Monthly Archives: November 2016





The ten shaktis or empowerments we discussed in Part 1 have ten symbols, which open ten portals.

They are light language, called seed syllables.

Here is a simple way to practice opening the portals.

I will use as an example, the Fire Shakti empowerment.

Adopt a simple relaxed posture with your spine straight.

As you read this, and sit or lie straight, begin to breathe.

“Breathing in, I am aware of the Light Language within me

Breathing out, I manifest the Light Language in my Heart”

Devote yourself to the Guru within or without, Lama, Angelic Being, Bodhisattva, Elder or whatever you wish to dedicate your path of pathlessness to.

Visualise in front of you a light sphere, like the full moon, about the size of a pea.

On it is written the letter ‘a’ in the colours of the rainbow as finely written as if on a hair.

The symbol for the letter ‘a’ looks like this in sanskrit

(in Siddham – the script of the Siddhas)


or like this in Tibetan


or your heart may reveal its own symbol.

Remember, “You are the Master”.

Focus your mind without distraction on the ‘a’

If a thought arises, recognise it through mindfulness and return to focusing on the ‘a’

If your consciousness becomes drowsy visualise the sphere blazing with light and the ‘a’ as a bright glittering letter

If your consciousness becomes distracted imagine the ‘a’ as very vivid dark blue.

Once you become accustomed to this letter visualise others like OM


or AUM


or any other Light Seed Syllable corresponding to your path.

Light Language is the essence of your True Self’s body, voice, heart and mind.

Once you can visualise this Light Syllable constantly, try visualising a mantra of seed syllables or Light Language circulating around it. This could be a rosary of a mantra, prayer or chant or a visual symbol.

This is OM MANI PADME HUM as an example. 


It can be much simpler, like a visual symbol of this mantra, if you identify with it, like jewels of purity, wisdom and unity circling the Light Syllable OM.

Once you can do that with clarity, embed the seed syllable in your heart and rotate the mantra around your heart.

Once this practice is stabilised, visualise yourself as the deity of your choice, like Guan Yin, or Christ, or Buddha, or Mary Magdalene while focusing your attention on the Light Language in your Heart surrounded by the rotating mantra, prayer or chant, or visual symbol.

When you have a moment after a cup of tea during your busy day do let me know what you experience or discover.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother






What I am about to share with you is merely an exploration of your own awareness, your own wisdom of what is.

It is long, so for that I am sorry.

If you get to the end, then I praise you for your perseverance and patience with me. 

I bow humbly to the wisdom of Infinite Being in you.

Christ Krishna Buddha and all Divine Mothers tell us there is a Pure Land, a Kingdom of Heaven, a Home within us, and when we go home to ourselves we are safe.

There in the home of our heart we touch the energy of the Christ and Buddha which shines light on any situation in our lives, the wisdom of Krishna and Divine Mother, allowing us to see near and far and know what to do.

We touch the living Pure Lands within.

We co-create the Pure Lands through our mindful and heartful breathing.

This is the alchemy of the breath, where alchemy is to purify and unify our energy and consciousness.

Our breath is intimately connected to Shakti or Divine Mother’s Breath.

Her Breath flows through our breath.

So Shakti pours through us all the time.

Shakti is Divine Mother’s empowerment, and within Her Shakti is divided into ten goddesses or ten Shaktis like ten daughters.

These are called the ten winds.

They have different qualities.

Because you are masters, gods and goddesses in your own right you can attune yourself to their activity and have deep experience through the doors of perception of the body and breath.

The ten are very elemental.

Like the dragon.

They are the force of manifestation, making the miracles of manifestation possible, co-creating both the ordinary and extraordinary.

The ordinary, growing a rose in your garden outside your house, or growing the rose of gratitude in the garden of your heart, or the extraordinary, manifesting a rose in your hand, or roses raining down from heaven as they did for St Therese of Lisieux, are all equal in the eyes of God within.

The ten shaktis have ten symbols, which open ten portals.

They are light language, called seed syllables.

The ten shaktis are





Pervasive or all encompassing

Devadatta or faerie

Serpent or dragon

Dhamnajaya or wisdom of unity

Vitalizing or awakening


Most of us tend to experience the upward and downward kundalini flow.

That flow is comprised of two Shaktis or goddesses.

These are very deep feminine energies and easy for you to connect with because you are naturally breathing in this Shakti when you practice love and kindness and compassion to yourself and naturally breathing out this Shakti when you practice love and kindness and compassion to your neighbour.

As the Shaktis in you balance and release their full power you will manifest all you wish. You may well find when you enter the Pure Land of that full power that you have let go of all wishes whatsoever, and what will manifest may be something beyond, way beyond, what you previously had thought you would wish for.

To do this requires practise.

Intense focused aware alert awake practise.

If you look at the lives of the Masters, ALL THEIR LIVES were dedicated to revealing the truth.

You can do the same.

You just need the same intention, dedication and practice.

Explore deeply the stories of the masters and their experiences.

You will find exactly the same mastery potential in you.

You can do the same.

You just need the same intention, dedication and practice.

I would love to know what you feel when you experience the Shaktis.

To help this dialogue I will start sharing a little below.

They are Divine Gifts.

The Flow of Divine Mother’s Grace.

So it is very important to be open to these Gifts as they shower on each and every one of us in unique ways.

What I describe is just what I experience. It may inform you, it may not.

Your own experience of Shakti is much more important, unique to you, and I honour that in you.

First to Fire.

The Fire Shakti I know well.

It burns, is passionate, and ultimately reveals the light.

In my experiences with manifesting light they have come from deep passion and inspiration which with clarity and awareness brings joy.

This in turn breaks open the heart to reveal light.

The Shakti then seems to descend.

When I watched Tareth work with the light manifesting and how he breathed it reminded me of how so many of my manifestation experiences have involved the breath and then a deep often almost instantaneous period of stillness followed by an inexplicable (logically) manifestation of something that was a miracle.

Most siddhis or powers are byproducts of the main process of alchemy.

In this case it is fire, deep joy, filling the physical system and overwhelming the cells so the atoms themselves rearrange and form something that wasn’t there before.

Turtle Shakti I am exploring.

It is heavy and earthed like a mountain and ultimately allows you to do physical manifestations like moving mountains or rocks or things.

I am not that skilled in telekinetic movement and rearrangement of atoms yet.

I have managed some levitation and movement of objects in groups.

Turtle is also far deeper.

The earth itself begins to sing.

Upward Shakti is what many Shaktis initially feel like, an upliftment, ascension, lightness of being. The upward Shakti is a communicative one and allows direct contact with all manner of beings from humans to dolphins to extra terrestrial beings to interdimensional worlds.

In most cases the Shakti is directional in that you can focus on a particular being or species such as a loved one or a dolphin or another world and through the upward Shakti feel the same energy as that being or species or planet or dimension form in you and then shift and fill you and then resolve, connect and ‘mate’.

It feels like making love across worlds but really it is recognition of the one Self in All, explored a little at a time.

Were you to connect now with all consciousnesses before you were ready your energy system would literally be blown apart by the sheer influx and inflow of energies and rewiring that happens to your brain and body.

The chameleon Shakti is a mutable earth mother goddess energy and extremely powerful. The Shakti enables you to change and match your own energy to that of any being so that your breath becomes their breath.

When you reach deep stillness and presence within and allow blending and merging to occur you actually take on qualities of the goddess or deity you attune to.

It is the essence of deity yoga and the core practice of many visualisations and chants that are activating light and sound initiation codes already embedded in your DNA and cells. The feeling is ferociously changeable and you may feel buffeted by the many energies that pour through you.

It takes great will and focus to calm and nurture these consciousnesses so tread carefully. When you use this Shakti to blend with another human being you literally feel ‘in their skin’ so to speak.

It is a literal transferral and transmission of light Shakti being explored today through the science of interpersonal biology.

Our inner states do affect each other and we do take on and reflect the qualities of others from their emotions and perceptions to their thoughts and beliefs.

Pervasive or all encompassing Shakti I can best relate through an experience I had years ago with a very well known psychic in USA.

She came to me for a session and asked me to give her an experience of this particular Shakti.

I told her I didn’t ‘give’ anybody anything and Divine Mother’s blessings came to them of their own accord and in their own particular time.

At that point the energy in the room built up to the point that light could be seen arcing across the ceilings.

It was phenomenally breathtaking.

The psychic went into a kind of trance and I felt my body and hers blend and merge until I almost lost consciousness as I could feel what she was feeling.

She slumped forward after a period of time with her head bowed.

After a while she regained consciousness and said to me “that was better than a full body orgasm” (her words) and left in a flood of tears.

I knew what she meant.

Devadatta or faerie Shakti.

Many of you can speak to this Shakti better than I.

We have all been part of, are part of and will be part of the powers that link us with the deva and faerie worlds.

Daenkus in the Pleiades that I come from and Avalon of Merlin’s soul group that I was part of and the Lady of the Lake Lineage are accessed through this Shakti.

The mechanics of InterPersonal Biology, InterWorld Travel and InterBeing come into play here.

We can all relate to the simple example of ‘traveling’ in our dreams.

It is not that difficult to connect with the energies we transfer and transmit when we are passionate about sharing something we love with someone.

We affect others and they in turn affect us.

Equally we are affected by what happens around our world.

Who can say they have been unaffected by recent events in the USA?

We also know, on a very simple and small scale, that the supermoon affects the earth through gravitational pull, resulting in earth tremors such as the recent earthquake in New Zealand.

On a larger scale, when we are very sensitive, we are aware that the worlds we are connected to through our Light Family exert their own ‘gravitational pull’ on our consciousness and allow us to connect deeply and physically in some cases with the Deva and Faerie energies of those worlds.

Serpent or Dragon Shakti.

The dragons you are connecting with are Serpents of Wisdom.

This consciousness was brought to Earth from extraterrestrial sources including Venus and Sirius.

Some of you, through this consciousness, are connecting with other dragon energies from other stars, planets and Light Families.

The wisdom of the Kumaras and the Serpent-Dragons was passed down through the lineages of many civilizations.

The dragon and the serpent are One.

The Kundalini Shakti energy field is represented as a serpent, a feminine power that rises upwards to the crown chakra to meet Shiva, the masculine.

The merging is the Sacred Marriage in alchemy.

The Thoth-Hermes Soul Group led the first alchemists to North Africa and Egypt from Atlantis.

They were called Djedhi (Jedi) or Serpent Masters.

This lineage included the leader (Thoth/Ta-Ho-Te) who brought the Emerald Tablet.

These tablets contain the secrets of transmutation both of base materials into ‘gold’ as well as the secrets of transforming humans into gods and goddesses through unity consciousness, just as you are experiencing now in your various groups, a process which Tibetans call Deity Yoga.

Dhamnajaya Shakti or wisdom of unity Shakti is the consciousness of oneness within you.

We all share a common humanity.

Our common bond is love and compassion.

On the simplest level this Shakti brings health to our body mind and heart soul through our loving compassionate breathing.

Our world needs the loving affection of our divine mother within who feeds the child in everyone’s hearts.

Vitalizing or awakening Shakti is the Mother of All Buddhas within you, alert and awake, with full clarity of all sensory perceptions, at peace with all aspects of yourself.

From the Beginning of Time Divine Mother is within us.

She kindly, gently reminds us, especially in the innocence of our childhood, that She brings us the gift of bliss and emptiness, without which we cannot awaken our heart to Her Wisdom.

She tells us of our own path of pathlessness, unique and like no other, and that if we honor it, we will reap all the rewards of heaven that the great Masters, angels and saints, gurus and Bodhisattvas have promised, because they are in us as we are in them.

She tells us to look around at each other and wake up, to see the Beloved in each one of us, these apparently separate forms, that are all Christ and Buddha lights flowing from the one single Source.

Downward is the Shakti of manifestation.

When you breathe out you co-create the Pure Lands that lie within you and blend and merge this consciousness with the world you perceive around you.

We touch our own living teachings or Dharma within ourselves by mindful breathing, the alchemy of breath.

Mindful breathing and heartfulness or gratitude generate energies of manifestation, protecting our bodies, hearts and minds.

And just as you have a light community around you and on all the worlds so you can experience Sangha or community within, through the body, the feelings, perceptions, thoughts and consciousness.

Through presence and being in the moment all these elements come together to work in harmony in you.

All fear is transformed into love and harmony.

When we touch the energy of Christ Krishna Buddha and Divine Mother we are safely in the Pure Lands.

This is a treasure.

It is so simple you can practice anywhere and practice until you can do it while you are driving, making breakfast or having lunch.

When you do this with presence you are arriving home, being constantly in the Pure Lands.

You are surrounded by the light community on this world and all worlds and are absorbing its energies and consciousness.

You are producing the energy and consciousness of the Buddha Christ Krishna Divine Mother and offering it to all worlds at the same time.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

Surrender to What Is, The Education of Oneness, And my meeting with the Dalai Lama



Because I have been very sick recently I have been able to pay deep close attention to my body and its sensations, the very painful and the very calm and I notice I am getting better at accepting the body with all its limitations, which I have been rather averse to in the past. I push myself physically as I have performed in many sports to reasonably high levels and dealing kindly with restrictions this time round has proved a real eye-opener.

So I am learning many things in my exploration of the body.

Love, which has opened my compassionate heart to myself and others.

Humility, which for me is about accepting the limitations of this human form which I have been most reticent to do in the past.

Surrender, which has led to liberation.

Vulnerability which has given me different deepening levels of openness.

Authenticity through revelation, which to me is revealing who I truly am.

Deep listening, which has arisen from my compassionate heart that is opening.

Acceptance of the changes in myself.

Gratitude and appreciation for all of life.

So I think that the fruits of the tree of life are the most delicious of all.

I was fortunate enough to be invited to a talk by the Dalai Lama two days ago and be chosen to have a dialogue with him on stage.

He spoke about the importance of education and universal values.

He explained that secular education in values like mindfulness and heartfulness, love and compassion, are amongst the most important things we can model and teach each other and our children.

Without presence, that internal state of authenticity where we are these values, that the we and our children so easily pick up on, we cannot transmit or transfer what we are teaching to each other or our loved ones.

This is what determines whether each of us and our children learn.

We discussed deep listening.

He said we all need compassion for health, because love and compassion generate a healthy immune system, whereas giving the body angry and conflicting or frustrated emotions and signals without mindfulness will break the body down through stress.

I thought this was very simple advice for us all in our ‘modern’ world with all its pushing-pulling energies in our busy hustle-bustle lives.

He spoke about Oneness.

Our common bond as human beings is love and compassion which brings health to the body mind heart soul while other emotions and thoughts like anger and frustration do not.

I asked him how to practice truly deep listening to each other’s hearts with compassion.

Basically he said to truly listen is a Buddha quality so be thankful firstly for the blessing. Gratitude is step one. Being grateful for each other and the uniqueness we bring.

The Buddha said “You are the Master” so it is important to develop self confidence.

So giving each other and our children confidence to realise their potential and being confident ourselves in what we share and teach is step two.

Once you have confidence in your Buddha abilities then study the Buddha’s sutras from India, since that is the original, the sutras on listening and heartfulness like the Heart Sutra from Avalokiteshvara/Guan Yin/Kannon-sama.

The sutras on mindfulness like the Anapanasati Sutra on the full awareness of breathing.

These are not religion, he emphasised, but study.

Then you can truly hear people.

He said “The world needs the affection of the mother who feeds the child in everyone’s hearts”

Prayer for Unity and Liberation



Dear Ones

Every morning and night I say a prayer for us

It goes something like this

“From my heart I go for refuge to the Christ, the Buddha, the Krishna, Divine Mother in us All.

To the Three Jewels, the Master in Us, the Dharma or path of pathlessness in us and the Sangha or community we share.

I will release all sentient beings from pain and set all in final bliss

To do that, I will generate an altruistic intention to attain perfect enlightenment

And thereupon will train in the learnings of Bodhisattvas, Archangels and Elders”

I would love to hear your prayer

In unity do we liberate each other

May the God Within Bless You All

Altair and Mother