Monthly Archives: March 2018




This is a long post so I humbly apologize.

For those that are working in 12 dimensions and beyond please forgive my simplicity.

Such is the mind of a barefooted monk.

This is a dialogue, not a lecture, so it is merely a way of working with the infinite possibilities and miracles we are given, a way to activate presence and enter portals to accomplish what you came here to do.

I could have called this “How to Navigate Multiple Dimensions and other natural divinely-born Siddhis”

Or Journeying Beyond Dimensions

And it has everything to do with the following two quotes…

“To the mind that is still the whole universe surrenders” Lao Tzu

“Be still and know that I AM” Psalm 46:10

It all began with a continuum of dreams, visions, meditations and actions, each inspired by the other and each contributing to the stream of love and bliss that we are all immersed in, whether we know it or not.

If you are reading this then it is very likely you were initiated on the Nile, or activated through Sirius, or are riding Wind Dragons or are one of the Djedhi. 

This week I was inspired by a young 7 year old boy, let’s call him ‘Y’ who asked me out of the blue

“How to do I create across all the dimensions?”

His teacher had no idea what to answer him so she referred him to me as someone who knows how to answer unusual things like this from young children lol.

The young boy has no father figure in his life.

What a humbling opportunity to bring love and compassion, clarity and insight and wisdom to one divine God-child such as this!

So I answered as follows, using worlds and Guan Yin as the core examples.

Awareness and creation are inextricably linked to dimensions.

According to current physics theories like superstring, there are at least 10 dimensions, M- theory suggests 11 and bosonic string suggests 26 dimensions (This young boy is particularly smart! He asked me to connect my knowledge to modern physics!)

Much like the physics of 500 years ago, we know in another 500 years we will look back at the physics of today like an ancient dinosaur. 

Oh how could we have ever thought that? We will chuckle.

So this discussion we are having is a little like that.

I am talking in the present.

With an awareness of the future.

Knowing that what I share is already in the past.

Most people understand three dimensions and can figure out that the fourth is time but how do we go beyond that?

What’s more how do we have a practical experience of and create within those dimensions so they mean something to our heart of love in our spiritual path of pathlessness?

Let us try exploring this together. 

The first dimension in length.

If we think of Guan Yin it would be Her as a picture, reduced down to a single line.

An edge in time, that is all.


We can’t see much of the picture, we don’t see the whole. 

From an awareness point of view when we are ignorant, stubborn and fearful we are reduced to 1D.

A single line of thought with no other dimensions.


Love and kindness…the ultimate remedy for one dimensional thinking is to offer love and kindness into the abyss of ignorance and fill it up with your heart of compassion.

Breathing in I am filled with love and kindness, breathing out I fill your heart with love and kindness.

The second dimension is height. 

If we think of Guan Yin it would be Her picture, which is a square and has length and height.


From an awareness point of view when we are see the world as physical and in black and white we are in 2D. 

We see things but do not investigate beneath them. 

There is no depth to our curiosity.


Insight…the ultimate remedy for two dimensional thinking is to offer insight into the stark landscape of black and white opinions and fill it up with your heart of compassion.

Breathing in I am open to all insights that life gives me, breathing out I fill your heart with openness and insight.

The third dimension is depth.

If we think of Guan Yin it would be as a three dimensional image or a hologram or a person, with volume. 

In visions She would arise with the appearance of an actual being although empty in form, but our perception would end there. 

From an awareness point of view we would see the world with all our physical perceptions in 3D. 

We see things and we see depth because we look beneath the surface. 

We see there is an ocean with waves and we can see beneath the surface and know there is depth to the ocean. 

That is all. 

We know there is more but we don’t know where to find it.


Timelessness…the ultimate remedy for three dimensional thinking is to offer presence into the ocean we are striving to see beyond and fill it up with our heart of compassion.

Breathing in I am simply present to all that lies beyond, breathing out I offer presence and love into your world. 

The fourth dimension is time.

If we think of Guan Yin it would be as a three dimensional image or a hologram or a person, with volume moving in time. In visions She would arise with the appearance of an actual being although empty in form, and we would be aware of shifts in time. We may see Her here with us in the Now or in a past life and we would be aware of that.

From an awareness point of view we would see the world with all our physical perceptions and open to the perspective time casts on these perceptions. We see things and we see depth and time because we are aware that our mind casts the aspect of time upon things. It divides into past present and future. So we become more aware of ‘where and when’ we are at any particular point in our path. We see there is an ocean with waves and we can see beneath the surface and know there is depth to the ocean and when we dive into the ocean we touch our pasts, our presence and our futures.


Creation…the ultimate remedy for four dimension thinking is to offer creative presence into the past present and futures and fill it up with your heart of compassion.

Breathing in I am fully present at the heart of creation, breathing out I offer presence into the heart of your creations

The fifth dimension is creation of possible worlds.   

If we think of Guan Yin it would be as Guan Yin in two forms, one that we are familiar with, the second in a slightly different form. In visions She would arise with the appearance of an actual being, this time in two different forms, slightly different. 

We may see Her as Guan Yin and then again as Long Nu.

From an awareness point of view we would see the world as we see it now with the possibility of a different world overlaid or side by side. 

We see things with the awareness of creating possibilities. 

We no longer divide into past present and future but into potential possibility. 

So we become more aware of the magic and alchemy of possibility at every turn. 

Around every corner we expect a miracle. We see there is an ocean with waves and we can see when we dive into the ocean we touch our potential for possibility as a creator although at this point we see each point on our path as opening to another possibility (rather than a multiple of possibilities).


Miracles…the ultimate remedy for five dimensional thinking is to offer the Light of Miracles into the creation and fill it up with your heart of compassion.

Breathing in I am a miracle, breathing out I see you as a miracle.

The sixth dimension is creation of all possible worlds all with the same beginning.

If we think of Guan Yin it would be as Guan Yin in multiple forms, one that we are familiar with, the others in different forms all arising from the same origin. 

In visions She would arise with the appearance of an actual being, this time in a multiplicity of different forms. We may see Her as Guan Yin and then again as Long Nu and then again as Tara and then again as the Virgin Mary. 

We would know the unity that exists in all these forms.

From an awareness point of view we would see the world as we see it now with the possibilities of multiple worlds in a plane all from the same origin. 

We see things with the awareness of multiple possibilities. 

We no longer divide into past present and future but into multiple possibilities. 

So we become more aware of the magic and alchemy of multiple possibilities at every turn. 

Around every corner we expect many miracles and all the possibilities that unfold from there. 

We see the fact that we are a divine being in a physical body as a miracle. 

We see there is an ocean with waves and we can see when we dive into the ocean we touch multiple possibilities as a creator. 

We see each point on our path as opening to a multiple of possibilities. 

So while we sit in meditation we are aware we are meditating and sending healing and doing rescue work and touching the hearts of beings on other star systems and activating profound Presence.


Multiple Paths of Being…the ultimate remedy for six dimensional thinking is to offer the Light of Multiple Worlds into the creation and fill it up with your heart of compassion.

You are aware at any point that you are in contact with numerous aspects of your self and that together great unity brings about deepening awareness of the Pure Light of Being.

Breathing in I am calling on assistance from multiple worlds and my True Self, breathing out the many emanations of my Self touch the hearts of many Beings.

The seventh dimension is creation of all possible worlds all with different beginnings. 

If we think of Guan Yin it would be as Guan Yin in multiple forms, one that we are familiar with, the others in different forms all arising from different origins. 

In visions She would arise with the appearance of an actual being, this time in a multiplicity of different forms all from different worlds. 

We may see Her as Guan Yin on Earth and then again as Long Nu on Sirius and then again as the many forms and colors of Tara in many Pure Lands. 

Our understanding of cosmology shifts as we see and experience worlds that do not originate in a Star system as ours does but come from a Buddha field or Christ grid or exist in a celestial realm. 

We perceive astral and causal worlds and universes.

From an awareness point of view we would see the world as we see it now with the possibilities of multiple worlds in a plane all from different origins.

We see things with the awareness of celestial beings from celestial realms.

We no longer divide into past present and future but into divine possibility.

So we become more aware of the magic and alchemy of divinity within us.

Around every corner we see other divine beings.

