Monthly Archives: November 2017



With dedication and deepest love, to all of you, my teachers.

I am contemplating personal spiritual practice, awareness and gratitude deeply at present.

I considered what if you and I were the only two people in the world and we were to start the world from scratch, from Project Zero, what would be the best practice we could do to enhance love and kindness, wisdom and compassion, understanding and devotion throughout time.

By simply meditating on compassion, and giving thanks as we do,

“Breathing in I am Light and Love, Breathing out I am Light and Love”,

our mind and heart are blessed.

By considering the place I live as a Pure Land, a Heaven or Akanishta, and walking on The Lotus with every footstep, our neighborhood is blessed.

By visualizing our dwelling or house as an immeasurable Palace, our house is blessed.

By perceiving other people as deities, Buddhas, Christ’s, Krishna’s, Divine Mothers, they will be blessed into being as wisdom deities.

By considering all food and drink as Amrita, they are blessed as offerings to the Divine Source.

These five blessings are so very simple to practice and that is my simple path of pathlessness in the God Self of I AM Presence every day.


Why is it that Light Beings and Light Families, Portals, new undiscovered dimensions and great insight is appearing in the world?

The reason is that this is the time of great change and emergence into the One Chakra, Unity Consciousness, to guide all living beings to the ultimate truth of the One Vehicle of the Christ, Krishna, Buddha and Divine Mother.

It is opening up, pointing out, awakening to, and entering the insight of the Christ and the Buddha within ourselves.

It is the Trinity in One manifest in us, all returning to the One Shared Heart.

The reconciliation and unification of all teachings is the ultimate destiny of the One Vehicle that has the capacity to carry all beings to the shore of liberation.

This is the Heart of the Lotus, the reunification of all disciples and paths of practice into the one Great Family of the Buddhas, Christs, Krishnas and Divine Mothers.


All the great saints and sages, Masters, gurus and angels speak with the same One Heart.

Pray single-mindedly with faith and devotion to the enlightened form of the Christs, Buddhas, Krishnas and Divine Mothers within you. 

Obtain the empowerment of immortality through the sacred breath you breathe.

Liberate from birth and death through mindful heartful practice, breathing, breathing, walking, walking.

When you speak, speak with Presence and share your personal story of the Radiant Self by being a shining example of compassion and love to All.

Make enlightened connections in this world and all worlds through the Divine Romance and the Secret Mantra.

We will become endowed with the noble enlightened qualities of the Christs, Buddhas, Krishnas and Divine Mothers.

We will be led to the realm of the Pure Light of Being.

We will mingle indivisibly in the space, the Ocean of the Great Mother.

This is the ground, the path and the fruit, the Heart of the Lotus.

We carry this sacred flame of enlightenment, the miracle of the inner fire of bliss, within us.

Let it shine.

This is the mantra of the Heart Sutra, the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Sutra of the Blessed Mother.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in the miracle of the fire and bliss of Divine Love and the Secret Mantra and the Light within you.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

Guru Rinpoche Mantra on You Tube by Altair

Guru Rinpoche Mantra with deepest gratitude to Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava, Yeshe Tsogyal and Princess Mandarava, Deva Premal and Miten, all my gurus and teachers and all of you. Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum which is pronounced by Tibetans Om Ah Hung Benza Guru Pema Siddhi Hung.

A brief meditation on The Little Flower of Spiritual Practice follows Guru Rinpoche Mantra



Diary of a Yogi Saturday 18th November

This week has been an extraordinarily fulfilling week of unfolding compassion, windows into other realms, arising of the Light in the form of the Original Pure Primordial Mother and the gift of the wish-fulfilling jewel.

It is by the blazing light of the Sun of Great Compassion from the Hand of the Father and the Heart of the Mother, without whom I do nothing, that All is accomplished around me.

The clearing of distorted vision, the realization of the ground, the path and the fruit of perfect enlightenment, All naturally occurs in the Heart of Our Mother.

Let us consider what is happening to us all gathered here, sharing as we do in a Divine Sangha or Community, opening Our Hearts to the Teaching of the One Shared Heart.

We are beginning to know the profound awareness that is within us All, the spontaneous I AM Presence or the Buddha, God-Self, the Immaculate Christ Light.

Let us consider how we might explore the ground, the path, the fruit of this awareness and what this means in our path of pathlessness.


We have been exploring for some time the Portals of Presence, those natural energy fields that exist in the realms of Pure Being, that we easily access when we use the Sacred Breath to be silent and still.

“Breathing in I am aware of the inner Light and Love, breathing out I am aware of the inner Light and Love.”

We don’t need to think it or see it, feeling it is the key.

That way all that is left is presence and being, which is nameless, timeless and boundary-less.

As we surrender and let go into Presence we lose all distinction between the outer world and the inner world.

We simply are.

I AM Presence.

Read that again carefully…I am presence…yes you are that divine presence and you have simple access to this infinite field of information and energy and consciousness…the I AM presence, which is nameless, formless and timeless and holds the infinite potential of the stars and all universes because it is composed of the same One Light as the stars.

The Source, the Unmanifest, the Pure Light of Being, the God-Self, the Christ Consciousness is that Light and when you are still and silent and present you open yourself to this ever-present consciousness of being and allow the Light to enter.

It is not separate from you, it is in fact your very essence.

The Way the Truth and the Light, that is who I AM.

This is the Ground.

The Ground of being and pure consciousness, the ground where we and Guru Rinpoche and Guan Yin and Yeshua are inseparable, where the True Self is realized, because it is self-arisen wisdom, with no movement of thought.

This is the true inner GURU found in the silence and stillness of the True Self.


Every day I come across so many souls struggling.

Deep magical souls who struggle with the delusions of this existence, who find the coarse energies of this planet difficult and discover that many souls incarnating here to find the Light pull them from their path of pathlessness because of ignorance.

There are some days they may fall into deep despair and loneliness.

The struggle can seem too much of a burden in isolation.

However there are many of us here who know deeply the path of the Lotus and can help nurture and water the Heart Flower for everyone.

The Lotus in full flower allows us to be present with deep compassion for many others and hold their struggles in our heart as our own.

Then we can offer them a petal of the lotus to open their path to deep presence, the inner Guru.

The Sacred Heart within us all is so very precious you see and so open and willing to embrace its true nature through taking time to be still and breathe.

This flowering of the Lotus could be as simple as working with the stillness within you and keeping it present throughout your day so that you do not give 100% of your energy and consciousness to the outside world but keep some of it within.

You may chant silently a simple mantra like I AM PEACE or I AM OM throughout your day or OM MANI PADME HUM or simply OM OM to help remind you of the primordial sound and light that you truly are.



(pronounced “Om Ah Hung Benza Guru Pema Siddhi Hung”)

Then you can be conscious of Source throughout your day.

You become a bridge between God within and the world without.

Within this space of presence inside you all thoughts and actions are purified and the path is free of struggle so that the fruits of the path are also present NOW like a lotus in full flower.

This is the spontaneous Presence of silence and stillness.

This is the path of PADMA or lotus.


Fruits or signs of realization appear as we walk with more certainty on the path through our waking life, in meditation and in dreams.

As I work more deeply, for example, with prayer, mantra and meditation, silence, stillness and presence, Signs of Arising such as deep unshakeable peace, windows into other worlds and Pure Realms, spontaneous healing, deep transference of joy and liberation to those who are suffering arise from the Mother of All and enlightenment occurs naturally.

En-LIGHT-enment does in fact fill you with Light.

“If your vision is clear, your whole body will be full of Light.” (Matthew 6:22)

Thankfully these extraordinary insights were left so clearly in the Great Books and Terma to guide us.

It states so very clearly that the fruit of our path is the Light, that the fruit manifests within us as our Light Body and the way Home is simply to practice clear vision.

Clarity of vision in all sacred texts comes through silence, stillness, prayer and meditation, through calmness from mindfulness and heartfulness, since it is when we have peace within, that love and compassion for all things manifests and from that ground clear vision or clear insight comes.

The fruit of the path is not something that occurs “later” or at some time in the future as a result of our practice.

In the ultimate expanse of pure being, which is self-arisen and comes from spontaneous presence, the primordial wisdom of self-awareness is clear and manifest NOW.

This is SIDDHI or accomplishment of Being.


Try it, now, simply by bringing your attention and awareness to the breath.

Know that you are breathing.

“Breathing in I am aware of the inner Light and Love, breathing out I am aware of the inner Light and Love.”

Feel that you are breathing.

“Breathing in I FEEL the inner Light and Love, breathing out I FEEL the inner Light and Love.”

Many people ask me how to go about their day keeping their attention on the stillness within while being aware of the world without.

Here is a secret.

Spend space and time within in the heart of the child.

“Truly I tell you, become like little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 18: 3)

Try it now.

Imagine you are 8 years old, with all the delight and freshness of seeing this world anew.

You have your whole life in front of you and you have just arrived in the room or place where you are now, reading this.

Start to stretch time and space as you breathe in the heart of your inner child.

Breathe slowly and move in slow motion as you look around.

Pick up something near you very slowly.

Look at your hands as they pick it up as if they are the petals of a lotus, new and flowering.

Breathe in a new way, slowly, long deep breaths, breathing into your lower abdomen. Look at your abdomen expanding and contracting slowly as if it is the first time you have seen it move like this.

Become aware of the light and love that is flooding your body.

Feel it.

Imagine the Light is moving through your body like a wave, entering you from the ocean of light that surrounds you, breathing it in, filling up your body, making it radiant, luminous and bright.

Your whole body is full of Light.

The Alchemy of the Light.

This self-arisen primordial love, light and wisdom, which is the True Self, is the ground, path and fruit, and these three are not different in nature.

They are One.

One Light.

One Love.

Guided by the Hand of the Father and the Heart of the Mother.

These are perceived directly, which is the experience of the Pure Light of Being and is HUM in the mantra of Guru Rinpoche who is the Buddha.


This is the great accomplishment phase of our practice.

To know the Light of the blazing Sun of Great Compassion in every moment.

To know the Great Perfection of Being in the Now.

To know or realize the God-Self within.


All the great saints and sages, Masters, gurus and angels speak with the same One Heart.

Pray single-mindedly with faith and devotion to the enlightened form of the Christs, Buddhas, Krishnas and Divine Mothers within you. 

Obtain the empowerment of immortality through the sacred breath you breathe.

Liberate from birth and death through mindful heartful practice, breathing, breathing, walking, walking.

When you speak, speak with Presence and share your personal story of the Radiant Self by being a shining example of compassion and love to All.

Make enlightened connections in this world and all worlds through the Divine Romance and the Secret Mantra.

We will become endowed with the noble enlightened qualities of the Christs, Buddhas, Krishnas and Divine Mothers.

We will be led to the realm of the Pure Light of Being.

We will mingle indivisibly in the space, the Ocean of the Great Mother.

This is the ground, the path and the fruit.

We carry this sacred flame of enlightenment, the miracle of the inner fire of bliss, within us.

Let it shine.

This is the mantra of the Heart Sutra, the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Sutra of the Blessed Mother.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in the miracle of the fire and bliss of Divine Love and the Secret Mantra and the Light within you.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother



I am going to speak with you about parables and stories.

I call it ‘Dreaming on the White Lotus’.

The outer, inner and secret powers of parables and our own personal story.

I am going to ask you to offer yourself and all your blessings and gifts, with deepest gratitude to All That Is, in the time that it takes to read through this, to surrender your self to the power of your Radiant Self.


What would we offer the Buddha or the Christ if they knocked on our door this evening?

Well they are knocking right now, on the door of our heart, knocking from within, and waiting for our answer.

We sometimes think that we have nothing to offer God, no precious jewels or visions, no miracles, no treasure we have accumulated, no past life where we were a saint that we can recall and share.

However when we see our own true nature, then every pebble or leaf, every beat of our awakening heart, is as precious as a wish fulling jewel.

That is the secret of the consciousness of the White Lotus.

When we see that everything in this universe conspired to create that leaf and our heart, that within the leaf is every galaxy, every sun, moon, cloud and rain that ever was created, then that little leaf, that tiny beat “HUM HUM” of our heart becomes a possibility of our awakening now.

And when we give that leaf, each moment, every heart beat, as an offering to the Buddha or the Christ, then the merit of that offering is the same as the Three Magi who offered gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, and Long Nu, the daughter of the naga king, who offered the rarest most precious pearl from the deepest ocean.

The simplest offering is a prayer, a song from our heart, the sharing of our own personal story of what is here and now, offered with the deepest devotion.

There are many prayers, songs and stories which we hold dear to our heart and the ones we speak or sing or chant or intone or tell internally every day have the deepest meaning and power.

We can make our prayer, our song and our story a miracle, a wish fulfilling jewel, through deep intention and faith, that can inspire sudden awakening within us.

All prayers, mantras and sounds have outer, inner and secret meanings.

So do stories, because like prayers and mantras, stories are sounds.

This is why the parables of Yeshua were such powerful transformational tools.

This is why Garab Dorje, the first human teacher of Dzogchen or the Great Perfection teachings, chose visualizations and stories to awaken the mind and heart.

They paint pictures in our mind and the imagery awakens our innermost jewel of the heart.

Garab Dorje developed seven wisdom doors of the mind and heart which train you in activating the bodhicitta (the spontaneous wish to attain enlightenment to benefit all beings) of the mind and heart through seven forms presented in the form of visualized parables to realize the Self.

As Princess Mandarava said, cherish this mind and heart as the true source through which all wishes are fulfilled.

These stories, like the story of Long Nu grant you miracles in your waking life, Light in your meditation and in the vision of your dreams, encounters with the Buddha, the Divine Mother, Krishna or the Christ. Through swirls of rainbow light, sweet scent and celestial airs, your body speech mind and heart will be drenched with blessings and you will gain realization in a single leap through the strength of your awareness.


When you read through the following and you reach the story of Long Nu, I want you to read the story three times, once with the outer power, once with the inner power and once with the secret power of your radiant Self.

When you read it the first time, imagine (see, hear and feel) that the outer power of the blessings of all the Christs and Buddhas is purifying all your past karma and that through being totally present IN the story you are granted all the blessings of the body, speech, mind and heart of all the Buddhas and Christs.

Before you read the story a second time, say a simple mantra, like OM or AMEN or OM MANI PADME HUM. By saying this out loud you are purifying the environment as well as yourself and all beings within it. Before you say it, attune yourself with the sacred breath “Breathing in, I am aware I am breathing in, breathing out, I am aware I am breathing out” so you are totally present with the power of the mantra when you say it, sending out its essence to bless all around you.

As you read the story the second time, imagine the inner power of the mantra now becomes the story, purifying your subtle channels, winds (the inner flow of energy) and your creative essence.

The third time, before being present with the sacred breath, saying the mantra and reading the story a third time, imagine the Christ or Buddha or Mary Magdalene or Guan Yin embodied in you. Then say the mantra connecting you to the lineages they embody, which could be the Buddha Amitabha, the Buddha of Limitless Light, Avalokiteshvara/Guan Yin, the Buddha of Compassion and Padmasambhava, Yeshe Tsogyal and Princess Mandarava. Then read the story.

As you read the story for the third time, visualize your radiant Self within, imagine the secret power of the story emanating from that Self, bringing full realization and sudden awakening of the innermost levels of the nature of the mind and heart of the Buddha and Christ within you. You are aware of the unceasing energy and compassion of your innate Buddha Self, the realization of the Radiant Nature of your innate Christ Self and the realization of the skylike Essence of your Divine Light.


I will tell you a story of how I came to a sudden awakening.

It is a very simple story of when my name was Long Nu.

For this story, I want you to imagine that you are a young girl of about 8 years of age and your father is the naga King. You have the capacity to become a Buddha. You have a jewel, a wish fulfilling jewel of inestimable value, equal to all the powers in the cosmos, which you are going to offer to the Buddhas, the Christs.

You hold it out in front of you, the purest offering of your heart and the Buddha accepts it.

You then say to the Bodhisattvas, Archangels and Elders who gather about you “I have just offered my most precious jewel to the Buddhas and Christs of All Worlds and they accepted it immediately. Did that not happen quickly?”

They all reply “Very quickly!”

So you continue “My becoming the Buddha or Christ can happen more quickly than that, as a sudden awakening in any moment.”

Then the entire assembly gathered on Vulture Peak watch as you, the daughter of the naga King suddenly transform and carry out all the practices of the bodhisattva, become a fully enlightened Buddha and Christ and for the sake of all living beings in the ten directions you proclaim the universal Dharma or Teachings.

This is the power of the ultimate dimension.

Right now, in this place, in this very moment, through the Power of Presence, you can instantly realize enlightenment.

You recognize your innate Buddha and Christ nature and in this moment you are already the Buddha and the Christ, you are already what you want to become.

(Now read the story again doing the exercises for the second time…and then the third time…)


All the great saints and sages, Masters, gurus and angels speak with the same One Heart.

Pray single-mindedly with faith and devotion to the enlightened form of the Christs, Buddhas, Krishnas and Divine Mothers within you. 

Obtain the empowerment of immortality through the sacred breath you breathe.

Liberate from birth and death through mindful heartful practice, breathing, breathing, walking, walking.

When you speak, speak with Presence and share your personal story of the Radiant Self.

Make enlightened connections in this world and all worlds through the Divine Romance and the Secret Mantra.

We will become endowed with the noble enlightened qualities of the Christs, Buddhas, Krishnas and Divine Mothers.

We will be led to the realm of the Pure Light of Being.

We will mingle indivisibly in the space, the Ocean of the Great Mother.

We carry this sacred flame of enlightenment, the miracle of the inner fire of bliss, within us.

Let it shine.

This is the mantra of the Heart Sutra, the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Sutra of the Blessed Mother.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in the miracle of the fire and bliss of Divine Love and the Secret Mantra and the Light within you.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

NOTE : As you know my experience with Long Nu’s consciousness has been a deep long and tender one. I do have the rarest most precious pearl from the deepest ocean, gifted to me from the Heart of Guan Yin, and I have long since offered it back to Her (Avalokiteshvara/Guan Yin). On a retreat some time ago in the deepest meditation after a day of silence Long Nu arose in front of me, held the pearl out in front of her and offered it back to me. It was an astounding experience, to have the Light Body of Long Nu physically present. The picture at the top of this sharing is as similar to what I experienced as I can show you. I have been told many times of the naga consciousness I have present in me and that this is why so many miracles happen and also why I deeply devote everything I do to Our Divine Mother. I can do nothing by myself. I can only do what I see Our Mother doing, for whatever the Mother does, I do also.




This week I was leading a workshop on Mindfulness and Heartfulness.

The participants all expressed how exhausted they were, how little time they have to practice and how easy it is to get off-centre in their busy worlds.

Then I was speaking with several dear friends of mine who all said how exhausted they were.

So I wanted to touch the heart of what is happening to many of us, using the example of exhaustion, and a possible way to deal with it through the principles of Secret Mantra.

I am not about to teach you Secret Mantra.

I am just a lazy shoeless monk, and the Dalai Lama who is my teacher, does a better job than almost anyone on our planet.

He has a series of books out called The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra which clearly guide you through the stages with photographs and exercises.

So what I wanted to share is how we might apply ourselves practically, no matter what our path is, using the sacred and ancient understanding of Secret Mantra.


No matter what your path is, be faithful to it, stick with it through the ups and downs, make “much effort”. It is said in the teachings that secret mantra can be achieved with much effort, well the same is true for any of our paths.

If you check the life story of Shakyamuni Buddha or Yeshua the Christ or any other great master like Tilopa, or Marpa, or Milarepa you will see the incredible stories of what they had to face. Milarepa had to build a tower three times. Each time after he built the tower he had to put the stones back exactly where they came from. Even when he faced great physical suffering, he had to “stick with it” following the instructions of his guru.

Our inner guru is like that. We all suffer exhaustion just by looking at our world and seeing what great suffering there is in every corner of our planet. We came from worlds of Light so are naturally very sensitive to the “dense atmosphere” of earth where there are so many asking for support and love. And we are here because we want to help. No matter how many souls we help there are 100 more where that person came from. And our inner guru says to keep helping, don’t stop, even with our dying breath. That is the path of true compassion.


When you take initiation into secret mantra you have Vajrayana precepts, or pledges called samayas. No matter how difficult they are to observe, you have to keep the tantric samayas. You take care of them as if they have more value than your own life. That is the way you achieve secret mantra.

We all make deep internal vows like these to ourselves.

I observe a very simple one.

“From my Heart I go for refuge to the Three Jewels, the Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, Christ, Krishna, Divine Mother. I will release all sentient beings from pain, and set all in final bliss.To do that I will generate an altruistic intention to attain perfect enlightenment, and thereupon will train in the learnings of Bodhisattvas, Archangels and Elders.”

I say this every night and morning.

You could make your own. I would love you to share it so that I can listen deeply.

There are so many examples, from the Christian commandments to the Bodhisattva Vows to be inspired by.

Shingon Buddhism in Japan has four simple precepts in its esoteric lineage that you could apply to any path.

  1. Keep the True Dharma (the teachings of the True Self)
  2. Practice bodhicitta (enlightenment-mind of awakening, empathy and compassion)
  3. Be open with the Teachings towards others
  4. Do not cause any sentient being harm.

We all suffer exhaustion from the distractions of this physical world. That is a common Ascension symptom. When we truly keep our pledge to the True Self we activate the faith and will to deal with tiredness compassionately, by directing self-compassion and kindness to our own being when we need it, because we have been cultivating that practice constantly with others. We take time out to breathe “Breathing in I feel calm and at peace, Breathing out I feel calm and at peace” and we nurture ourselves, as one Japanese palm reader told me, for longevity take long baths or “Bathe, and feel calm at and at peace”


It is said that the teachings of secret mantra can be achieved by keeping them secret.

This includes the Mantrayana deity yoga practices, the mantras of the deities, the symbolic implements, such as vajras, bells and rosaries, which signify the path of secret mantra.

Although these may be secret and precious to us, there are mantras we can use to great effect that are well known.

The meaning of mantra is to guard the mind (man = mind and tra = protection),

For example, the six syllable mantra OM MANI PADME HUM contains the whole path, the whole Dharma, where MANI is method and PADME is wisdom.

The whole path of enlightenment is about all the method and all the wisdom that help you enlighten, to be in the Light. To say this mantra one time with pure deep intention is to remember your whole path and the qualities of the Buddha or Christ within. It is the same with any prayer or mantra or sacred sound you become part of mindfully.

Just by reciting it mindfully and heartfully we invoke the power of the sacred sounds that are produced when our body speech mind and heart are in perfect unified harmony which is what yogis call samadhi.

With pure concentration the sound can bring about profound transformation.

We all know this from listening to sacred sounds or chants or hymns. Even when we are exhausted we can be revived just through the sheer power of intoning them.


One of the most amazing things about the sacred, ancient paths is the amount of simple wisdom they contain which is so very practical and useful to us, whether we follow an Ascension Path, a Christian or Buddhist Teaching or any of the Great Paths available to us on this planet.

Thich Nhat Hanh talks about the power of “holding fast to” or dharani.

These are words or phrases that have great powers of insight and transformation like OM MANI PADME HUM (above) and Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā (below).

This has great importance for all of our paths.

The dharani re-connects us with great Beings, Buddhas, Christs, Krishnas and Divine Mothers where we receive their spiritual energy.

This week after three intense rehearsals I arrived home deeply exhausted and fell asleep. When I woke up I did yoga and Secret Mantra practice from the Kalachakra Tantra and instantly felt rejuvenated by connecting to the Five Dhyani Buddhas and Mothers and allowing their Light to enter me.

We never walk the spiritual path alone, we walk in the footsteps of our Light Family, our teachers and friends, of all those who have practiced before us.

The practice of the principles of Secret Mantra opens a door, a portal to Presence, that allows us to receive the energy of all those who are there to support us in our practice.


Generally, when we embark on any spiritual path we train our minds and hearts, in some practice of mindfulness and presence, to fully be open to the energies, the portal, available to us in the present moment.

I did my training in this through Thich Nhat Hanh and Jack Kornfield.

We find a qualified master or teacher. This can be a guru, an enlightened Being or our own True Self.

My own masters in this life are the Dalai Lama and Paramahansa Yogananda.

We request empowerment. This can be an empowerment or activation from your qualified master or teacher or through an activation of your own True Self.

Through the karma of past lives training I requested empowerment in Kriya Yoga through Krishna, Babaji, Christ, Lahiri Mahasaya, Sri Yukteswar and Paramahansa Yogananda, and empowerment in Kalachakra Tantra through Avalokiteshvara/Guan Yin/Chenrezig and the Dalai Lama.

We enter the mandala of the lineage we choose and receive empowerment.

In action tantra for example there are three lineages, the tathagata, the lotus and the vajra. In general Manjushri is the protector of the tathagata lineage, Avalokiteshvara the protector of the lotus lineage and Vajrapani the protector of the vajra lineage.

The mandala means the pure realm of the deity.

In relation to Avalokiteshvara you visualize now as if you have already become that future Buddha. You visualize your own body in the aspect of the deity you want to achieve in the future. You transform yourself into the aspect of Avalokiteshvara which is what you will achieve in the future which also transforms the now.

So it is with Christ.

You become Christ-like.

You transform yourself into the aspect of Christ which is what you will achieve in the future which then becomes the now.

Avalokiteshvara and Christ become the doorway, the portal, that allow us to receive the energies of Avalokiteshvara and Christ.

That is why Yeshua said

“I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he/she will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture”

So when you are exhausted find the door.

And open it.

No matter what.

He will always be waiting.


The basic practices of the secret mantra are common to all our paths.

Lama Yeshe says it so succinctly.

Purify the body, purify the place, purify the enjoyments, purify the actions.

When we receive an initiation and meditate on the path of our deity, we understand that to completely purify our body means to visualize ourself in the holy body of the deity, to become the Christ and the Buddha.

When we purify the place we visualize it as the mandala or pure realm of the deity. We transform the place. The earth we walk upon becomes the pure realm or heaven or mandala of the Christ and the Buddha.

When we purify the enjoyments, such as our material possessions, we transform them into the form of offerings to give to our fellow Christs and Buddhas.

When we purify our actions, everything we do in our day and in our dreams becomes the actions of the Christ and the Buddha in this mandala of the earth.


All the great saints and sages, Masters, gurus and angels speak with the same One Heart.

Pray single-mindedly with faith and devotion to the enlightened form of the Christs, Buddhas, Krishnas and Divine Mothers within you. 

Obtain the empowerment of immortality through the sacred breath you breathe.

Liberate from birth and death through mindful heartful practice, breathing, breathing, walking, walking.

Make enlightened connections in this world and all worlds through the Divine Romance and the Secret Mantra.

We will become endowed with the noble enlightened qualities of the Christs, Buddhas, Krishnas and Divine Mothers.

We will be led to the realm of the Pure Light of Being.

We will mingle indivisibly in the space, the Ocean of the Great Mother.

We carry this sacred flame of enlightenment, the miracle of the inner fire of bliss, within us.

Let it shine.

This is the mantra of the Heart Sutra, the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Sutra of the Blessed Mother.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in the miracle of the fire and bliss of Divine Love and the Secret Mantra and the Light within you.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother