Tag Archives: universal



Love and blessings from the Source.

As each of you sits there, listening to me, reading these words, you perceive that we are separate.

That is what our brains are hard-wired to do.

Through years of evolution our brains have developed physiologically to be in fight or flight mode.


So we don’t experience the universe as it is.

Within us, is the cosmos.

Within each of us, sitting here, is the God-Self, the deeper “I”, which connects to the universe as it is.

When we are still.

A universal connector as it were.

That universal connector within us, that universal gate is the consciousness of the goddess Guan Yin Avalaokiteshvara.

The Universal Gate.

Quantum physics calls this the gate of quantum entanglement or as Einstein said “spooky action at a distance.”

Because we all know the lightness of being that comes when we are in love.

It works at a distance.

The Universal Gate activates.

When I met my wife, Sumire, we were traveling together to an isolated beach in New Zealand called Whale Beach. This story is in my new book ‘Diary of a Yogi – A Book of Awakening’ coming out in October. As we reached an old farm gate and started to climb over we were both transported to the realm of pure consciousness and cosmic awareness and we could feel it moving in and through us.


Connecting us to the universe as it is.

Even when we are not close we know what the other person is doing or feeling when we are in love.

Like quantum physics, we are entangled, in love.

The Universal Gate of Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara Consciousness is not outside you.

She is within you, alive and speaking through me and through you in everything we do, when we are present, and experiencing the universe as it is.

When I met the Dalai Lama, personally, on several occasions, and asked him how to practice the consciousness of Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara he always says study, study Her Way, then practice, practice being a Divine Mother for the world with the affection of a mother for a child.

Then he said to teach 10 people and ask them to teach 10 more people the path of compassion of Guan Yin.

Why compassion?

The Buddha said “Have compassion for all beings.”

This puts us directly in touch with the power of the Universal Gate, to be present for every person we come across on our path.

Jesus said “Love your neighbor.”

The power of love to touch the hearts of every person in our day.

How are we to practice?

The Dalai Lama guided me to follow Guan Yin’s own words as spoken in the Heart Sutra or Prajnaparamitahrihdaya

Tadyatha gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha

Tadyatha – Prepare – pause, breathe, stop, listen deeply, establish presence

Gate Gate – Foundation – generosity, teaching (interconnectedness), patience of inclusiveness, effort, meditation, samadhi or wisdom and bliss

Paragate – Meditation

Parasamgate – Insight

Bodhi Svaha – Go beyond

The Universal Gate is

1 gate, 2 gates, 3 gates, 4 gates and the 5th is beyond the gate.

What is the deeper meaning?

Simply, to stay in connection with the universe, when you walk, walk.

Remember to pause and breathe throughout your day.

Stop, listen deeply to the universe flowing around you and within you.

Practice presence moment to moment through activating portals of presence.

Use the breath, breathing in breathing out.

When your mind is disengaged from its usual mindless or obsessive behavior it connects to presence, the deeper “I AM” or Source.

Use the energy body, breathing in the light, breathing out the light, feeling the ocean of light within and expanding it to feel the ocean of light that surrounds you.

As you practice deep listening and seeing, see the mind and its thoughts as merely waves on that ocean of light. The deep of the ocean is the deeper “I” or “I AM Presence”. Then day to day, though you may not notice anything, the cup, the Chalice or the Grail gets fuller, until one day the consciousness of the cosmos speaks to you and through you, because now it has filled up the cup of the heart within you, and lets you know you are home.

Some time ago I was practicing in a mindfulness group and was very very still.

For a long time.

In that presence the Dragon’s Daughter Long Nu, acolyte of Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara arose in light body form, as clear and real as you are to me when I meet you in the physical world, and she held out a pearl to me, the Chintamani Stone, which many of you know I received from the Heart of Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara as a real rare deep sea ocean pearl in this lifetime. In the Lotus Sutra, Manjushri speaks of Her as the eight-year-old daughter of the Dragon or Naga King Sagara. As she is only eight some of the Buddha’s disciples do not believe she is a Buddha. She offers a pearl to the Buddha, symbolizing her life and ego, and he accepts it. She then instantly transforms into a bodhisattva and then attains complete enlightenment. When I received the pearl from her I understood her message as I had just offered my own pearl that I had received from Guan Yin Avalokiteshvara and had used for years in healing work to a woman who was dying and needed it more than me. For me, that woman was Guan Yin Buddha and I could offer my self and all the blessings I had accumulated for her complete enlightenment.

When you do the Babaji Breath, breathing the light of AWE up your astral spine or spine of light and breathing the light of E-ternity down the spine, you are deep in presence and awareness and breathing a cosmic current around the interior stars of the chakras, connecting one to all and activating the power of the One Chakra.

You literally breathe into existence the consciousness of the cosmos within you.

The Light of the Cosmos Within.

I was contemplating the Light of the Cosmos within us as I was editing the ‘Diary of a Yogi’ today.

I have had some real AHA moments while writing and contemplating the book and entering the portals of Presence that such a book’s words create. Like all portals, words create shifts in us, and the book’s main purpose is to create a shift in consciousness, to awaken us. That is why I say that all who read ‘Diary of a Yogi’ are awakeners. 

  Like the Chintamani Stone, the Lotus Flower, the Phoenix and the Dragon, which are all portals of Presence, making us more transparent to the light of consciousness within us, an inner transformation that is radical and profound is the state of consciousness of an awakener. As you shift, others around you feel the shift, and awaken spiritually too. 

  When we are alert, still and silent and present with the words, when we contemplate them deeply in our heart, our own divine life essence, the consciousness that exists in every being, awakens from its sleep, and love blossoms. We see that same divine consciousness in all living things and we love it as our own, as one, as the One Shared Heart. 

We see that divine consciousness in Guan Yin.

We love her as our own, as one with us, in the One Shared Heart.

Be Guan Yin.

Be love and compassion.

Be the Light of the Source.

Love and blessings always

Altair and Mother



This week I have been feeling very sensitive, vulnerable and extraordinarily tender.

I have been listening deeply to the sounds of the world, and like Our Mother of Compassion Avalokiteshvara/Chenrezig/Kannon-sama/Guan Yin who also embodies the same love and compassion of Mother Mary, I have become a universal gate and my heart has been aching as I opened to all kinds of situations of suffering.

I contemplated deeply the energies of our world, how everyone I meet is a Buddha or Guan Yin, a Christ or Mary Magdalene and how simple it is to see that, yet so often when our heart is less than open and our mind full of distractions, we throw up all sorts of reasons not to hear the sounds of the world, where no matter what the situation, love is the answer.

When you consider what is happening to us here and now we are taking on many of the qualities of Guan Yin or Mother Mary in our current evolution and incarnation.

The beautiful name of Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin Bodhisattva means a universal door, a universal portal, that can respond to the needs of any being and any circumstance, covering all ground, time and space.

Now, with the reach and capabilities of the internet and technology, used with wisdom, we are capable of reaching out and touching more people in beneficial ways, in even the remotest places, than ever before.

We are able to transcend certain aspects of time and space in this supreme action, to benefit other sentient beings and help them awaken.

I met with a wonderful friend Ranga Premaratna this week who always reminds me of what it must be like to meet the Buddha.

He is a Master Healer, a divine alchemist, like Tareth and he is the lineage-holder of Reiki Jin Kei Do.

We could meet and reach out and help each other in the physical as well as online tonight.

We could be a universal gate for each other.

The Universal Gate is all about us looking deeply into the ultimate nature of reality (which I will explore with you in the next post ’ The Lotus Born Bliss Drop In The Unsurpassable Secret Mantra’) and attaining the insight that liberates us from all suffering.

It is more often than not, simple love and kindness.

Being present and there when another human being needs you.

Saying “I am really here for you.”

When you consider what we can pass on to others, here and now, by being present for their needs through this medium we call the internet, we are tapping in to divine communication when used correctly.

It allows us to be explore the past present and future together through codes and Terma, Thangka and yantra, mantra and Light Language.

We open portals for others with a frequency and a reach far beyond what was possible even 20 years ago.

Activations, transmissions and empowerments are available for those with pure intention and deep devotion, and the energy, consciousness and information that is flowing along these pathways is mirrored in so many other areas.

The awareness of the need for unity consciousness is fueling movements in education like maker empowerment for example and in physics like the Grand Unification Theory.

We, like Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin are beginning to understand the many different expressions of living beings, and like a mother with the affection for a child, hear the vibration of the sound, the sound of the world, and help awaken all beings we come in touch with to their True Self, the Buddha or Christ Nature within.

We rest in the three states, where all external and internal appearances are equal and unwavering, so even adversities arise as friends, where the body rests without searching or chasing things to do, so no deluded thoughts arise and the mind is still mounted on the wind dragon (sacred breath) so thoughts cannot arise.

Then our environment arises as a Pure Land, our body dissolves into Light and our thoughts naturally come to a halt.

We become certain of the Path.

We know that visions and experiences are important, but far more important right now is awakening all beings to their True Self.

If we try to “liberate” others ourself we get caught in the chain of suffering. When we remember to allow the Hand of Our Father and the Heart of Our Mother of Compassion to take charge All is fulfilled in an instant.

I sometimes fail to remember and then for a day or so get caught in an individual or groups suffering.

I am learning all the time.

I offer help and then get out of the way.

Allow Her to take charge by connecting All I meet deeply to Her Heart.

For example I am speaking to many people right now who all want guidance in their path or healing.

If I ask just the right questions and listen to another person’s energies and heart closely enough, be still and then allow the Light to enter us both and allow others to see it for themselves, the Mother of Compassion will help all of us through Grace hit an ‘Aha’ moment where all the answers to our questions open up for us, we get re-empowered and can step out on our path again with confidence.

We all see that through the practice of stopping (shamatha) and looking deeply (vipassana) we attain freedom from suffering, and that in that stillness of being we can reach out to others to help them to concentrate, be calm and stop to feel their infinite Self and look deeply into whatever is arising right now.


The power of being.



This is the mantra of the Heart Sutra, the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Sutra of the Blessed Mother.

Love and compassion.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in the miracle of the fire and bliss of Divine Love and Compassion and light the Light within you.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother