Tag Archives: Light

The Breath inside the breath, the Heart inside the heart

Guan Yin Blue Light

I dreamed a group of us were opening physical light portals in the earth.

We did this by a group of us going to a Sacred Place, co-creating the intention and then working together.

We did this using the breath.

As we breathed, we breathed the Light WITHIN the breath into the crystal we held which was touching the earth.

This opened gateways or ‘terma’ in Tibetan which had previously been alchemically sealed by the Elders.

We said the following invocation in Light Language, fully understanding and SEEING it unfold.

“The Breath inside the breath

The Word inside the word

The Light inside the light”

As we said this, where we knelt, connecting our crystal to the earth, a portal opened, a circular mandala around us, with 10 symbols glowing.

With each breath, we breathed the Light into the symbols one by one in a clockwise rotation, until like a key unlocking a lock, the portal opened and the Light was allowed to enter and emerge as ONE.

The dream was very clear. 

When I awoke, about 1am, I wrote these words.

What is God, Source, Love?

The Breath inside the breath

The Word inside the word

The Light inside the light

The World inside the world.

The Sound inside the sound.

The Heart inside the heart.

In the body IS the Body of Christ

For the breath became the word and the word was made flesh (body)

Breath Word Light Body

I then went back to sleep and into the dream again. We were all standing, speaking quietly, BEING with the Work we had done.

Love and Light always

Altair and Mother

Light Families – They are IN us, Birthing IN us with the new energies

Babaji Etheric

Diary Monday August 1st, Tuesday August 2nd and Wednesday August 3rd


Dear Zilla and Tareth

I dedicate these moments to you, Love Goddess, Old One, Beloved of Arthur,

and Thoth, Merlin, Source Messenger

I sat and read through your notes last night.

It was so easy to tune into the Light Family.

The meditation was sublime.

I could slip into the earth with the greatest of ease.

Like I belonged there.

Then I sat still to work with the alchemical symbols.

Suddenly there was a pink-diamond iridescent flash in the room with my eyes open.

I was taken aback.

I sat still again absorbing the energies and felt Maitreya, Metatron, Guan Yin, Krishna, Babaji, Yogananda, Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.

We ARE our light families.

They are in us.

Birthing in us with the new energies.

More and more clearly and deeply.

The alchemical mandala opens the portal of the divine self.

There are four of them.

They open the Buddha, the Christ, Krishna and Thoth consciousness.

I was taken to Blue Dragon Mountain.

There was lightning.

And the portal opened.

Then I fell asleep.

There were dreams of lightning.

When I woke around 4am my wife Sumire and baby Maia and I were in the middle of the biggest lightning storm in our area’s recorded history.

It was so powerful the house shook and the power blacked out.

Then the lightning came down AROUND the house.

Sumire was frightened.

I told her how I had followed carefully earlier on that night your instructions for initiations of the symbols and how Tareth was connected to this.

I have tears as I write as the experience was so powerful.

I have never seen, heard or experienced anything like it.

We fell asleep in the Light.

So it was still raining torrential rain when I woke up again.

When that happens I take the car to work.

Sumire said “You’ll take the car right?”

“No I said, “I will ride my bike”.

When I stepped outside it was still raining.

When I got on the bike the sun came out and a mighty rainbow appeared in the sky.

When I reached the train station it started raining again.

As I write these words there are storm clouds all around but the sun is peeking through shining directly onto us, me and you, and us all.

All that day and the next day and NOW, Maitreya has arisen in me and is guiding me.

To The Ten Alchemical Symbols of Ancient Tibet and the corresponding Ten symbols of Ancient Egypt.

To The Sacred Ten Paths (Bhumi) of the Bodhisattva and Thoth’s Ten Sacred Keys to Life.

Opening the Portal to the Old Ways of the Divine Self.

Vajrasattva, the Lightning Bolt of Diamond Consciousness, the Eye of Horus.

Kalachakra, the Buddhas of Primordial Being, the Elders.

Maitreya, the Clear Light of Being, Yeshua, the Light of the World.

WE are the Light of the World.

WE are the Miracle.

Thank you dearest Zilla, Sentia, Old One, Love Goddess, ONE with the Blue Light of the Sacred Heart.

You may be fascinated to know dear Zilla that The Paths, ‘Bhumi’ of which there are ten, is also the name of the Hindu Goddess of the Earth and the elemental power of earth.

Just as Tareth always says “”Unless we have a strong link with the rhythms of nature and the Earth, we cannot proceed spiritually”.

The 8th Sacred Key and symbol of Thoth, for example, is called ‘The Astrology of The Light Family’ and is in fact connected to the ancient Egyptian deities called Ogdoad, who, like the primordial Buddhas are the primordial deities, male and female, with great alchemical symbolism and elemental power, being water like Nu and Naunet, air like Amun and Amaunet, darkness like Kuk and Kauket and infinity like Huh and Hauhet.

The deities, Your Light Family, all merged and arising in you, represent the True Self through the union of opposites, the oneness within and the multidimensional soul.

Alchemically, an experience of the Light Families is always WITHIN and, Thoth, who brings the gift of life, (a cosmic egg laid by an Ibis) in the form of Ra, the Sun, (enlightenment) reveals enlightenment IN YOU through the Sacred Heart experience of a BLUE LOTUS or BLUE LIGHT.

The 8th Bhumi of the Bodhisattva, is known as the Immovable, Free of Signs (as represented by the 12 astrological signs) because there is complete understanding of the Astrological influences of the signs and thus you are “not moved by the signs”.

You empty yourself of all signs to allow the Light to move in and through you.

Your mind and heart are completely absorbed in the wisdom and love of the Light Families that have arisen in you in the form of the primordial Buddhas.

The teachings that came through the Egyptian culture and its links with the Christian religion are so important as are the teachings that came through the Tibetan culture and its links with Buddhist religion.

They both have their origins in the same simple truth.

Spiritual guidance for the planet.

We are all excited about the same thing.

Bringing something new.

That draws upon ancient disciplines across time.

Unifying them into what is relevant for NOW.

Meditation (Being), sound (Mantra and Source sounds), movement (Mudra) and stillness (Presence)

The Alchemy of Avalon and Shambhala

Ancient Egypt and Ancient Tibet

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Divine Mother