We see there is an ocean with waves and we can see when we dive into the ocean we are the creator of all the worlds we venture into, both those we know and recognize from origin as well as those that are unknown.


Divinity…the ultimate remedy for seven dimensional thinking is to offer the Light of of Our Divine Self to all other divine beings and fill them up with your heart of compassion.

Breathing in I am a pure divine being, breathing out I see all around me pure divine beings walking in pure lotus fields and celestial realms.

The eighth dimension is creation of all possible worlds all with different beginnings all branching out infinitely.

If we think of Guan Yin it would be as Guan Yin in all possible forms being IN all possible forms, one with the wind and the sun and the stars and the universes. In visions She would arise as an infinite number of forms with infinite arms of compassion reaching out. We may see Her as Guan Yin in the wind and the sun and the stars or the wind as Guan Yin.

From an awareness point of view we would see the world as un-originated. We would see all things, all objects as un-originated. We would look within at our mind free from all constructs. We become liberated into our original condition. We experience truth beyond thought. All kinds of magic are exhibited in the space, all rivers unite in the ocean, all phenomenal worlds are primordially liberated from beginning and end.

No beginning, no end.


Dharmata …the essence of mind and heart is utterly empty like space…the ultimate remedy for eight dimension thinking is to offer the spontaneous presence of emptiness into the Divine Heart and fill it up with your heart of compassion.

Breathing in I am spontaneous Presence in the Divine Heart, breathing out I fill all beings with the spontaneous Presence of the Divine Heart.

The ninth dimension is creation of all possible worlds all with all possible different beginnings all branching out infinitely all with completely different laws and completely different laws of physics.

If we think of Guan Yin it would be as Guan Yin experienced as the radiance of the ground and sky. In visions She would arise as the teacher who shows that phenomena is mind and heart. We may see Her as Guan Yin, realizing that the wind that blows outside our window and the wind dragon that blows inside our central spine are inseparable and the sun and the stars or the wind within or without are like a dream after waking as neither is real. Everything, external and internal, arises vividly, unimpeded, uncovered by veils. 

From an awareness point of view we would see the world as pervaded by mind. We would see all things, all objects as magical creations of mind. We would know from beginning-less existence all things have been designated as external, but they are alchemical, magical creations of mind and heart which pervades everything. You realize your mind and heart essence, that no matter what phenomenon appears, it is no other than your mind and heart.


Moksha, Liberation…the ultimate remedy for nine dimension thinking is to offer all you do for the benefit of all beings. Take up your power to bless all beings mind and heart stream into the Divine Mind and Heart.  You are never separate from God and Guru within.

Breathing in I am here for you.

The tenth dimension is creation of everything that is possible, imaginatively and beyond. 

If we think of Guan Yin it would be as Guan Yin experienced as continuous meditation day and night. All that co-emerged with Her would have the taste of amrita, nectar. Her very nature would have a continuous flow, resembling space with the flow of a river. Changeless and ever present. She is no longer an object so cannot be meditated upon. She is non-meditation itself  and does not exist. She and you and I are one with all the minds and hearts of all the buddhas and Christs and Divine Mothers. 

From an awareness point of view we would see that there is nothing to be found. There is no seeker at all. Nothing originates or ceases. There is natural great bliss. The mind and heart are all-pervasive, encompassing all realms without exception. The flowers of compassion sustain the fruit of the welfare of all others in all realms.

The path is of no learning.

The yoga is of non-meditation.

There is neither meditation nor meditator.

There is neither deity nor mantra nor mudra nor mandala.

In the nature of simplicity all is at rest.

Continuity has ended.

This is your own awareness, primordial wisdom.

There is nothing whatsoever to show.

The supreme Siddhi.


Be still and know God.

Breathing in I AM.

Breathing out I AM.

The ten dimensions I have used as an example here, which parallel the ten dimensions of superstring theory in physics, also have their equivalent in the ten signs that accompany one of the six Kalachakra Tantra yogas in the generation stage. The ten vital energies or ten dimensions of the inner being are also the ten goddesses or ten Shaktis.

These are various dimensions of Light experienced as follows

Smoke – 1D – when there is ignorance vision is very hazy

Mirage – 2D – when there is Black and White thinking the inner vision is like an illusion

Flickering of Fireflies – 3D – when there is some perception of depth vision is like flickering light, seen sometimes but seemingly beyond reach and unable to be kept stable

Butterlamp – 4D – when some timelessness is experienced and some presence established the light is present and able to be seen for longer periods like a lamp lit in the inner temple

Sky in the space between clouds – 5D – when we are aware of alchemy and magic the world takes on an essential purity and our vision also becomes pure, clear insight into being, which appears like the blue sky when the clouds drift away

The Moon – 6D – when we are aware of the miracle of multiple possibilities the light in us is bright like a full moon, difficult to look at directly and a reflection of the divine radiance of the sun.

The Sun – 7D – when we are aware of divinity within us the light is blinding and burns away all impurities.

Rahu – 8D – Sirius – shining like a gem – when we are aware there is no beginning and no end the Chintamani Stone within us becomes an immeasurable jewel and fulfills all wishes.

Lightning – 9D – when we are aware of the radiance of ground and sky a lightning bolt catches our consciousness on fire and everything that is something becomes nothing in the emptiness of divine space

Amrita Nectar – 10D – the Bliss Drop of Divine Love in the Heart –  when we are aware there is no meditator or meditation there is nothing whatsoever to show except divine love and natural great bliss in each and every moment.

The 10 Shaktis are portals to the 10 dimensions through symbols, sounds and Light Language.

For example, Prajnaparamita who corresponds to the wisdom portal is accessed through deep intention and devotion (deity yoga) and chanting Her name (mantra) and taking Her position (mudra), and attending to Her Sacred Realm (mandala).

Revelation comes as dreams, in deep meditation, in full blown sensory experience (like seeing a piece of theatre) and as concealed treasure, the Chintamani Stone within.

We work simply across worlds and through dimensions when we envision in any of these states.

Be very aware, as each dimension you enter is a Chintamani Stone, a wish-fulfilling jewel. 

s you think each thought, now, slowly, with great space and awareness, feel yourself with the body, mind and speech of Guru Rinpoche or Yeshe Tsogyal or Yeshua or Mary Magdalene throughout your day, every moment, thinking in the Light Language of the Guru within.

Try it now.

Begin with the thought I AM, then think and visualize and hear and feel its movement, the way it shifts and weaves through both time and space.

Watch it fill the room with Light.

I AM Presence.

Now understand that if you think this way, the very fabric of the Universe you touch with this Pristine Light and Mind of Wisdom will be transformed.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother

NOTE : my dreams have also wandered dimensions and worlds.

I had a profound insight in dreaming this week where I realized my dreams over aeons, like my lives and visions and meditations, are also continuums.

I connected my dream as a monk at age 2 to my dream of a few years ago where two of my brothers entered my dream state.

We were doing the Kalachakra Initiation with the Dalai Lama in the future which reminded me of accessing future information from our Higher Selves.

In the dream we were mapping out our future by ‘light posts’ (signposts of Light) and were viewing a soul blueprint of each of our missions.

We embedded clear ‘states’ of Being, 4 of them, to recognize along the Path.

They were in a timeline with particular dates that our soul wished them to be triggered.

We would remember them and these would occur over the next one-year period at the end of which we would attain full Buddhahood.

Each member of the group Circle of Light that I was in at the time were each located in groups in Temples at one of each of the Four Directions planning as we were the missions.

I connected those dreams with dreams I had this week.

In one dream Sri Yukteswar appeared as a form of Vajrasattva within me.

In a second I was a silver-haired female from the Pleiades sacrificing myself in order to liberate others.

In a third I was in the Light Body of a Moon Wolf.

And a fourth I was in New Zealand running-power gliding (flying low above the ground) in Light Body/physical form as a Tibetan Lung Gom Pa wind runner.

After this, in the dream, I sat with Swami Shyam in the Himalayas and discussed with him the ways of using this power for the benefit of humanity.

Four dreams, four light posts.

The four states of being I realized that have provided a continuum for consciousness so that I remember them from past lives and worlds are




Action – Light Body in action in the physical

I often wonder where this will lead as I venture further into the unknown

Like sands shifting everything is revealed as the veils lift.

What I see gets revealed again and again with more clarity and greater depth than how it appeared to me before.

It confirms my intuition.

It shows me that patience brings revelation and that revelation comes at the perfect time.

With deep and humble gratitude to the Presence of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Amitabha, Padmasambhava, Guan Yin, Mother Mary, Tara, Yeshe Tsogyal and Princess Mandarava.

I AM THAT I AM, אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה ’ehyeh ’ăšer ’ehyeh

I am here to do the work of Our Mother by walking the Path of the Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder in assisting all beings to find Krishna’s Bliss, Christ’s Light and the Buddha’s Heart and Healing within.

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā


“go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, and establish yourself in enlightenment”



My dreams were of dragons.

We were on a parallel world, totally inhabited by dragons.

I was about to mount an azure-blue Phoenix-like bird-dragon on this dragon world.

The dragon in the dream is symbolic of the breath and prana (life force), and the techniques of mounting the wind dragon are given below.

We are given an unsurpassable teaching and an immeasurable gift in the simple power of the breath, which contains within it the Alchemy of the Breath and in turn the power to harness the Wind Dragon which constantly rides the bridges between this world and other worlds whether we are aware of it or not.

It is simply discovered through vision, meditation, action and goal where vision is freedom from thinking that we can or can’t accomplish this Siddhi (or power), meditation is the experiential knowledge of this primal purity, action is mindful relaxation, peace and stillness, and the goal is the natural expression of the Buddha or Christ within us which is the liberation of all living beings.

Practicing harnessing the wind dragon according to kriya, is the drawing up of the energy of prana in the breath, both up and down and in cycles around the chakras in the central channel, which will eradicate all negativity in any form.

Cultivating the mind according to mahamudra, is seeking silence and stillness within, knowing how to pause, then stop, then drawing insight from the wisdom that arises, and this brings the inner teacher, the inner Master.

Training vision according to Tantra and Alchemy, is bringing the divine Self as a deity into your Heart and achieving union with Him or Her which brings the blessings of compassion.

Practicing these automatically produces vision, meditation and action and the energies that arise within you gift you with power and siddhis.

The seed essence that arises as a result in terms of the bliss drop in the Sacred Heart accomplishes Buddhahood and the Christ Light within.

My dreams grow more prophetic and I am also practicing dream yoga more precisely as we navigate the astral dream dimensions more accurately together.

Mine is not an individual consciousness but a collective and so this wisdom arising is ours, not mine.

Children are coming to me to explore time travel and other dimensions and mindfulness, and groups are forming of their own accord (in mindfulness, compassion and healing) in the different communities I am involved in.

I am growing in awareness, knowing that we are growing in awareness and that consciousness flows in all things and allows me to connect with “you in me” where “you” can be humans or dolphins, snakes, dragons and star ships and all other beings besides.

The more I surrender the more awareness flows.

The more we flow.

I also become aware of the synchronicities, such as the orbiting breath of Kriya around the solar system of the chakras within the central sushumna, and the orbiting of vessels around the universe that belong to civilizations that have already realized the timelessness of time travel and the spacelessness of multiple dimensions.

The mystical in us all is awake.

In silence and stillness we can connect to many gurus of past ages, mandala deities, buddhas, Christs, Divine Mothers, bodhisattvas and archangels who will directly give us secret transmissions, initiations and teachings.

Such is the path of pathlessness in our Heart.

We become continually absorbed in the wisdom dance that experiences all appearances as pure vision.

We see behind the veil.

We unite lineages and religions and spiritual paths, the Old and the New, within the stream of our practice.

We embody both the distant and the close.

Above and below.

Within and without.

We see into the original transmissions, the Bible, the Koran, the Sutras and Tantras, the Alchemic Texts.

We also awaken paths within us born from visionary experiences of the Master Within.

We become treasure revealers.

Revelation comes as dreams, in deep meditation, in full blown sensory experience (like seeing a piece of theatre) and as concealed treasure, the Chintamani Stone within.

We work simply across worlds and through dimensions when we envision in any of these states.

Be very aware, as each dimension you enter is a Chintamani Stone, a wish-fulfilling jewel. 

s you think each thought, now, slowly, with great space and awareness, feel yourself with the body, mind and speech of Guru Rinpoche or Yeshe Tsogyal or Yeshua or Mary Magdalene throughout your day, every moment, thinking in the Light Language of the Guru within.

Try it now.

Begin with the thought I AM, then think and visualize and hear and feel its movement, the way it shifts and weaves through both time and space.

Watch it fill the room with Light.

I AM Presence.

Now understand that if you think this way, the very fabric of the Universe you touch with this Pristine Light and Mind of Wisdom will be transformed.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother

With deep and humble gratitude to the Presence of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Amitabha, Padmasambhava, Guan Yin, Tara, Yeshe Tsogyal and Princess Mandarava.

I AM THAT I AM, אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה ’ehyeh ’ăšer ’ehyeh

I am here to do the work of Our Mother by walking the Path of the Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder in assisting all beings to find Krishna’s Bliss, Christ’s Light and the Buddha’s Heart and Healing within.

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā 


“go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, and establish yourself in enlightenment”

Cosmic Consciousness at play throughout the Universe

Art: Kusaba Kusuhisa


Cosmic Consciousness at play throughout the Universe


*Meaning “Pillar of Light blazing in the Unbound Space of Divine Mother’s Love”


I had a deeply moving and profound awakening dream. In it Sumire and I were lying side by side with our heads up against a wall. The wall was an inter dimensional wall separating life from death, an Immortality or deathlessness wall if you will.

I knew what it was in the dream. On the other side of the wall in a parallel world also with their heads up against the wall on the opposite side lay two people, my father who is no longer in this world and one of my very good friends who passed away when she was very young.

As I lay there I became aware of a golden-dust-Prana like Amrita or nectar in Breath form that we all breathe that is the life force that makes up the Universe. The two souls that were not in this world were breathing me information energy and divine consciousness through the inter dimensional boundary which manifested on my side as this golden haze like a mist.

I knew what this was in the dream and realized that Golden Prana Breath was the way we connected to worlds beyond ours and souls that we are close to that have departed. I saw the continuum and the links and said to Sumire we should all be so grateful for these Universal Gates of Being  ♥ ♥ ♥

As the mystic heat illuminates the darkness it blazes up the central channel to melt the Bodhi-Mind-Heart and give rise to unparalleled Bliss, in my case in the ‘form’ of our Mother and the secretion of Golden Amrita Prana flowing throughout this body. That is the clown or fool, Cosmic Consciousness at play 

Love illuminates the darkness, Love blazes, Love melts all Hearts, Love gives rise to Bliss, Love is the Mother and the nectar and the Source of All Things. Love is Cosmic Consciousness at play throughout the Universe 

Art: Fredrick Mabago at pngtree

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother … ♥

I AM THAT I AM, אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה ’ehyeh ’ăšer ’ehyeh

I am here to do the work of Our Mother by walking the Path of the Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder in assisting all beings to find Krishna’s Bliss, Christ’s Light and the Buddha’s Heart and Healing within.

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā


“go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, and establish yourself in enlightenment”

☆ ه ☆ ه ☆ ه ☆

ALTAIR SHYAM – meaning:

Altair (Eagle, Pillar of Heaven) and Nirbandh Shyam (Unlimited Light of Divine Mother’s Love) when I was given them I was told I would be ‘unbound’. So I AM.

☆ ه ☆ ه ☆ ه ☆

A teacher, healer and mystic guiding the Way of Love, Unity and Harmony for the New Gaia that we are co-creating. He teaches that We are the Way and that our freedom to be our True Self is the key to transformation. “The miracles of God lie within Us. We are the Light. We are the Temple of the One Chakra whose Awakened Infinite Light Body brings all our dreams into reality.” With deepest Love and Devotion to My Divine Mother, Lady of the Earth, Guan Yin (from the Sanskrit root Guanyin/Kuan Yin/Kwan Yin) The Divine Mother who perceives the Sounds and Cries of Mother Gaia and Her Children.

Golden Lotus

ARTIST APPRECIATION Gratitude to all artists

With deepest gratitude to Lakshmi Amrita El Daoud for the post and art

Timelessness and Phenomenal Dreaming

Art: In The Arms of The Mother by Meganne Forbes




*Meaning “Pillar of Light blazing in the Unbound Space of Divine Mother’s Love”


Recently my dreaming has been phenomenal. Unstoppable journeys of consciousness manifesting in the night to guide my day. One of them was a world where all Beings and the world itself was in crystalline form. I could feel the crystal body growing in me when I awoke in Rainbow Light Body forms. 

For instance I am always amazed by what arises spontaneously  I have had the most amazing insights…. I believe it is to do with the amount of time I keep still and quiet. I will be doing something and suddenly a seemingly unconnected vision from my past or a past life will surface spontaneously. I was listening to a song and suddenly I was in my grandmother’s house as a small boy listening to her piano. I was sitting at the dinner table and suddenly I was transported to Babaji’s cave in full detail with smells sounds sights and all. I was reading about The Headless Horseman because of a prophetic dream I had last night about reconnecting with a ghost called Hacienda and I was suddenly taken to when I was a small boy reading a book called White Ruff, a book I have not thought about in maybe 50 years. I was immersed in Padmasambhava and I was suddenly taken to two glorious golden angels with a message for me about the Nectar Of Immortality, Amrita.

My animal totem for years has been the Hummingbird. She has been with me in my Heart as Joy and has guided me ever closer into the Heart of sacred Bliss or Eternal Joy. The hummingbird’s wings fly in the pattern of an Infinity Symbol so represent the Winds of Eternity which cascade up and down the Sushumna or Central Channel Of Light in the Body just inside the physical spine.

As a conscious manifestation of this wisdom I have been practicing sitting in the Light Body of Babaji with Guan Yin’s compassionate heart. As I practiced, the joy of Guan Yin manifested as a Light as bright as a Light House flashing out from my heart in a meditation two nights ago.

Timelessness is a very powerful understanding. Yogananda, Babaji, the Mahasiddhas and the Tibetan Yogis, and Dalai Lamas mention it as a profound awareness that is intrinsic to the Light Being. The central channel the sushumna or avadhuti which is the subtle astral spine inside out physical one is known as the Channel of Time and the Channel Of Timelessness. Yogananda Babaji and Maitreya Amitabha Dalai Lama point to the Signs Of Enlightenment arising in the Channel Of Timelessness on the Vajra Path or path of Diamond Consciousness. 

Amitabha Buddha

A traditional sign on the Path is for the Buddha you are connected to, to arise within, and the world to take on the outer quality, such as the realization of the purity of the blue sky. When you develop that presence within and without you see it in all beings. That same purity. As you resonate with that purity within you, as the Buddha that has arisen, your sheer Presence activates the same Presence in others and they are liberated within that Purity to follow their own Path.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother … ♥

Blue Hummingbird by Luisa Villavicencio @ Fine Art America

I AM THAT I AM, אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה ’ehyeh ’ăšer ’ehyeh

I am here to do the work of Our Mother by walking the Path of the Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder in assisting all beings to find Krishna’s Bliss, Christ’s Light and the Buddha’s Heart and Healing within.

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā


“go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, and establish yourself in enlightenment”

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ALTAIR SHYAM – meaning:

Altair (Eagle, Pillar of Heaven) and Nirbandh Shyam (Unlimited Light of Divine Mother’s Love) when I was given them I was told I would be ‘unbound’. So I AM.

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A teacher, healer and mystic guiding the Way of Love, Unity and Harmony for the New Gaia that we are co-creating. He teaches that We are the Way and that our freedom to be our True Self is the key to transformation. “The miracles of God lie within Us. We are the Light. We are the Temple of the One Chakra whose Awakened Infinite Light Body brings all our dreams into reality.” With deepest Love and Devotion to My Divine Mother, Lady of the Earth, Guan Yin (from the Sanskrit root Guanyin/Kuan Yin/Kwan Yin) The Divine Mother who perceives the Sounds and Cries of Mother Gaia and Her Children.

Quan Yin

ARTIST APPRECIATION Gratitude to all artists

With deepest gratitude and love to Lakshmi Amrita El Daoud



Listen, O Blazing Blue Light

I have discovered through our deep immersion in many divine practices how simple the Light’s healing becomes once we allow it in.

Our pristine awareness carries us through this world and all worlds and far beyond.

I am practicing awareness in the consciousness of Guru Rinpoche and Yeshe Tsogyal.

My week has been filled with ambrosia and gold, nectar that fills my body like a Lover and flowers that blossom in my Heart.

Blazing Blue Light is a reference to the Divine Love Padmasmbhava expressed for Yeshe Tsogyal.

So listen Daughters of Divine Mothers Ocean.

Immerse yourself in the Masters Teachings, whether the Buddha or Christ, Guan Yin or Mary Magdalene.

Listen O faithful Beloved of the One God Within.

Be with the Light always through Guru Yoga, visualizing your Divine Lover with every breath.

Listen Lords and Ladies.

Meditate upon mahamudra to gain insight into impermanence.

Pause, stop, breathe, be still, go deep into the thoughts that arise, embrace them with compassion and kindness.

Listen eternal Being.

Study, contemplate and meditate on above and below, within and without, sustaining the teaching of your path of pathlessness with every breath.

Listen Immortal God and Goddess dwelling in this body of Emptiness.

Meditate upon Dzogchen, the Great Perfection Of Being, and ignite awareness of deathlessness.


Meditative absorption and prayer dispel all obstacles.

Listen O Blazing Blue Light

We have all shared advice and instruction in the past together, both in lives here on this world and in the many worlds and Pure Realms of Being

All of this is gathered here, now, in this final practice.

Practice this Guru Yoga as your path dictates and as you feel free to do so.

Above your head on Lotus and Moon in an expanse of Rainbow Light imagine your Self or Guru (Without or Within) or the One True Light with Vajra and Bell (Bliss and Emptiness) radiating Light, filled with the Sacred Marks, Symbols and Signs.

When this vision is clear, surrender, and receive the empowerment offered, in silence and stillness.

Let the Hum of the Siddhi Mantras, the sacred words and sounds on your path, fill your Heart.

Share these blessings with all Beings.

Pray to be as the Master, yourself.

Awareness is like this.

This week I have been blended with the Lama Guru Rinpoche in the three doors, body, speech, mind.

Here is the practice. (There is a You Tube video to help you)

Begin with the awareness of body.

Use the breath to breathe, breathing in, breathing out, I AM.

Do this as you walk and talk and think throughout the day on the first day.

So you feel yourself walking and talking and thinking as Guru Rinpoche or Yeshe Tsogyal or Yeshua or Mary Magdalene throughout your day, every moment.

Try it now.

Begin with the breath, then stand up and walk slowly mindfully heartfully…

On the second day practice awareness of speech.

Use the words you speak to speak I AM.

So as you breathe out as you speak feel yourself with the body of Guru Rinpoche or or Yeshe Tsogyal or Yeshua or Mary Magdalene throughout your day, every moment, breathing out and speaking the Light Language of the Guru…

Try it now.

Begin with the breath, then breathe out and chant a syllable like OM. Watch it fill the room with Light. Now understand that if you speak this way, those you touch with the Light will be transformed…

On the third day practice awareness of mind.

Use the the thoughts you think to think I AM.

Be very aware, as if each thought you think is a Chintamani Stone, a wish-fulfilling jewel.

So as you think each thought, slowly, with great space and awareness, feel yourself with the body of Guru Rinpoche or or Yeshe Tsogyal or Yeshua or Mary Magdalene throughout your day, every moment, thinking in the Light Language of the Guru…

Try it now.

Begin with the thought I AM, then think and visualize and hear and feel its movement, the way it shift and weaves both time and space. Watch it fill the room with Light. Now understand that if you think this way, the very fabric of the Universe you touch with this Pristine Light and Mind of Wisdom will be transformed…

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother

With deep and humble gratitude to the Presence of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Amitabha, Padmasambhava, Guan Yin, Tara, Yeshe Tsogyal and Princess Mandarava.

I AM THAT I AM, אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה ’ehyeh ’ăšer ’ehyeh

I am here to do the work of Our Mother by walking the Path of the Bodhisattva, Archangel and Elder in assisting all beings to find Krishna’s Bliss, Christ’s Light and the Buddha’s Heart and Healing within.

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā 


“go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, and establish yourself in enlightenment”