Monthly Archives: July 2017

DIARY OF A YOGI – Monday July 24th 2017

DIARY OF A YOGI – Monday July 24th 2017

Dearest All

Last night I watched a movie called ‘Awake’ a biography about Yogananda, on Netflix, and then went to bed and fell into a deep sleep. I was awoken at about 1am by the most beautiful experience. A deep blue light was shining on me. It was a shaft of Light. I was sleeping in a dark room. The Light was there with my eyes open or closed. I received one message, that I was receiving the healing energies of the moon winds of the Buddha Amoghasiddhi.

It connected me to series of meditations that arose within me just over a year ago, over 5 days in July 2016, where various Buddhas and deities spontaneously appeared. 

I include them below wishing only that reading and absorbing them may also inspire the energies of Light and Love to crystallize and transform and arise within you in your own particular way as you read. 

Diary July 9th 


Appearance of deity form of Guan Yin Senju Kannon with hands in prayer posture, petite, ascending heaven-wards. Dark emerald-green.

Diary July 10th 


Vairocana Buddha Form Body manifested

Now, I, Vairocana Buddha am sitting atop a lotus pedestal; On a thousand flowers surrounding me are a thousand Sakyamuni Buddhas. Each flower supports a hundred million worlds; in each world a Sakyamuni Buddha appears. All are seated beneath a Bodhi-tree, all simultaneously attain Buddhahood. All these innumerable Buddhas have Vairocana as their original body

In the meditation, there was a celestial radiance of a hundred million worlds.

The Primordial Buddha of Emptiness.

Profound feeling of celestial emptiness.


Sunday PM

Utterly amazing. The Clear Light of the Great Bliss is even more astonishing and vast than I can possible imagine.

Diary July 11th


The mighty brilliance of golden Guan Yin Senju-Kannon formed within me in Potala/Shambhala spreading Her Light from the Diamond Consciousness of the Womb Within Us to All Worlds

Diary July 12th 


This morning when I sat to meditate a remarkable vision arose within me.

I will share it.

The Buddha Shakyamuni rose within me and in front of me rose a white cobra, the Dragon King.

This is the story of that vision, The Mucalinda Tree

With the passing of seven days, the Gracious One, the Buddha, after arising from his meditation approached the root of the Mucalinda tree and he sat in one cross-legged posture for seven days experiencing the happiness of liberation. 

Then at that time a great cloud arose out of season, bringing seven days of rainy weather, cold winds, and overcast days. Then a great king Cobra, the Dragon-King Mucalinda, came out, and coiled his body seven times around the Buddha to keep him warm and placed his hood over the Buddha’s head to protect him from the rain, thinking

“May the Gracious One not be cold, may the Gracious One not be hot, may the Gracious One not be affected by gadflies, mosquitoes, wind, the heat of the sun, and serpents.” 

After seven days the rain stopped and the Dragon-King Mucalinda understood that the sky was now clear, without a cloud. After unravelling his coils from the Gracious One’s body, withdrawing his own form, and creating the appearance of a young brāhmaṇa, he stood in front of the Gracious One, revering the Buddha with raised hands. 

The Buddha, having understood the significance of this, uttered this exalted saying

“Happy are they who are contented. 

Happiness is for those who hear and know the truth. 

Happy are they who have good will in this world towards all sentient beings. Happy are they who have no attachments and have passed beyond sense-desires. 

The disappearance of the ‘I am’ , the self, is indeed the highest happiness.”

So I AM you and you are me.

We work through things together.

That is the evolution of Love and Unity.

You are ALL that Buddha under that Tree.

That is the Divine I AM Presence within you that I bow humbly to.

Rest now, take space, breathe, walk, eat, give joy.

Diary July 13th 


This morning we visited the Temple of She Who Hears All the Sounds of the World, a Guan Yin Temple with great stones and a one thousand year old ginkgo tree. 

I sat and meditated and was uplifted into the emptiness after I had said my prayers for all of you and given devotion to all my teachers.

My practice is very simple, prayers, devotion, alchemical affirmation (from Thoth’s Emerald Tablet – “All The Power That Ever Was Or Will Be Is Here Now” while drawing a circle of power on my left palm and holding it to my heart ), Kriya (Babaji Breath ‘awe’ upwards wind and ‘eee’ ‘downwards wind in the astral spine) and then sit still. What happens from there is the Will of Our Father. 

I have had exactly the same practice for many many years. This enables me consciously to be aware of changes in mindfulness and awareness from day to day and rest in the Grace of Our Mother.

The emptiness is vast and I only recollect afterwards so write almost immediately.

The Light that appears from within is a regular occurrence and ‘blends’ with the emptiness when I AM, still and silent.

That is half the secret. To train your body, mind and heart to be very very still.

Be Still and know I AM.

That is how to know “I AM”

From the Source, I AM, all else comes.

It is not imagination.

Here is what happened.

Amoghasiddhi arose in the consciousness of this body energy and information.

Truly the body is a Temple. Trained carefully we awaken the internal winds and the fire dragons. 

This body became a stone.

It was unexpected and incredible. The weight was the weight of all the worlds.

So grounded. 

So anchored. 

Stone of the Shiva and Shakti. 

The standing stone (linga) surrounded by the ring stone (yoni).

From that stone arose the Third Dalai Lama.

And from The Third Dalai Lama arose Lama Tsongkhapa the founder of Tibetan Buddhism.

The message they brought was the symbolism of the Five Dhyani Buddhas.

Sitting, The Five were within this body, in a circle, chanting this…

(You will hear the Dalai Lama chanting it here for you)

This was the sound which filled the consciousness of this body. 

This was the message they brought for you and me.

Anyone receiving initiation into the Highest Yoga Tantra systems honors the sacred pledges (samayas) connected with The Five Buddha Families.






These Five Buddhas are linked to

• the Five Directions of the mandala – north, south, east, west and the center

• the transformation of the Five Elements

• the Five Skandhas – form, sensation, perception, mental formation, consciousness (and purifying and transcending these) 

• the Five Wisdoms

•   the Five Enlightenments 

The Sacred Pledges (samayas – of which there are 19 in all) are similar in intent to the Eagle Vow I included on the website.

In ancient times the 19 samayas included practicing certain rituals three times a day and three times at night. These included generating the mind of Refuge in the Three Jewels (the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) and bringing vajra (divine masculine) and bell (divine feminine) energies together in harmony and so on. Now a liturgy or vow called Six Session Yoga (because it is done 6 times in a day) replaces this.

Their message was, whatever sacred tradition or path you follow, do this practice as a formal dedication and devotion to the Absolute and the liberation of All Beings as many times as you can each day and consciously honor your Light Families at least six times a day. Some days or nights go past where we do not bring their energy consciously to mind. By setting up a formal practice within Our Sacred Heart, these Light Beings are honored and the Clear Light of Being within you spreads for All the Worlds.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother



Kalachakra Practice 6

“If we keep our devotion strong and direct our mind towards the Kalachakra teachings for today and the following days, we can receive the initiation through the power of our faith and will.”

The Dalai Lama (2017)

This is an exploration of the first part of Chapter 6 in the Kalachakra Tantra by the Dalai Lama. (There will be three parts to this chapter…)

In our path of pathlessness we

  1. Recognize the reality of ordinary life, that beings suffer and wish happiness
  2. Develop great compassion and an altruistic intention to become enlightened to help liberate others and awaken them to their own happiness within
  3. Realize emptiness, let go and surrender to the great unknown, allowing the great river of life to have its own flow in us and through us
  4. Make an intention to receive initiation through our faith and will

Imagine – you are receiving the actual initiation from the physical Christ and the physical Buddha.

You have done this before so you know how to do it again, deeply.

How would you prepare?

What would you do?

You are initially going to receive Seven Seals (the Seven Childhood Initiations)

As you receive these Seven Awakenings in the Kalachakra Tantra the Dalai Lama will go into detail about Our Light Family from the Tibetan point of view.

He describes the Light Family as giving the potential for “generation” and then “completion” in that first you develop clear appearance of the Light Family deities, and that when this meditation is successful it ‘vanishes’ so that all that is left once you surrender and let go is divine, god and goddess and Pure land mandalas like Avalon and Shambhala.


For practicing the Kalachakra Tantra together we will be doing 15 initiations

SEVEN Childhood Initiations (the Seven Seals) – water, crown, silk ribbon, vajra & bell, conduct, name, and permission

FOUR High Initiations – vase, secret, knowledge-wisdom and provisional word

FOUR Supreme Initiations – vase, secret, knowledge-wisdom and definitive word

If you complete all these there is a final initiation of a Vajra (Diamond) master lord/lady.

It is enough at this point merely to know that the initiations exist and have been done in this way since the time of the Buddha and by the Buddha himself.

These are real initiations that touch the core of your being.

For example, in one of the initiations I experienced real fire and a flame lit in the space in front of me and I burned my hand in it.

In another I experienced the clear light of being and vanished completely.

In yet another I experienced the descent of the Holy Spirit or Bodhicitta into my body.

These experiences are just that, experiences we all have and share to bring us closer to full liberation, love and compassion for all beings. They are neither more, nor less important than the breath we take in and breathe out in every moment.

All is sacred. All we experience is sacred. None is a “better” experience. So please respect all your own experiences, visions and intuitions for the sacred messages they bring to you from the One Light and One Love.

So it is with the Dalai Lamas. Though all incarnations of Avalokiteshvara/Guan Yin, their experiences are also all different.

The Fifth Dalai Lama was “continually absorbed in the wisdom dance that experiences all appearances as pure vision” where many gurus of past ages, mandala deities, buddhas and bodhisattvas would appear directly to him and give him secret transmissions, initiations and teachings.

In direct contrast, The First Dalai Lama, presents the nuts and bolts of the Kalachakra tradition, in straightforward fashion, describing one of the initiations, the vase initiation as being associated with the initiation of a master, as this is the yoga of transforming lust and desire into a force of enlightenment. The masters, he said, regard sensuality as a potential path for enlightenment.

The Second Dalai Lama, again in a different way, received enlightenment through the Kalachakra Yogas from the controversial master Khedrup Norzang Gyatso, called “the Mad Yogi of the Olkha Mountains”.

The current Dalai Lama, has given initiations on many occasions, including in the West, so a Western Kalachakra tradition has also begun to emerge.

I will be posting links of the actual initiations given by the current Dalai Lama as we go. Here is an initial one if you are interested, in English.

Sometimes friends have queried me on the practice of imitating a deity or saint or god and goddess, or taking on their qualities or behavior.

I will leave you with this quote from Our Sister St. Therese, about the practice itself.

“Most of all I imitate the behavior of Mary Magdalene, for her amazing – or, rather, loving – audacity which delighted the heart of Jesus, has cast its spell upon mine.”

-St. Therese of Lisieux

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

(Artwork with deepest gratitude to Kusaba Kazuhisa)



Kalachakra Lesson 5

This week we are going to explore our own personal sacred history, through the eyes of the Dalai Lama’s Chapter 5 in the Kalachakra Tantra which is also about sacred history.

Our sacred history includes all our past lives, our present and our future lives.

When we contemplate this most deeply we realize that right in this moment our future self from some existence and dimension, perhaps a Pure Land, is guiding us right now to read this to awaken the wisdom we need, just as our accumulated past lives, the ones we need to know, are informing our present right now with their wisdom.

This is an extraordinary concentration of Light and Wisdom, all at our beckoning.

These are after all our own words writing this as we individually receive them through our own unique perspective, faith and will.

It may well be our Buddha Self or Christ Light in the future that is shining on us right now to awaken our Presence more deeply by practicing this.

Past lives naturally unfold in front of us like a lotus blossoming when the time is right, in order to reveal the wisdom necessary and contained within those lives to assist us in the present to liberate and inspire others.

The Dalai Lama has always told me “You are the Master” and it is in this Light that I want you to read these words.

When I was two years old I had a dream lasting a year, that revealed to me my past life with the Dalai Lama. I died falling off a bridge into a ‘chasm’ in 1959, after His Holiness had escaped Tibet. I was defending the bridge across the river Tsangpo to the Samye monastery, the monastery I loved, against the Chinese forces. The Samye monastery was established by Padmasambhava and it was with Padmasambhava and Sogyal Rinpoche that I took formal initiations and empowerments into Dzogchen (Great Perfection) and Nyingma (ancient teachings of ‘hidden treasures’) many years ago in this life.

Because I incarnated very quickly, just 2 years later, in 1961, many of my memories of that life remained intact.

Then in my twenties I was living in Krishnamurti’s house in India and Krishna came to me in the guise of a wandering Sannyasi and revealed to me my past life in the 16th century in Northern India as a Raj who worshipped Saraswati. He also showed me my future and the three women I would meet, who were my wives in that past life, who would be the most influential in my life over the next fifty years. He gave me an ancient scroll of the Bhagavad Gita with guidance for my spiritual practice through the teachings of Yogananda, Babaji and Kriya Yoga.

Through my benefactor from birth, a Reverend Mother with the Carmelite Order, I was graced with the full memories of Mary Mother of James the Lesser and the realization of Light Conception which led to the visions of Yeshua’s Initiations with Babaji in India and Yeshua’s initiations into the Ancient Mystery Schools of Egypt.

All these details can be found on and under Diary of A Yogi as they are longer very detailed posts.

And after meeting the Dalai Lama in a private audience I was gifted with the past life of Sakya Pema and the realization of Tantra Visions. In 1244, the Siege of Montsegur, the Siege of Jerusalem and the Siege of Tibet all took place. I had incarnated in Tibet at the request of the Protectress of Tibet Goddess Palden Llamo, friend of Our Mother Guan Yin, to serve as Tibetan astrological adviser to Sakya Pandita, the then Spiritual Head of Tibet (before the sequence of the 14 Dalai Lamas began). I still retain a significant knowledge of Vedic Astrology or Jyotish to this day. In both India and Tibet I specialized in Nakshatra or Lunar astrology which I practiced in this life time in USA and Canada. I studied at Nalanda in my youth before it was destroyed. My name was Sakya Pema which means Lotus of the Pale Earth. I have a Tibetan God daughter auspiciously named Pema Llhamo in this incarnation. Tibet was invaded by the grandson of Genghis Khan and it was only saved by some careful negotiations from my Master Sakya Pandita because the Mongols wanted access to the magical texts and rituals. We gave them ‘limited’ access and concealed the rest as terma (hidden treasure) ‘sealing’ them for future discovery at auspicious times by other adepts, who are known as tertons. We also knew what was transpiring in other parts of the world due to the Silk Road trade so my heart aches and I extend healing and love and compassion and forgiveness to all of you involved in the Montsegur Siege. The Book of Love was concealed in similar ways to what we used.

I share these with you because I know some of these lives, in Tibet, in India, in Egypt and Jerusalem, in Montegur, will trigger certain information that you are destined to receive.

Our ‘stories’ are valuable in connecting us to our past and future lives, our earth families and our Light Families.

All these connections will come to us by faith and will just as the Kalachakra Tantra initiations will come to us by faith and will.

It is the same with any initiation, activation and transformation we wish to go through.

The following is from a transcript of the Dalai Lama’s talk given in this year of 2017.

“As the Dalai Lama began the main event of the Kalachakra empowerment at Bodh Gaya on Jan 11 2017, he turned his attention those who could not make it to the congregation. He spoke of having told such devotees how they could nevertheless receive the Kalachakra empowerment by the power of their faith and will.

He told the gathering: “There are people in China and Tibetans inside Tibet who have difficulty coming here. So I have told them that if they could keep their devotion strong and direct their mind towards the Kalachakra teachings for today and following days, they could receive the initiation through the power of their faith and will.”


How do we reveal our past lives?

We explore our true face before we were born….

Sit or lie in a comfortable position with your spine straight.

Listen to the Alchemy of Breath, The Yeshua Codes or your favourite mantra, chant or meditation.

Bring to your mind and heart the following words as you breathe in and out

“I AM never born and can never die”

Synchronise these words with the in breath and the out breath

“Breathing in I was never born

Breathing out I can never die”

Allow the alchemy of the Shared Heart to work its magic

Through the clear light of being

Your Light Body, containing a continuum of lives devoted to liberation, is awake within you

Honor that within you now

Concentrate on the point of your life’s beginning.

Know that it is the point of the beginning of your ‘death’

See that both your life and ‘death’ are manifested at the same time.

One is a continuum of the other, one cannot exist without the other.

See that the existence of your life and ‘death’ depend on each other.

Birth is the foundation of ‘death’, just as the birth of a star already swings into motion the ‘death’ of that same star.

You are at the same time your life and your ‘death’.

The two are not opposites but two aspects of the same reality.

Search for your true face before birth and who you truly are and what you bring to this world in true service and then see at the moment you are born who you arrived with, what support you brought to enable this true service to humanity.

See what lessons of life you agreed to, what you negotiated with your soul guardian and light family, how you decided to play out this lifetime.

Then concentrate on the point of your life’s ending.

Search for your true face after ‘death’ and keeping the deep sense of who you truly are and what you bring to this world in true service, see as you ‘die’ or transition or ascend who you depart with, what support you have always had with you to enable this transition into the life or world or dimension through the process that is wrongly called ‘death’.

See that it is the ending point of the manifestation of both your life and your ‘death’ and that there is no difference between before birth and after ‘death’ as there is a natural continuum you have been aware of all this incarnation on this planet.

Search for the many faces of the pure light of being.

“I AM never born and can never die”

In this ancient Tibetan meditation, we go back to our time of birth to see what we arrived with and what we bring into this world.

It is called “the faces before you were born” and is an ancient Tibetan Buddhist meditation as well as being practiced in many Zen traditions.

It is a very old meditation to take you into the lives before, the support at birth, the lessons of life, the support at death and the faces after death.

When we look at our personal histories with our memories and feelings, thoughts, images and stories, our past and future lives, we see that life is a continuum, with memories and feelings being a continuous reflection of Source, the Divine, mirroring the many perspectives of the One Shared Heart.

Whether we investigate the lives of Buddha, Christ, Krishna or any of the Divine Mothers, we see the same thread woven, the desire to liberate others while liberating ourself.

And so any past lives that arise serve one purpose only, to assist us to liberate ourself as we liberate others, and to acquire the wisdom necessary for self-liberation.

I will leave you with Yogananda’s favorite quote from the Book of Revelations 3:12. This is how Yeshua advised us to think about past lives.

“”They that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of God, and they shall go no more out.” —Revelation 3:12

(Where “going out” refers to the constant cycle of birth and death and rebirth without realization and liberation.)

With thanks to you all for your inspiration and sharing of unity consciousness.

I would dearly love to hear from you regarding which lives, either past or future, and which dimensions or Pure Lands, you feel are most significant for developing your Presence in the Present.

After climbing Mt. Kurama last week, the birthplace of Reiki, in Japan, with my two year old Maia and my wife Sumire, I was gifted with a vision-dream.

Each of us was presented with an Emerald Tablet containing our past and future lives by the Buddha Vajrapani.

So I know you have already received the knowledge and wisdom.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

(Artwork with deepest gratitude to Kusaba Kazuhisa)


The Great Masters have all spoken of past and future lives in one form or another.


In the 40-plus years of his life after enlightenment, the Buddha Shakayamuni recounted 554 past life stories, (called Jataka tales) of his prior existences. Gautama Bodhisattva is quoted as saying a person starts the journey to become a Buddha filling 10 Paramita or “perfections”.


Nowhere in the Bible is reincarnation repudiated, in fact it is a concept that Jesus and his followers took pretty much for granted. Jesus himself speaks of John the Baptist as the return of Elias (Matthew 11:14 and 17:11, Mark 9:11-13). We must look to the development of the Roman Catholic Church and its doctrines to understand how the concept of reincarnation lost favor in Christian tradition rather than to its origins with Yeshua who spoke openly of it.

Matthew 11:14 “14And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. 15Whoever has ears, let them hear.”


Lord Krishna said “The influence of yoga and the past life habits involving yoga are so potent that they impel such a person in their next life to gravitate towards yoga instinctively and intuitively as if it were not in one’s power to resist.” (Bhagavad Gita, Ch. 6 Verse 43)

Ramana Maharshi

(Mooji’s ParamGuru)

Question : Can a yogi know his past lives?

Ramana Maharshi : Do you know the present life that you wish to know the past? Find the present, then the rest will follow.


The idea of reincarnation existed long before Christianity. It is prevalent almost throughout India and probably in the whole Asiatic world. Go beyond reincarnation, to truth, to the state of life in which there is no time.

Swami Shyam

When I sat in the Himalayas with Swami Shyam, his interpretation of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra on Past Lives gave rise to very simple seeing, like a lotus blossoming.

संस्कारसाक्षात्करणात् पूर्वजातिज्ञानम् १८॥

saṁskāra-sākṣātkaraṇāt pūrva-jāti-jñānam 18

Through meditation on our impressions (samskaras) comes the knowledge (jnana) of previous incarnations. ||18||

The Dalai Lama

Now the Dalai Lama’s words take on a completely different significance…

“According to…sacred history…Shakyamuni Buddha appeared at Vulture Peak in the attire of a monk…and simultaneously…at Dhanyakataka as Kalachakra…at the request of King Suchandra, an emanation of Vajrapani…where he gave the Perfection of Wisdom sutra and the Kalachakra Tantra” (The Dalai Lama, Kalachakra Tantra, Chapter 5)


“According to sacred history…YOU (your name) appeared at Vulture Peak as (your past life form)…and simultaneously at Dhanyakataka as (your deity form)…where you heard and understood the wisdom in the sutra and the Tantra.”

We have received this Kalachakra wisdom before because otherwise we would not be able to hear it now. It is a part of our continuum, our mind treasures.

Many of us here listening to the Teachings of the Kalachakra, were also present at the time of Christ and the time of the Buddha.

So we remember key teachings, like the true meaning in the ancient Hebrew and Aramaic of Yeshua blowing upon us and saying

“Receive the Holy Spirit, the breath of Yahweh within me and within you”

“This is He (Yeshua) who baptises with the holy Spirit.” John 1:33

Or one of the first Teachings of the Buddha, the Anapanasati Sutra, also known as the Sutra on the Full Awareness of Breathing, which if ‘developed and practiced continuously…will give rise to understanding and liberation of the mind’.

So we know that deep attention to the Sacred Breath will reveal past lives if they are necessary for us.

The Dalai Lama also said

“The Emanation Body is three-fold: a) the Supreme Emanation Body like Shakyamuni Buddha, the historical Buddha, who manifested the twelve deeds of a Buddha such as being born in the place he chose and so forth; b) the Artistic Emanation Body which serves others by appearing as craftsmen, artists and so on; and c) the Incarnate Emanation Body, according to which Buddhas appear in various forms such as human beings, deities, rivers, bridges, medicinal plants, and trees to help sentient beings.”

Considering that you either have manifested this Christ or Buddha Body (the Emanation Body) in the past due to KARMIC BLESSINGS or are manifesting it NOW through PRESENCE or are still to manifest it in the future the truth is you have the power of future wisdom in you to realize that you have manifested EVERYTHING in your path, every member of your earth family and Light Family, every rock, stone and tree in your path, every living form, all as aspects of yourself to remind you of Your SELF.

And as if in confirmation, I was walking yesterday in the supermarket contemplating this with Sumire my wife and Maia my daughter when all about me the land and its people were transformed into Buddhas who were enlightening me and Pure Lands which were rejuvenating me.

This also happened years ago in a supermarket in Canada.

Supermarkets remind me of some of the markets we have travelled through on the ancient silk road routes.

Trains remind me of the caravans we travelled with on the silk road.

As the Buddhist Zen Master Dogen says

“To study the Buddha Way is to study the self.

To study the self is to forget the self.

To forget the self is to be enlightened by everything.

To be enlightened by everything is to free your own body and mind and the body and mind of others.”

Buddhist Zen Master Dogen

(Thank you Katherine for this)

So yes, it can all just as easily happen to us in a supermarket as in Bodhgaya or Glastonbury Tor.

Thank you, all of you for enlightening me in Our Shared Heart.

We carry the golden flame of the enlightenment of the Divine Father and Divine Mother within us Dear Ones, aryas, Noble Beings.

Let it shine.

Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

गते गते पारगते पारसंगते बोधि स्वाहा

Go beyond our self, go beyond what we know, go beyond the breath, empty ourself, bathe ourself in Divinity.

WE are The Christ, WE are Krishna, WE are the Buddha, WE are the Great Father and Mother.

Seek refuge in the Christ, Krishna, the Buddha, the Father and Mother Within.

There is Our Salvation.

Love and Soul Blessings from the Source

THE YOGA OF SELFLESSNESS – Kalachakra Lesson 4


Let us investigate together what we have learned so far in the Kalachakra Tantra.

The steps we are exploring are :

  1. Make an intention to change and transform, to discover what we are here to change, since change and transformation is the true constant in life. This is embracing alchemy at its richest and the co-creative powers of divinity at its fullest.
  2. Find what assistance you can discover to help bring about that change within and without – in my case doing the Kalachakra Tantra with the Dalai Lama and Kriya Yoga with Yogananda were very concrete steps in bringing about the fulfillment of the intention to change
  3. Practice this with deep motivation and devotion throughout your life so that this ‘assistance’ has the best environment and energy possible to bring about that change. Practicing brings the intention and the promises of assistance into harmony 
  4. Surrender, let go, empty yourself to allow the Light to enter the space that the change provides so that divinity Within can reveal itself. Surrendering to the process you have chosen in your path of pathlessness  allows the intention, assistance, and practice to enrich and liberate your life and others.

With deep inquiry into the ‘I’ with its collection of beliefs, memories, habits, thoughts and feelings, we see that from lifetime to lifetime and even moment to moment this ‘I’ is constantly changing and in fact does not exist independently. It is totally dependent on other factors such as previous births, genetics, environment, and so on and cannot be traced back to Source. “This unfindability is emptiness itself, and realization of it is realization of emptiness, selflessness” says the Dalai Lama.

If you consider deeply the teachings of every master, saint and mystic on the planet who has explored what it means to transform, they will tell you that the secret lies in surrender or emptiness, in letting go or selflessness.

Yeshua “He made himself nothing, taking the nature of a servant” (St. Paul, Philippians, 2:7)

Buddha “Anattaa, selflessness, if we examine each phenomenon in its ultimate sense, there is nothing that can form a basis for such conceptions as ‘I am’ and ‘I’ “(Visuddhimagga)

Krishna “Therefore, always perform action with the spirit of non-attachment, of selflessness” (Bhagavad Gita)

Thoth “Come out of yourself and be concerned about others. Only then can you manifest the love and selflessness of the Lord towards yourself and others.” (Tablet 7)

Ramana Maharshi (Guru of Mooji) “Your duty is TO BE and not to be this or that. ‘I AM THAT I AM’ summarizes the whole truth. The method is to be found in ‘BE STILL’. And what is stillness? It means destroy yourself, ‘I am this’, the ego. The Self is God. All that is required is to BE STILL. What can be easier than that?”

St Teresa of Avila “God’s Love made visible in Jesus is the Source of a new compassionate and selfless love”

Yogananda “All those who serve God on the path of selfless service realize that supreme service is to direct all one’s energy inwardly in silence to God. They realize that we do not achieve wisdom by thinking but RECEIVE wisdom in inner stillness.”

St Francis of Assisi “All getting separates you from others, all giving unites you with others. The heart of selflessness is in this giving.”

St Therese of Lisieux “Imagine performing whatever you do for the Virgin and the Baby Jesus” for as Jesus said, whenever you do it for the least of my brethren, you do it for me.


If you are following along in the Dalai Lama’s Kalachakra Tantra we are all on Chapter 4. Emptiness (or Selflessness) Yoga.

Try the following incorporating the selfless practice of St Therese of Lisieux and the emptiness yoga of the Dalai Lama in your day.

Take a particular place you walk everyday or a habit you always do like washing the dishes.

Generally we are not empty when we do these.

Our mind and hearts are busy with thoughts and feelings we are not aware of.

So if you are doing the dishes for example.

Make an intention to empty yourself of your self and to do it at the beginning of this activity.

Try as you walk and breathe and wash the dishes to see yourself as Divine Mother or Christ or Buddha or Krishna or a deity of your choice OR to serve Her or Him.

Then as you walk or wash be fully aware that you ARE Him or Her or that you are performing this for Her or Him.

Give yourself totally to this practice for a few minutes.

That is all it requires.

As you surrender, release all your burdens, your troubles, conflicting energies, to Him or Her and allow them to lift and empty so that the Light can enter and wisdom be received.

Then as you go about your day seek to serve others as you would wish to be served as if they are Divine Mother or Christ.

Set a simple goal of serving one other person in your day as if they are the Buddha.

A very practical way of doing this could be for a guest. If someone comes into your home shake their hand as if they are the Buddha, speak with them as if they are the Buddha, wash their dishes as if they are the Buddha.

It is the same when you are online. Communicate with each other as if you are both the Buddha. With deep awareness and compassion and love.

“Deity Yoga (the awareness moment to moment that you are the body mind heart and soul of the Buddha) is founded on compassion and realization of emptiness” (The Dalai Lama)

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

(Artwork with deepest gratitude to Kusaba Kazuhisa)



Kalachakra Lesson 3

To fully realise deity yoga or the unity of God Consciousness, you need to receive initiation in whatever way your soul has contracted to do so.

This could be through a Lama, a guru, God Within through meditation or time alone in nature.

And to do that, as the foundation of your path of pathlessness, you need direct experience of compassion and realisation of emptiness or complete surrender to presence, being and what is.

Knowledge of the I AM Presence through the power of now.

The Dalai Lama has taught extensively on The Path to Enlightenment and also of the tantra (or path of unity consciousness) taught by Manjushri.

In this they speak of the Great Protection given to us all by :

the Bodhisattvas ‘above’ the earth (whom we call Archangels and Elders)

the Kings and Queens/Divine Consorts who dwell in all directions and all dimensions to assist the worlds of humans (whom we also call Gods and Goddesses)

the Kings and Queens of Serpents and Dragons ‘under’ the earth who protect us from darker energies and unvirtuous ones


How do we cultivate the compassion of the Bodhisattvas and Archangels?

A simple guide is given in the Thirty Seven Practices of the Dalai Lama’s Kalachakra Tantra in Chapter 3.

To make them very simple I will share with you the 36th practice which is a summary of them all as it says

“In brief, it is the practice of the Bodhisattvas to achieve others welfare through continually possessing mindfulness (and heartfulness) and introspection (the I AM inquiry – who am I? of Ramana Maharshi and Mooji), knowing the state of their mind (and heart) in each and every form of behaviour (each and every moment).”

What does this mean practically for us?

A simple practice which embodies the 36th stanza is mindfulness and heartfulness of the breath as Thich Nhat Hanh practices.

As you go about your day bring your attention and awareness to the breath.

Be very present.

Say to yourself “Breathing in, I AM aware I am breathing in, breathing out I AM aware I am breathing out.”

Notice where your mind is (thoughts/images/self-talk).

Notice where your heart is (feelings/emotions/moods).

When you know you are truly present and have surrendered to the present moment (the power of now of Eckhart Tolle), in being attentive to the breath you will feel the presence of peace and clarity and kindness for yourself opening and arising from within the power of the God Space, God Consciousness.

You will be, as the Kalachakra and the Dalai Lama put it, in a state of Presence and dwelling within the clear Light of Being, which is the true nature of the mind and heart.

“Through the virtue arising from this, you (dear traveler on the path) will become the same as the protector Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig, Guan Yin), in the supreme mind and heart of true enlightenment.”

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

(Artwork with deepest gratitude to Kusaba Kazuhisa)



Tantra तन्त्र simply means “to weave” from the root tan meaning expand and

tra meaning instrument.

This also means union, unity or unity consciousness.

The essence of the path of Tantra in Tibetan Vajrayana Yoga is “to weave method and wisdom”.

The method here refers to bodhicitta, buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings and the wisdom refers to wisdom realizing emptiness.

In deity yoga practice we first meditate on and dissolve everything into emptiness.

Then from within emptiness (or the profound stillness and silence of being), the very clear mind and heart of light that realizes emptiness arises in the form of the meditation deity. This could be Our Divine Mother, Guan Yin, Christ, Krishna, or whatever form or formlessness you give your intention to in your practice.

We will explore together deeper and deeper into this practice as we go along until you experience directly becoming the Light and can sustain the practice moment to moment for the benefit of others.

As the Dalai Lama says “in the Tantra systems in order to become a Buddha (or Christ, Krishna or Divine Mother), one meditates on oneself as the Buddha in body, mind and heart.”

The systems that have this practice are called Vajra, because Vajra means diamond, unbreakable, and is the fusion of compassion as your method and penetrating wisdom.


As you surrender into the Light of One Love, join your body, speech, mind, heart and activities this week with God Consciousness in the Pure Light of Being, manifesting on your path the same effect as you would being God, Buddha, Christ, Krishna, Divine Mother, being All One in the Light.

Please share what you discover.

Note : if you are following in the Dalai Lama’s book ‘Kalachakra Tantra’ this is Chapter 2. Otherwise I will continue to summarise the essence for you as above.

The Dalai Lama has said “one should engage in the Highest Yoga Tantra (the Kalachakra Tantra), the secret short path, with the motivation of becoming enlightened because you are unable to bear the suffering of your fellow beings.”

Thus your only wish in this life would be to find the shortest path to liberate them all.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

(Artwork with deepest gratitude to Kusaba Kazuhisa)



I am about to share with you the beginning…

Here are the first steps in Tibetan Alchemy. I will guide you through them slowly using the Dalai Lama’s Teachings which are Our Teachings as the Dalai Lama is Chenrezig who is Avalokiteshvara who is Guan Yin who is Divine Mother who is the One Love, God, Source, Clear Light of Being, True Self within us All, by many names and forms, and nameless formless timeless Immortal Being.

Each Light Lesson will take a week. Please do them all with deep devotion to the key message in each lesson which is all about developing the Divine Presence in our own Shared Heart.

Please ask any questions and know that the wisdom and Love we share is One Wisdom and One Love in the Light of Unity Consciousness.

If you have the Dalai Lama’s Book this is Chapter 1 Altruistic Purification and if not then I will summarize whatever is necessary for you to know with the humility and care and kindness of a naked shoeless lazy monk.

May God Within Bless You Always

Altair and Mother


In Tibetan Alchemy, liberation is always from a state that needs healing to a state that is healed, released and awakened.

The Buddha, in All of Us, is like a doctor.

We take the medicine of the Inner Buddha in order to achieve a state of health necessary to be widely effective in our own attempts to liberate others through divine love and compassion.

The primary aim of Bodhisattvas (Beings who motivated by compassion for all others, wish to attain the Inner Buddha for the benefit of all) is to bring about the welfare of other sentient beings, through their own enlightenment, which is Total Freedom.

Our Intention to Be Free, through training, becomes as strong in our everyday life as it does within meditation.

This is bodhichitta (The Mind and Heart of Light or the enlightened mind and heart) or as Maitreya says, “the wish for perfect enlightenment for the sake of others”.

This enlightenment brings about others freedom because once you understand all possible techniques for advancement as a Bodhisattva, you also know the tendencies and interests of all other beings.

Then through Form Bodies, which is the evolution of what we are experiencing now, the Limitless One can appear in many different forms to others to teach them accordingly.

A Bodhisattva’s motivation is described like a Sovereign, a King or Queen or Supreme Ruler, who enlightens themselves through their Inner Buddha to enlighten others.

This Buddhahood is the final path, the path of no more learning, since through this you can serve to your full capacity, as long as there are beings that need to be helped.

This is the basis of purification and transformation, of healing and awakening, within us.

The simple exercise for this first step of purification is to consider who you can help to heal.

This may well be yourself or those nearest and dearest to you, animals, the earth, beings in this dimension or others, this world or others.

Make this your intention.

Share with me when you are guided what unfolds in your week on the path of purification.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother


The practices in Tibetan Alchemy we are about to share together have at their heart the realisation of a fundamental unity consciousness, the Light, common to the Teachings of All Source Messengers from Christ and Mary Magdalene to Buddha and Guan Yin to Krishna and Shakti.

The Dalai Lama calls this “the clear light of innermost awareness” and says this is the core of all Tibetan Teachings.

When we make the intention to heal and awaken ourselves and others we are making an intention to allow the Light to enter and fill us.

Many of the experiences we are receiving, from the Holy Spirit to the Bliss of the Inner Fire are the direct realisation of the power to liberate already within us which the Dalai Lama calls “the diamond consciousness”.

Many of us transforming our bodies into this new consciousness are aware of the dramatic changes through our senses and the increasing degree of Presence and awareness of the Diamond Light in our everyday lives.

This is because of our intention to heal and be healed as a collective, as One, in divine love and compassion.

This is the power of any group aligned in the Source.

Thoughts about the intention of healing…

When you awaken to remembering, the Source Light pouring through the DNA has lots of adjusting to do.

Like loose body parts.

The whole being is freeing up.

So if you choose yourself to heal or another.

We will support you in this as will your Light Family.

Then focus on yourself as much as possible in either case from the understanding that you are already liberated and healing with the Light of the Bodhisattvas.

And surrender.

Empty yourself to the wisdom of the Light of Source.

PRACTICE : As you surrender, over the next few days, into the Light of One Love, bring your awareness to the Light that manifests. Is it a particular color, essence, hue, does it come with a feeling, does it connect to imagery or words or sound. In this way you will start to see hear feel touch and taste the play of consciousness through the filter of your body and the senses. Please share what you discover.

(Artwork with deepest gratitude to Kusaba Kazuhisa)