Monthly Archives: December 2016



As I was walking in the Japanese gardens today I experienced each step as a world, a flower, a heart, that we can embrace in our compassion with every breath, offering each breath as a prayer to all beings. With each step a flower blooms, a world is liberated, a heart is free.

To truly activate this deity yoga of the Christ, Krishna or Buddha within us, we explore this freedom through both the experience of compassion and the experience of emptiness or surrender on our paths, for ourselves and all beings, on this world and all worlds.

We dive into compassion for all worlds.

The Thirty Seven Practices of Compassion for a Bodhisattva are mentioned here, as a guide to cultivating the compassion necessary to embrace all worlds with the love of a Divine Mother.

Guan Yin is the Protector of All Worlds as the Mother of Compassion both here on earth, and in all physical, astral and causal realms.

In the Lotus Sutra, She is described as the

one of the true gaze

the one of the pure gaze

the one of the gaze of broad and great wisdom

the one of the compassionate gaze

and the one of the gaze of goodwill.

The true gaze is the one capable of contemplating the true nature of all things, satya, on all the worlds.

How are we to know the true nature of all things, on all the worlds?

Truly, when we contemplate inter-being, that all nature is in this body, and this body is of the earth, and this earth is of the stars, we see that every world is in our body and every body is a star. When we are calm and clear we have the capacity to gaze upon all worlds and all dimensions because we know that the stars are also the light that is within us. This is satya.

The pure gaze is the one capable of self-purification, visuddhi vimala, who can become the light for the sake of the world, just as the cloud can become rain for the sake of the world. This is visuddhi vimala.

The gaze of great wisdom, mahaprajna, is the realisation of Divine Mother in every body’s heart, mahaprajnaparamita, the great wisdom that has the power to bring us to the other shore, the shore of safety, the shore of non-fear, the shore of liberation, by surrendering to the Grace of Divine Mother, by emptying ourself of all but Her.

The compassionate gaze, karuna, is the establishment within us of loving-kindness for ourselves and others, a nectar that falls like rain on the fires of suffering and afflictions.

The gaze of good will, loving kindness, maitri, is the capacity to transform ourself into a Bodhisattva, an archangel, an elder, who regards all beings with the eyes of love.

This transformation is something we can do, today, starting with ourself.

“Breathing in this breath of love, I breathe in peace.

Breathing out this breath of love, I give my peace to you.”

In that moment of presence and awareness, of the movement and stillness in our breathing, we are that Bodhisattva.

The mind and heart can go in a thousand directions

But on this beautiful path in life I have chosen I walk in peace

With each step a gentle wind blows

With each step a flower blooms

I often mindfully and heartfully walk watching the flowers bloom under my feet.

A very simple beautiful practice to try at any time of your day.

Be the Christ, Krishna, the Buddha Within.

You carry this threefold flame of enlightenment within you.

Let it shine.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother



Pure Visions seems an especially appropriate teaching at this time of the Winter Solstice when we are born again and reaffirm our devotion and connection to all our paths, and the celebration of the birth of the Spiritual Son and Daughter, the One Christ Child within us, within our consciousness, in the process of awakening.

Because people are of different capacities, interests and dispositions, Christ and Buddha taught many different paths.

Christ and Buddha both taught “You are the Master”

Matthew 23:10 “There is but one Master, the Christ Within”

and the Buddha as he was dying

“Be a Master unto yourself. Be a lamp unto yourself. Look not for a refuge in anyone other than yourself. In this way, if you are keen to learn, you will reach the highest height.”

and Krishnamurti

“You are the Master and the student. Be a light unto yourself.”

The Christ and the Buddha both taught Deity Yoga, that the ideal being, the God and Goddess-Self is within you.

Luke 17:21 “Behold, the Kingdom of Heaven is within you.”

and as the Buddha Amitabha promised in the Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sūtra

“If you wish to come and be born in my realm, you must always call me to mind again and again, you must always keep this thought in mind without letting up, and thus you will succeed in coming to be born in my realm”

This is an experiential journey about the Pure Visions of Deity Yoga in which the Master in you arises through your practice. There is an exercise for you to try below called “EXERCISE TO TRY” lol. I suggest you read all the way through to understand the journey a little better, but you are most welcome to skip straight to there if you are in a hurry. Please let me know what you discover after trying the exercise.

NOTE : This is a deep and profound teaching. If you have the patience to read through until the end and have questions about the details or about how you might apply this in your own path and practice please ask in the comments below the post and I will do the best I can to answer from my own experience as a somewhat lazy monk.

So to Deity Yoga and Pure Visions…

Deity Yoga manifests in many forms.

They are one aspect of the many rituals, transmissions initiations and resets we are all receiving.

In Tibet for example these practices are transmitted in three ways

the long lineage of kama

the shorter lineage of terma

the profound direct transmission through pure visions or dak nang which is what I will speak to you now of.

Pure visions, such as you are experiencing are of two types

  • meditative experiences of ephemeral and astral world kinds known as nyam
  • pure visions in which the master within you actually experiences receiving the transmission from a deity in a pure realm

The Fifth Dalai Lama has been my main guide and mentor in this respect. He has guided me in the same way as in his own experience, to actually go to the wisdom realms and be given the transmissions encoded in these empowerments. That is how I received the Kalachakra Tantra Initiation under the tutelage of the current Dalai Lama.

One of the most powerful transmissions was involving Metatron and Guan Yin.

Thich Nhat Hanh says to call the name of or to visualise Quan The Am/Guan Yin/Avalokiteshvara in such a way that your mind becomes perfectly concentrated and pure can give you the power to overcome any kind of suffering.

In Sanskrit this ‘calling’ is nama japa or naming prayer. You can apply this to your Beloved whoever He or She is. Calling the name with power, intention and attention helps your mind to become concentrated, and with concentration you become calm, clear, mindful and heartful.

The seeing’ is rupa japa or invoking form. Calling to mind the image of a great being is done, like the naming, with complete presence and sincerity. Only in that way does your mind and heart become still, silent and present with the object of your love, in order to blend and merge with them.

This is not just bhakti, devotion. it is vipashyana, looking deeply, insight, whose foundation is shamatha, stopping and concentrating the mind. Only with sincerity, humility and faith will you bring about tranquility and equanimity.

From my own personal experience it is best for me to keep this incredibly simple, with the open heart of a child, concentrated with humility and surrender to Guan Yin. Over the twenty years or more since She manifested the rare deep sea ocean pearl out of the heart of Her statue for me, the process of surrender has never failed to yield all the miracles and signs, siddhis and healing She has promised.

So I basically have had one focus, and from that very simple, child-like, heart-centred focus, all other great beings have come.

So Metatron, in a way, has come as a real experience to me through Our Mother Guan Yin.

The Dalai Lama directed me in the following way. It took me about a year to work through the Kalachakra Tantra with Him in the most sincere, humble way, involving emptying and surrendering myself to the Divine Presence within. As the Dalai Lama is an incarnation of Avalokiteshvara/Guan Yin/Chenrezig I was very careful to follow His/Her every instruction. As you know I have had both personal contact with the Dalai Lama in the physical and visionary contact to work through these processes with the Fifth Dalai Lama. When I work through an initiation or empowerment I do it very slowly and sincerely, taking a sentence or a paragraph at a time and meditating on it for hours or a day at a time until the wisdom percolates through into my being.

In this particular instance, this is what I was instructed to do. I share it only because this wisdom is already your own so please use it to guide your heart on your path as only you will know how to do. You are not going to use the same wisdom beings in the same way as I do, so please heed their wisdom and guidance and trust your heart and that of the Hearts of Your Light Family. That is always the way of the Master, of whom you all are one.

To understand how I use the wisdom beings you need to understand that in my case my Lama is the Dalai Lama and the path I was initiated in is Avalokiteshvara/Guan Yin through the Dalai Lama and the Dzogchen path through The Fifth Dalai Lama, Padmasambhava, and Sogyal Rinpoche.  My guru is Paramahansa Yogananda and the Kriya path I was initiated in was through Krishna, Babaji, Yeshua, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, Yogananda and Sri Daya Mata. So I have received these teachings directly. It means everything and nothing. It is not to prove anything, only to bring understanding so whenever I use certain terms or expressions that you are informed where they come from.


Whenever we do exercises, rituals, preparation, resets, initiations, empowerments and so forth the first step is the enhancement of your being, which in simple terms is adjusting your motivation.

This means

  • bringing kindness to yourself and whatever arises through the practice, which ultimately is extended out to all beings and becomes bodhichitta and the Holy Spirit
  • bringing wisdom or prajna into whatever you do. That is why I surrender to the Great Mother Guan Yin or whomever you refer to as the Mother. Be in Her arms throughout this practice.

By this you should understand that even though things seem to exist independently this is not true. Your “inter-being” connects you to each and every thing as soon as you “step into” a practice with deep intention, so you will naturally attract the most powerful energies and support from your Light Family when you feel kindness for yourself and extend this kindness to others. In fact the entire cosmos revolves around kindness, suns extending kindness to planets, planets extending life-giving kindness to their inhabitants and so forth.

You also realise that the illusory nature of this physical earth body is suffering, a veil which you want to be free of, so that you can free others.

Further, things are always changing, impermanent. This is what brings you here. Your many lives, and this one, are constantly changing.

So you have a deep motivation now, the opportunity to accomplish something of great impact throughout the world(s).

Your purpose, your mission, is to bring about all beings’ happiness and bliss, their liberation, and to accomplish this you do so through being a Christ and a Buddha yourself.

This attitude is bodhichitta or the Holy Spirit (ruach) which is cultivating presence, silence and stillness, through the breath, in whatever path you choose to be the Christ and Buddha.

So to whomever the Father and Mother are to you (this could be your Divine masculine and feminine self, or Yeshua and Mary Magdalena or Buddha and Prajnaparamita or Metatron and Guan Yin) you pray “I am requesting initiation to achieve enlightenment for the sake of others”

Kneel on the ground, bring your palms together at the Heart.

Visualise your Lama or mentor or guide or soul guardian in front of you.

As I explained above this is the Dalai Lama/Guan Yin/Avalokiteshvara/ Chenrezig for me,

who will confirm “You who seek to achieve the Secret (Mantra) in this life enter the (mandala)”

Again this can be in your own words with your own intention however simple or complex that may be connecting with your own soul guardian.

At this time in the meditation the Lama and the principal deity and yourself are not different. So for me the Dalai Lama is Guan Yin as I am Guan Yin. I meditate on myself as Guan Yin and the Dalai Lama as Guan Yin. This is a very important part to practice. The awareness is total surrender to Guan Yin in my case for the sake of others.

From now on I will refer to the “Lama” as Guan Yin for simplicity.

She says

“It is meditated that Rays of Light from My Heart, where I represent All Deities – the Divine Father and the Divine Mother – draw you in. You enter My Mouth and dissolve in the Mother’s Lotus”

You are now going to take birth as a child of Guan Yin or whichever deity you chose.

In your imagination you visualise Guan Yin as the Ultimate in Father and Mother aspect, so She is in union with Her Divine Consort.

(At this point in my meditation Archangel Metatron appeared in union with Guan Yin. This was entirely unpremeditated by me and somewhat of a shock since Guan Yin has both female and male (Avalokiteshvara) forms as well as guru (Amitabha Buddha) form)

Rays of Light, spreading out from the hum at His Heart as He now appears in His Divine Father and Divine Mother aspect, draw you into His Mouth, passing down through His Body and into the Womb of the Mother. There you turn into emptiness.

(At this point my ‘self’ was extinguished. There was an extraordinary earth-shattering flash of light and ‘I’ disappeared. This was the first time I had experienced such “lightning dissolution” of everything that is, was and will be. I had, for lack of any better explanation, turned literally into emptiness. The energy and consciousness of emptiness took over this bodily form and as my wife will remember rendered me in a state of presence and peace that lasted just over 24 hours. Three days later I had an experience of the Holy Spirit descending through my crown and into my heart.)

It was a very similar experience to St Paul being struck down by light while on the road to Damascus.

From Acts of the Apostles 9

“As Saul neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him… Jesus said to him “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” Saul got up from the ground, but could see nothing…Three days later Ananias went to the house Saul was staying and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul, he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord—Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here—has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptised, and after taking some food, he regained his strength.”

