Monthly Archives: August 2017



Let us explore together how the Christ Light, the Buddha Mind, the Divine Mother’s Heart and the Bliss of Krishna in each one of us activates all that is necessary for us in our path of pathlessness.

That was my intention when I went to sleep last night and as I practiced dream yoga, so I received the following dream.

I was in Kyoto, Japan and I missed the train.

I was standing on the platform by myself when the Blue Buddha Samantabhadra appeared in front of me, levitating.

He gave a deep adamantine-blue wish fulfilling jewel from the centre of His Heart which was a flowering blue lotus…

And so I was inspired to write about the way each of us receives initiations and activations, like this, all in our own unique way in our path.

Simply, we make a pure intention and apply our faith and will to whatever practice we assume.

Here are some suggestions.

Most of these I practiced in the continuum of memories that is Mary Mother of James the Lesser and Joses at the time of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene in Egypt and Sakya Pema at the time of Sakya Pandita in Tibet.


The simplest activation is an offering, sometimes called a Mandala Offering in Tibet if you offer the whole sphere of offerings to the lama or your teacher or your indivisible Self who is the True Guru.

You offer everything you have to Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal for example in return for the Teachings which throughout the course of many lives are more important than any material object.

In offering everything with deepest gratitude you are also relieving the mind and heart of temporary attachment to anything and bringing the mind and heart to focus with enormous power on the teachings. 


The basic motivation for all practices in the Light is to bring about the welfare, including liberation, of other beings through love and compassion.

Love activates All and as your Sacred Heart opens wide, so the Shared Heart and Unity Consciousness with collective experience opens.

We feel and experience each other as One.


The eternal Self is the True Lama, the Guru, and the most profound internal activation.

In ordinary rebirth we flow in a state between the last life and the new life and see and choose our father and mother.

We enter a sacred womb and experience conception, which in its highest form is Light Conception of the form Mother Mary experienced with Yeshua.

Entry into the sacred womb in the Mother is by way of passing through the Father.

In the practice of Light Conception the process pattern is similar.

The ‘birth’ takes place in the Womb of the Divine Consort who is called The Mother. This could be Guan Yin for example.

You take birth by being drawn into The Father, who could be Metatron for example and passing through His Divine Body into the Mother and dissolving into Her Womb.

This was how I experienced the Pure Light of Being continuously for three days.


Activations in Sound and Light often mean our deep commitment to practice of sound and light consciousness.

We can practice with the help of a teacher, a community and teachings such as Mooji or Tareth and the Round Table.

By taking an internal vow of commitment which we make ourselves, we activate the lineage, energies, information and consciousness of the Source group or soul group connected with the teachings.

We may take on the practice of a mantra, absorbing sacred sounds to activate DNA memories or Light Language to reawaken the Light Body.


As we generate a blissful consciousness we realize the power of emptiness, surrender and letting go into the Heart of the Bodhisattva, Archangel or Elder.

We have already become a Buddha by dissolving all the enlightened beings of all time, represented by Our Light Family, into ourselves.

Within our being, portals open, symbols like the Flower of Life activate and we become deeply aware of the overall pattern on the path.

We may find one Light Being like Raphael for example may appear to us to guide us as an individual consciousness or the collective consciousness of the Archangels as a whole may radiate from our being.


We each bless each other into magnificence.

The Radiant Light syllables some call Light Language in each of our Light Bodies are the Diamond Consciousness activated.

In the Tibetan Teachings the Diamond Consciousness is activated by the Lama touching a Vajra (thunderbolt diamond) to the heart, throat and top of the head.

Radiance is experienced both within and without.

As within so without, as above so below.

Purification of body speech mind and heart is fulfilled.


Entering into Mandala with Our Light Families directs as to our true purpose here on this planet and the path of pathlessness that we are best suited to, and the siddhis, or powers, we are destined to awaken.

The doors of liberation, signlessness, wishlessness, emptiness and non-activity are opened.

It gives us a focus, a deep and pure intention, with which to practice this lifetime.


Any work in the Light always involves helping to liberate many souls acting in ignorance of their own Light and magnificence, so natural purification, enhancement and protection flows to help the mind and heart remain calm to heal in spite of interfering influences.

In Tibet for example kusha grass or dharba  is given for the bed or pillow to protect dreams against interference.

Kusha is considered to be the hairs of the cosmic Tortoise form Vishnu assumed to create amrita, the nectar of immortality.

The greatest protection is love and the most powerful love comes from a mind and heart of deepest clarity.


The chakras represent important places of wisdom in the body, portals that open us to the interconnectedness and presence of the Light Body, to the power of the One Chakra.

In Tibetan Buddhism Light syllables are used to focus energies at the points of the chakras to open these portals to allow the pure inner fire of bliss to flow as One Love throughout the body.


Many of us experience Divine Love with another, through true love on earth or divine love with an emanation of the Creator such as Yashua and Mary Magdalene or Amitabha and Guan Yin.

Vajrasattva and Vajrasattva’s Divine Consort represent the pure exalted wisdom just as Yeshua and Mary Magdalene represent the Resurrection Flame, the Sacred Heart of Humanity and the Christ Light.

In the same way as Yeshua and Mary Magdalene bestow the Christ Consciousness on us so Vajrasattva bestows the supreme feat of Buddhahood on us through the magnificent blessings of the Kalachakra’s exalted body speech and mind entering into our continuum in the practice of Kalachakra Tantra.


Any time we share wisdom we activate the wisdom of the Shared Heart within our being and all those we share with.

We discover rare treasures, Cintamani, wish fulfilling jewels with which to heal, Terma, hidden treasures with which to teach, and Tantra, unity consciousness and alchemy practices from many cultures, with which to practice.

We develop the power to cleanse and bring full enlightenment to others as a Buddha or Christ Light.


Dream yoga provides a powerful practice to make pure intentions and co-create with masters, gurus, angels and saints in the dream space. As above, so below, as in the day, so in the night, with deep practice we can continue the activities of liberation and wisdom we unfold during the day during the night when we sleep.

These examples are just some of the initiations and activations and are based on a simple parallel of what is available to us when there is true intention, faith and will as found in the Kalachakra Tantra, shared by the Dalai Lama, in Chapter 7 if you are following.

Please do share what initiations and activations you are experiencing in whatever form or formlessness, consciousness and energy.

You carry the golden flame of enlightenment within you.

Let it shine.

This is the mantra of the Heart Sutra, the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Sutra of the Blessed Mother.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in Divinity.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

SOLAR ECLIPSE AUGUST 21 2017 – In the Heart of the Elders of TIbet

SOLAR ECLIPSE AUGUST 21 2017 – In The Heart of the Elders of Tibet

The Solar Eclipse with New Moon in Leo

in the Tibetan and Vedic Traditions

21st August 2017 18:26 GMT

If you are reading this then you will be feeling a tremendous shift in energy and know that extraordinary change is upon our planet.

You will know that the energies surrounding us and protecting us are the collective consciousness of the Elders or Archangels, also called the Pitris or Protectors of Humanity in the Vedic Traditions, who are like guardian angels giving protection in the time of major calamities on earth.

You will feel the energies of the Solar Eclipse that occurs in the 29th degree of Leo, conjoining the Sun and Moon and Mars, sextile Jupiter and trine Uranus and Saturn.

With such a conflux of energies it signals the end of the cycles we knew and ushering in an era of radical change and the advent of a new and momentous cycle for the planet.

The Solar Eclipse and The Elders connect to the fixed star Regulus at 29 degrees in Leo, the energy of Magha in the Vedic Tradition and Chu, Ta Chen in Tibet.

Magha means Mighty One and Chu is the Lord of the Eight Bonds.

This is a royal energy, a sovereign consciousness giving mystical leadership and the power to leave your body (tyage kshepani shakti).

You may be finding dreams, visions, energies within and inter-dimensional travel a regular daily occurrence.

Paramahansa Yogananda had his rising sign and Moon in Magha.

Spiritual liberation is possible here.

Donald Trump has his rising sign at 29 degrees Leo in Magha.

The shadow side of Magha is arrogance, racial superiority, prejudice and identification with class status.

We can expect to see a devastating effect on his Presidency as a result of this shadow energy, winning the kingdom, but losing his soul.

You are the Light.

You know the Destiny of Divine Mother where you embrace your highest spiritual destiny in such a time.

Your purpose path and passion call to you to arise arise arise and step into your power, your divine sovereignty, with all its uniqueness and beauty.

Your Heart is stirred to take your biggest step, unplugging from the mass consciousness, letting go of beliefs that do not serve your highest purpose and daring to take the risk to live a passionate life of deep spiritual purpose, healing and liberating the planet and all beings.

In Tibet Chu Ta Chen the Lord of the Eight Bonds brings the poet from your heart, the power of your inner Great Horse, passion and sensuality, a strong sense of what you need to do to express your path of pathlessness with creativity and power.

The Petals in the Flower of Life, Your Sacred Heart, will blossom and flourish with practice.


So how do we practice at such a critical time?

Humility, courage on your path, and the knowledge that it is your responsibility to arise and liberate, yourself first, by allowing the light to enter, and then others.

Let us consider this next step with the Elders, the Archangels, most carefully, you and I.

Magic truly does happen, in all our lives, and it is happening right now all around us, including integrating the collective consciousness of the Elders, the Archangels.

You just have to know where to look.

Matthew 6: (21 – 22)

Yeshua said,

“For your Heart is where the treasure is.

The Light of the Body is the eye.

If your eye is single, your whole body will be full of Light.”

In our Heart is the Light, in our Love is the Absolute.

In the Kalachakra, the Dalai Lama tells us we can turn this Love, symbolized by the elements in our bodies, into deities, into the energies of gods and goddesses through the power of our concentration, visualization and attention.

And Thich Nhat Hanh, in the Heart Sutra, tells us we can transform our Heart into the Heart of Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara through the power of shamatha, stopping, using the mind and heart in a concentrated and pure way, and vipassana, deep seeing, looking deeply into the object of our meditation which could be our joy or our suffering or our anger.

The opening lines of the Heart Sutra say

“The bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin in looking deeply perceived that everything is empty of a separate existence and upon that realization became free.”

And Mooji says “Emptiness is the greatest freedom…only in this…is God revealed.”

Mary Magdalene, in the Gospel of Mary of Magdala, speaks of the same purity of concentration “I saw the Lord in a vision and said to him, “Lord I saw you today in a vision”.  He answered me, “How wonderful you are for not wavering at seeing me. For where the mind and the heart is, there is the treasure”.

To practice this creation of magic through the Elders in our lives whether it be through western alchemy or eastern tantra or any other practice of prayer or meditation, silence, stillness or merging with nature through music or art or life, we only need to give time to this pure concentration and deep seeing.

10 minutes a day is all it takes.

To sit with Guan Yin or Mary Magdalene or whatever form or formlessness the Absolute takes within you.

The Goddess Guan Yin IS the practice of knowing the absolute through observing, listening and looking deeply into the sounds of this world, the joys and suffering of this world.

And this world is us, you and I, and all beings in the Shared Heart.

As St. Therese says, about the practice itself.

“Most of all I imitate the behavior of Mary Magdalene, for her amazing – or, rather, loving – audacity which delighted the heart of Jesus, has cast its spell upon mine.”

Try sitting still for just ten minutes, with or without sound codes and focusing on the breath, the Sacred Breath of the Archangels.

Say to yourself

“Breathing in, I am aware I am breathing in love and kindness, wisdom and compassion of the Archangels…

Breathing out I am aware I am breathing out love and kindness, wisdom and compassion of the Archangels.”

Let me know what your path reveals.

Love and soul blessings

Sakya Pema

serving as Tibetan astrological adviser to Sakya Pandita

at the request of the Protectress of Tibet Goddess Palden Lhamo,

friend of Our Mother Guan Yin

(Altair and Mother)

With deepest gratitude to Kusaba Kazuhisa for the artwork



Diary 14th Aug 2017

OK, so a little more direct feedback.

I am very tired, as Sumire and I have been up most of the night with Maia so we have had little sleep and we are all out of synch. This is all part of my sadhana, my practice, like a retreat. Children are great for retreats. They put you all out of rhythm and challenge your patience and your desires and fill you with the most enormous love imaginable.

When I sit, as in a formal sitting, like my own personal workshop, I need at least one hour of uninterrupted time. This is rare with a child.

I do this every night and morning, without fail, even if it is just for a few minutes.

This morning I was immensely lucky. We were up until 2am and I woke at 7am so I know Sumire and Maia will be asleep until at least 8am.

So I begin.

I sit and do my various practices, prayers for all, chants for liberation, kriya practices, kalachakra practices, Mahamudra practices, in all they take about half an hour, after doing half an hour of yoga and energization exercises so I suppose that is about an hour already in total lol.

Many experiences arise in these spaces and I sit for a while afterwards in silence and stillness and commune with the Absolute. Sometimes the Absolute is busy as a crowded thoroughfare and sometimes as still and serene as a millpond, but it is all the same river and I don’t interrupt it, just let it have its ebb and its flow because ultimately none of it has any independent existence, it is all manifestation of the same One Mind and One Shared Heart, the Source.

Then I sit with the sounds for half an hour. Every time is different.

This morning for example I was met by waves, like an ocean and then a magnificent manifestation of Krishna whose hands were like Our Mother’s one thousand fold and He reached out to touch my hand. This is very profound when it happens. I was deeply moved.

Then I am on a boat in the Pure Lands beside a manifestation of Mother in the form of Saraswati. I know it is the Pure Lands by the golden waves that flow through me, waves that I have experienced before, once with Sumire in New Zealand while crossing a farm gate, a phenomena we both experienced simultaneously and were speaking about last night.

These visions came out of emptiness and are no less or more important than the experience of a crowded thoroughfare so I do not focus on them but let them pass like autumn leaves on a slow moving river.

That is when the Light comes. It is, as I have experienced before, a shaft of Light coming from a particular direction, above and beyond and to my right and strikes me with a force that sends great joy through my being. I am engulfed in waves of laughter that threaten to expel me out of the body and into another space so I go with it until it subsides. I have experienced these waves before with Tareth when the oil manifested in my palms.

Perhaps that is the overriding knowing, the power of being, that the Light is always here when we know how to look for it.

At various points I am launched, beyond my control, into spaces and dimensions that are unrecognizable and bear no resemblance to anything here on earth. One that really stuck out in my consciousness is a parabolic world where we play and love on curved surfaces with a kind of bubble light. I can see it but it is so hard to describe because no acceptable parallel is here to refer you to.

My physical body goes through various extremes, from joy which comes close to pain as I surrender to joy which is forms of ecstasy.

Sometimes this gives the breathless state in which my heart moves but my breath does not and in the past have given me one experience of levitation where in the lotus posture I was raised above the ground just a few inches. So I know the power of joy and the wonders of being free of the breath.

At one point in this state Yeshua appeared. The power of this Presence is immense and I knelt for forgiveness and wept because forgiveness is my path and I am constantly humbled by its power in my life and how frequently I err when it comes to forgiving my fellow human beings. So I want forgiveness to be empowered within me, just as I wish for the deepest love and compassion and wisdom, all paths on which I am such a beginner. A humble, shoeless, lazy monk.

At another Samantabhadra Buddha awoke within me and transformed into Majushri and then into Maitreya. They appear like golden forms in my vision. These are moments of wonderful bliss and again are like rays of sun between the clouds on a cloudy day and arise and pass as the river flows on.

So the power of Presence and the delightful infinite pure light of being is my experience these days, but may I say it is not 100% every moment, every day, every month, every year. I am learning just how deeply this power of liberation extends and how much work and effort it takes every day, every moment, to embrace it and love who I am and who you are and what this world is.


In deepest Love


(With deepest gratitude to Kusaba Kazuhisa for the artwork)


I feel the lightness of joy in our Shared Heart, I feel that too, all day sometimes, the golden glow and flow of the absolute through all we do. So it is no wonder there was also a Union with a Winged Goddess or Dakini (Flying Deva) She of Golden Form and Fragile Wings. Not always a shoeless monks common experience. I must be making progress. An Earth Dakini. Golden Yellow. Ratna Dakini representing compassion. The following information may prove useful.



This group of us, all Masters and disciples both,

Have come together now through the ripening of karma

From the aspirations of our past lives.

In the past we have pleased each other

And in the future we shall not turn back any request (Note 1)

In our past lives we all set aspirations and goals, just as we are doing now, with regards to our mission in life, aspirations that are threading their way through our current life, whether we are aware of them or not.

Those aspirations could be triggered by deep energies we all want to embrace like love, compassion and forgiveness or even deeper seated feelings that we want to push away like regret or guilt that in reality all serve as portals to such wonders as the kingdom of heaven within, locating the Book of Love, re-merging with a great saint, Master or deity, touching the Violet Flame within, connecting with an ancient soul group, reawakening siddhas such as telepathy, teleportation and telekinesis, healing techniques or the Rainbow Light Body, all of which are part of us and merely await our initiations.

These initiations are shown to us through dreams and visions, signs and pathways, intuitions and synchronicity on our path of pathlessness, forged only by the courage, faith and will of our own being.

We are all different and the Buddha himself taught many different paths to many different people, as the Dalai Lama has often said, even contradictory ones, in recognition of the differing dispositions and personalities we all carry.

I had a deep insight into my mission through a powerful vision as I was doing the washing and hanging out the clothes thanks to a good friend I was chatting with in Glastonbury.

I actually saw it and felt it in my body as a real experience.

A connection across space and timelessness.

I saw myself in this life in the early nineties when people used to call me Merlin as I did healing work across the USA and Canada.

Simply, people came to me and I answered the call of their soul and granted their wishes by giving them faith and will to follow whatever their own vision and soul call was.

I then felt into and listened to what I had been doing recently, seeing all souls as the Christ and Buddha, Krishna and Divine Mother, Metatron and Guan Yin, and seeing this planet and all that is as a mandala of lotus flowers and light and sound.

I realized, because of past experiences such as the power of Light Conception I experienced as Mary, Mother James the Lesser and Joses and the power of the Light of Being I experienced as Sakya Pema that these energies provided a continuum into this life where I have experienced the Holy Spirt of Christ and the Pure Light of Being through Yogananda/Yeshua/Babaji/Krishna’s Kriya Yoga and the Dalai Lama’s Kalachakra Tantra.

The Luminous Pearl of Guan Yin that I have been given with the gift of the power to help liberate others into their own path of pathlessness is now nestled deep in my heart, its power activated by deep listening and then working with the Naga energy or Kundalini energy in the spine. I then use this body to touch souls on the third eye after one hour of sitting with them in stillness and silence and help liberate them into the light. I can only do what I have realized within me. I cannot share anything more or less.

I told my wife of my vision and she was shocked. “Oh!” she said, “so many people again?” She is quite right. When we stand true in our path and vision the magnetism is extraordinary. The numbers of people that flocked to experience this when I did this in the early nineties was an unstoppable river.

I am so grateful for the times you all listen to me.

You liberate me into the light in the same way, through deep listening.

Sharing our thoughts and feelings as we do in this online way is a powerful way of sharing insight and wisdom.

For me it clarifies many streams of consciousness, awareness, information and energy into continuums of bliss.

The questions we ALL have about how to practice, how to enlighten, how to feel bliss, what to do when we feel alone or without a purpose or have fear of the future or regret of the past are questions of such deep significance and provide profound inspiration.

The original pure nature of mind is like a child.

You all remember when you were a child you did not make distinctions between the mundane and the spiritual, between samsara and nirvana, between being alone or with others or having a purpose or not. 

So it is with mahamudra, which means our truth or realization, in the deep seeing or insight we call vipassana which comes from shamatha or single pointed meditation (focus) on our path, which the Dalai Lama has constantly pointed out to me.

The simplest path, as Thich Nhat Hanh says, is mindfulness of breath.

When the self, the I, the mind is not, then the true nature of the original mind and heart arises. 

Surrender, let go.

See all people as the Buddha and all existence as a Mandala.

Start simply with your breath as you have done so many times,

“Breathing in I am aware I am breathing in, breathing out I am aware I am breathing out”…

then extend it to all things…

“Breathing in I am aware I am breathing in love and kindness, breathing out I am aware I am breathing out love and kindness to all beings.”

Then, in this simple way, all beings become the Christ and the Buddha of Kindness and all existence becomes the Mandala of Love.

Keep this as a simple loving practice throughout your day when your mind is caught in thinking and let the mind liberate itself. 

Let it flow and embrace all that comes with the innocence and joy and delight of a child.

“Truly I tell you, become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven”

Matthew 18:3 (3)

I would dearly love to know what aspirations you made in your past lives that you are continuing as a flow through into this life now.

Please let me know.

Love and soul blessings

Altar and Mother

From Diary of a Yogi Sunday 6th August 2017

Note 1 – from The Lotus Born – the Life Story of Padmasambhava by Yeshe Tsogyal





My core experience throughout the day yesterday was one of Tareth and I anchoring the new energies by touching the earth and receiving the birth of these in the form of a chalice cup which we drew out from the crystal grids (I am going to call it the earth’s rainbow body). I have done this before, it was such a strong memory (from the Merlin source group and the Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal group). Then us all taking these energies and walking through communities across the world and healing. Again such a strong memory (from the Yeshua and Mary Magdalene source group).

When we connect we are in effect “treasure revealers” for our planet and communities.

As I mentioned before I belong to the Nyingma (Old One) tradition, as do you when you connect to the Elders (Archangels) who protect and guide this planet.

In the Nyingma tradition the techniques we used were originally taught by the Buddha Samantabhadra, the primordial Buddha, through the five Buddha Families (ten beings in all) who protect and guide this planet. The most powerful figure associated with these treasures is Padmasambhava (circa 8th to 9th century) just as in the Merlin Source group the leader known as Merlin is the most powerful figure and he connects with the Elders the beings who protect and guide this planet.

When we open doorways to the new energies we are also accessing portals and treasures known to us from those same Source soul groups.

When our mind is still we access portals within the mind and connect to Source.

When we are still and in harmony and unity as groups we access the Source group and Elder portals.

“I saw Eternity the other night

Like a great ring of pure and endless light

All calm, as it was bright

And round beneath it, Time in hours, days, years

Driv’n by the spheres

(Henry Vaughan, The World)

So we discover portals often through using the language of the still mind, Light Language, often in symbolic form, in circles, often in groups of ten symbols.

Here are some of the energies of the Old Ones that are bringing in these new energies with us.

“The hidden treasures we are opening can be sacred text and sometimes sacred objects or universal energies originally from the Buddhas or Christs or great ones (such as Padmasambhava, the Fifth Dalai Lama, the leader of the Merlin Source group…).

It is a said that a student of any of these great masters who received transmission from them can transmit empowerments and teachings to students today.

The sacred objects such as the Grail Crystal or Luminous Pearl arouse in the receivers the recollection of entire teachings and energies. The objects often transmit these teachings through sound and light codes or frequencies.

Many of the discoveries are made in partnerships or groups made up of divine consorts (a divine male and a divine female) without whom the task of opening portals and gathering energies is difficult if not impossible (Yeshua and Mary Magdalene are a typical example).

He and she have made the right aspirations in the past and now engage with each other to realize the transmission of the teachings and energies through bliss in union.

Many lamas that were recognized “hidden treasure receivers” were householders with divine consorts, children and possessions. Yogananda’s own paramguru Lahiri Mahasaya was similar, working as a railroad accountant and family man and taking renowned students like Swami Sri Yukteswar in his later life.

11am Tokyo – 3am Glastonbury

Forest travel 

Connection to the Circle of Light including us and the Elders, Archangels, Bodhisattvas. 


Midday Tokyo – 4am Glastonbury

The Winds of Happiness Cafe – dedicated to the Heart Sutra and Guan Yin.

Buddhas and amethyst wands around the cafe.

Walking in light again.

4pm Tokyo – 8am Glastonbury 

Overwhelming feeling of gratitude and blessing flowing through me. wish fulfilling jewel.

6pm Tokyo – 10am Glastonbury

Reconnecting to the Circle of Light in Glastonbury.

