Tag Archives: Christ Consciousness




We are all Christs.

As souls we were originally with God or Source.

Spirit projects the desire to create an ‘image’ of itself, an individual expression.

Each of us.

The soul becomes manifest and projects this idea or image of the body in causal form.

The idea or image in the mind of God or Source becomes energy or the astral body. The astral body becomes concentrated into the physical body.

Through the spine of light the soul descends into identifying with matter.

This is why Presence and practice of the ascent of the soul up the astral spine through Kriya Yoga or a similar technique is so essential to liberation from the physical body. 

Christ Consciousness is Presence, Self Realization. 

The Christ Consciousness, God or Source Consciousness, or the True Self, is the Divine Within, present and awake. 

Jesus and Mary Magdalene, the Buddha and Guan Yin, realized this divine presence and so spoke to us of the I AM essence and mindfulness in the now, the stillness beyond time and form. 

Timeless presence. 


The second coming of Buddha as Maitreya and the return of the Christ is a transformation in us from time-bound thinking to timeless presence and pure consciousness. 


Thich Nhat Hanh always used a bell to remind us to be present, a call to ourselves to awareness and awakening. 

If you have a small bell or a chime or the sound of one play it now as we begin. 

Notice the silence and stillness and presence that follows as you listen deeply and notice the silence. 

This is the Presence or Christ Consciousness activating in you. 

When thoughts come see them like waves moving on the ocean. 

They are not the ocean. 

They are not the True Self. 

The True Self, the I AM Presence is the One aware of the silence. 

Be still, and know I AM Presence. 

Noticing the silence frees you of thought. 

Feeling the energy body frees you of thought. 

Watching the breath frees you of thought. 

Your senses still perceive, usually the listening, what you hear around you. 

These come and go, merely objects in your consciousness. 

We are most often occupied with the objects, the waves, the thoughts, and rarely with the pure consciousness, the ocean, the space of awareness itself. 

You cannot bind it or claim it. 

The witness or the Christ Consciousness is the I AM Presence that Christ spoke about when he said “Before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58) and when Moses asked God for the Name of God and was told “I AM THAT I AM” (Exodus 3:14). 

There is nowhere you need to go, nothing you need to achieve, the Christ Consciousness or the Buddha Nature Within is already present. 

If you find thoughts come so be it. 

When you accept it you go beyond it. 

That is the power of the Christ Consciousness. 

Acceptance, love. 

Pure acceptance is acceptance of everything. 

Wisdom is knowing I AM nothing 

Love is knowing I AM everything 

Life and thoughts flow as waves between. 

Let them be. 

1) Who is noticing the silence? 

2) Who is watching the breath? 

3) Who is seeing the light?

The I AM Presence.

The Higher Self is the Presence of the Christ Consciousness. 

When we are aware moment to moment of the Presence of the Higher Self we are living in the Presence of Christ Consciousness.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother