

Simplicity and humility.

Surrender and let go.

The energies of the solar eclipse and the lunar eclipse and star gate portals like the Lions Gate will bring tears if you surrender your self to the greater forces of the universe.

Tears of recognition as you dissolve your self in the Ocean of Divine Mother’s Being and find Home in Her Love.

Tears of release as you let go and surrender all those parts of you that have been fixed for too long. You can not hang on to them.

Tears of love as you welcome the Shared Heart, the knowing that we are all One, that we are the Christ Light, individually and collectively.

With so many energies in aspect at these focal points and times, the Vedic Scriptures call this energy the Fire of Resurrection, Yajamana Vdyamana Shakti, when the Light that you are dissolves into the Ocean of Being, to transform and rise anew, with the Fire of the Ancient Phoenix.

Practically, you could do your own personal fire ritual. Write everything that you are wishing to release on a beautiful piece of parchment or paper. Pray over it in your own manner. Then light it and as it burns see yourself dissolve into Divine Mother’s Love, see Her embrace you in Her arms, then watch as the Light that you are arises in your Heart, to a brand new day.

Love and Soul Blessings

Altair and Mother