Tag Archives: Jesus




Altair Shyam will do a live meditation “The Light Body and the Holy Spirit” at 13:00 GMT, Sunday 23 December, or 1:00 PM London (5:00 AM in Los Angeles and 8:00 AM in New York, 22:00 PM in Tokyo and midnight in Sydney) on Facebook Live Stream.


To begin, Altair will share the process of surrender to the light of the Holy Spirit or letting go of the physical body and entering into Spirit, which is the wisdom of realizing there is no beginning and no end.


What does it mean to receive the Holy Spirit?


Acts 2:2-4

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.


Luke 3:22

And the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”


When we touch the Divine, the eternal space of love, how does it appear to us? Does it appear to us as flames of fire descending upon us or other energy forms like a dove? How does it appear to you?
Together we will enter the wisdom of the energies of the inner and outer Holy Fire to explore this together.
On our path we breathe compassion to access this subtle wind from heaven and all that is One with it, awaken Awareness, allow the Light of God to enter us and allow it to bless us all, again and again.


That is why Thomas Merton, the great Christian mystic said, “At the center of our being is a place of pure Light, a place untouched by sin or illusion.” That is why the messages of Christ and Mary Magdalene, Buddha and Guan Yin, the Archangels and the Bodhisattvas, all speak of a body of Light and a language of Light.

You are seeing and hearing your wisdom, the wisdom of the One Shared Heart, awaken and appear in the energy forms of light or fire or subtle states of consciousness like peace or love or forms like the dove.


The Dalai Lama in his discussions with Father Lawrence and Sister Eileen, spoke about the Christ Consciousness in Jesus/Yeshua being present today through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is She who hovers over the waters of pre-creation Void, and She who manifested at the baptism of Jesus, empowering him for his ministry. We are all here to minister (to attend to the spiritual needs of this planet and its people) too bring this Love of God or Source (the Holy Spirit) to liberate all in the consciousness of love and compassion.

The Holy Spirit is the nondual spirit of divine oneness present formlessly in all forms of existence.

You can understand why the power of surrender to the light of the Holy Spirit through formless, timeless awareness is so crucial to sharing the awakened Christ Consciousness or Buddha Light. You can see and feel the Holy Spirit in interconnectedness with all beings.


In their discussions Father Lawrence, Father Bede Griffiths and the Dalai Lama spoke about the physical body, the subtle body and the spiritual body associated with Jesus.

Again, you can see the importance of exploring the physical body through grounding and an understanding of the winds, channels and nadis, the subtle body through the subtle states of consciousness and the spiritual body through love and compassion and wisdom.

Before Jesus’ death his body is the physical body, during the Resurrection before ascending to the Father/Mother God it is the subtle body, after Ascension to the Father/Mother God it is the spiritual body.

The Buddha describes degrees of subtleties in one’s embodiment and many texts describe the stages of spiritual unfoldment in these bodies moving towards full enlightenment.


Where do we find these subtle states in the teaching of Jesus?

The truth is they were always there, as were the dual teachings of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene (in the Gospel of St. Mary), they were just carefully removed in the Councils of Nicaea from 325 to 787, with the secret or esoteric teachings carefully guarded and passed through secret societies even up to the present day.

Some remain in plain sight.

“Be still and know God” Psalm 46:10

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. The eye is the lamp of the body, if your vision is clear, your whole body will be full of light.” Matthew 6:21-22

St. John describes Jesus breathing the Holy Spirit into his disciples after the Resurrection. “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so also I am sending you.” When he had said this he breathed on them and said “Receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:22

You will note the divine wind (wind from Heaven in Acts 2:2) and the divine breath (John 20:22) are both intrinsic aspects of the Holy Spirit.


Yogananda describes the Holy Spirit as the Holy Presence of God, His Word, omnipresent in the universe and in every form, the vehicle of God’s perfect universal reflection, the Christ Consciousness, The Comforter, Cosmic Mother Nature, Prakriti.

I had a dream several nights ago in which I was given three numbers by an extraterrestrial civilization as the code for the energy the human race needed for enlightenment. 32-24-19. 19 is the number of Prakriti, the Cosmic Spirit.

Holy Spirit is a translation of the same Greek and Hebrew words. Ruach in Hebrew and pneuma in Greek are used to signify a range of concepts: spirit, breath, and wind — in general, the life principle of humanity and the cosmos. Similarly, in Latin, in which inspiration refers to the inflow of breath as well as of divine or creative spirit; and in Sanskrit, in which prana denotes the breath as well as the subtle astral life energy that sustains the body, and Pranava—an alternate term for Aum (Om) — is the name for the universal Cosmic Vibratory Energy that underlies and upholds every particle of creation.


So, you can understand why our exploration of the subtle states of consciousness, the subtle winds within the physical body and the light body, and silent awareness of the breath is so important to us in awakening and receiving the Holy Spirit.


Some time ago when I did the Kalachakra Tantra with the Dalai Lama over a period of a year of intense meditation, I experienced the clear light of being in a particular part of the ritual with him where we are drawn in through the Mouth of the Father as a Light Seed and birthed through the Womb of the Mother. The Light left me with no meditation and no meditator for a space of around 3 days.


Two weeks later I was meditating on the subtle winds of the Christ Consciousness in the central astral spine or sushumna and praying deeply to Jesus and Mary and the Holy Spirit came upon me and descended into my being as tongues of fire. It was a unforgettable, deeply profound and life-changing experience.


It is that experience of the Holy Spirit that I want to explore with you in this meditation just prior to Christmas, celebrating the birth of Jesus and the birth of Christ Consciousness in you.


Altair will share some of his stories, as well as the importance of faith and confidence in your practice and your own path with heart, and tips to help you in those days when events seem to make practice and your path more of a struggle than others.


Altair will also explore some of the subtle stages of consciousness in the meditation.
This meditation will explore portals of awakening through creating the awareness of Awareness consciousness within, through the power of the angelic, bodhisattva and master experience in each one of us, simply by being, and bringing deep presence and wisdom to our daily experience, moment by moment.

Just as we have an outer life now that we strongly connect to, and that we draw our outer purpose from, so we have an inner purpose, to awaken divine consciousness, and this is awakening within as we speak right now.


Experiences drawn from Altair’s new book
‘Diary of a Yogi – A Book of Awakening’
which has just been published,

and the new spiritual television channel, created by founder, Ruth Anderson
‘Enlightened World Network’
which has just launched

as well as the subtle levels of consciousness dialogues, with Kevin Schoeninger, author of
‘Clear Quiet Mind’

and together we will explore how to awaken the light of the Holy Spirit within us, and how to awaken the subtle divine winds and body of light and the subtle levels of consciousness which lie within us all.


Like Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Buddha and Avalokiteshvara Guan Yin Krishna and Babaji, and the Archangels and Bodhisattvas we are all Lights for this World.

We will then reveal through the unity of the Shared Heart the miracles we can unfold through the state of being that is the awakened divine consciousness of our subtle divine wind and Light Body, ever-present in the light.

Be the Christ, Krishna, Buddha, the Divine Mother Within.
We carry this flame of enlightenment within us.
Let it shine.
Let the Light in.

Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

These words of Avalokiteshavara Guan Yin from the Blessed Mother’s Heart of Wisdom Sutra are guidance into the heart of the subtle divine wind to direct realisation of the Divine I AM Presence.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother


Chapter 3 – Eden

  Altair had no easy time adjusting to this new information. To be told one can heal is one thing but to know that he was able to call Beings from another Star to visit is quite another. Altair knew his path lay between stars and magic. He just didn’t know quite how that would come about yet. 

  Altair didn’t get time to worry about that for long as there were school days to fill with music and art and books. His favorites, now placed with honor alongside Autobiography of a Yogi and the Kybalion, were Lord of the Rings, Joyce’s Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man and Michener’s The Drifters. 

  Before three years were up he had mastered a number of instruments and was about to start his first band. That band had a lot of fans, especially young girls, one of whom was AD. She was in a gang of some notoriety and that was when all the trouble started. 

  “One evening we were messing with ouija board just for fun,” she told Altair amidst hysterical tears, “and the glass started moving of its own accord. It was possessed!” She continued sobbing. “The glass spelt out one of our names. It totally freaked us out so we smashed the glass. Woke up the neighbors who thought we were having a fight. That’s when it happened. To Carl. He’s in the Mad Ave gang too. So on his way home he hit a telephone pole. Not another car on the whole street. He’s in hospital.”

  “What sort of car?”

  “His dad’s! So his family found out and now they’re real mad at all of us. They think we caused it. They don’t know how awful we feel!

  So the rest of us were in a fix then, coz we thought this thing must be coming for us. And sure enough, Alan, that’s Carl’s friend, he tried to steal the church’s offertory one Sunday after mass and the cops came and he got arrested.”

  “So what did you do?”

  “It got worse,” AD took a heavy breath and her head slumped. “John, is in critical care.”

  “Were you with him?” John was AD’s boyfriend. 

  “Yes,” was all AD could say and the tears kept flowing down her cheeks and wouldn’t stop. 

  “I’m next,” AD said finally. “John took an overdose and I’m next.”

  AD was Samoan and came from a large family of Catholics. Psychic experiences were the norm rather than the exception. But black magic was black magic. Altair knew AD’s family would have frowned on her excursions into Ouija boards. She would not get any support from them. Suddenly a strong conviction came over him. He felt Master R.’s words weaving through and dispelling AD’s fear. Healing, casting out demons, freeing people by giving them faith. 

  “You’ll be OK,” said Altair. “And if you get frightened again come back and I’ll see if I can help you.” He told AD what the Master had promised he would be able to do. 

  “Healing? I want to learn that too. There’s so much I want to do. I don’t want to die! I’m too young! We only did the Ouija board as a joke. We never meant to cause anyone any harm! You’re such a good person. Why did I ever get mixed up in this?” AD managed to calm down after lots of breathing. 

  “You’ll be OK.”

  She nodded and left. 

  Altair was convinced AD would be fine but he had the feeling this wasn’t the end of it. 

  That night when he was alone he said his prayers and sat down to do his daily meditation. Since reading Yogananda’s book he had started the lessons with Self Realization Foundation and he was also practicing Alchemy through the lessons of Builders of the Adytum. This gave a strong foundation for the feeling he had that his path to the stars and magic was unfolding surely and clearly. He had also began a study of both Eastern and Western astrology so on this night he was contemplating how to unify these philosophies and practices. 

  Remembering what Yogananda had said about divine consciousness and being receptive to what the divine sends you, or doesn’t, Altair focused his mind on meditation, prayer and alchemy and the symbols of the stars. He found that if he truly relaxed with awareness by practicing the AUM technique and breathing calmly, new visions and insights would come. 

  Tonight the only message he received was to go to sleep. AD was on his mind. Her fear and worry whirled round in his mind like a playground roundabout. He found if he didn’t avoid it but embraced it like a warm cuddly cat then its energy would shift and he could appreciate its angles and glimpse its deeper meaning for both AD and himself. So he decided to go to sleep. 

  He was no sooner asleep then a shaft of light brighter than the sun struck his room and he awoke to a radiant presence. The majestic Light poured from an eternal Source blazing and blinding him. It sent a thrill through his body of something far beyond anything he had known, heralding the arrival of someone who was always there for him, a powerful presence and joy he had always felt since a baby when Mother Adamson and his own mother Mary had first whispered the words “baby Jesus” to him. That same deep thrill filled his heart with joy as Jesus appeared in the room, radiating the dazzling light of the Christ Consciousness from his Sacred Heart and said to him 

  “Be healed according to your faith”


  “By the power of Christ begone”

  In that moment and forever more Altair knew that he would never fear death or demons or the world of the Dark because the Light that shone on the darkness was so much greater. 

  Altair sank back into his bed with a sigh and fell immediately into a deep sleep. 

Several days later, with much coming and going, friends visiting and relatives dropping by, there came an evening when his parents were out helping a family of Cambodian refugees, charity work they had all done for years. His mother Mary received the Queen’s medal for her service to several hundred Cambodian families in placing them in jobs and houses in the community so a sudden trip to help someone in need was not out of the ordinary. The house was empty which seemed scarcely possible. Altair was sitting on the sofa when there was a knock at the door. 


  AD could barely get up the grey steps and through the double doors. She looked like she was weighed down with a burden. As she came through the door Altair noticed a slight shift in the air, as if something ominous was attaching itself to AD. 

  “It’s got hold of me,” said AD as she sunk down into the sofa. 

  “What is it?” said Altair even though he felt he knew. 

  “A demon,” said AD and slumped even lower, her hair falling forwards and her face sinking into her hands. She began to cry. Big whale tears the size of olives welled up and stalked down her cheeks. “Do you know why it is harming us?”

  Altair didn’t know but he could guess. The Agents of the Dark were cunning and manipulative. They bred on fear and vulnerability and loved to meddle. They preyed on young people who exposed themselves to the unknown through drugs or black magic without knowing what they were dealing with. They were insidious and deadly dangerous. 

  “Lie down,” said Altair. “I can help you. Close your eyes.”

   AD sighed and lay down. Her face was damp with sweat and her eyes were glazing over. Altair looked at AD. She was lying very still. He placed his hands on her forehead to begin. He had no real idea of what to do. Just follow his heart and trust in Jesus. 

   AD’s breath was very shallow. It began to follow an uneven pattern with ragged gasps. Altair moved one of his hands from her forehead to her heart. 

   Then he said in a very loud voice. 

   “By the power of Christ, begone!”

   AD shuddered. Her body tightened as if she were going to have a fit, her breath came in gasps and her eyes closed tighter in pain. 

   Altair cried aloud again,

  “By the power of Christ, begone!”

  AD’s body began to spasm. She frothed at the mouth. The room filled with dark wild shapes and sounds that created confusion and fear. 

  Altair stayed steadfast and said a third time in a commanding voice, 

 “By the power of Christ, begone!”

 AD gave a fearful cry, groaned and was still. 

 Above Altair’s head there was a burst of light and for an instant he could see the radiant face of Jesus. Tears of gratitude filled his eyes and he remained for long moments with his hands on AD’s forehead and heart before removing them. 

 AD had sunk into a deep sleep. She didn’t wake for nearly an hour and a half and when she did she looked at Altair with soft, comprehending eyes. 

 “Thank you,” was all she could say. “It’s gone.”

 Then she left. She was never bothered by demons or evil spirits again. 

 That night Altair lay in the comfort of his bed in the east wing of the house. It was a bitter night with heavy clouds, swirling winds and driving rain. 

  Suddenly something hurtled out of the dark and struck his window. It sent his heart into a flutter of shock. He got up to peer out of his window into the darkness. It was like a sharp pain, buzzing and murderous, trying to fill his head with confusion and fear. As his sleepy eyes adjusted he saw it. A face, black, angry and furiously trying to get in the window. It scratched and clawed on the smooth glass. It was so monstrously angry Altair thought it would break the glass. It had two gaping holes for eyes and a twisted malevolent mouth. It saw Altair and Altair saw it. And in that moment he spoke. 

  “By the power of Christ, begone!”

  And with a flash of light burning bright in the darkness like magnesium set to a flame the creature vanished with a howl.


  Of all the colleges in the Sky City the largest was Sacre Couer. It was built around a mountain and was coveted for its sports fields and its musical heritage. The Chapel was at its center, and not far from there Brother Stephen could be found narrating stories of heroes in Latin. Beyond his rooms was the library and it was here that Altair’s parents had invested their money to help fund research. The money was used to buy books for the astronomical and astrophysics wing, the subjects after Altair’s own heart. As a center for sports and music there was no equal and Altair loved to boast of it to his friends from other schools. He regarded his teachers as being of little help or consequence except for Mr Lake, the English and literature teacher, whose interest in Altair led to him many years later publishing his first best seller. 

  Altair was more concerned with his path between magic and the stars, as well as playing rugby on Saturdays, flute on Tuesdays and tennis with his father at every other opportunity. Rugby he loved for its speed as Altair could run as fast as the wind and became the top try scorer in that year’s competition. Flute he loved for the smell of his teacher’s perfume and because every flute player seemed to be a girl. Tennis, well both his dad and Mum had been tennis champions so it seemed only proper to continue their legacy. As for magic and the stars, he had to let those come to him in their own time and way. And so they did. Because after AD came Grace. 

  Altair was searching for Eden one day. He liked nothing better than frolicking in nature through gardens and roses and sweet spring flowers. In many ways he was a true poet. He loved the call of the wild, to get lost in the call, to let the caller and the called disappear. This was true surrender to the powers of creation within. And who better to do it with than Grace, an exquisite elfin creature that his best friend introduced him to at a party and whom for the rest of the summer he would spend every hour with, climbing hills to seek splendor, weaving pussy willow through each other’s hair, racing through fields of long grass where the paspalum stuck to their clothes and they would pick them off afterwards one by delicious one, and dancing through the night. 

  Altair was unaware that beneath the surface of his world the politics of fear were stirring, because he was enveloped by the innocence and charm of love at play in his heart. 

    Altair faced three enemies in his battle for a path between the stars and magic. The first was the bullies. On certain occasions, for example, Desmond, whom he had infuriated in Grade 6 for revealing who had actually thrown a rock through the Headmaster’s window when the whole school was about to get punished, would chase him round and round the paddocks and fields of the outer school with a promise to beat Altair up if he caught him. He never did. Desmond was big and heavy and used to beating up kids which was not a habit Altair wished to encourage, least of all when that punishment was directed at him. He was grateful to Desmond however, as he learned how to run very fast, and build incredible stamina, two factors which helped him compete in the Sky City athletics competitions at a very high level. Altair was not unused to bullies. At elementary school an undertaker’s son named Perry helped build his initial speed by chasing him around and around the elementary school opposite his house, merely for the fun and games of it. Altair was also grateful to Perry, because in one of those circuits he met his first girlfriend, Linda, from Canada Ontario, who was also a speedster and accompanied him on one of his escape routes and then on their first date which was to race each other to her home. Perry’s bullying days ended when one of the St Joseph nuns caught him terrorizing the kids and held his head underwater when the class next went swimming until he promised to stop his errant ways. Such were the old ways of discipline. Force met with force.

  The next enemy Altair could not outrun. They were the Brothers, earthly Agents of the Dark, whom he called The Inquisitors. Altair was forced to attend classes he often loathed and as good fortune would have it, because he was bright, he was put on individualized programs in which he taught himself, and so had little if anything to do with The Inquisitors except on exam day. Inquisitors were known for their particularly cruel methods of punishment for children. Of course there was the strap, the cane, and the wallop, during which the Master of Discipline would force you to bend over and then hit your bottom with such force you would collide with the opposite wall and bang your head. Altair received one of these for whispering to his friend in assembly that the Master actually did do this heinous act, because no one ever saw him do it, there were no hidden video cameras or iphones and everyone was too scared to say. But there were equally devious and manipulative methods of control used by other Masters such as Hang-glider. He was known for his big ears. If you spoke in his class he would come and drag you out by the ear and then yank and pull vigorously on your ear with such force that your ears would ring and you would get a headache and you would have to promise not to do it again. There was also the notorious Golden Ruler. This was a Master who wielded a particularly hard ruler that if you were not paying attention he would come and force you to lay your hand on the desk and rap your knuckles so hard that bruises would come and he would watch until tears came. The Inquisitors were Masters of Torture, sadistic and twisted and unfortunately there were far too many of them for one kid to deal with. The exact opposite was Peeps, a mild-mannered Brother who was famous for having absolutely zero control of any class and so the class did what they wanted for the entire year of Grade 9 and learned exactly nothing. Altair’s class used to fly paper aeroplanes and launch innumerable objects, a hobby Peeps grew so tired of that one day he said to everyone, “OK, if you want to fight, go ahead and fight, outside!”  So the class did, and they all went outside and had a ding dong fight and one of the bullies Tozer, ganged up with his mates against the friend that Altair was coaching in maths, Martin, laid into him and broke his arm. That was the last day Altair ever saw Peeps.

The most difficult enemy to deal with was the Dark itself sent to plunder human consciousness through the forces of fear and ignorance and innumerable distractions. The demons tried to invade Altair’s world through Claude who had been besieged by demons since birth, and Julianna who had attracted a demon onto her property so that it lurked around her house, and Lisbeth, who unfortunately had built her house near a graveyard and incurred the wrath of local spirits who became increasingly angry and moved and smashed objects in her house. All these Altair could help by using the same words Jesus had given him to cast out demons and liberate spirits and in the case of the warriors, as it had been an ancient battlefield, he went and had a chat and they compromised. Lisbeth moved house and the warriors never disturbed anyone again. Such was Altair’s life and he would never wish for another as his life was far too interesting and unexpected and filled with adventure and love and mystery.

Then Grace vanished.

It happened after a summer holiday in which everything was sheer delight and perfection. The flowers could not have been rosier, and the beach could not have been more romantic. The hills were rolling and alive and the grasses they cavorted in were surely planted for them alone to hide in and kiss and share secrets. As with all holidays and young lovers the joy also had to include going to school and keeping in touch and promising to return every holiday as they lived in different islands and so they parted with every good intention. And Altair sent her letters every day.

With none in return.

First there was disbelief, then disappointment, then grief. It was like an arm or a leg had been cut off. A part of his life snatched away. And his heart hurt so badly. He was like a ship with no anchor or an adventurer with no compass. Stars and magic no longer seemed to have quite the same allure.

  So it was that days went by with no love or stars or magic. Until the visit.

  Altair had been deeply devoted all this time to Alchemy on the one hand and meditation and yoga on the other. He would get up every morning to practice for 2 hours and the same in the evening. He used the family’s second lounge, would shut himself away with their two cats, Milligan and Ziggy, who would curl up, one at his feet and one on his lap, and away he would go, deep into worlds beyond this one. He found that by following Yogananda’s instructions exactly, all the experiences of the Masters would manifest just as Yogananda had said, and at the same time, while following the practices of Alchemy to the letter, equally wondrous worlds would be revealed in his consciousness for him to explore.

  So he could hardly have expected what came next.

  One thing that Altair noticed as he deepened his practice was that ideas began to manifest in reality. Dreams would come true. He would think about someone and they would call. He would dream about a package arriving with a particular gift and a few days later it would appear unexpectedly in the post. Very simple things. Nothing to boast about. Everyone has these. But the frequency was increasing.

  Meditations were the same. Altair wrote in his diary.

  ‘Diary of A Yogi’

  “They begin like any normal meditation, deluged by disobedient thoughts and rebellious ideas. A stormy mind with a spirit as wild and free as a young horse. Then calmness, as if the ocean waves subsided all at once and a vast presence, radiant and alive, was lapping at my consciousness. Then the breath, unceasing and endless would stop and would be drawn out of my lungs and another breath would take its place, one in which I was not the breather. My sense of self would move outwards, into the room, the street, the world and stars, so that the people and the stars moved as one with my consciousness. I could see the phenomenal whirling of the planets and fiery spheres as well as feel them all melting into one luminous sea. Joy would fill my soul, and continue unabated until I would drag my consciousness back to this mortal coil. God as Bliss, God as Light, God as Love, these were realities within the infiniteness of my Being. Worlds upon worlds throughout the cosmos were at play within my Being. The heavenly realm was made manifest in my heart. The nectar of immortality, amrita, flowed through my Being. The Voice of God resounded as Om throughout, just as I had heard when I was two year old child. To have an experience of cosmic consciousness like this was a priceless gift, my heart would swell with deepest gratitude. I could see how the sacred breath and mindfulness were the key to calming the ocean and how the perception of the One Light in the Shared Heart arose from this. As I dipped into silence daily, with my guru Yogananda filling my heart with the Light of God, deep devotional bhakti and regular yoga practice had prepared my mind and heart for omnipresence. The force of God attracted me like a bee to honey.”

  After these meditations Altair would go immediately to bed and sleep deeply. On this one particular night he awoke with a sudden start. A bright light filled the room. There standing in front of Altair was Master, Yogananda. Tears filled Altair’s eyes.

  “Master,” was all Altair could muster.

  “It is time to make a choice,” said Yogananda, looking straight at Altair. “You have been following the path of meditation and alchemy. In order to go deeper you need to choose only one.” Then he gave Altair a most magnanimous smile and disappeared.

  In the morning Altair took the winding path beside the pohutukawa tree to Suzie’s door. He hoped she would understand. 

  The door opened as he stood on the top step wondering just how he should say it. 

 Suzie’s beautiful face was framed in the doorway. 

 “I thought it might be you,” she said.

 “I had a vision.” Altair’s heart was beating. “Yogananda came to me. He said I could only choose one path. I need to follow him. I…I have to stop. The lessons. The Alchemy.”

 Suzie smiled that beneficent smile Altair loved so much. She always made him feel warm no matter the occasion. 

 “I thought it might come to that,” she said. “Some are more suited to this way and some more suited to that. You have always struck me as a Yogi.”

 Altair nodded not sure what else he could say. 

 “You may find you will come back to it, in time,” said Suzie. “All that you have ever wanted, or looked for, is here now.”



“Outward longings drive us from the Eden within; they offer false pleasures which only impersonate soul-happiness. The lost paradise is quickly regained through divine meditation. As God is unanticipatory Ever-Newness, we never tire of Him. Can we be surfeited with bliss, delightfully varied throughout eternity?” (Sri Yukteswar to Yogananda)



We are all born into divinity.

We are all Children of the Light.

We come into this life with the face of the divine child, a Christ Light, and we leave it with the face of the divine child.

“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3)

I would love you to share the continuum of your divine child from the face of your child before you were born to the child at birth, to where your child is now, to the child at transition to Her Father.

Here is my story.

I was born into a New Zealand culture that values freedom and a natural life so my initial journeying took me away from Aotearoa (‘Long White Clear Bright World’ in Maori) to the ancient Buddhist paths of Japan and the search for a guru in India.

My own path led me to Yogananda and the Dalai Lama at an early age.

Yogananda’s own beautiful life was a model for me to follow thereafter.

He was a true master who many of us know from his timeless classic ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’.

The Dalai Lama is familiar throughout the western and eastern world as a master of compassion.

It is from the fountain of their wisdom that these words spring.

Before I was born and before Mum met Dad, Mum, while in her early twenties was working in an orchard in Nelson, New Zealand.

There was an old Maori Tohunga (Hawaiian Kahuna), a woman healer, who came up to Mum out of the blue one afternoon while Mum was resting against an apple tree.

She took Mum’s hand, looked at her sternly in the eyes and said

“I want to tell you about your first son.

He will be very unique, mysterious, and experience many spiritual awakenings…”

Mum got a huge fright as she had no intention at that stage of having any children.

She ran off in a great panic at this prophecy but kept this memory precious which she told me many times as a child.

My earliest memories are of a previous incarnation.

I had clear recollections, between the ages of two and three through a dream** that assailed me every night for a year, of being a monk crossing a bridge, from which, as I fell, I heard the timeless chant of OM bounding across space.

That was the face of the child before I was born, a Tibetan Buddhist monk that I was in my previous life, who came back to me at the age of two through those dreams for a year.

I was with the Dalai Lama in that life before I died falling off a bridge into a chasm in 1959, after He escaped, defending the bridge to the Samye monastery* I loved against the Chinese forces.

Because I incarnated very quickly, just 2 years later in fact, in 1961, many of my past life memories remained intact.

That has been with me a long time, that knowing.

At such a young age I woke nightly screaming and my parents, scared of epilepsy, took me to specialists to see if they could diagnose what was wrong.

The continuum of dreams finished at age 3 when a specialist suggested I was too hot and so Mum took all the blankets off and let me sleep naked.

The dreams stopped the night she did that.

The dreams were igniting the fire of inner bliss within without any real control or awareness at such a young age.

That fire set me up for a series of amazing experiences or Siddhis when I was very young.

I was guided from birth and right through those tender years by a Mother Superior, Kathleen Adams, who headed a Carmelite Order monastery in Australia.

She gave me a deep love of the Virgin Mary and told me I would be protected by Her all my life and “clothed in Her colors of blue and white”.

This has been true through my life in so many experiences I have had such as the Blue Light of Truth, the Blue Pearl, the Pure White Light of Being and the White Fire of the Holy Spirit.

She knitted me a tiny baby’s jersey in pure blue and white which I kept for many years after I outgrew it.

She also wrote me a Letter of Protection which I kept and recited for many years.

I still remember at just four years of age wanting to dedicate myself to Mary and Jesus.

I wanted to be Her Priest and His Son and say mass for my brothers and sisters and offer up the Eucharist.

I set up a small altar and prayer cushion at home in the lounge and prayed and said Mass every week with may brothers and sisters.

I remember the first prayers Mum taught me when I was little, just a few years of age.

“Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

Bless this bed that I lie on

Before I lie me down to to sleep

I give my soul to Christ to keep

Four corners to my bed

Four angels round my head

One to watch and one to pray

And two to bear my soul away”

When I was in my twenties I used this simple system of Archangelic protection to help burnt out healers to protect and heal themselves.

That deep faith, protection and connection to Jesus and Mary helped me drive out demons from friends who were possessed when I was 15.

When I was five years old I wrote to NASA asking if I could be on the first one way trip to Alpha Centauri, the nearest star system, as I wished to live and explore there.

They took my five year old star-being yearnings quite seriously and wrote back offering me the chance to join the space program when I turned 18.

I have met NASA scientists and astronauts many times over my life and shared my experiences with extraterrestrial beings and found they share the same thoughts and feelings about our star origins.

When I went to school the teachers called me Apollo because they said I had a smile like the sun.

My parents said the same, that I was such a contented baby and never stopped smiling and beaming at everyone.

For the first 25 years of my life people would ask me day after day and week after week if I ever felt down or negative because I seemed to exude perpetual happiness.

I understood from within that the smile was like the radiant light.

That happiness did not come to me.

It came from within me.

Divine Mother of the Clear Light Exercise


We are going to practice something together, if you are guided to accept this into your heart.

I have spoken of a similar practice in Activating the Clear Light of Being.


It is called the practice of

The Divine Mother of the Clear Light.

How to share the Light.

How to become the Light.

Make that your intention Now as you read this.

“Breathing in, I AM the Light, Breathing out, I AM the Light.”

The whole key to final enlightenment is to be able to stabilize your practice so that at any point, even at the point of death, your awareness is bright, full of light and clear.

This shows the importance of activations or initiations.

You can take activations and initiations from a master, from your Self or from a Light Being like a Buddha or Christ or a member of your Light family.

Here is a practice to try to stabilize Knowing the Light in your day to day moments or meditations.

Try it right now.

Use your mantra to centre you if you need.

Use OM or Amen if you don’t have a personal mantra.

Look around you at the room.

Now look out your window.

What do you see?

Go out the door and look outside too.

Write down what you see… 

Now Do it again but first Centre yourself in Silence and Stillness and chant your mantra internally for a few minutes until you feel it arise naturally in your heart.

This is Union with Presence 

Then slowly open your eyes and still chanting internally repeat the same exercise walking so gently that you keep the Presence and write down what you see. 

It is very Beautiful, is it not?

Filled with Love.

Your Presence, Your Light.

It is Your Presence.

It is Your Light that you are experiencing.

Very beautiful.

You are giving yourself Space.

The Wisdom of Space.

This is Union with Wisdom. 

Now sit for a while.

Now that you have established Presence and Wisdom sit still and silent for a few minutes more.

This time sit as Divine Mother.

You are Her.

Divine Mother.

In whatever form She is to you, or formless, clear Light.

You could be Mary Magdalene or Guan Yin for example. 

See the room again.

Write down what you see through Her Eyes. 


Be still.

Be silent.

Let God the Mother fill you.

Fill your womb, your belly, then fill your heart.

This is Union with The Divine Mother of the Clear Light. 

As you go about the day doing your daily things do them as God the Mother while you chant. 

Do this as often as you can. 


You are so beautiful.


You are filled with Love.

There is your Divine Child right there, in the Heart of Divine Mother.

This is the Child I AM Now and the Child I will transition when I AM in the Father.

“I came from the Father and entered the World.

In turn, when I leave the World I will go to the Father.” (John 16:28)

This is a very deep and profound shift into Presence, Wisdom through the Divine Mother Within.

You know how to do it now.

You need to practice so you can do it at will.

When you can do it at will, shining light for every living being, this is Union with Light.

Be the Light.

Shine the Light for All of Us.

Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother


  • Samye Monastery

According to tradition, the Indian monk Śāntarakṣita made the first attempt to construct the Samye monastery while promoting his sutra-centric version of Buddhism.

Finding the Samye site auspicious, he set about to build a structure there. However, the building would always collapse after reaching a certain stage. Terrified, the construction workers believed that there was a demon or obstructive tulku in a nearby river making trouble.

When Śāntarakṣita‘s contemporary Padmasambhava arrived from northern India, he was able to subdue the energetic problems obstructing the building of Samye through Tantra and Alchemy.

According to the 5th Dalai Lama, Padmasambhava performed the Vajrakilaya dance and enacted the rite of namkha to assist Trisong Detsen and Śāntarakṣita clear away obscurations and hindrances in the building of Samye:

“The great religious master Padmasambhava performed this dance in order to prepare the ground for the Samye Monastery and to pacify the malice of the lha [local mountain god spirits] and srin [malevolent spirits] in order to create the most perfect conditions.”

He went on to say that after Padmasambhava consecrated the ground he erected a thread-cross — a web colored thread woven around two sticks — to catch evil.

Then the purifying energy of his dance forced the malevolent spirits into a skull mounted on top of a pyramid of dough.

His tantric dance cleared away all the obstacles, enabling the monastery to be built in 767.

The dance was memorialized by the construction of Vajrakilaya stupas — monuments honoring the ritual kilya (purba) daggers — at the cardinal points of the monastery, where they would prevent demonic forces from entering the sacred grounds.

The building of Samye marked the foundation of the original school of Tibetan Buddhism, the Nyingma, the school I was initiated into by Sogyal Rinpoche. Padmasambhava’s Alchemic Tantra-centric version of Buddhism gained ascendence over the sutra-based teaching of Śāntarakṣita.

It is now universal, a true Sign of Union with Presence as to this day the Dalai Lama gives the Highest Yoga Tantra teachings, which we know as the Kalachakra Tantra, to all who wish to receive them, even offering their blessings over the internet.


** Dream Yoga

My dreams of water over the time I was writing this message to you, this week.

I am actively practicing dream yoga at the moment according to the instructions of the 2nd Dalai Lama and Lady Niguma the famed mystic Yogini, especially these past three days, as well as doing the Avalokiteshvara empowerment and initiation online with the Dalai Lama again. 

It is very powerful doing it multiple times in real time as He is in Bodhgaya now doing the activation.

The first day I had the most beautiful dreams.

Three in a row were of oceans.

In one of them there were 5 of us, all Light dolphins, jumping through portals from Lemuria to Now in a vertical formation.

The second day, I had three more dreams of water and oceans including one where I was walking across water.

One of the other dreams was returning a beautiful rainbow fish to its home. The third one was traveling across a land filled with rivers and ponds with my daughter Maia where we had to choose between two energy biscuits, a ruby pink one and an emerald green one.

When we ate them (I chose pink and she chose green) we were able to move at super-speed across the terrain.

The third day was of water.

I stood on the banks of the River Anduin with the Wizard Gandalf.

We had been practicing Alchemy together.

He said to me

“All is well in the world of Elves and Wizards and Men.

And the power is restored to Ithilien and Lothlorien” as the Anduin surged beside us.

The basic practice of dream yoga if you want to try is fourfold.

It is pretty simple but requires dedication for quite a number of nights to reach perfection.

The first is to be able to recognize the dream as a dream.

To do this set a firm resolution before going to sleep to recognize any dream that arises as you are dreaming it.

The second is that you often wake up from a dream.

The key here is not to open your eyes even if you wake up and instead to think over and recapture the dream and go back into it as it is occurring as you start to fall asleep again.

You will notice you are doing that, as a dream-like quality arises.

You can even choose dreams.

The third is you get disturbed in the dream by confusing energy factors such as lust or fear caused by the mystic drop at your heart moving to the lower chakras.

The key here is to consciously bring the mystic drop back up to the throat chakra and then let go or surrender to the dream state.

The fourth is that you may not experience any dreams.

To help this set a firm determination to dream many dreams and to recognize them when they occur.

One night I woke with a blank mind and really thought I hadn’t dreamed anything.

I resolved to wait and listen and watch after dissolving into emptiness and as I was falling asleep the three dreams I had previously that I didn’t remember re-arose one by one so I was able to get up and write them down.

It was quite stunning to watch them manifest when usually I would be in the middle of dreaming them.

I also had two deja vu dreams where I was in the middle of the dream, dreaming, when I realized I had been there before and recognized the place and so felt that deja vu feeling within the dream.

So our sleeping and dreaming moments can be just as valuable to us as our waking moments.

Such is the teachings of the Great Lineage of Masters, the 2nd Dalai Lama and Yogini Lady Master Niguma.