The Lady of the Lake



Dearest Sentia, Lady of the Lake

Your consciousness is truly magnificent and an alchemical tribute to the love and light of Arthur the Elder.

I am also writing this as The Nameless One to the Round Table and the Light Bearers, the Petals of the Circle of Light and Trillia Niniane Lady of the Lake, Suryananda Bedivere, Lakshmi Ambrosia my half sister, Victa Galahad my half brother, and other members of the Round Table. The Heart is the Grail.

I will share with you my memories of Sentia and some of the time with My Father, which in its entirety could fill a book.

I was deeply steeped in the Lore and Alchemy of The Grail and the energies of My Father Merlin, the Leader of the Source Group known as ‘Merlin’. We were involved in preserving the ancient truths and sealing them into the consciousness of the Earth.

Sentia was one of those women that turns a man’s head. So it was no surprise that the most powerful leader of the time, Arthur, should find her so enchanting. He was a mighty man and a man of jealous dispositions, so his hold on her then and even now is somewhat possessive. He followed her over time through Her Light Family whom he knew in the Pleiades, all the way to Gaia. So he is with her now. He witnessed her Dance of the Faeries. She also spent much time with Devas. Celeste was one of those who shared intimately with Sentia those rituals in the forests of Avalon.

Sentia is a love goddess and so attracts the attentions of many lighted beings. She carries this knowledge a long way, as Krishna’s Gopi, where Krishna is considered the Gopis supreme husband, a practice of transcendental bliss consciousness in a special relationship called parakiya-rasa. Her ability to be a lover is derived from a past life as a sage of the Dandakaranya Forest, where the sages ultimate desire was to be reborn as Gopis of Krishna to attain the bliss of spiritual life through love for their Lord.

My sister Niniane, Lady of the Lake, Leader of that soul group in that time, was a most awe inspiring figure to us all. She recognized these past incarnations, and as daughter of Lord Krishna knew the attractiveness a Gopi with Sentia’s passion would have for Arthur so she took Sentia under her wing as both a High Priestess in Avalon and a Lady of the Lake to help quell the tumult of passions that Arthur had awoken in Sentia’s heart.

The rituals and magic of the Ladies of the Lake was their own secret. I cannot share that with you. I can however share some of the tales of alchemy and magic of my father. I will share with you one invocation from that time that may be of use to you.

We all traveled a lot as we had done with Krishna, with Buddha, with Yeshua, far and wide, which was both dangerous and adventurous for a young man like myself. We learned Arabic, Hindi and Hebrew alchemy amongst others in many holy lands.

Like Sentia, when I traveled I was under the Protection of Metatron/Lord Adrigon, so when you look at our lives it is easy to see the connections, which you all share. Lord Sananda/Yeshua and Lady Nada/Mary Magdalene, Metatron/Lord Adrigon/Enoch and the Archangels/Elders, Lord Krishna and the Gopis, Sanat Kumara and the Serpents of Wisdom, Lord Sananda and Lady Nada, the Babylonian Arak Anuma, Zarathustra, Thoth, Atlantis, the Ancient Egyptian Temples and Alchemy, Isis, Osiris, Horus and Hathor, Buddha and Lord Maitreya,Yeshua, Mary Magdalene and the Resurrection, Arthur and the Round Table and the Merlin Consciousness, and the present Unity Consciousness we all are within. I have recollections of all these lives and all these Source Groups.

We used alchemy, sounds, meditation, dance, chanting and ritual. These forms are so familiar we can often be mistaken by those who are part of those groups and are awakening as the leader him or herself. I had a good chuckle with Tareth 20 years ago when I told him people all over Canada and USA were calling me ‘Merlin’. My real name is a magical name. I have never revealed it publicly as to use the word without awareness is to awaken the elementals it is associated with and may create havoc rather than healing.

The many miracles that have happened on my path are often a distraction to people as they project the event onto me rather than it revealing the amazing power of their own True Self which is the miracle worker. I am only triggering their soul memory. So I have shied away from doing such miracles which create attachment. I prefer to raise awareness subtly and slowly so that the miracle is created by the love within the Higher Heart and the person at that stage recognizes the origin as the True Self.

I will share with you the following invocation.

Be aware of these principles :

Your intention – your desire ultimately should be pure, that you do this for the benefit of others

Diet – it is advised to do any meditation, prayer or ritual after a fast or on an empty stomach

Permission – you are calling on ancient energies, angels so you need to be working in agreement with that energy, that angel. Do this with an attitude of deep devotion

Celestial rhythms – be aware of astrological configurations and lunar cycles

The Mind – be confident in the Power of your True SELF

Chants and invocations – these are exactly the same as mantras. The more regularly you use them and imbibe the energy the more powerful they will be

Sounds – use the Yeshua Codes or any of Tareth’s Source Sounds when performing these. We manifested these sounds with my father

Direction – facing east is the simplest

Alchemical symbols and alchemical language – these are intrinsic to any alchemy or magic. The simplest symbol to use is the alchemical circle, drawn on the palm of your left hand. The simplest language to use is OM

Basic exercises – you need to train your consciousness.

Use an alchemical symbol like the circle. Draw it on a piece of paper in front of you. First, gaze at it, then see how long you can hold it in your mind without wavering and WITHOUT A SINGLE THOUGHT entering your mind. You may find even doing this for a minute initially quite difficult. With practice it gets easier.

Then try visualizing it with your eyes open so that it appears in front of you. This does take practice! Make it change colors. If you find this challenging, draw a horizontal line with your finger in front of your eyes and when you can see that, try the circle.

Next try holding that visualization of the circle while doing the Babaji Breath (‘awe’ up the spine and ‘eee’ down the spine)
Here are the instructions
The breathing exercises we did were the same exercises taught by Babaji to those of us who traveled to India and returned there with our Brother Yeshua. As you will remember Babaji instructed us to draw the divine currents from the base of the spine up to the Ajna Chakra 3rd eye using the ‘awe’ breath of God the Father and continuing down to the base of the spine using the ‘eee’ breath of God the Mother in continuous cycles with deep devotion to the Divine Presence within. The Archangels will naturally find you once this magnetism is activated. As Yeshua explained the Archangels Metatron Uriel Gabriel Raphael and Michael are present to uplift our souls into the vast vistas of the New Jerusalem through the Holy Spirit. Babaji also added that the door of the Holy Spirit is in the back of the skull called the medulla Oblangata. Thus many of you when touching Spirit describe all the hairs rising on the back of your head. As you knock so the door will be opened. The crown receives the energies of the divine and ‘Be still and know God’ is realized to the full extent of the Divine Word

Then when the breath is automatic, let go of the circle and invoke the Violet Flame. I have included the instructions below. You are visualizing yourselves as ‘Petal’s in the Flower of Life.
Each `Petal’ should first invoke the cleansing and transmuting Violet Flame of Master St Germain; visualizing it as a Star of brilliant Violet Light, expanding just above one’s head. Then, from that Star, draw the Violet Light down and around one’s aura in a sphere of Light, coming together in a Star of Violet Light, expanding beneath one’s feet.— (One may do a different Violet Flame Lightwork if one already uses one daily.) —
In the COLLECTIVE Lightwork, each `Petal’ should intend that the Lightwork is being done collectively with all of the other `Petals’ all around the world, in “The Now Moment”. Then visualize a great Sunflower with oneself and all the other `Petals’ lying side-by-side, all around it, with their heads toward it’s centre, forming it’s petals.
Then, visualize collectively, a brilliant Star of Violet Light expanding above the Sunflower. Bring the Violet Light from this Star down and around the Great Sunflower, enclosing it in a sphere of brilliant Violet Light, coming together in another Star of Violet Light, beneath the head of the great Sunflower, of which each is a petal.
Then visualize a Star of Pearly Pink and Gold Light of Divine Love expanding within one’s Higher Heart, and radiating around in a circle, into the Higher Hearts of each `Petal’, linking all together in Divine Love.
Then each `Petal’ should thank Master St Germain for affording oneself and our Circle Of Light, the cleansing and transmuting Power of His Violet Flame.

The invocation I used with my father was as follows to connect to our Soul Guardian or Guardian Angel and their etheric retreat. I would suggest you do this as many times as possible and at the least twice a day.

Your Heart is the Sanctuary of your Soul Guardian. The energies you connect with have been there from the beginning of time. You are not doing anything you don’t already know.

First, be clear about the name of your Soul Guardian. You know it. It has been with you from the beginning of time. If you need help I can help you but ultimately your True Self knows. I can only help you connect with your own knowledge.

This knowledge is sourced from the Ancient Hebrew I learned in the times I was learning the alchemy of Sepher Rezial Hemelach (The Book of the Angel Raziel) and Sefer Hekhalot or Ma’aseh Merkavah (The Book of Enoch) both of whom have been my etheric Light Teachers.

Your Guardian Angel resides in the Divine Presence or Shekinah. You are opening yourself to their Angelic Presence and as Rananda John the Beloved and I have experienced, will be taken to their etheric retreat or a residence of their choice for the training you need. We received special training in the etheric retreat of Archangel Michael, above the Canadian Rockies, to be “Earth Eagles”. An ”Eagle” is a specially trained protective Light Being, or incarnate Light Being, allocated to one who has an important mission on the Earth, or in the Higher Realms, for their protection. Lord Michael has a legion of Eagles headed by Archangel Jychondria. You in turn may discover your own etheric retreat.

The invocation you will use is simple. It is in Ancient Hebrew.

You will use three words.

Baruch meaning Blessed

Malach meaning Angel

And the name of your Soul Guardian, for example, Michael.

So you would chant

“Baruch Malach Michael”

You need to hold a crystal that represents your Heart in your left hand.

Close your eyes, use the Yeshua Codes or any of Tareth’s Source Sounds or a hymn or song of your choosing when chanting (out loud or internally) and say the words “Baruch Malach _______________” like a mantra over and over until your pores are singing with the vibration.

The invocation builds deeper relationship and connection. The key is to do it regularly.

Trust the angelic presence and any messages you receive. The Light is already so strong in you.

Like you all, I have been working with angelic energies for lifetimes connecting to Source so they are very PRESENT. The experiences I have had this lifetime, like you, where angels have made a physical appearance, have been extraordinary blessings indeed.
The Archangels, the Elders, want to be more PRESENT in your life.
What you think is what you experience, so if your thoughts are WITH THE PRESENCE OF THE ANGELS then that is what you will experience.
As I wrote these final words the Diamond Consciousness Lights flashed around me. One hour after this and the cobalt blue lights of the Blue Pearl Consciousness are still dancing around me. The cobalt blue lights always signal angelic presence and have been around me for thirty years now.

Thank you Sentia for your love, your wisdom and your passion which has brought forth all these words from a time long past and the Merlin Consciousness which is very NOW.

Love and Soul Blessings

Altair and Mother