When we develop awareness over our internal wind energies we also develop awareness of the external wind energies.

As within so without.

So it was that Lama Tsongkhapa could go into meditation and extinguish the lamps in the Lhasa Temple.

When we develop awareness over the inner fires of bliss in the central channel we can also manifest light through our meditation.

So it was that Tareth could manifest light from his hands in front of a group through Alchemy.

When we develop awareness over the water within our being we also develop consciousness of the ocean.

So it was that Altair was able to communicate with dolphins by becoming the ocean.

When we develop awareness over the earth we also develop a feeling for the Christ consciousness embedded in the earth.

So it was that Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal could take living crystals, the vase of longevity and terma and encode the information and hide this wisdom for future generations in the Crystal Cave at Drag Yangdzong.

I have been contemplating this so deeply,  the extraordinary awareness that our Knowledge Compassion and Power as healers brings to the world and its beings and how important it is for us to support each other and to have courage faith and will in our journey.

So many of us are like the warrior who has Divine Mothers Great Pearl on her forehead and yet she has forgotten she is wearing it and travels the whole world seeking it. She could travel forever without finding it. Yet if someone who could SEE were to point out the pearl the warrior would realize it had been there all the time and she would be free. That is what I see in so many of us, a search for Christ or Buddha or Divine Mother when in fact She is within us all along.

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