I felt the same sudden light flashing around and within me. It was so astonishing I was “struck to the ground” speechless for around three hours. The deep presence I experienced in my case continued for 24 hours. Three days later I had a deeply profound experience of the Holy Spirit descending like a ball of light through my crown chakra into my Heart.

When you experience the Holy Spirit and the Light entering you, you deeply question all you have ever been told, and observe suffering and the cries of the world in a completely different way. The Source fills you with the energies and consciousness of the invisible world. It is like being filled with the most delicious divine nectar and every part of your being hums and vibrates with purpose and clarity. You realise how much can be accomplished in unity, as one Shared Mind and Heart. You see how important unity consciousness, love, and kindness are for our world. You ask “What is fundamental truth, how do we inquire into that and what would we discover?” “Your own self-realisation is the greatest service you can render the world” answers Ramana Maharishi and this helps to inform our inquiry. What do you think and feel? What is ‘universal’ self-realisation? The deepest truth I have discovered is that fundamental truth is revealed in the Heart when the mind ceases to be active and remains still, open and empty, surrendering to Divine Mother’s Grace. The silence, stillness, love and presence that awakens in this pure awareness, this natural effortless state, is self-realisation or samadhi or God-realisation, when the ‘I’ is extinguished. It is wordless, nameless and timeless. The eternal Self. That has been my discovery and experience. That is where the secular meets the spiritual and the religious. From saints to gurus to Masters to Christs and Buddhas, all meet at this point.

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother




As we journey into the sacred time of Christmas together I am reminded of the incredible power of healing and purification we hold in our hearts and minds, together as one, in unity.

The Christ and the Buddha stated that liberation and ascension always come about as a result of healing.

Maitreya said this healing is “a wish for complete perfect enlightenment for the sake of others”

The Buddha and the Christ said the nature of the mind and heart is light, pure clear light.

This comes about as a real experience through realizing the Emptiness of the mind and the heart where Emptiness means allowing the Heart to be like the Grail, a cup where there is no self, and therefore no bondage or restrictions or obstructions to Spirit in the form of light entering.

Only when you are empty can you be filled.

How can we realize the True Self simply?

Through silence stillness and presence.

This is a practice.

A simple time set aside in the morning noon and night to enter into communion with the light of the Spirit in silence and stillness will begin the process of full awakening.

As you breathe in the silence say

“Breathing in I am aware of Spirit

Breathing out I am aware Spirit is present”

See hear and feel the light of the Spirit fill your heart.

The Buddha called this bodhicitta or the mind of enlightenment and Christ called this Holy Spirit in ancient Hebrew and Aramaic ‘ruach’ and ‘rucha’ which means Spirit, life force, wind and breath, or the heart of enlightenment.

In Hebrew and Aramaic ‘ruach’ is feminine meaning the ancient masters knew that transformation through the breath was accomplished by Divine Feminine energy, Divine Mother’s Grace.

Both Buddha and Christ taught the alchemy of breath or wind because the secret of the elemental winds within you equates to the force of the breath of Yahweh or the breath of God.

The many miracles we have seen are accomplished through the Holy Spirit, Bodhicitta, or the heart and mind of enlightenment through the breath.

Work with your breath very simply in silence and stillness on the first day for 20 minutes three times during your day and you will touch the breath of Yahweh within you. You will know the true meaning of the words “Yeshua was conceived of the Holy Spirit” Matthew 1:20

Consider this.

Many of you here listening to the Teachings of the One Temple, One Chakra, were also present at the time of Christ and the time of the Buddha.

So you remember the true meaning in the ancient Hebrew and Aramaic of Yeshua blowing upon you and saying

“Receive the Holy Spirit, the breath of Yahweh within me and within you”

“This is He (Yeshua) who baptises with the holy Spirit.” John 1:33

And you remember one of the first Teachings of the Buddha, the Anapanasati Sutra, also known as the Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing, which if ‘developed and practiced continuously…will give rise to understanding and liberation of the mind’.

Because you are Mother Mary, Mary Mother of James the Lesser, Mary of Bethany, Mary Salome, Mary Mother of Mark, Mary Magdalene, Johanna, Phoebe, John the Beloved, James, Luke, Matthew, Andrew, Priscilla, Sara, Judas, Barnabas, Thomas, Sarah the woman at the well, Susanna, Martha, Caleb, Paula de Venetian, Michael, Mark and so many more

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

The Three Bodhisattvas – Sparkle in Your Love

Some of my deepest experiences in life have been when I have truly deeply listened to another human being or to an animal or to the beings and energies in nature. I am very grateful for this learning which happens day to day. So in my conversations with my wife I have been practicing deeply listening to her heart. This has been challenging because firstly I have been sick, then she got sick, then our two year old got sick, so our energies have not been at their optimum. Still we practice because that is what we are committed to. Being there for each other. Today was a particularly hard day because our little daughter couldn’t sleep because of coughing so my wife was awake all night and then our daughter decided to get up at 3:30am. “I’ll get up” I said as my wife hadn’t had any sleep so I did and then was somewhat bleary eyed when it was time to make breakfast at 7am with my daughter still coughing and agitated. My wife was pretty grumpy with no sleep and I was less than responsive as my body felt like it was jet lagged. So our dialogues were less than kind. They were more like a set of instructions for what the other person should be doing. At one point my wife had tears in her eyes and said “I need sparkles in my love”. I knew exactly what she meant. So I said to her “Darling, I hear you. I’m really here for you.” She smiled and it was as simple as that. We were listening to each other again.

Living the Light


As you walk, breathe, and go about your day remember you are a Light Being with a Light body that has chosen to inhabit a physical body.

We are all too often focused on our physical body, shifting our attention to the light body when we remember.

Try doing the opposite.

Try focusing on the light body throughout your day by doing the following simple exercise as you breathe

“Breathing in, I am filled with Light

Breathing out, I shine with Light”

Then you will awaken the truth of being and be able to shift attention to the body perceptions when you need to, at will, to honour your physical temple, to eat and sleep.

As the Dalai Lama says, the unique feature of this approach is that right from the beginning you make the experience of the clear light itself manifest in your body, heart and mind, so that it becomes something tangible – a direct experience of clear light.

སེམས་ལ་སེམས་མ་མཆིས་ཏེ། ། སེམས་ཀྱི་རང་བཞིན་ནི་འོད་གསལ་བའོ། །

The mind is devoid of mind,

For the nature of mind is clear light.

From the Eight Thousand Verse

by Prajñāparamitā

The Mother of All Buddhas

Altair and Mother

Your True Face Before You Were Born



As fate would have it, many things are manifesting right in this very moment, (as in the last few hours) from the Flower of Life to the Grail, Extra-Terrestrial Communications Resuming to Signs from the Continuum of Maitreya.

So I will share the following and encourage you to let me know what you see.

Read it all first so your consciousness is filled with the task and then prepare 🙂 and much love and support in your travels.

Sit or lie in a comfortable position with your spine straight.

Listen to the Alchemy of Breath, The Yeshua Codes or your favourite mantra, chant or meditation.

Bring to your mind and heart the following words as you breathe in and out

“I AM never born and can never die”

Synchronise them with the in breath and the out breath

“Breathing in I was never born

Breathing out I can never die”

Allow the alchemy of the heart to work its magic

Through the clear light of being

Your Light Body

Containing a continuum of lives devoted to liberation

Honor that within you now

Concentrate on the point of your life’s beginning.

Know that it is the point of the beginning of your ‘death’

See that both your life and ‘death’ are manifested at the same time.

One is a continuum of the other, one cannot exist without the other.

See that the existence of your life and ‘death’ depend on each other.

Birth is the foundation of ‘death’, just as the birth of a star already swings into motion the ‘death’ of that same star.

You are at the same time your life and your ‘death’.

The two are not opposites but two aspects of the same reality.

Search for your true face before birth and who you truly are and what you bring to this world in true service and then see at the moment you are born who you arrived with, what support you brought to enable this true service to humanity.

See what lessons of life you agreed to, what you negotiated with your soul guardian and light family, how you decided to play out this lifetime.

Then concentrate on the point of your life’s ending.

Search for your true face after ‘death’ and keeping the deep sense of who you truly are and what you bring to this world in true service, see as you ‘die’ or transition or ascend who you depart with, what support you have always had with you to enable this transition into the life or world or dimension through the process that is wrongly called ‘death’.

See that it is the ending point of the manifestation of both your life and your ‘death’ and that there is no difference between before birth and after ‘death’ as there is a natural continuum you have been aware of all this incarnation on this planet.

Search for the many faces of the pure light of being.

“I AM never born and can never die”

In this ancient Tibetan meditation, we go back to our time of birth to see what we arrived with and what we bring into this world. It is called “the faces before you were born” and is an ancient Tibetan Buddhist meditation as well as being practiced in many Zen traditions.

It is a very old meditation to take you into the lives before, the support at birth, the lessons of life, the support at death and the faces after death.

Here is my experience of this when I first did it…

“The faces before birth are Bodhisattva faces connected to Maitreya.

That meditation came through spontaneously when I was driving a car.

I had to pull over and park it was so strong and overwhelming.

The most recent face was the Tibetan Buddhist monk I was in my previous life who came back to me at the age of two through my dreams for a year.

I was with the Dalai Lama in that life before I died falling off a bridge into a chasm in 1959, after he escaped, defending the bridge to the monastery I loved against the Chinese forces.

Because I incarnated very quickly, just 2 years later, in 1961, many of my memories remained intact.

That has been with me a long time, that knowing.

The birth meditation has always been the same for me.

There are the Light beings, the four elders or archangels and Mother Mary and the Christ Consciousness, lighting up my heart.

I still feel it now, the simple innocence of a Child of God Within, the Buddha Child.

The life lessons are about love and compassion and letting go.

Very very simple.

At death there is ascension in the rainbow light body with the assistance of those same elders and Light Family at birth and Yogananda, the Dalai Lama and Divine Mother Guan Yin who have always promised to be there.

The faces after death were not of this world.

I was doing ‘rescue work’ (saviour is the feeling) on many worlds, some of which I knew, some not. Those are the ones I spoke with Tareth about, in my travels. The work of unity is a wide reaching work.

The four Elders at birth were Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel.

For as long as I can remember they have been with me.

This depth of presence and awareness which comes with this has in the past been through the Flower of Life, this time as a ‘world within worlds’ field of the Flowers of Life, each one a multiple gateway giving us access to the dimensions across the worlds. So we could travel through the many layers that this world holds and that of many other worlds. I have made those journeys before. The pattern is the key, with the triggers being sound and light and everywhere on the pattern of the Flower of Life being Light Language which we can speak or move into through symbols. These symbols are encoded within the body in the DNA which is why mindfulness of body sensations is such an important practice. I can feel each opening as if they were pores on my skin.

With thanks to Zilla and Gilles

for their inspiration and sharing of unity consciousness

from Tareth’s workshops this weekend

ALCHEMY OF BREATH – Part 3 – Light Meditation and Sound Codes



Alchemy of Breath, Solar Winds and Cosmic Air

Becoming Wind

The power of being

To be with things as they are

In the body and breath

The mind and emotions

Without judgement

To allow the alchemy of the heart to work its magic

Through the clear light of being, the Light Body

To arise

To awaken the sleeping dragon

This moment, the present, is truly the only time we have to realize the True Self

That you were never born and can never die

That is what you are remembering to nourish

To flow into

To calm and ease

A continuum of lives devoted to liberation

We honor that now

By bringing gentleness and kindness to ourselves and whatever arises as we share here together

In the physical realm of sensations in the body, of thoughts and emotions, in the light body with vast freedom of being

We are discovering what is here right now

And we are loving and embracing that like Divine Mother

We are learning to be the Christ or Buddha with fresh eyes and an awakened heart

So now we sit or rest comfortably whatever that means for us

Ever gentle in our care of this precious temple we call the body

Sitting or resting in a way that allows the spine to be straight

So that the winds of spirit can flow easefully through from one chakra, one energy center to another

And flow into the cosmos and back again with each breath

Finding what level of awareness is appropriate for you in the now

Your sincerity of heart and intention of mind is more important than any body position

Your posture is like the earth, a mountain reflecting stability

And your breath becomes the wind, reflecting the flow of cosmos, of divine light, in and out

Let the base of your mountain be solid with the power of spirit flowing in you and your chest be open like the window to heaven to accept the breath of God

Soften all the body muscles as you breathe especially those in your face and neck and gently close your eyes





As you settle, sensations sounds light thoughts and emotions will naturally arise

Turn your attention your focus to the breath

So you begin the alchemy of Breathing

Allow everything else to rest and subside

As the breath flows into and out of the body

You feel it flow



It may help you to name it

This alchemical flow of energy

Breathing in

Breathing out

Or you may be happy just feeling it

Flowing in

Flowing out

Being with the power of the breath

Breathing in I am aware of my breath

Breathing out I smile at my breath

Breathing in Buddha Breath

Breathing out Buddha Smile

Breathing in Christ Breath

Breathing out Christ Smile

Breathing in Mother’s Breath

Breathing out Mother’s Smile

All your focus and concentration on the breath

Allowing it to be

Breathing in

Breathing out

As you follow the flow you will be aware of where you feel the breath most distinctly

This is the inner energy wheels opening

Perhaps in the nose or the chest or the belly area

Rising and falling

Where is the feeling?

Where is the energy right now?

Simply be with it

And allow the breath to be a portal

Opening you to the Love within

Opening you to the Light Body within


Notice the texture and quality of the energy and consciousness that is your breath

Each breath shares its being with the stars, with the cosmos itself

Each breath is breathing in the light

Following it from its beginning as it enters the body

To its end as it leaves the body

This is like the entire cycle of a universe in a single breath

Seeing how the breath does this of its own accord

Its own intelligence

The breath of life

There is nothing you need to do

Other than surrender to the power of the light and the breath in you

This is the secret of alchemy

Knowing you are breathing in

And knowing you are breathing out

Each breath totally new and unique

A new creation

A new universe in every breath

A totally new world

Consider the incredible potential in the now, in the present moment

You have this possibility of realisation right here and now

When you consider it, the Buddha, the Christ, the Mother has always been present in you from the beginning of time and will always be

All the power that ever was or will be is here right now


You will notice that your attention moves away from the breath, from this incredible power of now, of being, pulled into a thought, a memory, looking into the past or the future.

At some point in your awareness, you will wake up, you will realise the moving away as it happens. You will see the power of awareness, the God-Self movement, actually at play, and realising it you will see the power of the cosmos is in you, moving in and moving out and you return to the mountain, the foundation, the breath.

With kindness and love you return your attention to the breath again and again, in and out, breathing in and breathing out, Buddha is breathing, Christ is breathing, Mother is breathing, Buddha is the breathing, I AM the breathing, there is only breathing, peace while breathing.

Returning to the cycles of the universe, since this is what the mind does, creating, co-creating, we simply bring it back to what is here and now.




Now expand your awareness to include the whole light body, from the crown chakra at the tip of the head, to the hands of light emanating energy at the finger tips, to the toes, which walk with in the footsteps of the Christ, the Buddha and the Mother.

Be present with whatever arises.

Lightness or heaviness.

Tightness or ease.

Expansion into the vast nature of being.

Being with the light body here and now.


Notice the ever changing nature of the sensations in the light body.

The energies arise, stay for a while and then dissolve.

These are the winds or Shaktis of the Light Body.

These are constantly changing in large or subtle ways.

Being awake.

Being aware of the dancing pools of light energy in the body.


As you attend to the sensations in the light body you may find yourself moving, shifting and re-shaping according to the attraction of the sensations.

You may move towards some sensations and push away from others.

Notice when your awareness is pulled or pushed like this and offer deep listening and kindness to what is present so that you can be there with the energies as they are.

Each moment, whatever it holds is perfect, is a God-self moment, as it comes to be and passes away. This is co-creation. This is the movement of worlds.


If energies arise that are uncomfortable, you have a choice in response.

You can choose to adjust your position or you can choose to bring attention close to the sensation and explore and investigate the boundaries of this world. Is it deep or shallow narrow or defined, hot, cold, find out exactly what is here in this world.


Now widen your awareness to the Light Body’s own light, its own presence and energy field, cast about it like a radiant sun.

Be the Light.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

With deep gratitude to Tareth for the Pyramid Sounds and Kusaba Kazuhisa for the Divine Art