Tag Archives: Presence



Love and blessings from the Source.

As each of you sits there, listening to me, reading these words, you perceive that we are separate.

That is what our brains are hard-wired to do.

Through years of evolution our brains have developed physiologically to be in fight or flight mode.


So we don’t experience the universe as it is.

Within us, is the cosmos.

Within each of us, sitting here, is the God-Self, the deeper “I”, which connects to the universe as it is.

When we are still.

A universal connector as it were.

That universal connector within us, that universal gate is the consciousness of the goddess Guan Yin Avalaokiteshvara.

The Universal Gate.

Quantum physics calls this the gate of quantum entanglement or as Einstein said “spooky action at a distance.”

Because we all know the lightness of being that comes when we are in love.

It works at a distance.

The Universal Gate activates.

When I met my wife, Sumire, we were traveling together to an isolated beach in New Zealand called Whale Beach. This story is in my new book ‘Diary of a Yogi – A Book of Awakening’ coming out in October. As we reached an old farm gate and started to climb over we were both transported to the realm of pure consciousness and cosmic awareness and we could feel it moving in and through us.


Connecting us to the universe as it is.

Even when we are not close we know what the other person is doing or feeling when we are in love.

Like quantum physics, we are entangled, in love.

The Universal Gate of Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara Consciousness is not outside you.

She is within you, alive and speaking through me and through you in everything we do, when we are present, and experiencing the universe as it is.

When I met the Dalai Lama, personally, on several occasions, and asked him how to practice the consciousness of Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara he always says study, study Her Way, then practice, practice being a Divine Mother for the world with the affection of a mother for a child.

Then he said to teach 10 people and ask them to teach 10 more people the path of compassion of Guan Yin.

Why compassion?

The Buddha said “Have compassion for all beings.”

This puts us directly in touch with the power of the Universal Gate, to be present for every person we come across on our path.

Jesus said “Love your neighbor.”

The power of love to touch the hearts of every person in our day.

How are we to practice?

The Dalai Lama guided me to follow Guan Yin’s own words as spoken in the Heart Sutra or Prajnaparamitahrihdaya

Tadyatha gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha

Tadyatha – Prepare – pause, breathe, stop, listen deeply, establish presence

Gate Gate – Foundation – generosity, teaching (interconnectedness), patience of inclusiveness, effort, meditation, samadhi or wisdom and bliss

Paragate – Meditation

Parasamgate – Insight

Bodhi Svaha – Go beyond

The Universal Gate is

1 gate, 2 gates, 3 gates, 4 gates and the 5th is beyond the gate.

What is the deeper meaning?

Simply, to stay in connection with the universe, when you walk, walk.

Remember to pause and breathe throughout your day.

Stop, listen deeply to the universe flowing around you and within you.

Practice presence moment to moment through activating portals of presence.

Use the breath, breathing in breathing out.

When your mind is disengaged from its usual mindless or obsessive behavior it connects to presence, the deeper “I AM” or Source.

Use the energy body, breathing in the light, breathing out the light, feeling the ocean of light within and expanding it to feel the ocean of light that surrounds you.

As you practice deep listening and seeing, see the mind and its thoughts as merely waves on that ocean of light. The deep of the ocean is the deeper “I” or “I AM Presence”. Then day to day, though you may not notice anything, the cup, the Chalice or the Grail gets fuller, until one day the consciousness of the cosmos speaks to you and through you, because now it has filled up the cup of the heart within you, and lets you know you are home.

Some time ago I was practicing in a mindfulness group and was very very still.

For a long time.

In that presence the Dragon’s Daughter Long Nu, acolyte of Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara arose in light body form, as clear and real as you are to me when I meet you in the physical world, and she held out a pearl to me, the Chintamani Stone, which many of you know I received from the Heart of Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara as a real rare deep sea ocean pearl in this lifetime. In the Lotus Sutra, Manjushri speaks of Her as the eight-year-old daughter of the Dragon or Naga King Sagara. As she is only eight some of the Buddha’s disciples do not believe she is a Buddha. She offers a pearl to the Buddha, symbolizing her life and ego, and he accepts it. She then instantly transforms into a bodhisattva and then attains complete enlightenment. When I received the pearl from her I understood her message as I had just offered my own pearl that I had received from Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara and had used for years in healing work to a woman who was dying and needed it more than me. For me, that woman was Guan Yin Buddha and I could offer my self and all the blessings I had accumulated for her complete enlightenment.

When you do the Babaji Breath, breathing the light of AWE up your astral spine or spine of light and breathing the light of E-ternity down the spine, you are deep in presence and awareness and breathing a cosmic current around the interior stars of the chakras, connecting one to all and activating the power of the One Chakra.

You literally breathe into existence the consciousness of the cosmos within you.

The Light of the Cosmos Within.

I was contemplating the Light of the Cosmos within us as I was editing the ‘Diary of a Yogi’ today.

I have had some real AHA moments while writing and contemplating the book and entering the portals of Presence that such a book’s words create. Like all portals, words create shifts in us, and the book’s main purpose is to create a shift in consciousness, to awaken us. That is why I say that all who read ‘Diary of a Yogi’ are awakeners. 

  Like the Chintamani Stone, the Lotus Flower, the Phoenix and the Dragon, which are all portals of Presence, making us more transparent to the light of consciousness within us, an inner transformation that is radical and profound is the state of consciousness of an awakener. As you shift, others around you feel the shift, and awaken spiritually too. 

  When we are alert, still and silent and present with the words, when we contemplate them deeply in our heart, our own divine life essence, the consciousness that exists in every being, awakens from its sleep, and love blossoms. We see that same divine consciousness in all living things and we love it as our own, as one, as the One Shared Heart. 

We see that divine consciousness in Guan Yin.

We love her as our own, as one with us, in the One Shared Heart.

Be Guan Yin.

Be love and compassion.

Be the Light of the Source.

Love and blessings always

Altair and Mother





We are all Christs.

As souls we were originally with God or Source.

Spirit projects the desire to create an ‘image’ of itself, an individual expression.

Each of us.

The soul becomes manifest and projects this idea or image of the body in causal form.

The idea or image in the mind of God or Source becomes energy or the astral body. The astral body becomes concentrated into the physical body.

Through the spine of light the soul descends into identifying with matter.

This is why Presence and practice of the ascent of the soul up the astral spine through Kriya Yoga or a similar technique is so essential to liberation from the physical body. 

Christ Consciousness is Presence, Self Realization. 

The Christ Consciousness, God or Source Consciousness, or the True Self, is the Divine Within, present and awake. 

Jesus and Mary Magdalene, the Buddha and Guan Yin, realized this divine presence and so spoke to us of the I AM essence and mindfulness in the now, the stillness beyond time and form. 

Timeless presence. 


The second coming of Buddha as Maitreya and the return of the Christ is a transformation in us from time-bound thinking to timeless presence and pure consciousness. 


Thich Nhat Hanh always used a bell to remind us to be present, a call to ourselves to awareness and awakening. 

If you have a small bell or a chime or the sound of one play it now as we begin. 

Notice the silence and stillness and presence that follows as you listen deeply and notice the silence. 

This is the Presence or Christ Consciousness activating in you. 

When thoughts come see them like waves moving on the ocean. 

They are not the ocean. 

They are not the True Self. 

The True Self, the I AM Presence is the One aware of the silence. 

Be still, and know I AM Presence. 

Noticing the silence frees you of thought. 

Feeling the energy body frees you of thought. 

Watching the breath frees you of thought. 

Your senses still perceive, usually the listening, what you hear around you. 

These come and go, merely objects in your consciousness. 

We are most often occupied with the objects, the waves, the thoughts, and rarely with the pure consciousness, the ocean, the space of awareness itself. 

You cannot bind it or claim it. 

The witness or the Christ Consciousness is the I AM Presence that Christ spoke about when he said “Before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58) and when Moses asked God for the Name of God and was told “I AM THAT I AM” (Exodus 3:14). 

There is nowhere you need to go, nothing you need to achieve, the Christ Consciousness or the Buddha Nature Within is already present. 

If you find thoughts come so be it. 

When you accept it you go beyond it. 

That is the power of the Christ Consciousness. 

Acceptance, love. 

Pure acceptance is acceptance of everything. 

Wisdom is knowing I AM nothing 

Love is knowing I AM everything 

Life and thoughts flow as waves between. 

Let them be. 

1) Who is noticing the silence? 

2) Who is watching the breath? 

3) Who is seeing the light?

The I AM Presence.

The Higher Self is the Presence of the Christ Consciousness. 

When we are aware moment to moment of the Presence of the Higher Self we are living in the Presence of Christ Consciousness.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother 



Thanks to a wonderful gathering organized by Gilles Asselin I am going to share a transcript of wisdom we discussed, about the presence of the divine feminine in our lives.

And today in Japan is ‘Tanabata’ the 7th day of the 7th month, known as the Star Festival when the deities and star consciousness of Altair and Vega meet. It is the day when the wish-fulfiling power of your heart is at its mystical best, so wish with wisdom knowing that what you can conceive of will manifest in full.



Let’s talk together about awareness.

This is a dialogue, shared wisdom, a collective experience.

What I am about to share with you is a Chintamani Stone, an Oracle, a Sign, a meditation.

We are all divine beings, Source Messengers, bodhisattvas and earth angels.

So what we share here is a collective wisdom of our divinity.

You have heard it before, you have absorbed it, you know it.

But until you practice it, it is not wisdom.

You can feel it already, this flow of wisdom, because right now we are practicing, in the Shared Heart, together.

The alchemy, the Grail, is that opening and glowing in the Heart.

So rest in that presence.

Surrender and allow space for the silence.

As we listen, deeply, together.

Before we begin let us consider our awareness, here and now in the present.

When we consider it carefully we see that all is not as it seems.

Look around you now at your surroundings.

The chairs and table and space that surrounds you is filled with energy and consciousness. It is alive.

The body you exist in is also filled with that energy and consciousness and information.

You sense that.

Yet you are not the chairs or table, nor are you the body.

We all know at some point in time, our body will cease to exist, just as the chairs and table will.

Yet right now there is a witness, an observer, a divine presence within you that knows.

That you are awake.

It is because you are becoming still.

Be still and know I AM Presence.

We are so conditioned to our body and our surroundings that we believe they are our reality, that they define us.

Yet there is something greater, a power, a knowing within.

You feel it. That is why we are here, gathered together on this planet.

Let us experiment together.


Go into the body now, feel.

Generally speaking it is easier for a woman to feel and be in her body than a man, so she is naturally closer to Being and the Divine Feminine Presence. We all know that many ancient cultures chose female figures like Isis or Guan Yin to represent the formless transcendental reality.

The Tao in the Tao Te Ching is described as the infinite eternally present mother of the universe and Prajnaparamita in the Heart Sutra is described as the Mother of All Buddhas.

Women embody the unmanifested, the Goddess, Divine Mother.

When the mind took over it started to think of Source or God as male and as we see today much of society is male dominated. The God of authority and control is a male projection.

To connect with Being or Source requires surrender, non-judgment, openness and compassion, the divine feminine.

Mind energy runs our planet’s society whereas Being energy is in charge of everything else. However most men and women are still in the grip of their mind, constant thoughts and suffering through the pain body.


So let’s check for divine awareness, for being.

I call it the 7 point check for awakened awareness.

  1. First close your eyes.
  2. Take your attention to the breath.
  3. Breathe and become aware of the in breath as you breathe in and the out breath as you breathe out.
  4. Then become aware of the entire inner field of energy.
  5. Visualize yourself surrounded by light and that you are immersed in this sea of consciousness.
  6. Then breathe in the light. Breathe in the light. Breathe out the light. Feel the light filling up your body. Making it glow. Feel it. Feel the being-ness of this energy field.
  7. Become one with it. Merge with it. Stay in the realm of Pure Being. When you open your eyes look at your surroundings again.

Your awareness has shifted.You are now aware of the formless timeless nameless realm of Being, deep stillness, deep joy. When you surrender like this, you open to the Light within, you allow the Light to enter you, you realize you are not separate from the Light and that it is in fact your very essence.

When I was very young, just after I had the dream of being a Tibetan monk from age 2 to 3 I used to practice breathing in and out the light. I would say it to myself whenever I got ill.

“Breathe in the Light, Breathe out the Light.”

When I did the Kalachakra Tantra with the Dalai Lama this was my experience for 3 days, pure pristine bliss and peace, initiated by a blinding flash of Light from the Divine Feminine Essence of Guan Yin and the Divine Masculine Essence of the Archangel Metatron.


1) Pray to your teacher guide or guru within daily

2) With the help of a qualified teacher or the guru within gain a clear understanding of the best path for you for liberation

3) Make the path the heart of your practice and meditate diligently

4) Meditate on the teacher guide or guru within visualising him or her above the crown of your head with streams of amrita flowing down through the central channel cleansing away all impurities and suffering of body speech heart and mind

5) Meditate on our body as the luminous Light Body of the deity, teacher guide or guru within descending from our crown into the eight petaled lotus of our heart and mingling with the indestructible essence drop in a single taste.

6) After meditation consider visualise and feel that everything that appears is a pure buddhafield or christgrid peopled by buddhas and christs or deities.

7) Use the activities of eating walking sitting and washing the dishes as the Buddha washing Buddha’s bowl considering them as offerings to all for their liberation. Even in bed and going to sleep practice visualising the teacher guide or inner guru in the center of our hearts so that practice becomes a continuous uninterrupted stream of nectar and virtue in everything we do.


When we consider deeply.

We arrive on this planet with pristine pure awareness, divine children.

We arrive with an awareness of the face before we were born, whether it be angelic or master, bodhisattva or Elder, so we have a need to know. To remember.

Needs, feelings, thoughts.

These become critical in our development of awakened awareness.

We have a face at birth.

Depending on our choice of parent our arrival into the physical body can be somewhat of a shock.

So our mother, the one who gives birth to us, opens the energies of the Divine Mother for all of us initially. She meets our need to connect with the divine feminine in form. She meets our need to belong. She reminds us, as the Tibetans and the Dalai Lama says, that we have all been mothers in some life or other, for each other. In that sense we are all each other’s children. We belong to each other.


We all feel this desire to belong. We look for it in various forms, forms we recognize from previous lives or other worlds and dimensions, forms like art or music or dance, or spiritual teachings, healing, businesses that promote wellbeing or connection. Lovers that ignite the flame in our hearts. Children that awaken our joy of being.

So there is this presence of Divine Mother, the divine feminine, awake and in our awareness to varying degrees throughout our life.

I was fortunate to have a Mother Superior guiding me into the heart of Mother Mary from birth and then Guan Yin guiding me into her heart through the manifestation of a pearl from her heart around 20 years ago. After my own mother’s death Guan Yin and Divine Mother guided me into the Light through an experience of the Kalachakra Tantra with the Dalai Lama.

The level to which this awareness of the divine feminine develops is to a large extent dependent on us developing awareness of our needs and feelings and thoughts.

Most of us operate in a mode of backwards by design.

We think and therefore we think we are our thoughts with the mass of confusion and judgments and challenges.

We have very little awareness of our true feelings.

We do not know how to express our needs.

And we are not aware, moment to moment, that we are an awakened human, an earth angel, with the power of the flame and Light of God alive and flowing in our hearts.


So how can we act with presence and awakening?

To bring the divine feminine?

Be still and know God, I AM Presence

“Surrender is creating spaces for stillness”

As I came to write this chapter about how to live, how to act, I turned again and again to my own mother, who set for me countless examples of kindness and generosity. Together with my father, she served the Cambodian refugees for many years and received a Queen’s Medal for her service to the community in placing and supporting more than 300 families and their relatives for over 20 years.

Both Yogananda and the Dalai Lama were tremendously fond of their own mothers. The death of his own mother led Yogananda in his search for Divine Mother and the Dalai Lama constantly refers to the world needing the care and affection of mothers for their children in order to understand true compassion.

When God created this universe, there were two aspects which held all energies in balance, the divine masculine and the feminine.

Yogananda also referred to mothers being God as Divine Mother, watching over humanity, through the caring heart of a mother. No matter what a child has done a mother always forgives, and it is with that caring heart that we compassionately interact with all human beings.

How can we do this practically? How can we create spaces for stillness?

Divine Mother does not judge. She looks to our needs.

We can be Divine Mothers for others in a similar way.


A simple example is by looking at our judgements. Through compassion we can translate our judgments into needs and then connections. This is like the deep listening of our Mother Guan Yin. The listening power of deep empathy. Let’s take an example. Most of our agitation in life comes from a need for deeper connection. Lets say someone says something we really don’t like. They might talk about someone else as stupid or impulsive or something else. Our dislike creates a reaction and often we drop into judgment too. Yeah you’re right! Or How could you think that? Now when we feel that energy of judgement which is usually preceded by agitation or discomfort, if we are aware enough we can notice the agitated energy which is a signal we are disconnecting from our compassion. It happens to me quite often, especially when I am driving! However I am getting better at checking in with myself. I want more connection and understanding. In a conversation with someone, rather than dropping into judgement I can focus on my needs for connection and understanding and ask the person why they don’t understand. Recently I had a situation in business where I wanted more inclusion and clarity so I was very direct with the person. When we are aware we can slow the conversation and our own thoughts down, moving towards stillness and let the thoughts ideas and judgments drop away so that clarity insight and inclusion can arise.

This is the power of empathy, the deep listening of Guan Yin and the caring and kindness of Divine Mother.

In the split second we are able to notice our judgements and shift our focus to our needs for connection and clarity, great insight, an AHA, can arise and the whole situation can be transformed and life can be deeply wonderful.

You become the watcher, the witness, the observing presence, the I AM Presence in the Light of Consciousness.

If you can practice this you can bring all your unconscious judgments into the Light of Consciousness. This is the lamp, the portal into presence. Stillness in action.

Try this. Take your focus away from me and into your self, into what is going on inside of yourself right this moment. Ask yourself, what is going on inside of me? Now watch. Don’t try to analyze it, let your attention rest within. Breathe, breathing calmly helps. Feel the energy of the body, the emotions. Become very present. Open yourself to the inner energy field of presence within the body. Be very still. This is the portal of presence, the doorway into being.

Divine Mother’s Presence is this beauty joy and grace of Being. She is the Presence of stillness in your life, the gap of stillness and presence that speaks to us of wisdom. The Buddha called this the Mother of All Buddhas, prajnaparamita, perfect wisdom. If you meditate on the Heart Sutra you begin to understand the stillness of the heart. This is the greatest gift, the Chintamani Stone of meditation. When you meditate the silence speaks to you. Spirit manifests in form as the Divine Mother. That was my experience of Her in the Zen garden, the wind became Her Voice, the petals Her Skin, the light Her Face, the water Her Tears.

So give all your burdens to Divine Mother. Let Her take all your suffering. A baby has complete trust in her Mother. Let the blessing as She reaches out to you bring you closer with every breath.


Let us meditate. Try practicing Kriya Yoga or simple breathing of light up and down the astral spine, followed by yearning for Divine Mother at the third eye followed by stillness and presence.

Close your eyes, think of God, Source, Being and give Divine Mother a call from your soul. You can do this at any time. You are my Mother, my Father my friend, I want to come Home, I want to come back to You. Then see in every face the Mother and in every eye Her eyes and in every breath Her breath. Let the world be transformed in front of your eyes. Visualise and feel that everything that appears around you is a pure buddhafield or christgrid peopled by buddhas and christs, Divine Mothers and deities.

I will leave you with the Dalai Lama’s story. He was the youngest child and as such was doted on and spoilt by his mother. She used to carry him on her shoulders. When he wanted to go somewhere he pulled her ears in the direction he wanted to go. If she didn’t obey he would kick and scream.

Such is the grace of Divine Mother. If we think we know best then she will take us where we will. Only when we learn how to surrender to the Divine Will, found in the spaces in our stillness, will we truly find the path home is as simple as riding on Her shoulders.

“Have you not noticed that love is silence? It may be while holding the hand of another, or looking lovingly at a child, or taking in the beauty of an evening. Love has no past or future, and it is with this extraordinary state of silence.” (Krishnamurti)

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother




We are all Christs.

As souls we were originally with God or Source.

Spirit projects the desire to create an ‘image’ of itself, an individual expression.

Each of us.

The soul becomes manifest and projects this idea or image of the body in causal form.

The idea or image in the mind of God or Source becomes energy or the astral body. The astral body becomes concentrated into the physical body.

Through the spine of light the soul descends into identifying with matter.

This is why Presence and practice of the ascent of the soul up the astral spine through Kriya Yoga or a similar technique is so essential to liberation from the physical body. 

Christ Consciousness is Presence, Self Realization. 

The Christ Consciousness, God or Source Consciousness, or the True Self, is the Divine Within, present and awake. 

Jesus and Mary Magdalene, the Buddha and Guan Yin, realized this divine presence and so spoke to us of the I AM essence and mindfulness in the now, the stillness beyond time and form. 

Timeless presence. 


The second coming of Buddha as Maitreya and the return of the Christ is a transformation in us from time-bound thinking to timeless presence and pure consciousness. 


Thich Nhat Hanh always used a bell to remind us to be present, a call to ourselves to awareness and awakening. 

If you have a small bell or a chime or the sound of one play it now as we begin. 

Notice the silence and stillness and presence that follows as you listen deeply and notice the silence. 

This is the Presence or Christ Consciousness activating in you. 

When thoughts come see them like waves moving on the ocean. 

They are not the ocean. 

They are not the True Self. 

The True Self, the I AM Presence is the One aware of the silence. 

Be still, and know I AM Presence. 

Noticing the silence frees you of thought. 

Feeling the energy body frees you of thought. 

Watching the breath frees you of thought. 

Your senses still perceive, usually the listening, what you hear around you. 

These come and go, merely objects in your consciousness. 

We are most often occupied with the objects, the waves, the thoughts, and rarely with the pure consciousness, the ocean, the space of awareness itself. 

You cannot bind it or claim it. 

The witness or the Christ Consciousness is the I AM Presence that Christ spoke about when he said “Before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58) and when Moses asked God for the Name of God and was told “I AM THAT I AM” (Exodus 3:14). 

There is nowhere you need to go, nothing you need to achieve, the Christ Consciousness or the Buddha Nature Within is already present. 

If you find thoughts come so be it. 

When you accept it you go beyond it. 

That is the power of the Christ Consciousness. 

Acceptance, love. 

Pure acceptance is acceptance of everything. 

Wisdom is knowing I AM nothing 

Love is knowing I AM everything 

Life and thoughts flow as waves between. 

Let them be. 

1) Who is noticing the silence? 

2) Who is watching the breath? 

3) Who is seeing the light?

The I AM Presence.

The Higher Self is the Presence of the Christ Consciousness. 

When we are aware moment to moment of the Presence of the Higher Self we are living in the Presence of Christ Consciousness.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother 



Thanks to a wonderful gathering organized by Gilles Asselin I am going to share a transcript of wisdom we discussed, about the presence of the divine feminine in our lives.

And today in Japan is ‘Tanabata’ the 7th day of the 7th month, known as the Star Festival when the deities and star consciousness of Altair and Vega meet. It is the day when the wish-fulfiling power of your heart is at its mystical best, so wish with wisdom knowing that what you can conceive of will manifest in full.



Let’s talk together about awareness.

This is a dialogue, shared wisdom, a collective experience.

What I am about to share with you is a Chintamani Stone, an Oracle, a Sign, a meditation.

We are all divine beings, Source Messengers, bodhisattvas and earth angels.

So what we share here is a collective wisdom of our divinity.

You have heard it before, you have absorbed it, you know it.

But until you practice it, it is not wisdom.

You can feel it already, this flow of wisdom, because right now we are practicing, in the Shared Heart, together.

The alchemy, the Grail, is that opening and glowing in the Heart.

So rest in that presence.

Surrender and allow space for the silence.

As we listen, deeply, together.

Before we begin let us consider our awareness, here and now in the present.

When we consider it carefully we see that all is not as it seems.

Look around you now at your surroundings.

The chairs and table and space that surrounds you is filled with energy and consciousness. It is alive.

The body you exist in is also filled with that energy and consciousness and information.

You sense that.

Yet you are not the chairs or table, nor are you the body.

We all know at some point in time, our body will cease to exist, just as the chairs and table will.

Yet right now there is a witness, an observer, a divine presence within you that knows.

That you are awake.

It is because you are becoming still.

Be still and know I AM Presence.

We are so conditioned to our body and our surroundings that we believe they are our reality, that they define us.

Yet there is something greater, a power, a knowing within.

You feel it. That is why we are here, gathered together on this planet.

Let us experiment together.


Go into the body now, feel.

Generally speaking it is easier for a woman to feel and be in her body than a man, so she is naturally closer to Being and the Divine Feminine Presence. We all know that many ancient cultures chose female figures like Isis or Guan Yin to represent the formless transcendental reality.

The Tao in the Tao Te Ching is described as the infinite eternally present mother of the universe and Prajnaparamita in the Heart Sutra is described as the Mother of All Buddhas.

Women embody the unmanifested, the Goddess, Divine Mother.

When the mind took over it started to think of Source or God as male and as we see today much of society is male dominated. The God of authority and control is a male projection.

To connect with Being or Source requires surrender, non-judgment, openness and compassion, the divine feminine.

Mind energy runs our planet’s society whereas Being energy is in charge of everything else. However most men and women are still in the grip of their mind, constant thoughts and suffering through the pain body.


So let’s check for divine awareness, for being.

I call it the 7 point check for awakened awareness.

  1. First close your eyes.
  2. Take your attention to the breath.
  3. Breathe and become aware of the in breath as you breathe in and the out breath as you breathe out.
  4. Then become aware of the entire inner field of energy.
  5. Visualize yourself surrounded by light and that you are immersed in this sea of consciousness.
  6. Then breathe in the light. Breathe in the light. Breathe out the light. Feel the light filling up your body. Making it glow. Feel it. Feel the being-ness of this energy field.
  7. Become one with it. Merge with it. Stay in the realm of Pure Being. When you open your eyes look at your surroundings again.

Your awareness has shifted.You are now aware of the formless timeless nameless realm of Being, deep stillness, deep joy. When you surrender like this, you open to the Light within, you allow the Light to enter you, you realize you are not separate from the Light and that it is in fact your very essence.

When I was very young, just after I had the dream of being a Tibetan monk from age 2 to 3 I used to practice breathing in and out the light. I would say it to myself whenever I got ill.

“Breathe in the Light, Breathe out the Light.”

When I did the Kalachakra Tantra with the Dalai Lama this was my experience for 3 days, pure pristine bliss and peace, initiated by a blinding flash of Light from the Divine Feminine Essence of Guan Yin and the Divine Masculine Essence of the Archangel Metatron.


1) Pray to your teacher guide or guru within daily

2) With the help of a qualified teacher or the guru within gain a clear understanding of the best path for you for liberation

3) Make the path the heart of your practice and meditate diligently

4) Meditate on the teacher guide or guru within visualising him or her above the crown of your head with streams of amrita flowing down through the central channel cleansing away all impurities and suffering of body speech heart and mind

5) Meditate on our body as the luminous Light Body of the deity, teacher guide or guru within descending from our crown into the eight petaled lotus of our heart and mingling with the indestructible essence drop in a single taste.

6) After meditation consider visualise and feel that everything that appears is a pure buddhafield or christgrid peopled by buddhas and christs or deities.

7) Use the activities of eating walking sitting and washing the dishes as the Buddha washing Buddha’s bowl considering them as offerings to all for their liberation. Even in bed and going to sleep practice visualising the teacher guide or inner guru in the center of our hearts so that practice becomes a continuous uninterrupted stream of nectar and virtue in everything we do.


When we consider deeply.

We arrive on this planet with pristine pure awareness, divine children.

We arrive with an awareness of the face before we were born, whether it be angelic or master, bodhisattva or Elder, so we have a need to know. To remember.

Needs, feelings, thoughts.

These become critical in our development of awakened awareness.

We have a face at birth.

Depending on our choice of parent our arrival into the physical body can be somewhat of a shock.

So our mother, the one who gives birth to us, opens the energies of the Divine Mother for all of us initially. She meets our need to connect with the divine feminine in form. She meets our need to belong. She reminds us, as the Tibetans and the Dalai Lama says, that we have all been mothers in some life or other, for each other. In that sense we are all each other’s children. We belong to each other.


We all feel this desire to belong. We look for it in various forms, forms we recognize from previous lives or other worlds and dimensions, forms like art or music or dance, or spiritual teachings, healing, businesses that promote wellbeing or connection. Lovers that ignite the flame in our hearts. Children that awaken our joy of being.

So there is this presence of Divine Mother, the divine feminine, awake and in our awareness to varying degrees throughout our life.

I was fortunate to have a Mother Superior guiding me into the heart of Mother Mary from birth and then Guan Yin guiding me into her heart through the manifestation of a pearl from her heart around 20 years ago. After my own mother’s death Guan Yin and Divine Mother guided me into the Light through an experience of the Kalachakra Tantra with the Dalai Lama.

The level to which this awareness of the divine feminine develops is to a large extent dependent on us developing awareness of our needs and feelings and thoughts.

Most of us operate in a mode of backwards by design.

We think and therefore we think we are our thoughts with the mass of confusion and judgments and challenges.

We have very little awareness of our true feelings.

We do not know how to express our needs.

And we are not aware, moment to moment, that we are an awakened human, an earth angel, with the power of the flame and Light of God alive and flowing in our hearts.


So how can we act with presence and awakening?

To bring the divine feminine?

Be still and know God, I AM Presence

“Surrender is creating spaces for stillness”

As I came to write this chapter about how to live, how to act, I turned again and again to my own mother, who set for me countless examples of kindness and generosity. Together with my father, she served the Cambodian refugees for many years and received a Queen’s Medal for her service to the community in placing and supporting more than 300 families and their relatives for over 20 years.

Both Yogananda and the Dalai Lama were tremendously fond of their own mothers. The death of his own mother led Yogananda in his search for Divine Mother and the Dalai Lama constantly refers to the world needing the care and affection of mothers for their children in order to understand true compassion.

When God created this universe, there were two aspects which held all energies in balance, the divine masculine and the feminine.

Yogananda also referred to mothers being God as Divine Mother, watching over humanity, through the caring heart of a mother. No matter what a child has done a mother always forgives, and it is with that caring heart that we compassionately interact with all human beings.

How can we do this practically? How can we create spaces for stillness?

Divine Mother does not judge. She looks to our needs.

We can be Divine Mothers for others in a similar way.


A simple example is by looking at our judgements. Through compassion we can translate our judgments into needs and then connections. This is like the deep listening of our Mother Guan Yin. The listening power of deep empathy. Let’s take an example. Most of our agitation in life comes from a need for deeper connection. Lets say someone says something we really don’t like. They might talk about someone else as stupid or impulsive or something else. Our dislike creates a reaction and often we drop into judgment too. Yeah you’re right! Or How could you think that? Now when we feel that energy of judgement which is usually preceded by agitation or discomfort, if we are aware enough we can notice the agitated energy which is a signal we are disconnecting from our compassion. It happens to me quite often, especially when I am driving! However I am getting better at checking in with myself. I want more connection and understanding. In a conversation with someone, rather than dropping into judgement I can focus on my needs for connection and understanding and ask the person why they don’t understand. Recently I had a situation in business where I wanted more inclusion and clarity so I was very direct with the person. When we are aware we can slow the conversation and our own thoughts down, moving towards stillness and let the thoughts ideas and judgments drop away so that clarity insight and inclusion can arise.

This is the power of empathy, the deep listening of Guan Yin and the caring and kindness of Divine Mother.

In the split second we are able to notice our judgements and shift our focus to our needs for connection and clarity, great insight, an AHA, can arise and the whole situation can be transformed and life can be deeply wonderful.

You become the watcher, the witness, the observing presence, the I AM Presence in the Light of Consciousness.

If you can practice this you can bring all your unconscious judgments into the Light of Consciousness. This is the lamp, the portal into presence. Stillness in action.

Try this. Take your focus away from me and into your self, into what is going on inside of yourself right this moment. Ask yourself, what is going on inside of me? Now watch. Don’t try to analyze it, let your attention rest within. Breathe, breathing calmly helps. Feel the energy of the body, the emotions. Become very present. Open yourself to the inner energy field of presence within the body. Be very still. This is the portal of presence, the doorway into being.

Divine Mother’s Presence is this beauty joy and grace of Being. She is the Presence of stillness in your life, the gap of stillness and presence that speaks to us of wisdom. The Buddha called this the Mother of All Buddhas, prajnaparamita, perfect wisdom. If you meditate on the Heart Sutra you begin to understand the stillness of the heart. This is the greatest gift, the Chintamani Stone of meditation. When you meditate the silence speaks to you. Spirit manifests in form as the Divine Mother. That was my experience of Her in the Zen garden, the wind became Her Voice, the petals Her Skin, the light Her Face, the water Her Tears.

So give all your burdens to Divine Mother. Let Her take all your suffering. A baby has complete trust in her Mother. Let the blessing as She reaches out to you bring you closer with every breath.


Let us meditate. Try practicing Kriya Yoga or simple breathing of light up and down the astral spine, followed by yearning for Divine Mother at the third eye followed by stillness and presence.

Close your eyes, think of God, Source, Being and give Divine Mother a call from your soul. You can do this at any time. You are my Mother, my Father my friend, I want to come Home, I want to come back to You. Then see in every face the Mother and in every eye Her eyes and in every breath Her breath. Let the world be transformed in front of your eyes. Visualise and feel that everything that appears around you is a pure buddhafield or christgrid peopled by buddhas and christs, Divine Mothers and deities.

I will leave you with the Dalai Lama’s story. He was the youngest child and as such was doted on and spoilt by his mother. She used to carry him on her shoulders. When he wanted to go somewhere he pulled her ears in the direction he wanted to go. If she didn’t obey he would kick and scream.

Such is the grace of Divine Mother. If we think we know best then she will take us where we will. Only when we learn how to surrender to the Divine Will, found in the spaces in our stillness, will we truly find the path home is as simple as riding on Her shoulders.

“Have you not noticed that love is silence? It may be while holding the hand of another, or looking lovingly at a child, or taking in the beauty of an evening. Love has no past or future, and it is with this extraordinary state of silence.” (Krishnamurti)

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother




“We need no wings to go in search of God, but have only to find a place where we can be alone and still and look upon God present within us”

(St. Teresa of Avila)

After the yoga of dreams and visions I was guided by the yoga of meditation.

When we consider the great gifts for the return home that we have been given in this precious life as human beings, one of the greatest is meditation.

Think of it this way.

How can we describe the path to the Kingdom of God Within, which we can reach through stillness in meditation?

It is like a grain of mustard seed, this silence and stillness, which we all have access to, every moment, and which we can sow through deep presence in the field of our heart.

It is smaller than all the other seeds we sow on earth, such as desire for wealth or fame, yet it can touch the immeasurable.

It becomes greater than all the gold and jewels in the world and becomes a tree of life, for its branches spread with love and kindness and compassion to remind us of the bodhisattvas, angels and masters within, that we all are.

As divine light beings we are an integral part of the cosmos and God’s plan, and yet when we arrive on earth in a physical body it can be a strange adjustment. We can feel out of place, lonely and unaccustomed to the new elements and feelings, the fears that arise and the separation.

Yet in all this, deep inside our sacred heart we know a divine truth.

We have been given a secret.

A simple one, to guide our path of pathlessness.

“Be still and know God within.” (Psalm 46:10)

We are composed of consciousness and life force, which flow through the spine and nerves and can be directed outwardly or inwardly. 

  When our attention, which acts as the conductor of both consciousness and life force, is directed outwards, we find our powers are concentrated on the external world and matter. 

  When our attention is focused inwards on the point of divine perception at the Ajna chakra or space between the eyebrows, our powers are concentrated on the spiritual eye and the inner realms of divine consciousness. 

 We have studied with many Masters of Meditation, Jesus and the Buddha, Mary Magdalene and Guan Yin, Yogananda and the Dalai Lama and many others. 

 With deep devotion it is not necessary to have the Master in the flesh. Just as our current age has progressed technologically into physical communication methods that allow us to reach across the world with the internet, so the souls incarnating are sufficiently advanced in esoteric communication methods to navigate the Christ Grids and Buddha Fields to receive initiations and activations and transmissions that we are attuned to. 

 The Dalai Lama, for example, has assured pilgrims in the past that they will still receive their Kalachakra empowerment through the power of their faith, prayers and devotion. “Distance cannot dampen the sacred ties between a lama and a disciple. You can all pray from the far-flung areas in Tibet and I assure you that you will receive the Kalachakra empowerment,” he was quoted as having told them. “From the Kalachakra ground, I will keep the Tibetans inside Tibet in my deepest prayers.”

Kalachakra, or the Wheel of Time empowerment, prepares devotees to be reborn in Shambhala, a celestial kingdom which will vanquish the forces of evil in a future cosmic battle.

Just as the Dalai Lama said it is by the power of faith, prayers and devotion that we receive empowerment, in the same way Yogananda said, by the right method of devotion and meditation we open the gates of Heaven. When we are focused and still and the breath and mind are calm, a light begins to form at the third eye area. This light becomes the spiritual eye with deep concentration.  Like any doorway, the spiritual eye, once we learn how to open it and enter it, allows us to surrender the consciousness into worlds of other dimensions. It is through this light, the gold light that we perceive the Holy Spirit, the blue light of the Christ Consciousness that we perceive the angels and saints, deities and Masters, and the white light that we enter cosmic consciousness and ascend to God the Father and Mother. 

Love and blessings

Altair and Mother



Diary of a Yogi Saturday 18th November

This week has been an extraordinarily fulfilling week of unfolding compassion, windows into other realms, arising of the Light in the form of the Original Pure Primordial Mother and the gift of the wish-fulfilling jewel.

It is by the blazing light of the Sun of Great Compassion from the Hand of the Father and the Heart of the Mother, without whom I do nothing, that All is accomplished around me.

The clearing of distorted vision, the realization of the ground, the path and the fruit of perfect enlightenment, All naturally occurs in the Heart of Our Mother.

Let us consider what is happening to us all gathered here, sharing as we do in a Divine Sangha or Community, opening Our Hearts to the Teaching of the One Shared Heart.

We are beginning to know the profound awareness that is within us All, the spontaneous I AM Presence or the Buddha, God-Self, the Immaculate Christ Light.

Let us consider how we might explore the ground, the path, the fruit of this awareness and what this means in our path of pathlessness.


We have been exploring for some time the Portals of Presence, those natural energy fields that exist in the realms of Pure Being, that we easily access when we use the Sacred Breath to be silent and still.

“Breathing in I am aware of the inner Light and Love, breathing out I am aware of the inner Light and Love.”

We don’t need to think it or see it, feeling it is the key.

That way all that is left is presence and being, which is nameless, timeless and boundary-less.

As we surrender and let go into Presence we lose all distinction between the outer world and the inner world.

We simply are.

I AM Presence.

Read that again carefully…I am presence…yes you are that divine presence and you have simple access to this infinite field of information and energy and consciousness…the I AM presence, which is nameless, formless and timeless and holds the infinite potential of the stars and all universes because it is composed of the same One Light as the stars.

The Source, the Unmanifest, the Pure Light of Being, the God-Self, the Christ Consciousness is that Light and when you are still and silent and present you open yourself to this ever-present consciousness of being and allow the Light to enter.

It is not separate from you, it is in fact your very essence.

The Way the Truth and the Light, that is who I AM.

This is the Ground.

The Ground of being and pure consciousness, the ground where we and Guru Rinpoche and Guan Yin and Yeshua are inseparable, where the True Self is realized, because it is self-arisen wisdom, with no movement of thought.

This is the true inner GURU found in the silence and stillness of the True Self.


Every day I come across so many souls struggling.

Deep magical souls who struggle with the delusions of this existence, who find the coarse energies of this planet difficult and discover that many souls incarnating here to find the Light pull them from their path of pathlessness because of ignorance.

There are some days they may fall into deep despair and loneliness.

The struggle can seem too much of a burden in isolation.

However there are many of us here who know deeply the path of the Lotus and can help nurture and water the Heart Flower for everyone.

The Lotus in full flower allows us to be present with deep compassion for many others and hold their struggles in our heart as our own.

Then we can offer them a petal of the lotus to open their path to deep presence, the inner Guru.

The Sacred Heart within us all is so very precious you see and so open and willing to embrace its true nature through taking time to be still and breathe.

This flowering of the Lotus could be as simple as working with the stillness within you and keeping it present throughout your day so that you do not give 100% of your energy and consciousness to the outside world but keep some of it within.

You may chant silently a simple mantra like I AM PEACE or I AM OM throughout your day or OM MANI PADME HUM or simply OM OM to help remind you of the primordial sound and light that you truly are.



(pronounced “Om Ah Hung Benza Guru Pema Siddhi Hung”)

Then you can be conscious of Source throughout your day.

You become a bridge between God within and the world without.

Within this space of presence inside you all thoughts and actions are purified and the path is free of struggle so that the fruits of the path are also present NOW like a lotus in full flower.

This is the spontaneous Presence of silence and stillness.

This is the path of PADMA or lotus.


Fruits or signs of realization appear as we walk with more certainty on the path through our waking life, in meditation and in dreams.

As I work more deeply, for example, with prayer, mantra and meditation, silence, stillness and presence, Signs of Arising such as deep unshakeable peace, windows into other worlds and Pure Realms, spontaneous healing, deep transference of joy and liberation to those who are suffering arise from the Mother of All and enlightenment occurs naturally.

En-LIGHT-enment does in fact fill you with Light.

“If your vision is clear, your whole body will be full of Light.” (Matthew 6:22)

Thankfully these extraordinary insights were left so clearly in the Great Books and Terma to guide us.

It states so very clearly that the fruit of our path is the Light, that the fruit manifests within us as our Light Body and the way Home is simply to practice clear vision.

Clarity of vision in all sacred texts comes through silence, stillness, prayer and meditation, through calmness from mindfulness and heartfulness, since it is when we have peace within, that love and compassion for all things manifests and from that ground clear vision or clear insight comes.

The fruit of the path is not something that occurs “later” or at some time in the future as a result of our practice.

In the ultimate expanse of pure being, which is self-arisen and comes from spontaneous presence, the primordial wisdom of self-awareness is clear and manifest NOW.

This is SIDDHI or accomplishment of Being.


Try it, now, simply by bringing your attention and awareness to the breath.

Know that you are breathing.

“Breathing in I am aware of the inner Light and Love, breathing out I am aware of the inner Light and Love.”

Feel that you are breathing.

“Breathing in I FEEL the inner Light and Love, breathing out I FEEL the inner Light and Love.”

Many people ask me how to go about their day keeping their attention on the stillness within while being aware of the world without.

Here is a secret.

Spend space and time within in the heart of the child.

“Truly I tell you, become like little children to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 18: 3)

Try it now.

Imagine you are 8 years old, with all the delight and freshness of seeing this world anew.

You have your whole life in front of you and you have just arrived in the room or place where you are now, reading this.

Start to stretch time and space as you breathe in the heart of your inner child.

Breathe slowly and move in slow motion as you look around.

Pick up something near you very slowly.

Look at your hands as they pick it up as if they are the petals of a lotus, new and flowering.

Breathe in a new way, slowly, long deep breaths, breathing into your lower abdomen. Look at your abdomen expanding and contracting slowly as if it is the first time you have seen it move like this.

Become aware of the light and love that is flooding your body.

Feel it.

Imagine the Light is moving through your body like a wave, entering you from the ocean of light that surrounds you, breathing it in, filling up your body, making it radiant, luminous and bright.

Your whole body is full of Light.

The Alchemy of the Light.

This self-arisen primordial love, light and wisdom, which is the True Self, is the ground, path and fruit, and these three are not different in nature.

They are One.

One Light.

One Love.

Guided by the Hand of the Father and the Heart of the Mother.

These are perceived directly, which is the experience of the Pure Light of Being and is HUM in the mantra of Guru Rinpoche who is the Buddha.


This is the great accomplishment phase of our practice.

To know the Light of the blazing Sun of Great Compassion in every moment.

To know the Great Perfection of Being in the Now.

To know or realize the God-Self within.


All the great saints and sages, Masters, gurus and angels speak with the same One Heart.

Pray single-mindedly with faith and devotion to the enlightened form of the Christs, Buddhas, Krishnas and Divine Mothers within you. 

Obtain the empowerment of immortality through the sacred breath you breathe.

Liberate from birth and death through mindful heartful practice, breathing, breathing, walking, walking.

When you speak, speak with Presence and share your personal story of the Radiant Self by being a shining example of compassion and love to All.

Make enlightened connections in this world and all worlds through the Divine Romance and the Secret Mantra.

We will become endowed with the noble enlightened qualities of the Christs, Buddhas, Krishnas and Divine Mothers.

We will be led to the realm of the Pure Light of Being.

We will mingle indivisibly in the space, the Ocean of the Great Mother.

This is the ground, the path and the fruit.

We carry this sacred flame of enlightenment, the miracle of the inner fire of bliss, within us.

Let it shine.

This is the mantra of the Heart Sutra, the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Sutra of the Blessed Mother.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in the miracle of the fire and bliss of Divine Love and the Secret Mantra and the Light within you.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother