Tag Archives: Glastonbury





My core experience throughout the day yesterday was one of Tareth and I anchoring the new energies by touching the earth and receiving the birth of these in the form of a chalice cup which we drew out from the crystal grids (I am going to call it the earth’s rainbow body). I have done this before, it was such a strong memory (from the Merlin source group and the Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal group). Then us all taking these energies and walking through communities across the world and healing. Again such a strong memory (from the Yeshua and Mary Magdalene source group).

When we connect we are in effect “treasure revealers” for our planet and communities.

As I mentioned before I belong to the Nyingma (Old One) tradition, as do you when you connect to the Elders (Archangels) who protect and guide this planet.

In the Nyingma tradition the techniques we used were originally taught by the Buddha Samantabhadra, the primordial Buddha, through the five Buddha Families (ten beings in all) who protect and guide this planet. The most powerful figure associated with these treasures is Padmasambhava (circa 8th to 9th century) just as in the Merlin Source group the leader known as Merlin is the most powerful figure and he connects with the Elders the beings who protect and guide this planet.

When we open doorways to the new energies we are also accessing portals and treasures known to us from those same Source soul groups.

When our mind is still we access portals within the mind and connect to Source.

When we are still and in harmony and unity as groups we access the Source group and Elder portals.

“I saw Eternity the other night

Like a great ring of pure and endless light

All calm, as it was bright

And round beneath it, Time in hours, days, years

Driv’n by the spheres

(Henry Vaughan, The World)

So we discover portals often through using the language of the still mind, Light Language, often in symbolic form, in circles, often in groups of ten symbols.

Here are some of the energies of the Old Ones that are bringing in these new energies with us.

“The hidden treasures we are opening can be sacred text and sometimes sacred objects or universal energies originally from the Buddhas or Christs or great ones (such as Padmasambhava, the Fifth Dalai Lama, the leader of the Merlin Source group…).

It is a said that a student of any of these great masters who received transmission from them can transmit empowerments and teachings to students today.

The sacred objects such as the Grail Crystal or Luminous Pearl arouse in the receivers the recollection of entire teachings and energies. The objects often transmit these teachings through sound and light codes or frequencies.

Many of the discoveries are made in partnerships or groups made up of divine consorts (a divine male and a divine female) without whom the task of opening portals and gathering energies is difficult if not impossible (Yeshua and Mary Magdalene are a typical example).

He and she have made the right aspirations in the past and now engage with each other to realize the transmission of the teachings and energies through bliss in union.

Many lamas that were recognized “hidden treasure receivers” were householders with divine consorts, children and possessions. Yogananda’s own paramguru Lahiri Mahasaya was similar, working as a railroad accountant and family man and taking renowned students like Swami Sri Yukteswar in his later life.

11am Tokyo – 3am Glastonbury

Forest travel 

Connection to the Circle of Light including us and the Elders, Archangels, Bodhisattvas. 


Midday Tokyo – 4am Glastonbury

The Winds of Happiness Cafe – dedicated to the Heart Sutra and Guan Yin.

Buddhas and amethyst wands around the cafe.

Walking in light again.

4pm Tokyo – 8am Glastonbury 

Overwhelming feeling of gratitude and blessing flowing through me. wish fulfilling jewel.

6pm Tokyo – 10am Glastonbury

Reconnecting to the Circle of Light in Glastonbury.

6:27pm Tokyo – 10:27am Glastonbury

This was when I felt it, a dramatic shift in the new energies.

I was standing in the kitchen about to do the dishes when everything went suddenly still as if I was caught in time, timeless and I received an enormous wave of power, that swept across me and the earth.

I saw the Elders working around the earth in a circle transmitting symbols to us also working in a circle.

The remarkable thing for me was that I saw the Elders as partners, working in what my perception interpreted was divine masculine and feminine partnerships, so the power wave I received was from Guan Yin and Metatron in union and bliss.

As they did this they sang to me.

I can’t tell you how wonderful that moment was.

They sang.

A new melody, a new sound for the earth.

I had the most beautiful tears.

Simple, pure.

I could hear the melody clearly and sang it and then played it.

Angelic words and melodies, light language.

Singing the new sounds into being.

What was even just as remarkable is that Maia was beside me and had also stopped and started singing, just a few phrases, also in light language.

I will record it soon and send it to you.

I, we, felt so very blessed.

The wave of power continued at an intensity that rendered me “thought-less”.

The energy was so strong and my heartbeat was increasing.

I went to the bathroom and sat down, anchoring the energies.

From Source, to earth and core.

I just had to breathe, breathe in the new energies.

My DNA was transformed and encoded with the new energies, the new sounds.

I knew I would carry that everywhere, in the crystalline body that was now connected to the Christ-crystalline grids of the earth, as if one were mirroring the other.

Just as happened with Maia, we would all sing a new song.

6:41pm Tokyo – 10:41am Glastonbury

This continued for 14 intense minutes. At 6:41 there was a strong magnetic pull to the group in Glastonbury as if I was being drawn there and could teleport.

A vision opened up of the group there, working in a circle, anchoring energies in a group of around forty people, with crystals that contained the identical patterns of the earth crystal grid due to the new energy transfer.

I could see the faces of the people as clearly as I see you and I.

This movement in and out of activation, generation, “transporting”, anchoring and completion continued until around midday Glastonbury time.

8pm Tokyo – 12 midday Glastonbury

A deep sense of calm space and peace pervaded my being.

9:27pm Tokyo – 1:27pm Glastonbury

The energies intensify again, this time a convergence of light.

I can feel all gathered intoning the new sounds into light.

Anchoring them in our bodies, anchoring them in the earth.

10pm Tokyo – 2pm Glastonbury


10:23pm Tokyo – 2:23pm Glastonbury

Granted an extraordinary vision of sacred site in a higher dimension.

It was dramatic, filling my being while I was doing my teeth lol.

It was a tower, a Grail Castle, with a massive half moon light crystal at the tower top composed of vibration and light, in an astral dimension as Yogananda would put it, connecting to what we are doing here.

“If you could perceive the astral world, you would know that it is infinitely more real than the earth-plane, which is just inert matter without the enlivening powers of the up-holding astral world. Material existence is only a shadow of that higher, finer dimension of reality. This world is the result of the astral world. The blueprints of everything in the physical universe have been astrally conceived—all the forms and forces in nature, including the complex human body, have been first produced in that realm where God’s causal ideations are made visible in forms of heavenly light and vibratory energy. Then they are materialized in physical form out of the ether. But the astral body of man and the astral counterparts of everything in nature are vastly more beautiful, more vibrant, more expressive of the harmony and perfection of the Divine Creator than what we perceive when our consciousness is limited to matter. The astral world is not the ultimate liberating experience; the soul attains complete ascension only through realization of its oneness with the Creator”

We are connecting to other dimensions simultaneously and triggering, activating grids that empower earth as we move towards unity in all dimensions.

10:30pm Tokyo – 3pm Glastonbury – Tareth’s sounds & Dalai Lama’s Tibetan Codes

Visit the island on the lake again.

10:40 – surrounded by ancient trees and hills at the temple. The energies feel new. The trees whisper a different sound.

10:45 – The circle of Light is here and we are all part of it. We are not just connected across time and space but throughout all dimensions.

10:50 – The Lake. The power to walk on water is within us all. Encoded into our DNA. In the face of the lake is Our Mother and She gazes upon us from its depths.

10:55 – temple grounds. It is always eerie walking in such profound silence. This time it was the deep comfort of knowing that the earth is different today and that the last cycle of transformation is upon us. I walked in as the great Buddha Akshobhya. I walked out as the great Buddha Samantabhadra. The great Buddha Samantabhadra is within me and you, bringing unity through meditation in action in our community.

11:00 – The Peace of Our Light Family is on us. The Peace of Our Source soul group is in us. The Peace of the One Love of All is our Light.

I am truly humbled.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

Footnote * and this morning Monday in my meditation Samantabhadra is still with me and the light is so intense and makes me weep several times.





11am Tokyo – 3am Glastonbury 

Connection to the Chalice of Light. 

I was with Tareth and we struck the earth with our hands from within a circle of light.

We reached down into the earth and pulled from it a chalice of light.

The earth in that moment was us and we were the earth.

The earth that we reached into was a Light Grid, like the rainbow body, it is already here and we only need to remember how to awaken to it. It was latticed with every light ray imaginable.

I was in the car at one point waiting for Sumire and Maia and the Light in the earth appeared like many crystal grids of magnificent colors in my vision.

It reminded me of Yogananda who said

“Light is the real essence of everything.

This earth is not ‘earth’ as you see it.

It is Light.”

Yogananda also spoke about the Light Language and the power of sound just as we are using. The Light Language often manifests as OM in and around me.

“On the day of Pentecost the disciples of Jesus were filled with… the Holy Vibration, and they could talk “in diverse tongues.” The Light Language. “Aum/OM, the Word, the cosmic intelligent Vibratory Sound, is the origin of all sounds and languages. One filled with the Holy Ghost—one who can hear, feel, and spread this consciousness…can understand and communicate in the diverse tongues of inspirations of people, animals, and all things.”

This was revealed throughout my day through the eyes of Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal who hid spiritual treasures in the earth and in the minds of their disciples who are reincarnating and reawakening to them now.

The Nyingma School and Padmasambhava was one of my first initiations in this life.

Through the five divine consorts (wisdom dakinis).

Through the five buddha families.

The treasure is in the mind.

Through the terma or treasure revealing lineage, the Grail Crystal, the Chalice Cup, the Cintamani Stone (wish fulfilling jewel) and the Book Of Love are being revealed by our consciousness, united in love.  

Midday Tokyo – 4am Glastonbury

Walking in a monastery again all about the house – profound insight while doing the dishes of being able to cradle and embrace this awareness through every moment of my living and transitioning (ascending from this body) experiences 

4pm Tokyo – 8am Glastonbury 

Overwhelming feeling of luck and gratitude and blessing flowing through me. I keep mentioning this to Sumire throughout the day. How important the feeling is. That the feeling kept alive is what brings us everything we dream of. That feeling of inner joy is the wish fulfilling jewel.

Connection made through deep blue lapis lazuli blue ball of light which moves through me to the core of the earth.

6pm Tokyo – 10am Glastonbury

Reconnecting to the group in Glastonbury, feeling the energies of the group walking the earth and healing throughout many communities just as in the days of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.

Feeling the memories of Mary the Mother of James the Lesser and Joses reawakening.

10pm Tokyo – 2pm Glastonbury

Co-creation through many connections young and old.

The power of sound and light in manifesting.

The power of music for young people and Sumire and I discussing our continuing vision of music that brings peace and love to young people.

11:30pm Tokyo – 3pm Glastonbury – Tareth’s sounds & Dalai Lama’s Tibetan Codes

Visit the island on the lake again.

The energies are quite different.

More a gathering of like-minded souls for a common purpose.

And a gathering of our Light Families and the Elders/Archangels/Bodhisattvas for support.

I carry the heart crystal into the forest.

It is very powerful aloneness as I am the only one here sharing with the energies of nature and the power of the sacred temple and hills.

11:40 – surrounded by ancient trees and hills at the temple.

I went deeper into the hill dedicated to Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess, and the sound of OM manifested in the wind very clearly to my right as I ascended the hill.

11:45 – The circle of Light is here and we are all part of it.

11:50 – The Lake reaches out to me as I reach out to it, like Avalon in days of Old.

11:55 – temple grounds – chills – as I am being accompanied by Old Ones.

I feel their feet, hear their footsteps, know their breath.

I know I have lived here before in a previous life.

The wisdom of ancient knowledge speaks to me.

Generosity and giving to others, teachings, patience on the path, effort to connect, absorption in the Source, liberation. 

12:00 – the sounds were speaking to me in my head.

A low vibrating OM in Healing and Service of all humanity for Liberation and Love and Light and Wisdom. 

I will leave you with a profound insight I was given by Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal, both historical and magnificent beings whose births were events of far reaching significance.

We too are magnificent beings whose births have far reaching significance.

Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava, said of Yeshe Tsogyal, “That I might propagate the teachings of the Secret Mantra, the time has come for an incarnation of Goddess Sarasvati to appear.” And so he literally called Tsogyal into existence, for without her, his labour would be slow, he explained to the king.

We have literally called each other into existence, for without each other, our own progress on our path of pathlessness, of healing, love and light, would be slow.

You to me are all incarnations of Gods and Goddesses, so that I might share the teachings of what my path brings. I pray you always do the same for me. No one else can walk it but us.

Regarding our current challenges on this planet and the 10th cycle of the earth, perhaps Gandalf is best equipped to respond for and with us…

“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.
“So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

My core experience throughout the day was one of Tareth and I anchoring the new energies by touching the earth and receiving the birth of these in the form of a chalice cup which we drew out from the crystal grids (I am going to call it the earth’s rainbow body). I have done this before, it was such a strong memory (from the Merlin source group and the Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal group). Then us all taking these energies and walking through communities across the world and healing. Again such a strong memory (from the Yeshua and Mary Magdalene source group).

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother



A little background – this is an experiment in tuning into and experiencing a workshop with Tareth that I was not present at physically, while I was in Japan. I write this with deep and humble thanks to Tareth, Sentia, Deva and Rani whose Presence allowed me to tune in so deeply. There are three parts, each day deeper than the one before. I learned many lessons in doing this, such as when I “tried” to connect, nothing worked as well as I thought, and when I let go and surrendered to the process the Light Families I was working with took over and connected me like a lightning flash in a thunder storm. It is like that in life. Life works, so let it flow. Don”t try to stop the river, it is far bigger than you or me. So this first part, the first day, is the “set up” the preparation, during which I was adjusting to the energies. I hit the “golden vein” of the flow around 4pm.



11am Tokyo – 3am Glastonbury 

Connection to the Gospel of Mary of Magdala and Vision. 

Through the eyes of the 5th Dalai Lama. 

The treasure is in the mind. 

Midday Tokyo – 4am Glastonbury

Walking in a monastery – profound insight of carrying this into everyday moments and life so I was on permanent retreat 

4pm Tokyo – 8am Glastonbury 

Overwhelming feeling of molten love like a wave filled my Being and tears filled my eyes. Tuning in to Tareth’s practice 

(Connection made as blue shaft of light upon waking 3 nights ago at 1am synchronous with Tareth receiving blue healing light. Since then an overwhelming feeling of luck has pervaded the air as if abundance is floating down around me like $100 bills in energy form lol. This luck dragon has stayed with me since then)

6pm Tokyo – 10am Glastonbury

5th Dalai Lama’s Autobiography arrives

Shivers up and down my spine.

I know and love this man.

Like my best friend.

9:45pm Tokyo – 1:45pm Glastonbury

A flutter in the room, like wings (while doing the dishes)

Tareth’s pyramid sounds on

11:00pm Tokyo – 3pm Glastonbury – Tareth’s sounds & Dalai Lama’s Tibetan Codes

Visit the island on the lake

11:15 – surrounded by ancient trees and hills at the temple

11:20 – lights dancing to left of me on the island as if light is surrounding me

11:30 – earth core stillness on the island in lake and the world in the lake. Big shift.

11:35 – temple speaks – chills 

11:40 – most amazing shooting star. Service of Love and Light and Wisdom

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother 

(Artwork with deepest gratitude to Kusaba Kazuhisa)