6:27pm Tokyo – 10:27am Glastonbury

This was when I felt it, a dramatic shift in the new energies.

I was standing in the kitchen about to do the dishes when everything went suddenly still as if I was caught in time, timeless and I received an enormous wave of power, that swept across me and the earth.

I saw the Elders working around the earth in a circle transmitting symbols to us also working in a circle.

The remarkable thing for me was that I saw the Elders as partners, working in what my perception interpreted was divine masculine and feminine partnerships, so the power wave I received was from Guan Yin and Metatron in union and bliss.

As they did this they sang to me.

I can’t tell you how wonderful that moment was.

They sang.

A new melody, a new sound for the earth.

I had the most beautiful tears.

Simple, pure.

I could hear the melody clearly and sang it and then played it.

Angelic words and melodies, light language.

Singing the new sounds into being.

What was even just as remarkable is that Maia was beside me and had also stopped and started singing, just a few phrases, also in light language.

I will record it soon and send it to you.

I, we, felt so very blessed.

The wave of power continued at an intensity that rendered me “thought-less”.

The energy was so strong and my heartbeat was increasing.

I went to the bathroom and sat down, anchoring the energies.

From Source, to earth and core.

I just had to breathe, breathe in the new energies.

My DNA was transformed and encoded with the new energies, the new sounds.

I knew I would carry that everywhere, in the crystalline body that was now connected to the Christ-crystalline grids of the earth, as if one were mirroring the other.

Just as happened with Maia, we would all sing a new song.

6:41pm Tokyo – 10:41am Glastonbury

This continued for 14 intense minutes. At 6:41 there was a strong magnetic pull to the group in Glastonbury as if I was being drawn there and could teleport.

A vision opened up of the group there, working in a circle, anchoring energies in a group of around forty people, with crystals that contained the identical patterns of the earth crystal grid due to the new energy transfer.

I could see the faces of the people as clearly as I see you and I.

This movement in and out of activation, generation, “transporting”, anchoring and completion continued until around midday Glastonbury time.

8pm Tokyo – 12 midday Glastonbury

A deep sense of calm space and peace pervaded my being.

9:27pm Tokyo – 1:27pm Glastonbury

The energies intensify again, this time a convergence of light.

I can feel all gathered intoning the new sounds into light.

Anchoring them in our bodies, anchoring them in the earth.

10pm Tokyo – 2pm Glastonbury


10:23pm Tokyo – 2:23pm Glastonbury

Granted an extraordinary vision of sacred site in a higher dimension.

It was dramatic, filling my being while I was doing my teeth lol.

It was a tower, a Grail Castle, with a massive half moon light crystal at the tower top composed of vibration and light, in an astral dimension as Yogananda would put it, connecting to what we are doing here.

“If you could perceive the astral world, you would know that it is infinitely more real than the earth-plane, which is just inert matter without the enlivening powers of the up-holding astral world. Material existence is only a shadow of that higher, finer dimension of reality. This world is the result of the astral world. The blueprints of everything in the physical universe have been astrally conceived—all the forms and forces in nature, including the complex human body, have been first produced in that realm where God’s causal ideations are made visible in forms of heavenly light and vibratory energy. Then they are materialized in physical form out of the ether. But the astral body of man and the astral counterparts of everything in nature are vastly more beautiful, more vibrant, more expressive of the harmony and perfection of the Divine Creator than what we perceive when our consciousness is limited to matter. The astral world is not the ultimate liberating experience; the soul attains complete ascension only through realization of its oneness with the Creator”

We are connecting to other dimensions simultaneously and triggering, activating grids that empower earth as we move towards unity in all dimensions.

10:30pm Tokyo – 3pm Glastonbury – Tareth’s sounds & Dalai Lama’s Tibetan Codes

Visit the island on the lake again.

10:40 – surrounded by ancient trees and hills at the temple. The energies feel new. The trees whisper a different sound.

10:45 – The circle of Light is here and we are all part of it. We are not just connected across time and space but throughout all dimensions.

10:50 – The Lake. The power to walk on water is within us all. Encoded into our DNA. In the face of the lake is Our Mother and She gazes upon us from its depths.

10:55 – temple grounds. It is always eerie walking in such profound silence. This time it was the deep comfort of knowing that the earth is different today and that the last cycle of transformation is upon us. I walked in as the great Buddha Akshobhya. I walked out as the great Buddha Samantabhadra. The great Buddha Samantabhadra is within me and you, bringing unity through meditation in action in our community.

11:00 – The Peace of Our Light Family is on us. The Peace of Our Source soul group is in us. The Peace of the One Love of All is our Light.

I am truly humbled.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

Footnote * and this morning Monday in my meditation Samantabhadra is still with me and the light is so intense and makes me weep several times.





11am Tokyo – 3am Glastonbury 

Connection to the Chalice of Light. 

I was with Tareth and we struck the earth with our hands from within a circle of light.

We reached down into the earth and pulled from it a chalice of light.

The earth in that moment was us and we were the earth.

The earth that we reached into was a Light Grid, like the rainbow body, it is already here and we only need to remember how to awaken to it. It was latticed with every light ray imaginable.

I was in the car at one point waiting for Sumire and Maia and the Light in the earth appeared like many crystal grids of magnificent colors in my vision.

It reminded me of Yogananda who said

“Light is the real essence of everything.

This earth is not ‘earth’ as you see it.

It is Light.”

Yogananda also spoke about the Light Language and the power of sound just as we are using. The Light Language often manifests as OM in and around me.

“On the day of Pentecost the disciples of Jesus were filled with… the Holy Vibration, and they could talk “in diverse tongues.” The Light Language. “Aum/OM, the Word, the cosmic intelligent Vibratory Sound, is the origin of all sounds and languages. One filled with the Holy Ghost—one who can hear, feel, and spread this consciousness…can understand and communicate in the diverse tongues of inspirations of people, animals, and all things.”

This was revealed throughout my day through the eyes of Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal who hid spiritual treasures in the earth and in the minds of their disciples who are reincarnating and reawakening to them now.

The Nyingma School and Padmasambhava was one of my first initiations in this life.

Through the five divine consorts (wisdom dakinis).

Through the five buddha families.

The treasure is in the mind.

Through the terma or treasure revealing lineage, the Grail Crystal, the Chalice Cup, the Cintamani Stone (wish fulfilling jewel) and the Book Of Love are being revealed by our consciousness, united in love.  

Midday Tokyo – 4am Glastonbury

Walking in a monastery again all about the house – profound insight while doing the dishes of being able to cradle and embrace this awareness through every moment of my living and transitioning (ascending from this body) experiences 

4pm Tokyo – 8am Glastonbury 

Overwhelming feeling of luck and gratitude and blessing flowing through me. I keep mentioning this to Sumire throughout the day. How important the feeling is. That the feeling kept alive is what brings us everything we dream of. That feeling of inner joy is the wish fulfilling jewel.

Connection made through deep blue lapis lazuli blue ball of light which moves through me to the core of the earth.

6pm Tokyo – 10am Glastonbury

Reconnecting to the group in Glastonbury, feeling the energies of the group walking the earth and healing throughout many communities just as in the days of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.

Feeling the memories of Mary the Mother of James the Lesser and Joses reawakening.

10pm Tokyo – 2pm Glastonbury

Co-creation through many connections young and old.

The power of sound and light in manifesting.

The power of music for young people and Sumire and I discussing our continuing vision of music that brings peace and love to young people.

11:30pm Tokyo – 3pm Glastonbury – Tareth’s sounds & Dalai Lama’s Tibetan Codes

Visit the island on the lake again.

The energies are quite different.

More a gathering of like-minded souls for a common purpose.

And a gathering of our Light Families and the Elders/Archangels/Bodhisattvas for support.

I carry the heart crystal into the forest.

It is very powerful aloneness as I am the only one here sharing with the energies of nature and the power of the sacred temple and hills.

11:40 – surrounded by ancient trees and hills at the temple.

I went deeper into the hill dedicated to Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess, and the sound of OM manifested in the wind very clearly to my right as I ascended the hill.

11:45 – The circle of Light is here and we are all part of it.

11:50 – The Lake reaches out to me as I reach out to it, like Avalon in days of Old.

11:55 – temple grounds – chills – as I am being accompanied by Old Ones.

I feel their feet, hear their footsteps, know their breath.

I know I have lived here before in a previous life.

The wisdom of ancient knowledge speaks to me.

Generosity and giving to others, teachings, patience on the path, effort to connect, absorption in the Source, liberation. 

12:00 – the sounds were speaking to me in my head.

A low vibrating OM in Healing and Service of all humanity for Liberation and Love and Light and Wisdom. 

I will leave you with a profound insight I was given by Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal, both historical and magnificent beings whose births were events of far reaching significance.

We too are magnificent beings whose births have far reaching significance.

Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava, said of Yeshe Tsogyal, “That I might propagate the teachings of the Secret Mantra, the time has come for an incarnation of Goddess Sarasvati to appear.” And so he literally called Tsogyal into existence, for without her, his labour would be slow, he explained to the king.

We have literally called each other into existence, for without each other, our own progress on our path of pathlessness, of healing, love and light, would be slow.

You to me are all incarnations of Gods and Goddesses, so that I might share the teachings of what my path brings. I pray you always do the same for me. No one else can walk it but us.

Regarding our current challenges on this planet and the 10th cycle of the earth, perhaps Gandalf is best equipped to respond for and with us…

“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.
“So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

My core experience throughout the day was one of Tareth and I anchoring the new energies by touching the earth and receiving the birth of these in the form of a chalice cup which we drew out from the crystal grids (I am going to call it the earth’s rainbow body). I have done this before, it was such a strong memory (from the Merlin source group and the Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal group). Then us all taking these energies and walking through communities across the world and healing. Again such a strong memory (from the Yeshua and Mary Magdalene source group).

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother



A little background – this is an experiment in tuning into and experiencing a workshop with Tareth that I was not present at physically, while I was in Japan. I write this with deep and humble thanks to Tareth, Sentia, Deva and Rani whose Presence allowed me to tune in so deeply. There are three parts, each day deeper than the one before. I learned many lessons in doing this, such as when I “tried” to connect, nothing worked as well as I thought, and when I let go and surrendered to the process the Light Families I was working with took over and connected me like a lightning flash in a thunder storm. It is like that in life. Life works, so let it flow. Don”t try to stop the river, it is far bigger than you or me. So this first part, the first day, is the “set up” the preparation, during which I was adjusting to the energies. I hit the “golden vein” of the flow around 4pm.



11am Tokyo – 3am Glastonbury 

Connection to the Gospel of Mary of Magdala and Vision. 

Through the eyes of the 5th Dalai Lama. 

The treasure is in the mind. 

Midday Tokyo – 4am Glastonbury

Walking in a monastery – profound insight of carrying this into everyday moments and life so I was on permanent retreat 

4pm Tokyo – 8am Glastonbury 

Overwhelming feeling of molten love like a wave filled my Being and tears filled my eyes. Tuning in to Tareth’s practice 

(Connection made as blue shaft of light upon waking 3 nights ago at 1am synchronous with Tareth receiving blue healing light. Since then an overwhelming feeling of luck has pervaded the air as if abundance is floating down around me like $100 bills in energy form lol. This luck dragon has stayed with me since then)

6pm Tokyo – 10am Glastonbury

5th Dalai Lama’s Autobiography arrives

Shivers up and down my spine.

I know and love this man.

Like my best friend.

9:45pm Tokyo – 1:45pm Glastonbury

A flutter in the room, like wings (while doing the dishes)

Tareth’s pyramid sounds on

11:00pm Tokyo – 3pm Glastonbury – Tareth’s sounds & Dalai Lama’s Tibetan Codes

Visit the island on the lake

11:15 – surrounded by ancient trees and hills at the temple

11:20 – lights dancing to left of me on the island as if light is surrounding me

11:30 – earth core stillness on the island in lake and the world in the lake. Big shift.

11:35 – temple speaks – chills 

11:40 – most amazing shooting star. Service of Love and Light and Wisdom

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother 

(Artwork with deepest gratitude to Kusaba Kazuhisa)

LIONSGATE 2017 – The Year of the Tibetan Firebird

Tibetan Firebird

LIONSGATE 8th day of the 8th month 2017 in the Tibetan and Vedic Traditions

If you are reading this then you are likely to have had a past life in ancient Tibet or India, identify with Sirius as the earth’s Spiritual Sun and know that you are in a cycle of rebirth in this year, 2017, of the Tibetan Firebird.

This is the final cycle of the planet, a time when your inter-dimensional awareness is at a peak. The understanding of portals and symbols and how to use them to travel is awake.

Your knowledge of alchemy and natural magic is flowing and your consciousness is already reaching a point of presence in the sounds and light of the fifth element, space, opening the language we call light language to communicate beyond and retrieve information and energy.

You can touch your deity consciousness, your Light Family, and bring healing to those around you by embodying god and goddess consciousness.

Your path is the Shambhala Path, a simple awareness of being and co-creation where you are aware that the veils cast over our earth with its confusion of politics and grasping has nothing whatsoever to do with you and everything to do with perspective. When you fill yourself with compassion and gratitude you will naturally surrender and let go and attract those who will shelter and feed your heart and bring you divine friendship to expand your true self and our shared heart.

You are the Light.

You know the Dynasty of Divine Mother where you embrace the desire of all beings to be spiritually free. The ocean of Divine Mother washes away your fears and bathes you in bliss.

The 8th day of the 8th month at 8am GMT falls into the embrace of the Dragon Tailed Goddess Dengchen Lhamo, and the mystical ninth nakshatra Ashlesha, the female water snake, Naga, the serpent of wisdom.

It represents the serpent fire or kundalini coiled at the base of your spine. When activated it brings mystical power, shakti and spiritual enlightenment.

You may find yourself in the depths of exploring the soul, powerful sexuality, even troubled conflicts or attack, signs the serpent energy, visasleshana shakti is demanding respect.

The cat or lion energy within may be aroused. Be careful not to become overwhelmed as this brings a period of a sensitive nervous system, psychic vulnerability and divine restlessness.

Gratitude, courage, purification of eating habits and time to be alone in nature and stillness with your loved ones and divine friends are the best remedies.

Breathing in, I am aware I am breathing in love and kindness, wisdom and compassion, breathing out I am aware I am breathing out love and kindness, wisdom and compassion.

Love and soul blessings

Sakya Pema

serving as Tibetan astrological adviser to Sakya Pandita

at the request of the Protectress of Tibet Goddess Palden Lhamo, friend of Our Mother Guan Yin

(Altair and Mother)