The Heart of the Earth Angel

Shiva Ganesha


Diary Entry on Trip to Hong Kong end of January

The Heart of the Earth Angel

The Heart of the Earth Angel is Divine Presence.

Enoch was not a god. He was a human being like you and me and through Divine Presence (the grace of the Blessed Mother) he ascended and became an angel.
Enoch suffered as we do when he was not fully immersed in the Divine.
Our greatest suffering is to be separated from Our Beloved Father-Mother God.
If we go to Our Father-Mother with our Hearts open we will realize the Truth.
Our Father-Mother will say to us
“Because you are aware you are suffering from separation in your heart you are able to enter Our Heart.”

The Path of the Earth Angel is Divine Presence.
There are clear steps on this path to take.

The first is to acknowledge the Truth of Your Divine Presence I AM and that you suffer every moment you are not immersed in that Presence.
That there are many moments in your day and night when you are not in touch with that Divine Presence, the Heart of Father-Mother God Within.
To stay on track you need the help of Your Higher Self, Your Soul Guardian, Your Light Family, a teacher, a mentor or divine friends you can check in with.

The second is to gain insight into your self and your Higher Self and discover moment to moment when you are in touch with the Divine Presence of your Higher Self and when you are not. Those moments when you are in touch can include conscious connected breathing, postures and mudra, toning, dancing, creativity and chanting, meditation, internal energy practices, purification, cleansing of body, mind, soul, blending with your Soul Guardian or Light Family.

The third is healing. As you connect more and more deeply with Divine Presence the suffering of separation stops. You are I AM.

The fourth is the path of the angel.
As you open your heart to the Divine Heart, the archangels or Elders themselves, who, like Enoch, have experienced what you are experiencing, will guide you Home.

In confirmation of the above Divine Mother took me again last night to Mt Kailash this time in the Presence of Lord Shiva.
Lord Shiva, the destroyer of ignorance and illusion, resides at the summit of Mt Kailash or Kailāśa, where He sits in a state of perpetual meditation along with His wife Pārvatī. He is at once the Lord of Yoga and therefore the ultimate renunciate ascetic, yet he is also the divine master of Tantra.
The mountain had four faces, one of crystal, one of ruby, one of gold, and one of lapis lazuli. Mt. Kailash is a pillar of the world and is located at the heart of six mountain ranges symbolizing the lotus flower.
I was looking into CREATION.


Again and again my Light Family remind me of the importance of connecting with family.

Our Family can be very close. On the trip to Hong Kong the connections were seamless and very pointedly beautiful. One of the artists from the UK has a 9 year old son. When he was 7 he read a book on the Buddha and declared “I am a Buddha”. At the age of 8, she told me, he saw a picture of a Zen garden and said “I used to be a Zen monk in a temple in Japan”. When he was 9 he put a chart of chakras on the wall and said “When you breathe light in through your crown it opens chakra energies in your body”. So I have promised her to send her more photos of the temple in Kyoto as well as some Zen practices.

Our Family is an incredibly powerful resource for our consciousness. The drama dance performance I AM doing in Hong Kong is really beautiful to be part of. What we are working on now is unseen stories. We had 3 refugees, 2 from Africa and one from the Philippines who shared their heart wrenching stories of escape from political social or religious persecution in those countries. We are transforming their stories into theatre as a way of bringing awareness of their plight into the Hong Kong community. The refugees remind us again and again of the importance of Our Family and of our love. Our Light Family is the most valuable family we have, as we often discover when our own parents have left the physical body.

Family guiding us Home then become powerful allies to us opening our hearts to the Shared Heart. We enter the Kingdom of Heaven as a Child. It requires that depth of vulnerability. In a previous life where you were Maitreya’s son, you know the depth of feeling around that life. It is fully PRESENT and NOW. A gift to consciousness. By connecting those previous lives AND the relationship you actually had as Maitreya’s son you bring the energy of that relationship into the NOW.

The power is NOT just in the relationship eg “I am the son of Maitreya” but in the WISDOM it activates in your Higher Self by going DEEPER into the nature and energy of that relationship. This then awakens PRESENCE. So in Maitreya’s son’s case it would awaken Maitreya Consciousness.

I have moments where I have to be very focused to be PRESENT.

Coming to Hong Kong was a good example as it took some time to adjust to the energies of a new community and the hotel and people I am with.

It is very good for the True Self to experience that.. being off-PRESENCE.

Deep learning happens.

You learn to slow down. Be STILL. Be PRESENT. Be NOW. I AM. Even with other people or in the middle of busy-ness.

Rananda John the Beloved’s comment is very powerful in this regards. “One’s complete Soul is the Higher Self. The Guardian of The Soul / Higher Self is the Higher Self’s Higher Self. In my case this is Lord Ezekiel. Taking this to it’s ultimate conclusion, Ezekiel too has a Higher Self, Who is nameless and formless and would be Ezekiel’s Guardian. (If He needs one —LOL— ) This also agrees with what dear Mary Magdalene / Lady Nada said, that her Higher Self (Lady Nada) is her Soul Guardian”

I am deeply interested in your LIGHT FAMILY, in Your HIGHER SELF, in Your HIGHER SELF’s HIGHER SELF/SOUL GUARDIAN whom you are guided by in the NOW, to remember your DIVINE PRESENCE.

In deepest compassion and wisdom

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother