Monthly Archives: October 2016

The Five Provinces of the Kingdom of Heaven


Letter from Altair to Gilles

Dearest Gilles

Your questions…

What is life, how do we live life, and why it is eluding us? Or is it really eluding us?

are pure, deep and profound.

I spoke to Sumire, my wife about them.

Here are our hearts for you.

Life, simply, is being here with love and compassion, with what is beautiful and healing in our hearts. Life is to realise the Kingdom of Heaven that lies within us, and through that to see the Kingdom of Heaven that is already alive around us, in every person, in everything.

How do we live? Our practice begins with ourself. How can we love without truly taking care of, being kind to, and loving ourselves? How can we truly love, take care of and accept others without loving ourself? So love yourself, and love your neighbours. In doing that you ARE loving God.

Why is life eluding us? We are kings and queens reigning over the Kingdom of Heaven within.  That Kingdom is divided into five provinces. Generally speaking we are not that responsible as rulers because we don’t have much training. The guide books are there but we don’t pay attention. We run away and watch television and flip through the internet. We engage in gossip and rarely deeply listen to what is going on. The province of the body is misused, the province of pleasant and unpleasant feelings is divided into good and bad feelings (which we push away), the province of perception is rarely recognised and the province of thoughts and consciousness whirls around like a herd of wild horses, barely ever stopping to be still and calm. There is a lot of suffering and pain within those territories which has not been looked at, so we are hesitant to approach the governors of those districts and have kind and gentle discussions with them.

There is a Bodhisattva within however, an adviser to the King or Queen that has great wisdom. Mindfulness and heartfulness, she says, can restore peace and equanimity in the Kingdom. The mindfulness and heartfulness we are speaking about can be found walking in the garden or eating at the dining room table, when breastfeeding your baby or sharing those intimate moments with your partner or friends. This mindfulness and heartfulness is a Mother energy, who arises to care for her baby energies, whether the baby is angry or whether the baby is sad, whether the baby is happy or whether the baby is hungry. Whether the baby is born or living or dying the Mother is always there, caring for Her baby.

Mindful and heartful breathing is the energy and light of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Bodhisattva and the Mother all rolled into One. You need to love ALL your subjects in the Kingdom. This is the work of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is found in the present moment, in the here and now, in the gift of your own mind and heart.

To see deeply you only need to take the time to practice to be still with the Holy Spirit’s energy, the Bodhisattva within.

Psalm 46 “Be still and know God”

When you are still you find the God-Self.

The Buddha said “She who is silent like a gong which is broken, knows stillness.  She reaches freedom, where there is no more striving.”  v 134, The Dhammapada

When you are still you find freedom.

We need to learn how to be still enough to allow the water to flow to the ocean and the light to arise and enter the heart.

How do we do that?

The answer is right in front of us.

We learn how to allow our thoughts and feelings and body sensations to arise with deep kindness.

If you were able to see the light of Christ or Buddha you would welcome it with great love and kindness would you not?

It is the same with thoughts and feelings and body sensations.

They are part of your path, including those about birth, life and death, feelings that are pleasant and unpleasant, comfortable and uncomfortable body sensations.

Usually, we accept some thoughts as good and reject others as bad.

What would happen if we allowed what was in our consciousness to arise and welcomed each thought, feeling, sensation with the same love and kindness as we would the light?

Here is a way to begin.

Start now with your breath.

“Breathing in, I am breathing with great love and kindness. Breathing out I am breathing with great love and kindness.”

When you think another thought, notice it, observe it deeply, be loving and kind to it, then return to your breath of love and kindness.

You notice something don’t you, when you are still and quiet and calm enough?

There is another ‘you’ that nourishes and watches and witnesses these thoughts as they arise like a Mother.

The breath of love and kindness, the flow of life which is without a self, is your true Self, the water, the light. The thoughts that arise are the waves, the things which teach us. The things that the light is illuminating.

All of this is part of your path, all leads you home, all is one in the unity of the Christ and Buddha consciousness.

Both Christ and the Buddha healed. They healed through love and compassion. They healed through touch, through Being with people, through the Presence of the Holy Spirit, through love and compassion.

So can you. Heal yourself.

When you observe deeply the rising and falling of the breath and the feelings and the thoughts you see their impermanence and emptiness and fullness all at the same time.

You see the continuum of life, what comes before and after, the face before birth and the face after death.

You learn about the sacredness of life and how to live with sacred intention and you let go of the illusion that we are separate and that there is any ‘separate self’.

I am in you and you are in me.

You are the Christ, the Buddha to me.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

When I am on the path of presence, the Christ, the Buddha in me comes out


When I am on the path of presence, the Christ, the Buddha in me comes out

Or I am in you and you are in me as She is in Us.

You are all the Christ, the Buddha, teaching me.

We have been at our favourite temples and shrines of Maitreya, Manjushri, Buddha, Saraswati and Guan Yin.

While in deep meditation I was blessed with two visitors.

Guan Yin/Avalokiteshvara gifting us the pearl of light through our deep listening.

The Dragon Lord’s Daughter gifting us the blue pearl through our connecting intimately to all things.

It was beyond awesome, as they were standing right in front of me looking at me and asking me to receive this.

I then entered a meditation which began with a vast collection of Elders/Bodhisattvas and the arrival of the Light Body of the Buddha, the Rainbow Body, the Body of Pure Light.

In the final moments of the meditation I was drawn upwards and into and through the birth channel of Our Blessed Mother Prajnaparamita Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin and into Her Heart where I exploded out into the cosmos and was one with the cosmos and the vastness of the light.

The clear light was like an infinite band of vast presence stretching upwards in the breathlessness of the moment.

Then I continued to practice, learning to observe what is happening right now. 

Allowing things to be as they are. 

Watching what arises.

Right now I feel hollow.


Like a bamboo reed.

Able to be filled up with the entire cosmos.

Allowing the clear light of awareness to enter.

The self, this outmoded, out-dated collection of ideas and opinions is being cherished and loved but it is dying because that is the way of things.

As soon as it was born it began to die.

Now there is a future face, like a new life, the next life, that is birthing.

As a result I feel vulnerable.

All my old ways are passing and the new ways coming into being.

The new no-self is Avalokiteshavra holding a pearl of light to bring enlightenment to my Self and all beings, and the Dragon Lord’s Daughter, holding out a blue pearl to bring awareness and understanding and intimacy with all things.

The deep listening of love and compassion that is opening is Guan Yin’s deep listening who is in me as I am in Her as you are in Her.

When you mindfully and heartfully dwell in concentration on your path whether you are standing sitting speaking or hanging out the washing you shine with the light of the Buddha, Christ, Krishna, Divine Mother. 

You will know because others that come in touch with you experience it and are influenced by it.

The seed of this same consciousness begins to sprout in you and me.

This is the power of the Sangha, the disciples, the gopis, the children of God.

This is the true miracle we all are realising.

The light of those around us, here, reading this together, sharing this, shines onto us.

In deep gratitude to everyone who shares we also begin to cultivate mindfulness and heartfulness and shine it out to others.

This is the true meaning of the saying ‘You are the Light of the World’.

What is a Christ, a Buddha?

They are the light of mindfulness and heartfulness shining, illuminating, showing us all worlds and all dimensions.

Those of us touched by each others light, when we allow that light to enter, when we are empty, deeply listening to the sound of the light, when we receive, then we also emit light, like a firefly, dancing and flying in joy through the darkness of ignorance.

Just as the Christ, the Buddha’s rays of light, when they reached out to other worlds, caused all the Christs and Buddhas in those worlds to emit light, so when we live mindfully and heartfully, we shine the Christ and Buddha light for ‘ourselves’ in all worlds and dimensions.

Think about it.

At any moment, right now, you can be the Christ or Buddha or Krishna or Divine Mother through your intention.

Even a single moment is enough.

Be a Bodhisattva at any moment you choose. We are all joined in Bodhi which is awake and sattva which is living being some of the time.

So at times we are very awake, meaning being very conscious and aware, and then we are Bodhisattvas.

As you read this and share your light with the world, be still and silent and take your attention to your breath.

Any sound, word or phrase produced in a state of great concentration has the power to transform.

This is the true alchemy of the grail in your heart.

As you breathe in say

“Breathing in I am Bodhisattva (or ‘Breathing in I am awake’)”

and as you breathe out say

“Breathing out I liberate all beings”

Know you are connecting to all of us, all your “selves” past and future, all dimensions and all worlds as you do this.

Then you will be touching all worlds with your light.

You are the Light of the Worlds.

When you are on the path of presence the Christ, the Buddha in you comes out.

So Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Divine Mother, all are bringing you home, as I am for you and and you are for me. In this kind of gathering where we are close we all bring one another home. That is the secret and that is why Christ, Krishna, Buddha and Guan Yin are ALL blending with you. So that you can liberate all beings and bring them home too.

God Bless You

You are the Buddha to me

Altair and Mother





Experiencing the Christ-Buddha-Krishna-Divine Mother Body – Nirmanakaya



The Nirmanakaya Body of the Christ, the Buddha, Krishna, Divine Mother within you is the physical body you have manifested in this world to teach your path/dharma of pathlessness and bring all beings to enlightenment.

Here is a simple way to get in touch with it moment to moment.

First, get into a calm steady easeful flow with your breathing. Be very aware of the breath first by saying to yourself IN as you breathe in and OUT as you breathe out until you feel a calm presence.

Then say “Breathing in I experience the Buddha Body, breathing out I smile at the Buddha Body” while visualizing yourself as the Buddha on a White Lotus Flower.

Or you could practice this as Christ or Krishna or Divine Mother.

When you come out of the meditation keep breathing this way and be the Buddha or Christ or Krishna or Divine Mother as you walk about your day saying and visualizing this with each breath.

Step into the Kingdom of God with this consciousness.

With one breath and one step you can enter into the Pure Lands and the Kingdom of God, touch Heaven and dwell in the Supreme Abode of Goloka.

We are born as lotus flowers.

Become the flower, the Buddha, the Christ, Krishna, the Mother when you sit, and let your cushion, your chair, the ground you walk upon, be a lotus flower.

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother

In the Heart of A Diamond



The Teachings of the Heart and the Diamond Sutra

The Way of the Bodhisattva is our way, our own path of pathlessness.

We are all joined in Bodhi which is awake and sattva which is living being some of the time.

So at times we are very awake, meaning being very conscious and aware, and then we are Bodhisattvas.

As you read this something in you may wake up.

At that moment you are a Bodhisattva.

If you could keep that presence, that light, alive in you every moment, you would be a Bodhisattva, just like Our Blessed Mother, Guan Yin, bringing love and compassion in every moment to every living being.

There, you see, you felt it in the moment your mind and heart became very still reading this, acknowledging this.

You already see in yourself the potential for a Bodhisattva here and now.

Guan Yin in Chinese, Quan Am in Vietnamese, Gwaneum in Korean and Kannon in Japanese is Avalokiteshvara in India and Tibet.

His/Her Name means the One who hears the cries of the world and acts to help. The gift She gave to help is the Heart Sutra also known as the Prajnaparamita Sutra which means the Perfection of Wisdom Sutra.

It is one of most widely chanted, read and discussed sutras in monastic and lay communities throughout the world.

Both the Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh have written and spoken extensively on its understanding.

What is something simple we can do to work with the Heart?

Developing a simple skill like compassionate listening.

Being a compassionate listener means listening with an open heart, the whole heart, as often as you can.

Divine Mother hears the cries of the world and acts to help, to alleviate suffering.

She helps through compassionate listening. This means to listen with only one purpose. To help another empty their heart of all suffering.

We can do the same. Here is the ABCDE of compassionate listening to help guide you.

All – all interactions with others can be learned from, both the effective listening times and the ones where you weren’t listening. All can bring wisdom.

Body – check in with your body to see if you are present. Just for an instant. Where are you? Somewhere else in your mind or very awake and alert and listening?

Clarity – clarifying questions like “Do I understand what you are saying correctly?” or similar helps us to give feedback that we are present and confirms whether we have heard the other person correctly.

Depth – try to understand why someone is connecting with you on a deeper level. Are they asking for advice or do they just need to share? Are they connected or somewhere else?

Eye – eye contact helps you connect, rather than gazing around at other things which doesn’t.

Keep a note of when you really listened effectively and also other times when you were not present. Don’t judge yourself. Learn. Both kinds of interactions invite wisdom. Wisdom arises when learning occurs. Everything you experience is part of your own path to learning and wisdom.

The Diamond Sutra is also a Prajnaparamita Sutra called Vajracchedika Prajnaparmita, a gift from the Blessed Mother guiding us in meditation so that we can cut through illusion, the veil, like a diamond, vajra or thunderbolt. With the consciousness of a diamond.

What is something simple we can do to work with the consciousness of a Diamond?

Developing a simple skill like surrender.

Let Divine Mother breathe

Let Divine Mother walk

I am a lazy monk.

When I surrender everything to Divine Mother, She is doing everything.

In the beginning we see ourselves and Divine Mother quite differently.

As we grow, we stop seeing ourselves like the waves, which are form, the separate self, and we realize we are the water, immersed in the ocean of Divine Mother’s Love. She is in us every moment.

How do we work with this?

The simplest is Deity Yoga, where you visualize yourself as the deity, master, angel, saint, guru of your choosing and walk and breathe as them throughout your day.

Let Divine Mother breathe

Let Divine Mother walk

The kaleidoscope of your reality will be revealed to you. You are cloud, lotus, deer, eagle, wave, ocean, god and goddess, all this and much much more. The infinite potential of your being is secretly hidden in the simplest way – by opening the heart of a lotus and the mind of a diamond.

You are wrapped in Divine Mother’s blanket.

She is there through all your births and ever will be.

You are Her Child.

She and you have always had the greatest kindness, tenderness and gentleness towards each other.

Be that unto yourself.

Be that unto others.

You carry the golden flame of enlightenment within you.

Let it shine.

This is the mantra of the Heart Sutra, the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Sutra of the Blessed Mother.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in Divinity.

This is the consciousness of the Diamond Sutra, the Vajracchedika Prajnaparmita Sutra, the Sutra of the Blessed Mother.

All composed things are like a dream,

a phantom, a drop of dew, a flash of lightning.

That is how to meditate on them,

that is how to observe them.

The Buddha himself stated that just knowing these four lines of the Diamond Sutra or the mantra of the Heart Sutra in your heart would bring enlightenment and was better than if you filled the entire world full of gifts and treasure.

Christ gave the same promise when he said “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

And Krishna said “The ultimate treasure lies buried within your heart.”

This will help you transcend the illusion, the veil, and transport yourself to the shore of liberation and beyond.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother




This week I have been in the mountains of Japan with our Mothers Guan Yin and Prajnaparamita, the female Buddha who is the Perfection of Wisdom, listening to their advice as I journey between their temples and shrines and mountain retreats.

This morning I woke up with the sun and went outside just as an elemental wind whipped up and whispered around me in the mighty trees and magnificent stars surrounding where I was staying.

It was an awesome and simple message.

From the Beginning of Time Divine Mother is within us.

She kindly, gently reminds us, especially in the innocence of our childhood, that She brings us the gift of bliss and emptiness, without which we cannot open our heart to Her Wisdom.

She tells us of our own path of pathlessness, unique and like no other, that if we honor it, we will reap all the rewards of heaven that the great Masters, angels and saints, gurus and Bodhisattvas have promised, because they are us.

She whispers of divine desire, that springs from Our Infinite Father in innumerable forms, experiencing our selves as ‘I AM’. That desire has served us from childhood to draw us into the Sacred Heart, and come Home.

She tells us to look around at each other, to see the Beloved in each of us, these apparently separate forms, that are all Christ and Buddha lights flowing from the one single Source. Our Father.

We all belong to one another, are one compassionate circle where no one is on the outside, where we are all constantly reflecting back the Light of the World we each carry, to each other, which is the One Illumination.

How do we touch the Illumination and Wisdom of the Father And Mother Within?

Offer your path and all its benefits to ‘Them’ every morning and night. ‘Them’ can be as simple as your daughter or as many as all living beings in this world or the many worlds. Divine Father and Mother are within the heart of every one of their children.

Be true to your heart, your path, your life. To do this in every moment means devoting every moment to being present, mindful and heartful of where you are and who you are. Honor your Self.

Be patient and kind with your self. You carry the Light of the World within your heart. Nobody can enlighten you to this message but your self.

Practice. Sit every day formally with your self and with others selves and allow the alchemy of spirit to grace you with Her touch. You do this through practicing silence, stillness and presence for 5 or 10 or 20 minutes in the beginning, every night and morning, until it is as natural as brushing your teeth. Then the silence and stillness and presence by divine osmosis will pervade your walking, your breathing, your loving, as well as when you wash the dishes and chop wood. Everything is sacred.

Develop concentration and focus. Remember the time you got frustrated with somebody or something and how powerful your energies became, how righteous you were, how the situation occupied your awareness for minutes or hours or days or weeks at a time. Remember when you were in love, how the touch of your lover or your lovemaking filled your pores, your heart, your soul. You couldn’t think of anything else. Take that deep devotion to conflict or loving within you and apply it to your divine heart with equal intensity and equal measure of time. There is great wisdom in your conflict and your loving because they are both part of your path.

Awareness, absorption, samadhi.
Offering yourself, being true to yourself, being kind to yourself, practicing, honoring equally the energies of loving and conflict within you with deep focus brings a foundation of love and kindness, insight and wisdom throughout your life, a calm, mindful and heartful balance of the divine within, that opens your sacred heart to the timeless, the immeasurable light, as a real experience of God, Self, Consciousness. No God, Self, Consciousness – no Life. Know God, Self, Consciousness within – Know Life.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother



1st October

This is from my morning contemplation today, Saturday. I have linked this to a piece I wrote a while ago, on sitting like a mountain, as it seems most relevant.

The ‘sitting’ meditation is incredible.
I am able to dive deep into the ocean of being.
In fact there are energy waves moving throughout my body, like large snakes of vibrancy and potency, undulating from one end of my spine to another. Sometimes they physically move my body off the ground. They are strong, calm and embracing, like a mother ocean to her waves.

Then I move into the space of silence and stillness.

There is no movement of thought.


Just that.

With deep gentleness and kindness, there is a moment of ‘turning toward’, a softening when the mindful awareness wakes back up, and in the centre of my vision is the ‘blue pearl’, awake and clear and bright and still, and very very alive. I cannot imagine it, as it is not of the mind. I cannot describe it, as it is beyond words.

It is all embracing and all engulfing, like a divine mother, and, like a portal, transports me to other worlds.

Thank you for listening and sharing in this energy, a most sublime, insightful and pure meditation into the clear light of being.


When all thoughts cease and the mind remains in the heart, I am THAT.




A vast ocean.

Where there is witnessing of the thoughts as they arise, intermittently, like tiny waves ruffling the surface of the sea.

A mountain sitting.

A lake at peace, mirroring the sunrise.

The Light inside.

Remaining constantly still and quiet.

I am THAT.

The vast space of Being.

It is rather shocking to realize that you are not all that you thought you were, that you are not your thoughts, that you are not ‘I’ which gave rise to those thoughts.

The Presence that IS, is vast, wisdom, and Being.


That is all that needs to be done.

It IS that simple.

Take the time to sit quietly and be with your SELF.

5, 10, 30 minutes, an hour.

That is all it takes.

Total acceptance of who you are NOW and total surrender of the self.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother