Babaji’s Etheric Retreat

Babaji Etheric


Dear All

Following in Rananda John the Beloved’s Sacred Footsteps, last night I was blessed to be taken by Babaji to His etheric retreat for training. It was an extraordinary experience. I was also blessed by the appearance of Ganesha.

“(O Lord Ganapati!) You are (the Trinity) Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesa. You are Indra. You are fire [Agni] and air [Vāyu]. You are the sun [Sūrya] and the moon [Chandrama]. You are Brahman. You are (the three worlds) Bhuloka [earth], Antariksha-loka [space], and Swargaloka [heaven]. You are Om. (That is to say, You are all this).”

The retreat is in the high Himalayas, in a secluded, extremely beautiful and peaceful valley that reminds me of the Gardens of Shambhala.

I was taken to Mt Kailash in Tibet the night before so Babaji’s retreat was a natural part of my journey.

We are in constant communication with the masters and their consorts, male and female, seen and unseen with the assistance of our Soul Guardian.

Babaji and Ganesha sat in front of me while we embraced humanity in our hearts and extended our prayers of light to Gaia.

We witnessed many of you in your light bodies, and others from every part of Gaia, coming to this or your own master’s retreat, joining while your physical bodies lay sleeping.

We are all being given instructions nightly and prepared for our missions.

You are trained and given assignments which you fulfill while your physical bodies and minds are asleep.

You then consciously play the very important roles you have chosen throughout the day, with the added experience of the night time enlightening.

I am truly delighted to read of the many experiences and consciousnesses that you are revealing and uncovering for us all to benefit from and learn from your wisdom.

I am deeply interested in your night time sojourns, in the masters you are guided by in the NOW, by your PRESENCE in the day, by the retreats you frequent, and by the dreams and signs you are given.

Recently the portals have been opening with great frequency. It happens thus. I am committed wholly to the consciousness of wisdom and bliss. So I sit and wait in the Divine Presence. If nothing comes so be it. I am not attached to experience or vision or Shakti. She must wish to bestow Her favors on me. As I sit I watch the space. There is nothing. Emptiness. No thought. No – thing. I really mean ABSOLUTELY NO-THING. Then if Divine Mother graces me the most extraordinary thing happens. There is a pull. A magnetic force that could collapse worlds that sucks the life out of me. My breath stops. I CANNOT BREATHE. I am TAKEN. I AM. Then forces shake me more powerful than when I was in the 9.0 earthquake in Japan. They seem fit to tear me apart. If my ‘self’ tries to enter the divine dance it is almost terrifying, an awe kind of terror in the face of such Presence. So I have learned to stay out. The only way to go through to the other side is to trust Her and be as a feather on Her Breath. Then She takes me where She Will. I AM but the Divine Instrument playing her divine melody. Thank you too Divine Mother for your wisdom and light. Every spark helps this lazy monk further on his/her path

In deepest compassion and wisdom

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother