy Spirit fills us and we shall want no more.
God Bless You and uplift you ALL dearest ONE

I AM traveling between worlds. I am simply breathing walking enlightening listening listening.

This is who I AM.
I AM you. You are me.
In you, I AM.

Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in Divinity

I am truly interested in you sharing your experiences of sound and vibration and frequency that you are traveling in, times you listened, times you didn’t. As we share deeply so we open our shared wisdom and Light.

Please share this with everyone you can.
Ask for sharing and gathering and love to connect us all.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

Guan Yin's photo.