Tag Archives: wisdom



Altair Shyam will do a live meditation “We are the Light” at 13:00 GMT, Sunday 23 September, or 2:00 PM London (6:00 AM in Los Angeles and 9:00 AM in New York, 22:00 PM in Tokyo and 23:00 PM in Sydney) on Facebook Live Stream.


This meditation will explore portals of awakening through being the Light, and the power of the angelic, bodhisattva and master experience within, by being, and bringing deep presence and wisdom to our daily experience, moment by moment. Just as we have an outer life now that we strongly connect to, and that we draw our outer purpose from, so we have an inner purpose, to awaken divine consciousness, and this is awakening within as we speak right now.

That is the master within that we will experience.

Matthew 5:14-16 

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

In our spiritual evolution, as many of us are experiencing, the Great Ones tell us “We are the Light.”  Your inner purpose is to awaken this divine consciousness, your outer purpose is to follow the signs gifted to you by this universal consciousness with presence and awareness and assist others to liberate and be free.

When the Buddha lay dying his disciples pleaded, “Blessed One, who will be our teacher now? Who will guide us? How will we achieve enlightenment without your help?”

The Buddha’s last words were, “Be your own light.”

You may be forgiven for thinking the Christ and the Buddha were singing from the same hymnbook, one saying to let your light shine and the other to be your own light.

The truth is the light. Seek the truth, follow the way of the inner master and the light shall set you free. You will be your own light, you will be enlightened.

Everyone has their own light. Inside each of us is the light of the master, the angel and the bodhisattva, the being, the human being, that knows who we truly are, where we come from, and where we are going. In this light, there is clarity and insight, and when we are silent and still, in meditation on this timelessness within us, the truth of who we have always been sets us free.

Every day we flower, unfolding to receive the Light. The light, the illumination, is an awakening to the awareness that everything is connected. We feel it as resonance, as awareness of the life energy flowing through us, as a knowing that we are part of everything and everything is part of us. The meditation and the meditator vanishes, and only the Universe as it is, remains.

It can come in so many ways, through dreams and visions, meditation, and relationships, in any everyday moment, or in near-death experiences. The light is always there.

The Christ and the Buddha realized that everything is connected.

So did Einstein.

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us `the Universe.’ Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening the circle of understanding and compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

Experiences drawn from Altair’s new book ‘Diary of a Yogi – A Book of Awakening’ due to be published on 19 October of this year, will explore techniques of connecting to the light within in 7 steps. We will then reveal through the unity of the Shared Heart the miracles we can unfold through the state of being that is the awakened divine consciousness, present in the light.

To bring the Consciousness of the Awakened Divine Life into our lives is to bring Presence into our hearts, Self Realization into our every moment, with the awareness that we are channels for the universal consciousness and nothing we do is by our hand alone. 

The Awakened Consciousness, the Consciousness of pure awareness of the light within is to be present in God or Source Consciousness, or the True Self, to know the Divine Experience Within, to be present and awake. 

If you are reading this then you are likely to feel a deep connection to the consciousness of the light, presence and awakening, to relate to the feeling that this physical life is becoming more and more transparent as the light arises within you, and that you are drawing power and wisdom from the light, and know that we are in a cycle of communicating with unity consciousness and the light at every moment. We are all human beings and divine beings, ever present in the realization of this divine wisdom and presence and so speak to one another of the I AM essence and the power of now, the stillness beyond time and form. 

Timeless presence. 

Be the Light.

We are the Light.


Love and Blessings

Altair and Mother

For Altair’s own personal experience of the light please refer to:


and other posts under the menu ‘Wisdom Teachings’ on the website.



The following is my simple experience.

I would love you to share yours.

Ultimately we all wish to experience the union of divine bliss and wisdom.

The experience of the winds of the sacred breath entering, stabilising and absorbing in the central channel brings bliss and wisdom and the pure Light of Being.

I experienced the pure Light of Being through the Kalachakra Tantra with the Dalai Lama just as you can.

We begin with simple breath awareness and presence.

“Breathing in, I am the divine fire of love and bliss, breathing out I am the divine fire of love and wisdom”

We practice variations of the sacred breath like, “Breathing in, I am aware I am breathing in, breathing out I am aware I am breathing out” because these variations develop strength of the winds or the wind dragons.

Constant practice with the wind dragons will bring the power of the inner fire.

The power of the inner fire combined with the force of the airs of the breath absorbing cause the kundalini at the crown to melt.

The nectar then flows down the central channel to the throat, heart, navel and secret chakras.

This gives rise to exquisite joys as it passes through each chakra, linking and unifying them into one chakra.

This union of bliss and wisdom, the one chakra, is tantra in the east and alchemy in the west, and is developed through physical kundalini energy practice.

This is why it is said about Yeshua “He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Matthew 3:11)

In Tibet they call this the Highest Yoga Tantra initiations.

When the power of the inner fire is strong through practice with the sacred breath we breathe Light throughout the body with Light Language.

We begin by deep penetrative concentration on the bliss syllable or seed syllable which is also known as Light Language.

In Tibet it is the short ‘a’ sound that I used with the Dalai Lama and Yogananda, whom I also trained with, uses the ‘hau’ sound.

This is extremely important because this sound activates the inner fire of divine bliss which causes the winds to enter, stabilise and absorb in the central channel, also known as the sushumna.

We ignite it by breathing down in the secret chakras and navel chakras and drawing the energies up the central channel using the sound ‘a’.

We practice it consistently to develop a smooth, slow flow of kundalini.

We practice to develop a prolonged energy flow which is like a sustained pure consistent orgasm. It can, as I have experienced, continue unabated for several days, or over a lifetime as great yogis experience.

The crown chakra, your brain and body feel bliss.

The kundalini begins to flow like honey, or amrita, and is in fact the nectar of immortality, filling you with bliss.

If you were to enter the transition we call death in this state, there would be no return, only immersion in the Light, immortal wisdom and love.

As the kundalini flows freely you transition through non duality, union, universal reality and the bliss that carries you beyond in this state.

At this point the bliss carries you to meet the wisdom of emptiness which is the experience of the pure clear light of being.

This is my own experience of kundalini melting.

The sacred breath enters, stabilises and absorbs in the central channel, the kundalini is totally melted all the way down to the secret tip chakra and the breath stops completely.

There is another that breathes, the Divine Self, the Love and Wisdom you truly are becomes the Creator within, the immortal breath that now breathes in your place and you are One with the Creator.

There is no longer any meditator and no longer any meditation, just as Babaji describes.

You carry the golden flame of enlightenment, the inner fire of bliss, within you.

Let it shine.

This is the mantra of the Heart Sutra, the Prajnaparamita Sutra, the Sutra of the Blessed Mother.


Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi swāhā

Go beyond your self, go beyond what you know, go beyond the breath, empty yourself, bathe yourself in fire and bliss of Divine Love and Light.

Love and soul blessings

Altair and Mother

Observations in the key of Life


This week was hard. I was very happy at the beginning of the week because my wife and I were pregnant. We were eight weeks pregnant and I was very happy.

However, what I didn’t know was that on Saturday night while I was away in Singapore she started bleeding. We talked about it late Saturday night and of course we were worried. It didn’t stop on Sunday night when I returned and it didn’t stop on Monday morning when she went to the doctor who said that sadly the baby was dead. The pain for her didn’t stop because they rushed her into the hospital on Tuesday morning with internal bleeding and operated on her to ensure there was no further suffering. So I was with her at the hospital all day and then took the week off work.

We are OK now but it has been an intense 5 days.

We were both practicing observation which is incredibly difficult when so much emotional pain and physical pain is present.

By practicing observation of our physical and emotional needs as they arose we were able to reasonably skilfully navigate the journey of loss by staying present and sharing that presence with each other through mindful and heartful listening. That was the key. Life is a series of melodies. The key of life for this was listening. To listen to each other. To listen with with the love and affection of a mother for her child.

I am sharing this because in the now we all face pain and sadness in many ways, through the loss of babies and through the challenges of our lives.

It is all wisdom and love.

The way my wife and I look at it is that our baby was with us for a very short time and he is now on his way to other lives or other worlds to liberate other souls and we give him our blessing.

So it is with us all.

Whatever we do each day, when we give ourself the blessing to ‘die’ or surrender or let go moment to moment we can pass over into the wisdom of liberating others.

Kiss the pain and suffering with the tenderness of a mother who has to let go of her dead child, aware that the body is not the child any more than your past or your future experiences is you.

All you really have is now. The eternal bliss of being.

Love and hugs always

Altair and Mother

Altair Shyam


Guan Yin Beautiful 1400 x 1400 300 dpi


Altair is a teacher, healer and mystic guiding the Way of Love, Unity and Harmony for the New Gaia that we are co-creating.

Altair teaches that We are the Way, the Truth and the Light and that our freedom to be our True Self is the key to transformation.

“The miracles of God lie within Us. We are the Light. We are the Temple of the One Chakra whose Awakened Infinite Light Body brings all our dreams into reality.”

With deepest Love and Devotion to My Divine Mother, Lady of the Earth, Guan Yin (from the Sanskrit root Guanyin/Kuan Yin/Kwan Yin/Avalokiteshvara)

“The Divine Mother who perceives the Sounds and Cries of Mother Gaia and Her Children.”

Steve Buddha

I AM Altair

I AM here to do the work of My Mother in assisting both in Mother Gaia’s ascension and by walking the Path of the Bodhisattva in seeking Krishnahood, Christhood, Buddhahood and healing for all beings.

gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā


“go, go, go beyond, go thoroughly beyond, and establish yourself in enlightenment”

Love and Blessings from the Source

Altair and Divine Mother