The Breath inside the breath, the Heart inside the heart

Guan Yin Blue Light

I dreamed a group of us were opening physical light portals in the earth.

We did this by a group of us going to a Sacred Place, co-creating the intention and then working together.

We did this using the breath.

As we breathed, we breathed the Light WITHIN the breath into the crystal we held which was touching the earth.

This opened gateways or ‘terma’ in Tibetan which had previously been alchemically sealed by the Elders.

We said the following invocation in Light Language, fully understanding and SEEING it unfold.

“The Breath inside the breath

The Word inside the word

The Light inside the light”

As we said this, where we knelt, connecting our crystal to the earth, a portal opened, a circular mandala around us, with 10 symbols glowing.

With each breath, we breathed the Light into the symbols one by one in a clockwise rotation, until like a key unlocking a lock, the portal opened and the Light was allowed to enter and emerge as ONE.

The dream was very clear. 

When I awoke, about 1am, I wrote these words.

What is God, Source, Love?

The Breath inside the breath

The Word inside the word

The Light inside the light

The World inside the world.

The Sound inside the sound.

The Heart inside the heart.

In the body IS the Body of Christ

For the breath became the word and the word was made flesh (body)

Breath Word Light Body

I then went back to sleep and into the dream again. We were all standing, speaking quietly, BEING with the Work we had done.

Love and Light always

Altair and Mother