The Secret Mantra

Guan Yin - Thousand-armed-avalokitesvara-hrih-1024


I will describe a little of my personal process with mantra just to help those of you who have asked how to work with mantra.

It is short so please take from it what you will, what enhances your path, and discard the rest.

Only accept those teachings given to you that you have truly tested in your heart and know to be true FOR YOU.

By mentally reciting the secret MANTRA which your Sacred Heart has chosen

You then are able to enter, rest in the silence and stillness and disperse energy at the Heart thus awakening Presence

The indestructible life drop at your Core, comprised of the five essences of the five elements KNOWS this process already and so assists you. You KNOW you have done this before and are given signs, initiations and empowerments to bring your mind home

The knots at the heart are untied

The alchemical marriage is consummated where the vajra is placed firmly in the lotus within your central channel which is alive with Source energy, prana, the Life Force

In this central channel the mystical syllable OF YOUR HEART’S PATH arises and vibrates (in my case the sound HRIH, shown in the picture above, the seed syllable of Amitabha Buddha, Avalokiteshvara/Guan Yin/Chenrezig awoke and flooded the sushumna)

You drink the essence of the nectar (amrita) and are filled with joy (the same joy that allowed me to manifest Divine Oil from my hands with Tareth)

The mind settles in the symbol (Light Language ‘thread’ connecting you to the Elders/Archangels). This Light symbol (for me it was HRIH) arises within you, surrounding you, a sign of the Light of healing, the Christ Light within

The Indestructible Drop of the Great Bliss in you which ‘transcends death’ KNOWS and opens the chakras and the sensory gates, and the Temple of the ONE CHAKRA arises

One is able to directly perceive ‘above’ (“as above so below”), RECEIVE guidance from the Father and Mother, The Christ Consciousness, Krishna, Thoth and the Five Dhyani Buddhas and Light Families and have direct knowledge of all the worlds

The doorway to miraculous powers (siddhis) is opened

You see the faces of innumerable deities known and unknown to you appearing in front of and within you to bring you initiations, empowerments and Light Family lineages

All teachings thus become open to you to bring to others to liberate them which is the true meaning of unity consciousness – bringing the Light wherever we can

And so you gain the delightful company of Immortal Love – the Direct Knowledge of Father Mother God

Love and Soul Blessings

Altair and Mother

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