Tag Archives: baby

Observations in the key of Life


This week was hard. I was very happy at the beginning of the week because my wife and I were pregnant. We were eight weeks pregnant and I was very happy.

However, what I didn’t know was that on Saturday night while I was away in Singapore she started bleeding. We talked about it late Saturday night and of course we were worried. It didn’t stop on Sunday night when I returned and it didn’t stop on Monday morning when she went to the doctor who said that sadly the baby was dead. The pain for her didn’t stop because they rushed her into the hospital on Tuesday morning with internal bleeding and operated on her to ensure there was no further suffering. So I was with her at the hospital all day and then took the week off work.

We are OK now but it has been an intense 5 days.

We were both practicing observation which is incredibly difficult when so much emotional pain and physical pain is present.

By practicing observation of our physical and emotional needs as they arose we were able to reasonably skilfully navigate the journey of loss by staying present and sharing that presence with each other through mindful and heartful listening. That was the key. Life is a series of melodies. The key of life for this was listening. To listen to each other. To listen with with the love and affection of a mother for her child.

I am sharing this because in the now we all face pain and sadness in many ways, through the loss of babies and through the challenges of our lives.

It is all wisdom and love.

The way my wife and I look at it is that our baby was with us for a very short time and he is now on his way to other lives or other worlds to liberate other souls and we give him our blessing.

So it is with us all.

Whatever we do each day, when we give ourself the blessing to ‘die’ or surrender or let go moment to moment we can pass over into the wisdom of liberating others.

Kiss the pain and suffering with the tenderness of a mother who has to let go of her dead child, aware that the body is not the child any more than your past or your future experiences is you.

All you really have is now. The eternal bliss of being.

Love and hugs always

Altair and Mother