I AM Community

Amitabha Buddha, Guan Yin and Mahasthamaprapta


To achieve real lasting peace and unity in our community we are all cultivating peaceful united minds, through love, kindness and mutual trust.

All of this in turn is realized through the Higher Heart. We all are transforming our Hearts.

On the level of us as individuals, us as community, us as the world, peace and unity is achieved through our altruistic motivation, our warm hearts, our real human feelings for each other, to help each other to liberate, to be free, according to our chosen paths of pathlessness.

We are not trying to convince others of our path.

We are comm-unity. We are communicating our unity consciousness through every thought, word and deed.

Otherwise, even when we come together with good intentions of community, unnecessary separation can occur through lack of kindness, lack of love, lack of mutual respect.

The many levels of awareness we are working through together take enormous respect. Respect for each other and where we are coming from. Our paths.

At different levels we will feel “I’ve got it” or “I know” which in itself is also another level to appreciate and surrender.

At other levels we will see ourselves as Christ Lights. We will also be aware of the differences in consciousness and awareness. That too is awareness to let go of.

We may be inspired to give others guidance from ‘above’, Higher Realms, Light Beings or Divine Channels. This is only ever done in humility, knowing it comes from the Father and Mother and is not ‘ours’, is done with permission of the ones we give it to, and in deep love. Then we let that go too.

We also from time to time tap into each other’s past lives, ancient selves, future aspects, multidimensional awarenesses and interact. That is a learning, a lesson we have chosen to work with. It is OUR lesson. Work with it. Be gentle and humble, be respectful, be kind. Then let go and surrender that too.

We develop kindness, with deep appreciation for all life and all human beings, as in the Bodhisattva Path. We develop it so strongly that it extends to and moves us to help all living beings, transforming our heart chakra into the door of liberation, samadhi, FOR OTHERS.

Without such feeling, without surrendering our own old habits, boundaries and boxes which can include many worn out belief systems such as the “I am right” point of view, there will be suffering in our community, and Christhood and Buddhahood will be unshared.

The Pure Light and Love and Compassion and Bliss is Universal. Without us unifying as a planet the Great Bliss will remain unknown.

The mind and heart of enlightenment we all share is the all-compassing yoga, which is union of all forms and formlessness. It is a very humbling experience. The truth is very very simple. We are ONE.

“For in ONE Spirit we were all baptized into ONE body—Jews or Gentiles, slaves or free—and all were given the ONE Spirit to drink.” (Corinthians, 12:13)

As waves we don’t have to look for water.

We are water.

We are One.

ONE in the Ocean of BEING.

This is why realization of emptiness of self is at the Heart of the true Christ Light and the Buddha’s Heart for all communities. The ‘self’ we have so vainly held on to with all its beliefs, ideas, habits, boundaries and boxes does not inherently exist at all.

Pure realization of I AM Presence is a lightning strike to the ‘self’. It extinguishes what you thought you knew.

Into the space of BEING comes the Immeasurable, the Unknown, the Timeless altruism and wisdom, blessed into magnificence by all the Ones Gone Thus.

This is who I AM.
I AM you. You are me.
In you, I AM.

Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in Divinity

We are One with Father and Mother through our conscious choice and creation.
It is through Our Presence, by moment to moment awareness of our co-creation with our fellow beings, this planet and the many worlds, that we learn best how to serve.

I AM traveling between worlds. I am simply breathing walking enlightening listening listening.

I am truly interested in you sharing your ideas of community, communities you have lived in, things that worked, things that didn’t. As we share deeply so we open our shared wisdom and Light.

Please share this with everyone you can.
Ask for sharing and gathering and love to connect us all.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother