This is my experience, humbly shared in the interest of Wisdom with you.

To touch the Light of God in our hearts is simply reaching out to our self with Love and Kindness and embracing all that we are. 

The One Shared Heart has many forms to guide us there, with some more suitable for us than others, just as the sun’s rays find different spots on Mother Gaia’s body to shine, each of them just as beautiful and filled with wonder. 

We often begin with inspiration driven by love and passion for something or someone.

It ignites our inner fire. 

The fire is the Light activating.

The signs and synchronicities are ways of the Light and our Light Body “illuminating” our path by going into our future and making sure we wouldn’t miss the important relationships.

Because in the ultimate continuum there is no past present or future.

We have done all this before and we have fulfilled all the conditions already for awakening in our future.

We just need to remember.

An opening or awakening of the heart begins and a desire for Union (yoga, Tantra, Alchemy) with someone or something arises. 

We see the path unfold in front of us and a variety of Union Paths or yogas are revealed.  

These yogas could include Deity, Emptiness, Kriya, Inner Fire, Illusory Body, Clear Light, Consciousness Transference, Transfer Into Other Bodies, Dream, Divine Consort and Intermediate State or Bardo Yoga (which is the direct perception of reality that occurs between death and rebirth). 

Fundamentally most of us follow similar practices to these in our paths of pathlessness. 

We prepare the mind and heart with initial practices like mindfulness and heartfulness of the Sacred Breath. 

“Breathing in I am aware I am breathing in Love, breathing out I am aware I am breathing out Love”

Which simplifies to “Breathing in, Love, Breathing out, Love”

We receive initiation in some manner from a physical guru or teacher or our own inner guru or God within or without. 

This enables us to purify negativities and enter a mandala or realm of protection with our Light Family. 

Many realizations awaken at this point.

Visions arise, elements dissolve within, winds activated by the sacred breath are absorbed into the central channel or sushumna in our spine of Light and healing manifests in ourselves and others. 

The Inspiration of the Inner Light fills our Being and we receive many initiations and guidance from the teachers within or without. 

We begin to transform death from awareness of the present, or Presence and we gain insights into our many births and arise as a divine being, a Christ, Divine Mother or Buddha. 

We see the true nature of the body/mind and their value to our practice in this incarnation as a human being. 

We awaken the Diamond Body, practice keeping this human body healthy, merge the channels and chakras into the One Chakra and manifest Light Language, Blissful Syllables and Light Mandalas within the One Chakra to help liberate others. 

These are interdimensional pathways that allow us to walk between worlds and draw upon our many modes of existence without grasping or attachment. 

The Sacred Breath or God Breath through Presence and Divine Magnetism attracts Great Beings to breathe within us as we begin to invite All the Buddhas and Wisdom Mothers within us. 

The Inner Fire liberates us into the Mother and Child of Clear Light, the Pure Light of Being, the Holy Spirit, as we realize that everything that happens to us “good” or “bad” is merely our perception, is our co-creation, is the same One Essence, and that we are simultaneously birthing Great Bliss and Divine Wisdom from this Emptiness, non attachment and surrender. 

We become and realize I Am that I Am (אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה, ehyeh ašer ehyeh) Vajradhara, the Diamond Consciousness, I AM Presence, Pure Love Incarnate. 


My practice these days is very simple.

I see each living being I meet as the Buddha or Divine Mother, each step I take is on a Lotus Mandala of Light, each breath is a sacred breath of enlightenment in the Heart of One.

There is a certain “pace”, a rhythm or frequency your Light Body and physical body interact with in this dimension on earth, that you need to walk and breathe in, so as to be fully aware of all the Buddhas you meet and all the Lotus Fields and Pure Lands you walk in.

See if you can find it.

Thich Nhat Hanh speaks about this as the “universal gate” or the “universal door”. Where the actions of an enlightened being, an Avalokiteshvara/Guan Yin, can respond to the needs of any being and any circumstance, can cover all ground, all time and space.

To enter this gate and alleviate suffering requires Presence.

Presence requires being totally present in the now, slowing down to your natural, divine pace, free from the distractions around you, able to look deeply and attain the insight to free yourself and all others around you.

You do that when you can really hear the sounds of the world, can see the Buddhas, and walk on its Lotus Fields.

For example, mine is the exact speed of the Heart Sutra chanted by the Dalai Lama.

As I write this, in this very instant, the Dalai Lama, who has just started streaming live, appeared on my desktop in confirmation, teaching Tsongkhapa’s “Concise Stages of the Path to Enlightenment”.

A Sign on the Path.

When I walk I chant, breathe, see and liberate. 

We carry the sacred flame of enlightenment, the inner fire of bliss, within us.

Let it shine.

This is the mantra of the Heart Sutra, the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Sutra of the Blessed Mother.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in the fire and bliss of Divine Love and Light.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother


  1. Deva Celeste

    Lovely as always the sharings of Altair are. Thankfullness lives in my heart and the Eternal Fire within is alive. I am very blessed to be reminded and inspired by Altair. Love always in the One Shared Heart ♥


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