The Higher Self and Soul Travel

Higher Self


Dearest All

I will address one “note”, one movement in particular amongst the beautiful symphony of consciousness we are writing together and that is “How do we access our soul memories and travel inter-dimensionally?”

This comes back to the Higher Self.

How do we confirm with our Higher Self?

How do we access the soul memories of the Higher Self? The memories of our past lives, Star Families, Light Families, whatever we need to walk with wisdom in our everyday lives?

How do we travel inter-dimensionally? This also includes teleportation and bilocation.

I will give you a personal road map for how I did it with Mother.

She is my breath, my hands, my heart.

She is the Grace by which I AM one with the Will of Father.

I don’t suggest this is the path for everyone.

We all have personal idiosyncrasies that make one way better than another.

So please choose what you will from this and discard the rest.

First the breath.

I spent a long time learning about the breath and the subtle winds.

I thoroughly recommend you spending focused time with breathing.

Simply this means “Breathe in the Light of Mother’s breath as you go about your day. Breathe Breathe”

Then when you sit to meditate, which is a focused time to connect to your Higher Self, draw the energy from the base of the spine using the Babaji Breath up through the chakras so that you are enlightening the subtle energy centers of the body and gradually filling yourself with Christ Light.

Initiations and vows help the attunement of the Higher Heart to the Higher Self.

I cannot overstate how important initiation and vows are.

I was initiated by Yogananda’s own closest disciple Sri Daya Mata, one of the most beautiful women I have ever met, into the Path of Devotion as a teenager, and I took a vow to be loyal throughout eternity to Lord Krishna, Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar and Yogananda.

I did the same as a young boy to Jesus/Yeshua/Lord Sananda when I was initiated into the Path of Love through the Sacred Mystery School of Master R. (Rakoczy) St. Germain by a direct student of St. Germain and hermetic alchemy.

I did the same again as a young man in my twenties to Mother Guan Yin, Avalokiteshvara and the Buddha when I was initiated into the Path of Compassion by the Dalai Lama, which is also the origin of the manifestation of Her Sacred Pearl from her statue twenty years ago.

Learning to breathe in the energies of Divine Father and Mother and direct them where you ‘will’ is a critical part of mastery and a crucial part of knowing the Higher Self.

Second the mind

I spent a long time learning about the mind and the thoughts and how they affect our emotional energies.

I thoroughly recommend you spending focused time with your thoughts.

Simply this means “Watch your thoughts as you go about your day. Watch Watch. Become the Watcher.” Soon you will become aware there is a ‘Watcher’ that is not your thoughts. The Watcher is timeless presence. The thoughts are bound in time and usually not present, being attached to your past or future.

Learning to BE in the NOW, to be PRESENT, and knowing when you are not, is developing awareness of the energies of Divine Father and Mother which is PRESENCE, and is a critical part of mastery and a crucial part of knowing the Higher Self.

Then when you sit to meditate, which is a focused time to connect to your Higher Self, you can ‘will’ energy, the subtle winds, the Christ Light, into the chakra you wish to enlighten, the third eye for example, and access its gifts. It is truly magical, being able to enter the PRESENCE of the Divine, in this space, within you, the Kingdom of Heaven you have been given, free of thoughts and the mind, exploring what lies beyond.

Third the heart

I spent a long time learning about the heart and its feelings, the divine feelings such as bliss, joy and devotion.

I thoroughly recommend you spending focused time with these divine emotions.

Simply this means “Give of yourself totally. Surrender. Die to your self daily. Be still and know God.” Silence. Stillness. BE THE CHRIST, BUDDHA, KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS. As you sit in stillness miracles happen. Things manifest that are beyond your imagining. When your eye is single your body is filled with Light. You become the CHRIST LIGHT.

Learning to devote yourself wholly to God or Being, is to invite the divine within to act on your behalf, and is a critical part of mastery and a crucial part of knowing the Higher Self. Truly you do nothing of your self. You are a channel for the Divine and your Light is that same ONE Light.

Put very simply you are all falling in love.
You’ve fallen in love at some time in your life.
With another, with yourself.
So now you need to fall in love with the God Within.

Then when you sit to meditate, and travel with your Soul Guardian, as I do with Mother, in a focused way connecting to your Higher Self, you go with Her through Divine Grace. It is magnificent, and tremendously humbling, being in the Light of God and the Holy Spirit and seeing what the great Masters, Saints and Light Beings all see.

So what is your mission?

To realize the Power of your Divine Presence.
To liberate your consciousness from all binding thought.
To free others into that Light.
The Light of…





Love and soul blessings


I recommend making a deep vow that you keep within your soul.

Here is the essence of the vows the Eagles of Archangel Michael make.

“In the Presence of the Elders, Archangel Michael, the Eagles and the Protectors, I make the intention to gain full enlightenment, inviting all beings to be amongst my Protected, to protect them, to free them from pain and suffering and all cyclic existence.

From this moment onwards, until I attain the enlightenment of merging with the Divine, I shall cultivate pure conduct, and with joy in the vow of protection, follow the guidance of the Archangels, the Christ and the Buddha, Lord Krishna, the saints and all the Ascended Masters.

I will not reach full enlightenment in the Divine until the very end, staying behind to protect and enlighten all, even for the sake of a single being.

I shall purify Inconceivable Lands, countless directions, and all those who call My Name.”

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother